Chapter 5. HTML Content

Adobe AIR allows a strong integration with HTML content and JavaScript. Thanks to the WebKit open source browser engine embedded in the Adobe runtime, AIR offers a complete and robust HTML renderer and JavaScript interpreter to re-create a browser-like experience. Through the WebKit framework (, developers can create an AIR application completely in HTML, JavaScript, DOM, and CSS. In AIR 1.5, the new SquirrelFish JavaScript interpreter from the WebKit project was added. This makes JavaScript code execution extremely fast within AIR.

The core of the HTML and JavaScript environment is represented by the HTMLLoader class, which enables you to specify the HTML content to display in an AIR application. HTMLLoader is part of the flash.html package and is a subclass of the Sprite class that does not implement the UIComponent interface. If you want to use the class in AIR applications created with Flex, you have to extend the UIComponent interface and include an HTMLLoader object.

The HTMLLoader object can also be accessed via JavaScript by using the htmlLoader property of the window object. In HTML windows, the HTMLLoader object contains all the HTML content that is, in turn, contained in a NativeWindow object. Furthermore, the HTMLLoader object provides properties, methods, and events to control how content is loaded and rendered within the AIR application.

When you use HTML content in an application, you need to understand how to interact with the AIR environment by using JavaScript as well as ActionScript. In this chapter, you will learn how to access JavaScript from ActionScript, as well as how to access ActionScript from JavaScript in an HTML container.

Displaying HTML Content


You need to display HTML content in an AIR application.


Use the HTMLLoader class to directly load HTML content via a URL or assign the content as an HTML string. The HTML content will be rendered through the HTML WebKit engine, embedded in AIR.


The HTMLoader class enables you to load and view HTML content from a desktop application in several ways. Part of the flash.html package, HTMLLoader is a Sprite subclass and inherits all the display properties, methods, and events of a Sprite object: click, mouseMove, rotation, and so on. No matter which method you choose for loading HTML content, you must make an HTMLLoader object visible onscreen by changing its default height and width properties (0 × 0 pixels) to your preferred size. Remember that the maximum width allowed is 2880 pixels. So if you set the dimension to more than 2880 pixels, an ArgumentError exception will be thrown.

The first method is to load HTML content from a URL in an HTMLLoader class. To do so, create an instance of the HTMLLoader class, set its width and height, and then launch its load method. The load method accepts a URLRequest object as a parameter, which specifies the URL to load. For example:

var html:HTMLLoader = new HTMLLoader();
html.width = 320;
html.height = 240;
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");

After the load method has been launched, several are dispatched, as listed in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1. ActionScript Events Dispatched by the HTMLLoader Class

ActionScript Event



Before any script or DOM is parsed, this event is dispatched when the HTML document is created.


Immediately after the onload event of the HTML page, this event is dispatched when the load method is launched and the HTML DOM is created.


This event is dispatched if the contentWidth and contentHeight properties change.


This event is dispatched when the location property of the HTMLLoader changes.


This event is dispatched when the HTML engine changes the scroll position of an HTML element (also using the toScroll JavaScript method).


This event is dispatched when a JavaScript exception occurs in the HTMLLoader and the exception is not caught in JavaScript code.


This event is dispatched when the rendering of content is fully up-to-date in the HTMLLoader object.

The second method of loading content is to assign an HTML string, instead of a URL, to the HTMLLoader class, as in loadString(htmlContent:String):void.

This method loads and renders the HTML string, which is passed as a parameter to loadString:

var html:HTMLLoader = new HTMLLoader();
html.width = 320;
html.height = 240;
var htmlCode:String = "<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></b>.</body></html>";


It is also possible to use the HTMLLoader class to load an HTML page instead of an HTML string. In this scenario, the syntax doesn’t change and entails the creation of a NativeWindowInit object, where the HTMLLoader object will be hosted.


