



Locators in bold refer to figures/diagrams


Abbs, Peter 8

acceptance, self 70

accessing and objectifying the material 87

active/passive distinction, reflexivity 667

actual self 71, 88

adult learning: challenges 1612; and therapeutic education 1645

affective: core 68; ways of knowing 141, 142

affectivity, mentalised 72, 100, 117, 128; see also emotion

agelessness imagery 45, 49

agency x, xiii, 26, 27, 80, 111, 172; autobiographical self 713; bodily-felt perspective 678, 69, 879, 93; change 63; learning 49; narrative stance 11215; reflexivity 735; relationship with structure 11516; Susanna 57; ways of knowing 142, 143

Alhadeff-Jones, Michel 10

alienation from self 87, 112

anger: defences 84; freewriting exercise 104, 105; group work 126, 1278; psychotherapy 165; reflection 135; repressed 213, 24, 26, 27, 86; towards tutors 156

anxiety 40; and compliance 845; defences 824, 156

Anzieu, D. 55

Archer, Margaret 67, 77, 78, 130, 145

arts, role in transformative learning 167

assertion, self 85, 86, 126, 127, 130

assessment, CWPD programme 1601, 170

assimilation 139

attachment to tutors 156

attention: selective 73; shifts 745, 76, 107, 111

authenticity 16, 63; group work 120, 122, 124, 128; Maria 45; psychodynamic theory 78, 86, 89; reflection 133, 136; reflexivity 106, 112; Simon 35; self-expression 19

author-self: see writer-self

autobiographical ‘I’ 68, 704, 78; and core self 80, 94, 1078; fragmentation vs. multiple self 8990; and reflexivity 745; and transformative learning 171

autobiography, fictional: see creative life writing

awareness: receptive 134; self 113


bad mother 113

Bakhtin, Mikhail 32, 65, 104, 110, 137

‘Beginnings’ (Susanna) 5, 52, 58, 104

being in the present 55

being oneself 25; see also self-expression

benevolent policeman metaphor 107

Bertalanffy, L. von 76

betweenness 77

Bion, Wilfred xi, 44, 99, 128

bio-psycho-social framework xi, 64, 101, 141, 172

black and white thinking 77

blank slate metaphor 67

blocks, writing 16, 1921, 30, 40; freewriting exercise 104, 105

bodily-felt perspective 49, 50, 6970; agency 6770, 879, 93, 116; and autobiographical self 724, 80, 1078; awareness 171; creative life writing 113; disconnection from 91; neuroscience of 76; psychotherapy 165; reflection 139;

reflexivity 745; self in language 107; Susanna 59; trauma 802; trusting 112;

see also embodied self-experience; felt sense

Bollas, Christopher xi, 104, 112

bottom-up processes 92; dynamic systems theory 767; group work 121; learning 124, 171; meaning-making 106; see also bodily-felt perspective

boundaries: CWPD course 154; self-identity 413

Boyd, Robert 10, 63, 64, 66, 67, 79, 119, 121, 134, 151, 155, 156, 171

brain hemispheres 173; and agency 88; creative life writing 10410; dissociative identity disorder 90; dynamic systems theory 758; group work 121, 130; integration, self 93; and reflexivity 116, 1401; therapeutic education 169; and transformative learning 171; and trauma 802; ways of knowing 143

Brookfield, Stephen 134

Brown, Gordon (critical realist) 9, 10, 99, 117, 119, 129, 136

Bruner, J. S. 32, 137


case studies: see student perspectives

Catholic upbringing 24, 40, 48, 83

change trajectories 77; see also transformative learning

chaotic space 114

childhood memories, Maria 40, 42

childhood words/sayings writing exercise 6

chora, semiotic 43, 138

Cixous, Hélène 46

Claire (student) 1722, 26; psychodynamic theory 82, 83, 86, 91; reflexivity/reflection 11112, 116, 133; transformative learning challenges 1589, 161; therapeutic education 166

