Template 10: Project Charter

<Project/Initiative Name>

Project Charter


[Insert a new signature line for each additional stakeholders providing approval. The signature of each stakeholder confirms that all impacted business lines are informed and consulted. Approval of this project charter provides agreement by stakeholders for shared responsibility of deliverables scope, schedule, and cost of this project. Delete this comment once completed.]

We recommend approval of this business case for <Project Name> initiative.


I / We concur:


Document History


Table of Contents

1.      Executive Summary

2.      Introduction

2.1.      Background/History

2.2.      Purpose

2.3.      Project Scope

2.3.1.     Out-of-Scope

3.      Business Justification

3.1.      Strategic Alignment

4.      Impact and Constraints

4.1.      Risks

4.2.      Assumptions

4.3.      Constraints

4.4.      Dependencies

5.      Timing/Schedules

5.1.      Milestones

6.      Financial Statement

6.1.      Funding Source

6.2.      Financial Assumptions

7.      Project Structure

7.1.      Contact Persons

8.      Appendix A: Alternative Analysis

9.      Appendix B: Roles & Responsibilities

10.    Appendix C: Sensitivity Analysis

1.      Executive Summary

[This section highlights the key points required to demonstrate the business rational for decision makers. It includes a summary of the current situation (i.e., risks/issues), identifies what needs to be done to remediate this situation, how the project aligns to business strategies, and a high-level illustration of costs and benefits. The executive summary should be no longer than one page in length. Delete this comment once completed.]

The costs and benefits illustrated below are in <specify financial currency >.


*For complete cost/benefit analysis details see NPV (section 10).

2.      Introduction

[This section documents the high-level summary of the project. If this project is a subset of a larger project, ensure an overview of the larger project is provided. Delete this comment once completed.]

2.1      Background/History

[This section describes the details of the problem statement that will be addressed, the reasoning for why the project must be executed, and the implications of not completing this project. Delete this comment once completed.]

2.2      Purpose

This project charter documents and tracks the information required by stakeholders and decision maker(s) to approve project funding. This document also includes the needs, scope, justification, and resource commitments so project sponsors have necessary information to determine if the project will proceed or not.

The intended audience of this project charter is the project sponsor and senior leadership.

2.3      Project Scope

[This section explains what deliverables will be produced through this project. Delete this comment once completed.]

The following are considered in-scope deliverables as part of this project:


2.3.1.      Out-of-Scope

[This section explains what deliverables will not be produced through this project. Delete this comment once completed.]

The following are considered in-scope deliverables as part of this project:


3.      Business Justification

[Elaborate in detail the justifications, including any internal and external considerations that will influence the need for executing this project. Delete this comment once completed.]

3.1      Strategic Alignment

[For each goal this project will achieve, illustrate the details of its priority, how it aligns with the organization’s strategic focus, and any additional comments decision makers need to know. Delete this comment once completed.]


4.      Impact and Constraints

4.1.      Risks

[Describe the significant events or conditions that, if they occur, will have an effect on the project. Delete this comment once completed.]


4.2.      Assumptions

The following circumstances and outcomes, which if taken for granted in the absence of concrete information, will have an effect on this project:

•  <Assumption description>

•  <Assumption description>

4.3.      Constraints

The following limitations and restrictions must be taken into consideration prior to the execution of this project:

•  <Constraint description>

•  <Constraint description>

4.4.      Dependencies

The following preceding element must be in place prior to the execution of this project:

•  <Dependency description>

•  <Dependency description>

5.      Timing/Schedules

[Include an implementation date for the project and use multiple rows if the project is being implemented in several phases. Include a high-level schedule of the projected implementation plan; critical dates, including additional funding checkpoints; and any interdependencies with other initiatives. Delete this comment once completed.]


5.1.      Milestones

[Key deliverables that will be used for measuring the project’s success or failure. Delete this comment once completed.]


6.      Financial Statement

[Indicate the funding source(s) that have been allocated and are available within approved budgets. If necessary, provide alternative funding options where funding is not allocated or available. Delete this comment once completed.]

6.1.      Funding Source

[Specify for each funding year: the year, total $$ amount to be funded, the business area providing funding, and the budget source from which funding is to be drawn. Delete this comment once completed.]

Details of cost/benefit analysis for the project are provided in the NPV schedule found in Appendix C.

[Complete details about the best and worst case scenarios identified through sensitivity analysis can be documented in Appendix C. Delete this comment once completed.]

6.2      Financial Assumptions

[Describe assumptions used during the financial analysis, including the drivers of costs/benefits, business areas accepting ongoing costs or receiving benefits, justification for making the assumptions, and the effect to the project if the assumptions prove to be false. Complete details about assumptions made during sensitivity analysis can also be documented in Appendix C. Delete this comment once completed.]

7.      Project Structure

[Document the controls and mechanisms put in place to ensure compliance with rules and regulations for how the project functions. While the roles included in the governance structure may not initially have names allocated, at a minimum representation from different levels throughout the organizations should be specified: Executive Sponsor, Business Sponsor, Technology Sponsor, and where needed those located in other business areas of the organization such as project management, back offices, and operational support. Complete details about the governance structure can be documented in Appendix B. Delete this comment once completed.]

7.1.      Contact Persons

[List the individuals who should be contacted for questions regarding the content of this document. Complete details about the roles and responsibilities for individuals involved with this project can be documented in Appendix B. Delete this comment once completed.]

In case of any questions, contact the following individuals:


8.      Appendix A: Alternative Analysis

[Describe the alternative recommendations that were considered and have been discarded as the final solution. Explain the justifications for why these alternative recommendations were not identified as the final solution. Delete this comment once completed.]

9.      Appendix B: Roles & Responsibilities

[The matrix below contains an example of common project roles and accompanying responsibilities. Depending on the organization, the roles outlined below may or may not be required or responsibilities may be distributed to other roles. Regardless, items within the matrix below must be assigned an individual who will function in each specific role. Delete this comment once completed.]




10.      Appendix C: Sensitivity Analysis

[Insert a print screen of the NPV. Provide details about the best and worst case scenarios identified during the sensitivity analysis. Delete this comment once completed.]

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