To demonstrate how loading HTML could fit into a larger application, the following ActionScript 3 class uses the SimpleButton and TextField classes to build an application’s visual elements dynamically and then triggers the load method of the HTMLLoader upon the click event of the button. You can easily implement this snippet in a SWF-based application for loading into HTML content from a URL.

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5
    import flash.display.NativeWindowInitOptions;
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;

    import flash.html.HTMLLoader;

    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFieldType;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;

    public class DisplayHTMLContent extends Sprite
       private var _html:HTMLLoader;
       private var _field:TextField;
       private var _loadBtn:SimpleButton;

       public function DisplayHTMLContent()
           this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
           this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;


       private function drawLayout():void
            // draw URL input bar
             _field = new TextField();
             _field.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
             _field.multiline = false;
             _field.width = 300;
             _field.height = 50;
             _field.border = true;
             _field.borderColor = 0x999999;
             _field.x = 50;
             _field.y = 10;
             _field.textColor = 0x666666;
             _field.text = "";


      private function createButton():void
           var upState:Sprite = new Sprite();
  1, 0x330000 );
  0x999999 );
  0,0,40,30 );
           var upLabel:TextField = new TextField();
           upLabel.width = 50;
           upLabel.height = 30;
           upLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE;
           var upFo:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
           upFo.size = 12;
           upFo.color = 0x330000;
           upFo.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
           upLabel.defaultTextFormat = upFo;
           upLabel.text = "LOAD";
           upState.addChild( upLabel );

           var downState:Sprite = new Sprite();
  1, 0x000033 );
  0xcc0000 );
  0,0,40,30 );
           var downLabel:TextField = new TextField();
           downLabel.width = 50;
           downLabel.height = 30;
           downLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.NONE;
           var downFo:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
           downFo.size = 12;
           downFo.color = 0x000000;
           downFo.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
           downLabel.defaultTextFormat = downFo;
           downLabel.text = "LOAD";
           downState.addChild( downLabel );

           _loadBtn = new SimpleButton( upState, downState, downState, downState );
           _loadBtn.x = _field.x + _field.width + 10;
           _loadBtn.y = _field.y;

           _loadBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickLoad);

           addChild( _loadBtn );

     private function onClickLoad( evt:MouseEvent ):void
           if( _field.text == "" )
           trace ( "Button clicked but none URL to load has been specified !" );

           var initOptions:NativeWindowInitOptions = new NativeWindowInitOptions();
           var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(50, 30, 500, 400);

           _html = HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(false, initOptions, true, bounds);

           var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest( _field.text );
           _html.load( urlReq );


The core of the class is in the private onClickLoad method, which is an event handler that is triggered by the click event dispatched from the SimpleButton instance. In this event handler, the load method is launched, and the text contained in the _field text field is assigned as a URL.


In Flex, only classes that extend the UIComponent class can be added as children of the Flex container. Because the HTMLLoader class is a Sprite subclass, you cannot add an HTMLLoader object as a child of a container. If you try, you’ll get an error. You can avoid this minor inconvenience in two ways. The first is to use the Flex component <mx:HTML>, whereas the second is to create an ActionScript class that extends the UIComponent class and that contains an HTMLLoader class, making it a child of this UIComponent instance.

To use the <mx:HTML> control in Flex, simply call it as you do with any other control on a page:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="">

   <mx:HTML id="content" location=""/>


Within the control tag definition, you assign the location property to specify the URL of an HTML page whose content is displayed in the control, or you can set the htmlText property to specify a String containing HTML-formatted text that is rendered in the control.