Claudia (student) 18, 21, 247; psychodynamic theory 83, 86, 92, 93; reflexivity/reflection 109, 121, 123, 127, 130, 1356, 143; therapeutic education 166

closing down of psyche: and anxiety 83; control 867; and fixity 38; trauma 802; see also opening-up

cognitive constructions 63

cognitive neuroscience: see neuroscience

Cohen Park, Christine (tutor) xiv, xvi, 2, 4, 7, 121, 123, 128, 156, 160, 167; writing exercises 1757

collaboration: see group work

Coltart, Nina 55

community of writers 100, 101

competitiveness 121

compliance 83, 845, 86, 88, 89

concepts of self: see self-concepts

conceptual frameworks 32

confabulation 77, 901

confidence: see self confidence

conflicts, inner 27; role in creativity 345, 39

consciousness: dynamic systems theory 758; expansion 634, 66; studies 11; see also autobiographical ‘I’; bodily-felt perspective; expanded psyche

constructivism 79

containment/holding 136, 149, 173; and agency 172; bodily-felt-self 49; definitions 99100; diaries/journals 1323, 133; group work 120, 122, 124, 12930; learning environments 101; Maria 401, 434, 138; reflection 134; reflexivity 143; self in time 111; Simon 137; sub-personalities 912; Susanna 55, 57; transformative learning

challenges 1523, 155

Contexts for Practice course 4, 57, 138, 153, 160

control, psychic 15, 1619, 20, 21; and creativity 867; creative life writing 1046; and freedom dynamic 38; Simon 30, 34; sub-personalities 912; see also opening-up

cooking metaphor 16, 17

core self: see bodily-felt perspective; felt sense

core states, ways of knowing 142, 143

counselling 153, 161

counter transference 1567

cracking-up of the psyche 104, 138

Cranton, Patricia 10, 79, 164

creating the future self 104

creative life writing xvi, 13, 103; brain hemispheres 1046, 1078, 10910; definition ix; narrative stance 11215; practising reflexivity in the text 11517; self in language 1068; self in time 10812, 116; see also writing exercises

Creative Writing and Personal Development (CWPD) programme ixx, 13; admissions interviews 155; course structure 35; diaries/journals 1324; identity 711; and psychoanalysis/ psychotherapy 162, 1658; see also writing exercises

Creative Writing and Personal Development courses: see Contexts for Practice; Creative Writing and the Self; Independent Study; Projects: Practical and Theoretical; Writing and Groups; Writing for Personal Development; Writing Practice

Creative Writing and the Self course xv, 3, 32, 137

creativity 21; chaotic space 114; closing down of psyche 80; embodied 33, 40; playfulness 86; role of conflicts 345

Creme, Phyllis xvii, 101, 133, 173

critical realism xiixiii

critical reflection: see reflection/reflectivity

criticism, self 155

crossdisciplinary approaches xi

cultural self-concepts 82

CWPD programme: see Creative Writing and Personal Development programme cycles of transformation 77, 142, 144


Damasio, Antonio xii, 32, 68, 71, 73, 74, 1069

dance metaphor 45, 512, 65

Danielian, Jack xvii, 70

dark material 125; Maria 42; Simon 33, 34, 35, 36, 86; Susanna 52; see also shadow

daydreaming 73, 107

death metaphor 46

decentering of the ego 64

deep change, group work 1225

deep learning 167

defences, psychic 172; anger 84; anxiety 824, 85, 156; and psychotherapy 165, 167; to self-expression 113; splitting 92; trauma 802; see also hyperreflexivity

definitions: containment/holding 99100; creative life writing ix; embodied-experiential learning 134; reflectivity 67; reflexivity 668; therapeutic education 164

deixis (pointing function of language) 115

dependence on tutors 156

depression 40, 43, 47, 152

depth psychology 9, 79

development, personal 24, 30, 39, 45

developmental creative writing 1

dialogic writing exercises 104, 117

dialogic relationships 65; see also reflexivity

dialogues: embodied experiential learning/critical reflection 1346; fictional 301, 356; internal 67, 93

