Of all that we've written about, what should you be paying attention to if you want to move your group toward being extraordinary? What should you be reminding yourself of in your day-to-day interactions with your group? What would be useful to you at work, in the moment? We have constructed page 209 with these questions in mind.

This overview gathers our central ideas in a way that is easy to photocopy and take with you. This single page reminds you of what you have read and will want to remember while with a group. We encourage you to make copies of it and share it with others. The overview does not suggest what to do—that's what the book does—but this single page reminds you of what to be looking for during your interactions with your groups and its members.

Possible actions you might take with this one page in hand include:

  1. Design your next group meeting with this summary page in mind.

  2. Observe a group meeting: How well is your team meeting the six Group Needs and behaving in ways that fit with the indicators of extraordinary groups?

  3. When thinking about how a group member might be motivated, assess him or her against the needs, feelings, and behaviors on this summary page.

  4. Use the overview to design the steps you will use as you bring a new member into the group.

  5. Ask the group to assess itself against the eight indicators.

  6. Suggest that group members offer examples of how the six Group Needs and four feelings of transformation are demonstrated in the group.

  7. With the overview as a reference, discuss a recent successful project. How did your experience reflect the eight indicators or the six Group Needs? What lessons do you take away from this debrief?

  8. Mark this page with a reference tab; as you return to certain chapters, use this summary to reflect on various guidance questions.

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