On the other hand, you can create an ActionScript 3 class that extends the UIComponent class, and then you can use the class within a Flex container. To do so, use code similar to this:

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5
    import mx.core.UIComponent;

    import flash.html.HTMLLoader;

    public class DisplayHTMLContentFromFlex extends UIComponent
        private var _html:HTMLLoader;

        public function DisplayHTMLContentFromFlex()

        override protected function createChildren():void
            _html = new HTMLLoader();
            _html.width = 800;
            _html.height = 600;

            _html.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onComplete );

        override protected function measure():void
            measuredWidth = 800;
            measuredHeight= 600;

        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, 
            super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

            _html.width = unscaledWidth;
            _html.height= unscaledHeight;

        private function onComplete( event:Event ) : void
            var newEvent:Event = new Event(Event.COMPLETE);
            dispatchEvent( newEvent );

        public function load( url:String ) : void
            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);

Before the declaration of the class, the [Event] metadata has been used. The [Event] metadata tag defines events dispatched by a component. In this way, the Flex compiler can recognize them as MXML tag attributes in an MXML file.

Then an instance of the HTMLLoader class is created with the createChildren method, which creates child objects for the component. Next, the methods to assign a default dimension of the UIComponent class are overridden, first measure and then updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number). Finally, the complete event of the HTMLLoader is registered with the addEventListener method. Within the onComplete event handler, a new complete event is dispatched because this event does not bubble:

private function onComplete(event:Event):void
    var newEvent:Event = new Event(Event.COMPLETE);
    dispatchEvent( newEvent );

To implement this class in an AIR application created with Flex Builder, import the class as a custom component by creating a custom namespace:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""


        private function loadHTML():void


    <comp:DisplayHTMLContentFromFlex id="htmlComp" />

    <mx:Button click="loadHTML()" label="Load HTML page" >




The JavaScript environment of AIR is represented by the HTMLLoader class. The environment provides an HTML renderer, DOM, and JavaScript interpreter.

Figure 5-1 illustrates the relationship between the JavaScript environment and AIR in a bit more detail.

JavaScript environment in the AIR architecture
Figure 5-1. JavaScript environment in the AIR architecture

In Figure 5-1 notice that the JavaScript environment has its Document and Window objects. As you can see, the JavaScript environment can communicate with AIR through the following properties:

  • runtime (allows access to AIR API classes)

  • nativeWindow

  • htmlLoader

The ActionScript code can access and communicate with the JavaScript environment through the following:

  • The window property

  • The HTMLLoader object (referenced to the JavaScript Window object)

In JavaScript, you use the createRootWindow method, which returns an HTMLLoader object and accepts the following values as parameters:

  • visible: Boolean

  • windowInitOptions: NativeWindowInitOptions

  • scrollBarsVisible: Boolean

  • bounds: Rectangle

Before invoking the createRootWindow method, you must create an instance of the air.NativeWindowInitOptions class, as well as a Rectangle object, which is an area defined by its position, as indicated by its top-left corner point (x, y) and by its width and its height.

This example implements an HTMLLoader in JavaScript and uses the activate method to bring the window to the front and give it focus:

var _initOptions = new air.NativeWindowInitOptions();
var _bounds = new air.Rectangle(50, 50, 320, 240);

var html = air.HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(false, _initOptions, true, _bounds);

var urlReq = new air.URLRequest( '' );
html.load( urlReq );


Accessing JavaScript from ActionScript in an HTML Container


You need to access JavaScript functions from ActionScript in an HTML container.


Use the global window property of the HTMLLoader class.


AIR applications that use the HTMLLoader class to load and view HTML content frequently must also contain a means of communication between the JavaScript code and ActionScript properties, methods, or objects. For example, you may need to pass ActionScript data to HTML content or launch JavaScript functions from the application’s ActionScript classes.

The HTML content loaded within an HTMLLoader object can easily access ActionScript objects through JavaScript by using the window property of the HTMLLoader class in the ActionScript class. The window property, typed as a generic Object, represents the global JavaScript object for the content loaded into the HTML control, and therefore it lets you make ActionScript properties, methods, and objects available to JavaScript. When you type something as a generic Object, you are implying that there is no type checking on the properties you add on that object.