diaries/journals 1324, 136, 172; containment/holding 138; and reflexivity 143

‘Dictionary Pieces’ (Simon) 38

Dirkx, John 9, 10, 64, 65, 67, 79, 103, 129, 169, 170, 171

discernment 67, 151; and change 63; see also reflexivity

disclosure, illness 501, 54, 56, 59, 65, 124

discourse, transformative learning as 170

disembodied cognition 1689

disorienting dilemmas 101, 103, 106, 143, 168; in group work 122, 123, 129

displacement of painful feelings 81

dissociative identity disorder 90

distancing 103

DNA helix metaphor 144

dominant self-concept 20, 278, 115, 144; psychodynamic theory 912; shadow 125

drama therapy 166

drum imagery 512

Duet (The Development of University English Teaching Project) 8

dynamic now 1089, 112, 121, 123

dynamic systems theory xii; learning environments 12930; psyche as dynamic system 758; see also psychodynamic theory


Ecclestone, Kathryn xii, 168, 169, 170

edge, the 167

ego: and autobiographical self 71; decentering 64, 67

Elbow, Peter 6

embodied creativity 33, 40

embodied-experiential learning 77; critical reflection dialogue 1346, 13940; Maria 435; and therapeutic education 164; ways of knowing 1413, 142; writing exercises 109

embodied realism xiixiii, xv, 11

embodied self-experience 15, 16, 19, 28; fluidity 44; reflexivity 57; see also bodily-felt perspective; felt sense

emergent properties xiii

‘Emily's Gift’ (Maria) 469

emotion 9; and change 63; neuroscience of 76; regulation 723, 74; repressed 218, 92, 111; role in learning 16870; see also bodily-felt perspective; mentalised affectivity

emotional opening-up 1513; see also opening-up of the psyche

empirical self 71

empowerment 111

equilibrium 46

ethics xv

executive function 73, 74

exercises, writing: see writing exercises

exile 41, 42

expanded psyche 634, 66, 70, 73, 1089; group work 124; managing 267; and reflexivity 745

expansiveness 89, 924; and splitting 85, 867

expectations of the course 154

experiential grounding 435

experiential knowing 141, 142

experiential writing exercises 109; see also embodied-experiential learning

expertise, tutors 1578, 160

exposure: see self-exposure

expressive knowing pathway 142

extended consciousness: see expanded psyche

extensive research xiiixiv


facilitation of learning: group work 1279; modelling 157

fantasy, and imagination 117

fear: of exposure 1921, 59, 89, 133, 135; of self-expression 122

feasting symbolism 423

feedback 124, 15860

feeling 9; mode 734; of knowing 69, 74

feelings, thinking 1379

felt sense 139; dynamic now 109; learning 134, 153, 1689; meaning 80; self in language 1068; ways of knowing 143; wholeness 88, 107; see also bodily-felt perspective; embodied self-experience

Fenwick, Tara 129, 134

fiction, value of 103

fictional autobiography: see creative life writing

fictional dialogues 301

first-person body: see bodily-felt perspective

‘Five Years On’ (Susanna) 53

fluidity/flexibility 16, 18, 21, 28; diaries/journals 133; group work 130; leading edge of the psyche 934; metaphors 369; psychodynamic theory 80; reflection 138; reflexivity 70, 73, 77; self-experience 44; self sense 173; Susanna 567, 59, 65

