allegory 256

alterity 24, 211, 21314, 217, 21920

ancient novel 9

Apollonian form 81

Aristotelian criticism 58

Augustan Age 109

Augustan elegy 1256


Bakhtin, M. M.

and Classics 710

and humanism 2

and modern literature 1011

and philology 2, 52


‘Art and Answerability’ 115

‘Author and Hero in Aesthetic Activity’ 23, 245, 45, 115, 211, 219, 222, 243

The Bildungsroman and Its Significance in the History of Realism’ 241

‘Discourse in the Novel’ 2, 5, 18, 51, 545, 578, 5960, 67, 734, 134, 1589, 203, 20911, 2278, 231, 241, 243

‘Epic and Novel’ 568, 60, 63, 80, 82, 99100, 105, 11920, 129, 133, 135, 20910, 237, 238, 252

‘Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel’ 524, 58, 11921, 123, 130, 1324, 1467, 149, 151, 153, 156, 15960, 1746, 188, 200, 202, 204, 215, 243

‘From Notes Made in 1970–71’ 73, 228, 243

‘From the Prehistory of Novelistic Discourse’ 54, 56, 58, 74, 109, 116, 127, 129, 215, 249

‘The Problem of Content, Material and Form in Verbal Art’ 115

‘The Problem of Speech Genres’ 57, 18, 115, 147, 158, 252

‘The Problem of the Text’ 108, 218

Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics 556, 58, 65, 74, 81, 112, 119, 1234, 129, 131, 1334, 137, 141, 1434, 1512, 159, 173, 174, 180, 192, 1945, 1989, 204, 238, 257, 260

Rabelais and His World 3, 78, 1415, 515, 58, 72, 7980, 86, 88, 95, 123, 124, 1302, 134, 137, 14153, 1589, 1658, 1768, 1801, 1878, 193, 1957, 2023, 206

‘Satire’ 7

‘Toward a Methodology for the Human Sciences’ 2278

Toward a Philosophy of the Act 1112, 234


carnival 7, 52, 59, 55, 62, 73, 7980, 82, 856, 95, 102, 1204, 1289, 131, 134, 1412, 1447, 14950, 157, 1689, 174, 1768, 204, 2479, 2512, 25760


of genres 55

of literature 57, 67, 194, 199, 204

chronotope 8, 1045, 109, 172, 1746, 180

comedy and self-reflexivity 66


deconstruction 2, 47, 217, 222

deixis 45

dialogism 9, 24, 267, 30, 34, 36, 43, 53, 71, 80, 889, 92, 96, 110, 201, 124, 127, 133, 176, 2279, 235, 237, 2401, 249, 251, 258, 260; see also monologism

diegesis 24950, 254

Dionysian disorder 81


Enlightenment 801, 87, 167

epic 9, 45, 60, 103, 106, 120

exotopy 212, 222


fairy tale 172

feminism 24, 1656, 242; see also ideology, male

focalization 45, 101, 103, 108, 112

folk culture 121

folktale 123

Formalism, Russian 73


gender 36, 43, 230, 242; see also feminism; ideology, male

generic interaction 60, 66, 72, 99, 102

genre 10, 47, 100, 1034, 107, 109, 119, 233, 238, 2478, 255, 257; see also generic interaction

great time, see historical poetics

grotesque realism 148, 151, 153, 157


hermeneutics, literary 21011

heterogeneity, stylistic 567, 61

heterogeneous linguistic consciousness 53

heteroglossia 57, 60, 67, 72, 99101, 104, 10910, 20910, 21415, 21718, 2201, 225, 2279, 2313, 2367, 23941, 260

historical poetics 153

homophrosunê 29, 34


iambic poetry 8, 82, 96

ideology, male 28; see also feminism; gender

idiolect 54

intertextuality 60, 99, 103, 107, 250, 257


komos procession 81, 96


live-entering 245, 2930, 356

lyric poetry 9, 45


Marxism 142, 158

Medvedev, P. N., The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship 18, 142

Menippean satire 8, 52, 119, 133, 191


Euripidean 27

of Willa Gather 220

monologism 58, 80, 88, 956, 99100, 1067, 110, 120, 127, 134, 150, 166, 193, 206, 2278, 239, 249, 252, 255, 257; see also dialogism


novelistic discourse 54

novelistic reification 127

novelization 99, 1069, 238, 243


obscenity 57

Old Comedy 52, 61, 80, 96

outsideness, see exotopy


paraclausithuron 126

parody 556, 616, 110, 112, 11921, 124, 129, 197

Platonic dialogue 81

polyglossia 58, 108, 116, 249, 260

polyphony 28, 91, 2378

polytropism 29, 94

poststructuraiism 2, 47, 217, 222

profanation 74

public vs. private 33


reader-response theory 211, 217; see also reception theory

realism, see grotesque realism

reception theory 214; see also reader-response theory

reciprocity 24, 2930, 32, 37, 456, 240


Saussurean linguistics 56

self-consciousness, literary 63

self-reflcxivity and comedy 66

serio-comic literature 556, 119, 205

speech genres 5, 6, 67, 69, 147, 249, 252, 255, 258


teleology 53, 58, 240

tragedy 60, 120, 124


value-center 24, 31

Voloshinov. V. N., Marxism and the Philosophy of Language 2, 18, 142


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