After creating the instance of the HTMLLoader object, you can make ActionScript objects and functions available to JavaScript code by creating references within the JavaScript execution context.

The following ActionScript class, saved as, creates an instance of the HTMLLoader object and loads the htmlcontent.html page as HTML content. Then it adds the HTMLStringFromAS property and the linkedToAS function referencing ActionScript objects to the window object of an HTML page:

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.html.HTMLLoader;

    public class AccessJavaScript extends Sprite
        private var _html:HTMLLoader;

        public function AccessJavaScript ()
            this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

           var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "htmlcontent.html" );
           _html.load( urlReq );


        protected function initLayout():void
            _html = new HTMLLoader();
            _html.width = stage.stageWidth;
            _html.height = stage.stageHeight;
            _html.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
            this.addChild( _html );

        private function onComplete(e:Event):void
            _html.window.HTMLStringFromAS = "<div style= ' overflow:hidden; 
                          height:20px' id= ' fromAS ' ><strong>This is an HTML 
                          string generated by ActionScript</strong></div>"
            _html.window.linkedToJS = linkedToAS;

        private function linkedToAS( messageFromJS:String ):void
            trace( "From JavaScript: ", messageFromJS );


Take a closer look at what’s happening in the class. The HTMLLoader object, which has the name instance_html assigned, registers the onComplete event handler upon the COMPLETE event. In this event handler, the HTMLStringFromAS property is assigned a value, and the linkedToAS ActionScript function is mapped to the linkedToJS JavaScript function.


If you use the COMPLETE event, only scripts in the page that run after the page load event can access the added objects.

An HTML string that includes a div tag is assigned as a value to the HTMLStringFromAS property, which contains simple bold text:

<div style='overflow:hidden; height:20px' id='fromAS'>
<strong>This is an HTML string generated by ActionScript</strong></div>

The linkedToAS function is an ActionScript function that accepts a simple String as a parameter. This function will be invoked by the JavaScript code declared in the htmlcontent.html page and loaded in the HTMLLoader class. This function executes a simple trace command:

private function linkedToAS( messageFromJS:String ):void
    trace( "From JavaScript: ", messageFromJS );

The htmlcontent.html page, loaded in the HTMLLoader object, uses the HTMLStringFromAS ActionScript property and invokes the linkedToAS ActionScript function:

 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Solution 15.2: Accessing JavaScript from ActionScript in an HTML 

<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRAliases.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRIntrospector.js" ></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    var messageFromAir = null;

    function showMessageFromAir()
        document.getElementById("contentData").innerHTML = HTMLStringFromAS;




    <h2>Display the HTMLStringFromAS ActionScript-generated strings</h2>
        <button onclick="showMessageFromAir()">
             Access to ActionScript property from JavaScript

        <h2>Send a trace action into Adobe AIR output console from JavaScript</h2>

        <button onclick="linkedToAS('This is a JavaScript generated string.')">
            Access to ActionScript function from JavaScript

    <div id="contentData" style="overflow:auto; width:100%; height:100%"></div>



The HTML page defines the showMessageFromAir JavaScript function, which has the task of adding the HTMLStringFromAS HTML string, declared in the ActionScript class, in the contentData div.

The ActionScript property from the innerHTML is consumed in the body of the HTML page, and the ActionScript function is invoked and is passed on a String directly from JavaScript.

The first button launches the showMessageFromAir JavaScript function upon the click event, which loads the content of the ActionScript property HTMLStringFromAS within the contentData div tag. The second button invokes the ActionScript function linkedToAS, to which it assigns a String as a parameter.