Fonagy, Peter xi, 72, 75, 100, 117, 128

food: metaphor 124; symbolism 423

forms, concepts, definitions, categories, distinctions rules 80

fragmentation of personality: grieving/insecurity 152; Maria 44, 45, 46; vs. multiple self 8991; role in creativity 345, 38, 39; see also splitting

frames of reference 10, 63, 64, 1701

free indirect style 36, 47

freedom 17, 27

Freewriting writing exercise 6, 104, 105, 106

freezing of the psyche 81

frozen identity 501

Future Self exercise 6, 7, 53, 104, 111, 112, 114, 116, 122, 128


game show, virtual reality 11415

gender differences, transformative change 29

Gendlin, Eugene 80, 106, 107, 108, 134, 139, 141, 153

generative narcissism 112, 113

genomic unconscious 70

‘Ghost Writer’ (Simon) 31, 33

Giddens, Anthony 66

goal-directed group structures 130

going with the flow 16

good child narrative 212, 47, 82, 88

good mother 113

good-enough: mother 99; teacher 99, 129

grasshopper mind metaphor 29, 30, 38

grieving 63, 151, 152; expression 234

groundedness 78

group work xvi, 119; developing trust 11922; facilitation of learning 1279; reflexivity 12930, 143; relationality 1257; structured space for deep change 1225

growing edge 143

Gunnlaugson, Olen 11, 74

gypsy imagery 44, 45, 86


Harriet (student) 18, 22; psychodynamic theory 83, 84, 91; reflexivity 105, 111, 1256; transformative learning 156, 158

Hartill, Graham 56

Hayes, Dennis xii, 168

hemispheres, brain: see brain hemispheres

higher consciousness: see autobiographical ‘I’

holding, definition 99100; see also containment/holding

holism/wholeness: bodily-felt sense 88, 107; brain hemispheres 1078; creative life writing 115; dominant self-concepts 912; dynamic systems theory 76; learning 9; Maria 42; mental models 92, 93; self 49

Horney, Karen xi, xii, xiii, xvii, 28, 6970, 71, 73, 84, 112, 156, 171; life solutions 8591, 125

humour 356

hyperreflexivity 92, 109, 112, 113, 143, 144; see also defences


‘I’ see autobiographical ‘I’

idealisation 889, 109

identity/identity shifts 64, 67; bodily-felt perspective 69; boundary transgressions 413; compliance 825; frozen 501; grieving/insecurity 152; new personal typography 54; professional 20, 91, 113; Simon 345; social 67; see also dominant self-concept

Illeris, K. 66, 164

illness: disclosure 501, 54, 56, 59, 65, 124; identity 81

image schemas 116

imagery 9; agelessness 45, 49; drum 512; gypsy 44, 45, 86; Mongolian yurt dwellers 44; music 512; ocean 55; self in language 107; shelter 545; snake 512

imaginal approach to learning 103

imagination: and fantasy 117; space for 304

imaginative body 74, 134

Imagined Reader writing exercise 7, 31, 33

implicit bodily sense: see bodily-felt perspective; felt sense

implied author 28, 32, 118

Independent Study course 5, 16, 18, 22, 174; assessment 1601; learning environments 100; Maria 46; openingup of the psyche 99; reflection 137, 138, 139; and reflexivity 144; Simon 32, 37; Susanna 58; therapeutic education 166; transformative learning challenges 153, 159

individuation 79

integration, self 16, 356, 63, 93; dynamic systems theory 76; real self 70; and trauma 82

integrity 63

intensive research xiiixiv

internal gesture 107

interpersonal learning-within-relationship 142

interpersonal school xi; see also group work; relationality

interpretative phenomenology (IPA) xivxv

interviews: course applicants 155; interactive xiv

intrapersonal whole-person learning 142

intrapsychic rapport 112

intuition 16, 19; psychodynamic theory 80, 82, 83; and reflectivity 133, 134, 13940; and reflexivity 67, 77, 103, 107, 115


James, William 70, 71, 72

Jarvis, Christine 103, 168

Jill (student) 17, 20, 22; psychodynamic theory 82, 91; reflection 133, 144; reflexivity 120, 1212, 124, 1267, 130; transformative learning 152, 165 Johnson, Mark xii, xiii, 69, 74, 107, 116, 141

Johnson, Rebecca 103

journals. see diaries/journals

Jungian perspectives 9, 10, 64, 125, 136


Kasl, Elizabeth xvii, 9, 141, 142, 143, 164

Keats, John 124

Kegan, Robert 143, 170

kinaesthetic melodies 69

Kristeva, Julia 43, 46, 110, 138

Kuhn, T. 79

Lakoff, George xii, xiii, xv

laminar/layered structures 99, 100, 136

language 43; autobiographical self 68, 70; Harriet 105; Maria 48; self in 1068

language-based autobiographical ‘I’: see autobiographical ‘I’

Lapidus organisation 1, 158

leading edge of psyche 76, 77, 88, 92, 934

learning 27; agency 49; consequences of splitting 401; diaries/journals 1324; embodied experiential 1346; environments 99101, 124, 12930; group facilitation 1279; from mistakes 57; reconceptualising 556; and reflexivity 1405, 142; see also transformative learning

left hemisphere: see brain hemispheres

levels, ways of knowing 1415, 142

liberating lost parts of the personality 246

life changes, Susanna 50

life solutions 85, 878, 90, 125

liminal space 143

listening 121, 123, 128, 134

loosening of psychic control: see opening-up

loss 24, 501, 165

Lucy (student) 201, 24, 106; psychodynamic theory 84, 87, 91, 93; transformative learning 1523


macroscopic dimensions, learning environments 1001

magpie metaphor 17

managing the expanded psyche 267

Mantel, Hilary 54

mapping, brain 68, 76

Maria (student) xv, 40, 83, 116, 152; bodily-felt-self 49; diaries/journals 1323; experiential grounding 435; feedback 158; freewriting exercise 1045; group work 121, 124; identity boundary transgressions 413; imagery 456, 86; integration 93; narrator self 469; psychodynamic theory 91; reflection 138; self as process 43; splitting 401; writer self 92

McGilchrist, Iain xii, 76, 80, 90, 91, 94, 107, 108, 110, 114, 117, 130, 140, 141, 169, 173

Mathison, Jane 11, 134

meaning-making 174; bottom-up 106; felt sense 80; personal 10; self in language 107

Megan (student) 20, 86, 87, 105, 126

memory, working 73

mental frameworks, scaffolding 32, 1378

mental models 77; holistic 92, 93; idealisation 109; top-down control 1734

mentalised affectivity 72, 100, 117, 128

metacognition 66, 73

Metanoia Institute, Bristol 162

metaphor xv, 9; benevolent policeman 107; cooking 16, 17; dance 45, 512, 65; DNA helix 144; food 124; grasshopper mind 29, 30, 38; magpie 17; music 69; prairie/ranch 33, 38, 65, 92, 116; reflexivity 38; sea anemone 135; seeing my thinking 114; self 32, 35; self as writer 334; Simon's use of 369; stunned fog 23, 81; visual 27; water 378; writing 46

Mezirow, Jack 635, 79, 101, 134, 144, 151, 164, 168

Milner, Marion xi, 734, 1078, 111, 1345

mind-body relationality 107; see also bodily-felt perspective; embodied self-experience; felt sense

mindfulness 74, 171

Miranda (student) 1920, 223, 812, 120, 139

mistakes: learning from 57; making 18

modelling: facilitation of learning 128, 157; ways of knowing 1415, 142; see also mental models

Mongolian yurt dwellers imagery 44

Moskowitz, Cheryl (tutor) xiv, xvi, 2, 67, 128, 130, 155, 1567, 160, 1678

‘Mother-Food’ (Maria) 42

mourning: see grieving

multi-dimensional learning 167, 173

multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder) 90

multiple self 545; vs. fragmentation of personality 8991; reflection 1389; see also splitting