AIR also lets you make an ActionScript class definition available to JavaScript. With this possibility, you can create an instance of an ActionScript object by inheriting all its properties directly from JavaScript. To make an ActionScript class available, you need to set the runtimeApplicationDomain property of the HTMLLoader class to ApplicationDomain.currentDomain or to the application domain containing the class definitions. runtimeApplicationDomain is a property of the HTMLLoader class that specifies the application domain to use for the window.runtime object in JavaScript in the HTML page:

html.runtimeApplicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;

Once you specify the runtimeApplicationDomain, you can create an instance of a class in JavaScript by referring to the window.runtime property:

var customClassObject = new window.runtime.CustomClass();

But be careful of the security domain of the HTML content. If you are actually loading a remote HTML content from the Internet, you cannot set the runtimeApplicationDomain property to the ApplicationDomain.currentDomain value.

Accessing ActionScript from JavaScript in an HTML Container


You need to access ActionScript functions, properties, and methods from JavaScript in an HTML container.


The window property of the HTMLLoader class is typed as Object to represent the global JavaScript object for the content loaded into the HTML control. By mapping the elements you want to refer to from ActionScript to JavaScript, you can then call the objects themselves with the JavaScript code specified in the HTML content.


When you load HTML content by using the HTMLLoader class, that content is able to communicate with and access its parent. This means an AIR application can call ActionScript functions or use properties declared in an ActionScript class through JavaScript code contained in a loaded HTML page.

The window property of the HTMLLoader class allows AIR developers to map any ActionScript object so as to make it available to the HTML content. For example:

        private var ASProperty:String = new String("Hello JavaScript !");

        private var _html:HTMLLoader = new HTMLLoader();
        private var _urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myPage.html");

        private function init():void
           _html.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);

        private function onComplete (e:Event):void
           _html.window.JSfunction = ASfunction;
           _html.window.JSproperty = ASProperty;

        private function ASfunction ( evt:MouseEvent ):void
           trace( "JavaScript calls !" );

The complete event of the HTMLLoader class corresponds to the load event of the body of the HTML page. The previous example creates a listener for this COMPLETE event to execute the mapping of the ActionScript objects. The onComplete event handler is executed only after the whole page is loaded.

Inside the onComplete event handler, you need to link JSFunction, which was declared in the HTML page, to Asfunction, which is defined in the ActionScript code. Next, you map the JSproperty property, which was created in the JavaScript code of the HTML page, to ASProperty, which is declared via ActionScript.

The following example creates an ActionScript class that extends the Sprite class and that exposes a method and a property to JavaScript:

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.html.HTMLLoader;

        public class AccessingActionScript extends Sprite

            private var _html:HTMLLoader;
            private var ASProperty:String = new String("Hello JavaScript !");

            public function AccessingActionScript()
                this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

                _html = new HTMLLoader();

                var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "myHTMLContent.html" );
                _html.load( urlReq );

                _html.width = stage.stageWidth;
                _html.height = stage.stageHeight;
                _html.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);

                this.addChild( _html );


            private function onComplete (e:Event):void
                _html.window.JSfunction = ASfunction;
                _html.window.JSproperty = ASProperty;

            // Pass the trace string to the Adobe AIR output console
            private function ASfunction( evt:MouseEvent=null ):void
                trace( "JavaScript calls !" );

The previous example maps the ActionScript method and property to the JavaScript property and method on the event handler registered for the COMPLETE event, which is dispatched by HTMLLoader when the content of the page has been loaded.

In the myHTMLContent.html page, which is loaded in the HTMLLoader class instance, you can access the ASfunction ActionScript function and the ASProperty property through JavaScript.

This is the code of the myHTMLContent.html page, loaded by the HTMLLoader class:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Solution 15.3: Accessing ActionScript  from JavaScript  in an HTML 

<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRAliases.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRIntrospector.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    function accessingASProperty()
        document.getElementById("contentData").innerText = JSproperty;




    <button onClick="accessingASProperty()">
        Access to ActionScript property from JavaScript

<h2>Send a trace action into Adobe AIR output console from JavaScript</h2>

    <button onClick="JSfunction()">
        Access to ActionScript function from JavaScript


<div id="contentData" style="overflow:auto; width:100%; height:100%"></div>



The JavaScript code accesses the ActionScript function when the user clicks the button. It is precisely on the onclick event that Jsfunction, a function that is mapped in the ActionScript code to ASfunction, is called.