multiple ways of knowing 141, 142

‘Murder’ (Simon) 36, 38, 54, 65

music 10910; imagery 512; metaphor 69

Myers, J. G. 10, 63, 66, 67, 79, 121, 134, 151, 156

mythopoetic approach to learning 103


narrated time 1089

narrative self 70, 109; Maria 469; see also autobiographical self

narrative stance, creative life writing 11215

need to be right 77

negative capability 124

Neisser, U. 32

neuroscience of the self xi, xii, 11, 64, 689, 110; see also brain hemispheres

new personal typography 54

Newman, Michael 170

Nicholls, Sophie xvii, 1, 33, 74, 110

non-learning 7980, 1545

normal polypsychism 90

normative dimension, learning environments 1001


object relations theory xi

objectifying the material 87

objective reframing 63

ocean imagery 55

open-ended design, course 129

opening-up of the psyche 1516, 28, 924, 99; attention shifts 745; diaries/journals 133; fear of 89; learning environments 12930; reflection 135; and reflexivity 77; Susanna 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 58; transformative learning challenges 1513

ordered freedom 107

Ostrelande (Land of the Other) 42

otherness 42, 44

ownership, bodily-felt perspective 69


paradigm shifts 64, 79

passive/active distinction, reflexivity 667

pathologisation 79

‘Pencil’ (Simon) 37, 53, 65, 138

perfectionism 867

perseveration 77

personal development 24, 30, 39, 45

personal identity: see identity/identity shifts

personality, fragmentation 345; integration 356

perspectives, transformation 66

Petitmengin, Claire 69, 108, 141, 174

photography, Maria 45, 467

playfulness 35, 38, 86, 117

poetry 6, 412, 105, 107, 110

practical ways of knowing 141, 142

prairie metaphor 33, 38, 65, 92, 116

pre-reflective bodily self-awareness 141, 142

presentational (imaginal or expressive) ways of knowing 141, 142

pretend modes of functioning 117

pride system 88, 125

primordial feelings 68

professional identity 20, 91, 113

projections, self-criticism 135

propositional (conceptual) ways of knowing 141, 142

protoself 68, 71, 76

Proust writing exercises 42, 106

psyche as dynamic system 758; see also expanded psyche

psychic control: see control, psychic

psychic multiplicity: see multiple self

psychic shifts 34; see also attention shifts; identity/identity shifts

psychodynamic theory xv, 71, 7980; agency and core self 879; anxiety defences 824; compliance 83, 845, 86, 88, 89; dominant self-concepts 912; fragmentation vs. multiple self 8991; loosening of psychic control 924; splitting 867; trauma 802; see also dynamic systems theory

psychotherapy 117, 149, 159, 161, 1645; and CWPD programme 162, 1658; see also therapeutic education


Qualley, Donna 66

quasi-closed systems 12930


rage: see anger

ranch metaphor 33, 38, 92, 116

real self 6970

realism 77

reality constructions 10

reanimation, Susanna 512

rebellion: childhood 245, 105; student mini-rebellion 127, 128, 130

receptive awareness 134

receptive listening 121, 123, 128, 134

receptivity 63, 121, 134

recognition 63

reconnection, with subconscious/unconscious mind 64

reflection/reflectivity xvi, 63, 65, 67, 77, 1723; definition 67; diaries/journals 1324; and embodied experiential learning 1346, 137, 13940, 144; and reflexivity 67, 1405, 142; and therapeutic education 164; thinking feelings 1379; ways of knowing 142 reflective function 72

reflexivity xvxvi, 28, 656; and agency 6870, 735; creative life writing 11517; definition 668; dynamic systems theory 758; group facilitation 12830; higher consciousness 703; metaphor 38; and reflection/reflectivity 67, 1405, 142; self-experience 57; writing exercises 104

relationality: and compliance 845; group work 1257; Susanna 589; writing process 120; see also group work

repressed emotions: anger 86; childhood 40, 48; expression 218, 92, 111; and transformative learning 65

resistance, to self-expression 113; see also defences

responsibility for self 165

Rhiannon (student) 17, 20, 21, 25, 27; psychodynamic theory 83, 91, 93; reflexivity 11315, 133

right hemisphere: see brain hemispheres

Rogers, Carl 55, 164

rule-bound perfectionism 867

Ruth (student) 18, 20, 21; psychodynamic theory 81, 91; reflexivity 104, 120, 139; transformative learning 153


sadness, expression 23

safe spaces xvi, 20, 92, 99, 109, 117, 172; group work 121, 124, 127, 129; Maria 44; psychodynamic theory 81, 84, 85, 87, 89; reflection 132; Susanna 515, 59; transformative learning 154; see also containment/holding

Salway, Sarah (tutor) xiv, xvi, 121, 128, 144, 155, 156

Sampson, Fiona 1

Sass, Louis 92

scaffolding, mental frameworks 32, 1378

sea anemone metaphor 135

see[ing] my thinking metaphor 114

selective attention 73

self xiii; actual 71, 88; affective core 68; constructions 10; formation 79; in language 1068; metaphors 325; as process 43, 545, 70, 110; sense/concept of 67; as source 104; in time 10812, 116; validation 93; see also autobiographical ‘I’; dominant self-concept; embodied self-experience; identity/identity shifts

self-acceptance 70

self-agency: see agency

self-assertion 85, 86, 126, 127, 130

self-awareness 113

self-belief 21

self-concepts 67; defensive 92; dominant 20, 278; identity shifts 64; and psychotherapy 165; social 64, 71, 91, 93

self-confidence 16, 17, 19, 21, 25, 26; Maria 40, 49; psychodynamic theory 83, 84, 86, 87; reflexivity 120, 121; Simon 39; Susanna 50, 58; transformative learning challenges 1545, 159, 160, 165

self-criticism 155

self-dialogues 31

self-exposure through creative writing 65, 87; fear of 1921, 59, 89, 133, 135

self-expression: authenticity 19; fear of 122; repressed emotions, expression 214, 25; resistance 113

self-identity: see identity/identity shifts

self-in-relation 1257; see also relationality

Self as Source writing exercise 7, 26, 85, 113

self-on-the-page 11215

self-punishment 89, 90

self-regulation 723, 74

self-reliance 58

self-respect 56

self-therapy, therapeutic education as 167

self-transforming mind 143

self-work 9

selfing 49

semiotic 44; chora 43, 138; writing exercises 1034, 106, 107, 10913, 143

shadow 56, 125, 136; see also dark material

shared mental states 130

Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine 69, 80, 81

shelter imagery 545

shifts, attentional 745, 76, 107, 111

shoulds 88, 90, 111

Siegel, Daniel 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 92, 93, 94, 129, 134

significant learning 164

Simon (student) xv, 29, 84, 87, 116; compliance 85; conflicts 345, 38, 39; fictional dialogues 301; group work 122; metaphor use 369; personas 356; psychodynamic theory 91, 92; reflection 1378; space for the imagination 324; transformative learning challenges 152, 153; writer self 65, 86, 93, 104; writing process problems 2930

snake imagery 512

social agents 77

social identity 67

social self-concepts 64, 71, 91, 93

soft structures 130, 133, 136, 161

somatic marker hypothesis 168

soul work 9

sound master model 93

space for the imagination 304

spatial modes of consciousness 734

‘Speak Properly’ (Megan) 105

spiritual me 71

splitting: creative 113; and learning 401; sub-personalities 85, 867; see also multiple self

spontaneity 15, 16, 17

Stacey (student) 20; psychodynamic theory 83, 91; reflexivity 104, 120, 123, 133

Stella (student) 18, 22, 27; psychodynamic theory 84, 91; reflexivity 1045, 11213; transformative learning 152, 166