The HTML page, on the other hand, accesses the ASProperty ActionScript property, when the JavaScript accessingASProperty event handler is invoked.

The accessingASProperty JavaScript function accesses the contentData div element and sets the innerText property to the value assigned to the ASProperty ActionScript property.

With this same approach, you can access practically any element of the HTML page loaded in the HTMLLoader and interact with the HTML DOM. In the next recipe, you will access the HTML DOM of the HTML page that is loaded in an instance of the HTMLLoader class through ActionScript.

Scripting the DOM from ActionScript


You need to access and manipulate the elements in the HTML DOM for the page loaded within the HTMLLoader class.


Use the getElementById and getElementsByTagName methods, as well as innerText and innerHTML, to access DOM elements in AIR.


The term DOM refers to an object model to represent XML and related formats. By using the DOM, you can dynamically edit any element in an HTML page through ActionScript, as well as create new pages programmatically. To do so, you use some methods and properties of the DOM. The DOM methods and properties you need to use are as follows:

getElementsByTagName (in DOMString tagname)

This method enables you to access a DOM element of the document by referring to the name of the tag. This method is very useful when you want to number and access all the elements of the same kind. The following code iterates the entire document of the HTML document node tree and returns the nodes that have been passed onto the function in an Array:

function listElements(whichTag, whichAttr, whichValue)

    var startElement;
    var listElement_arr= new Array();

    if (whichTag) {
        startElement = document.getElementsByTagName(whichTag);
    } else {
        startElement = (document.all) ? document.all :
    if (whichAttr) {
        for (var i = 0; i < startElement.length; i++) {
            if (startElement[i].getAttribute(whichAttr)) {
                if (whichValue) {
                    if (startElement[i].getAttribute(whichAttr) == whichValue) {
                        listElement_arr[listElement_arr.length] = startElement[i];
                } else {
                    listElement_arr[listElement_arr.length] = startElement[i];
    } else {

        listElement_arr= startElement;
    return listElement_arr;

This function can be invoked by ActionScript by using the name of the instance of the HTMLLoader object and its window property:

var myElementArray:Array = _html.window.listElements("a","class", "trainingLink");

By launching the JavaScript function with these parameters, an Array will be returned with all the a type nodes that will have the attribute class set to the value trainingLink.

getElementById (in DOMString elementId)

This method enables you to access an element by referring to its ID attribute, specified in the tag node. You have already seen an example that uses this method in Accessing ActionScript from JavaScript in an HTML Container:

function accessingASProperty()
    document.getElementById("contentData").innerText = "Hello World" ;

This DOM property sets or retrieves the text between the start and end tags of the object.


This DOM property returns or sets all the content of the specified element in the html tag of the page. This property also enables you to set the content for one or more of the DOM’s elements.


To see which DOM classes are contained in the WebKit engine, visit

After you create an HTMLLoader object, you can navigate the DOM tree of the elements contained in the HTML contents. The following example of ActionScript code creates an HTMLLoader object that loads the page

var initOptions:NativeWindowInitOptions = new NativeWindowInitOptions();
var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(50, 30, 800, 600);
var _html = HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(false, initOptions, true, bounds);
var _urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest( "" );
_html.load( _urlReq );
_html.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onComplete );


Be aware that before the COMPLETE event is dispatched, the DOM elements may not have been parsed or created. As best practice, wait for this event before accessing any HTML DOM elements.

Upon the COMPLETE event, the onComplete event handler is invoked. Within the event handler, you’ll write the code to access the HTML DOM. The following example accesses the DOM element with the same ID of the container and returns the HTML content of that node.

The hmtlCode variable contains the following HTML content:

<ul class="primary-links">
<li><a href="company.htm">COMPANY</a></li>
  <li><a href="solutions.htm">SOLUTIONS</a></li>
  <li><a href="consulting.htm">CONSULTING</a></li>
  <li><a href="training.htm" class="active">TRAINING</a></li>
  <li><a href="clients.htm">CLIENTS</a></li>
  <li><a href="casestudieslist.htm">CASE STUDIES</a></li>

This content corresponds precisely with the HTML code contained in the div with ID="menu" of the page.

In addition to accessing the DOM elements, you can change their properties. For example, you could change the src attributes of the img tag, add the alt attribute to all the a links, or even dynamically add elements to the page with ActionScript. The following example adds a portion of HTML code that creates a div element with a text value to the onComplete event handler:

private function onComplete( event:Event ) : void
    var htmlCode:String = _html.window.document.getElementById("menu").innerHTML;
    _html.window.document.getElementById("menu").innerHTML = 
                            "<div style="overflow:hidden; height:20px" 
                            id="fromAS"><strong>This is an HTML string 
                            generated by ActionScript</strong></div>"

In the previous example, you programmatically changed the elements of an HTML page accessing the DOM directly. Accessing HTML DOM directly from ActionScript offers many possibilities for creating highly interactive AIR applications. For example, you could create applications that exploit HTML and JavaScript by programming directly from ActionScript and by leveraging the more advanced functions of the programming language of Flash and Flex.


The following ActionScript class accesses and manipulates the HTML DOM to dynamically change the elements of the HTML content that is loaded in an HTMLLoader object.

The class is a subclass of the Flex Framework’s UIComponent class and can, therefore, also be used in this environment:

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5
     import flash.html.HTMLLoader;

     import mx.core.UIComponent;

     public class AccessDOMElements extends UIComponent

        private var _html:HTMLLoader;

        public function AccessDOMElements()

        override protected function createChildren():void
            _html = new HTMLLoader();
            _html.width = 800;
            _html.height = 600;

            _html.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onComplete );

        override protected function measure():void
            measuredWidth = 800;
            measuredHeight= 600;

        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, 
            super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

            _html.width = unscaledWidth;
            _html.height= unscaledHeight;

        private function onComplete( event:Event ) : void
            var newEvent:Event = new Event(Event.COMPLETE);
            dispatchEvent( newEvent );


        public function load( url:String ) : void
            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);


        public function htmlCodebyID():String

            var htmlCode:String = _html.window.document.getElementById("container").innerHTML;

            return htmlCode;

        public function htmlCodebyTag():String

            var htmlCode:Object = _html.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img");
            var htmlStr:String;

            if (htmlCode != null)

            for (var i:Number = 0; i < htmlCode.length; i++)
                if (htmlCode[i].getAttribute("class") == "logo")
                    htmlCode[i].src = 
                    htmlStr += htmlCode[i].src +"
                    htmlStr += htmlCode[i].width +"
                    htmlStr += htmlCode[i].height +"

        return htmlStr;

        private  function listElements(whichTag:String,

            var startElement:Object = new Object();
            var listElement_arr:Object= new Object();

            if (whichTag) {
                startElement = 
            } else {
                startElement = (_html.window.document.all) ? 
_html.window.document.all :
            if (whichAttr) {
                for (var i:Number = 0; i < startElement.length; i++) {
                    if (startElement[i].getAttribute(whichAttr)) {
                        if (whichValue) {
                            if (startElement[i].getAttribute(whichAttr) == 
whichValue) {
                                listElement_arr[listElement_arr.length] = 
                        } else {
                            listElement_arr[listElement_arr.length] = 
            } else {

                listElement_arr= startElement;

            return listElement_arr;

        public function walkingTree(tagName:String):String
            var DOMList:Object = listElements(tagName);
            var walkingTreeList:String;

            if (DOMList != null)

            for (var i:Number = 0; i < DOMList.length; i++)
             walkingTreeList += DOMList[i].innerHTML +"

        return walkingTreeList;



The AccessDOMElements class navigates through the DOM elements of the HTML page loaded into the HTMLLoader instance looking for an explicit image within the HTML code. Upon finding the image, the code switches to the new one.