Stern, Daniel 69

structure, and agency xiii, 94, 11516, 130

stickiness 50, 59, 77, 143; see also hyperreflexivity

student perspectives: see Claire; Claudia; Harriet; Jill; Lucy; Maria; Megan; Miranda; Rhiannon; Ruth; Simon; Stacey; Stella; Susanna; Tess

stunned fog metaphor 23, 81

subconscious sources of creative writing 30, 32, 33, 34

subject-in-process 110

subjective reframing 63, 151

subjectivity, Kristeva on 43

sub-personalities 24, 85, 867, 89, 165

Susanna (student) xv, 50, 91, 92, 116; diaries/journals 133; disclosure 65; freewriting exercise 104; future self 53; group work 120, 122, 124, 12830; integration 93; learning environments 100, 101; loss/illness 501; reanimation 512; reconceptualising learning 556; reflexivity 57; relationality 589; self as process 545; self in time 109, 111; therapeutic education 1656; time perception 567; trauma 81

symbolic: Kristeva on 43; realm 138

systems theory: see dynamic systems theory


Taylor, Edward W. 10, 11, 64, 79, 128, 168

Taylor, Kathleen 65, 145

teaching approaches 174

temperament 834, 85, 86

temporality: see time

tension between opposites 42

Tershakovec, Andrew xii, 75, 76, 77, 81, 88, 93, 109

Tess (student) 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, 124; psychodynamic theory 834, 86; transformative learning 1667

theory, literary 32; experiential grounding 435; Maria 46; Susanna 55

theory of mind 76

therapeutic education xii, xvi, 162, 1645; pros and cons 16870; and psychotherapy 1658; and transformative learning 1701

thinking feelings 15, 100, 1379

thinking mode 734, 1345

This is How I Shelter, When I Shelter writing exercise 54

This is What I Remember writing exercise 556, 124

This is Where I Risk, What I Risk writing exercise 135

This is Who I Am writing exercise 44

time: perception 567; self in 10811

time-space levels 116

top-down control 112; dynamic systems theory 768; meaning-making 106; model of thinking 1734; self-regulation 88, 92

Tosey, Paul 11, 134

transference 125, 1567

transformative learning xii, xv, xvi, 911, 1516, 53, 63, 64; adult learning

implications 1612; assessment 1601; blocks 16, 1921; emotional openingup 218, 92, 111, 1513; feedback 15860; liberating lost parts of the personality 246; loosening cognitive control 15, 1621; managing the expanded psyche 267; multiple ways of knowing 141; non-learning 1545; professional identity 278; theory 77; and therapeutic education 1701; tutors 1558

transgressions, boundaries of self-identity 413

transitional spaces 172; diaries/journals as 133

trauma 802

travel memoir, Susanna 58

trust, developing 144; group work 11922, 1278, 130; Simon 137

trusting core consciousness 112

turning points, Susanna 53, 58

tutors: expertise 1578, 160; group work 1279; transformative learning challenges 1558, 1612; see also Cohen Park; Moskowitz; Salway

two-tier model of consciousness 76


unconscious mind: integration 64; neuroscience of 76; prairie metaphor 33, 38, 65, 92, 116

universal sense of self 67


validation 27, 127; by others 88; self 93; Susanna 56

vicious circles 37, 88, 143, xi

virtual reality game show 11415

visual metaphors 27

vitality affects 69

voice, writing 120; see also writer self

voicing criticism 156


water: metaphor 378

ways of knowing, multiple 141, 142

Web of Words writing exercise 56, 52, 173

website, Lapidus organisation 1

West, Linden xiv, xvii, 164

wholeness: see holism/wholeness

whole-person epistemology 141

wild prairie metaphor 33, 38, 65, 92, 116

Winnicott, Donald xi, 40, 99, 133

working memory 73

writer self: Maria 40, 46; Simon 29, 323, 38, 65, 86, 923, 104, 138

writing exercises 57, 1034; Cohen Park 1757; embodied-experiential learning 109; semiotic 1034, 106, 107, 10913, 143; see also Freewriting; Future Self; Imagined Reader; Proust; Self as Source; This is How I Shelter, When I Shelter; This is What I Remember; This is Where I Risk, What I Risk; This is Who I Am; Web of Words

writing metaphors 46

writing process, problems 2930

writing voice 120; see also writer self


‘Yan, Tan, Tethera, Methera, Pimp’ (Harriet) 105

Yorks, Lyle xvii, 9, 141, 142, 143, 164

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