The AccessDOMElements class has three public methods. The first, htmlCodebyID, is a public method and returns a String that contains HTML code in the tag that is specified by using the getElementById method.

The second public method, htmlCodebyTag, returns the HTML code contained in a certain HTML tag that is specified with the getElementsByTagName method. Furthermore, this method uses the DOM getAttribute method, which allows access to certain attributes of the selected node. That way, you are able to act on the single HTML element and change any of its values. With a loop, this function looks in all the img tags of the content, and when it verifies a condition on the attribute class of that tag, it changes its src attribute, loading a new image from a new pathway:

public function htmlCodebyTag():String

    var htmlCode:Object = _html.window.document.getElementsByTagName("img");
    var htmlStr:String;

    if (htmlCode != null)

    for (var i:Number = 0; i < htmlCode.length; i++)
        if (htmlCode[i].getAttribute("class") == "logo")
        htmlCode[i].src = 
        htmlStr += htmlCode[i].src +"
        htmlStr += htmlCode[i].width +"
        htmlStr += htmlCode[i].height +"

    return htmlStr;

The third public function, walkingTree, returns the content of the HTML DOM elements that correspond to the search criteria; it returns the content with the innerHTML property. This criteria is specified in another method that is launched by the walkingTree: the private listElements method. The listElements method accepts three parameters: whichTag (the name of the tag to point to), whichAttr (the attribute of the specified tag to use), and whichValue (the value of the attribute to compare). This method returns a collection of elements that verify the conditions of the parameters sent to it.

The property that is returned by the method is called listElement_arr. Even if in theory this property contains an array of elements and if you assign them as data type Array, the application will raise a Type coercion error:

Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert __HTMLScriptObject@fb55b1 in 

Instead, you must type the properties as Object classes that return the elements by using the getElementsByTagName method.

You can use the AccessDOMElements class in a simple MXML application that will then be packaged in AIR. You can use Flex Builder 3 as an environment to write the following code, or you can write it with any text editor and then compile it with the AIR adl command-line compiler (which you can find in the AIR SDK):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""


        private var list_arr:Array;

        private function loadHTML():void



    <mx:TextArea width="800" height="300" id="myTA" />

        <mx:Button label="Show HTML Code"  click="myTA.text = 
        htmlComp.htmlCodebyID()" />

        <mx:Button label="Change Image"  click="myTA.text = 
        htmlComp.htmlCodebyTag()" />

        <mx:Label text="Insert the name of the Tag: " />
        <mx:TextInput id="tagName" text="*" />
        <mx:Button label="Navigate The DOM Tree by Tag"
        click="myTA.text = htmlComp.walkingTree(tagName.text)" />


    <comp:AccessDOMElements xmlns:comp="com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5.*" 
     initialize="loadHTML()" />


It is the AccessDOMElements component that creates the instance of the AccessDOMElements ActionScript class, created in the com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5 package and associated to the namespace comp.

Once the AIR application has been compiled, it will load the content of the page in the HTMLLoader object and will expose three buttons (Figure 5-2), which will launch the previously mentioned three public methods of the ActionScript class.

When the user inserts the name of an HTML tag in the TexInput, the walkingTree method will be called by clicking the Navigate button, and all the elements on the page that have been declared with that tag will be returned.

By clicking the Change Image button, the image of the Comtaste logo will be replaced with an image loaded from a remote source at the following URL:

This exchange of images is made possible thanks to the htmlCodebyID method that accesses the DOM element with the img tag and verifies the following condition with the DOM getAttribute:

htmlCode[i].getAttribute("class") == "logo"
The AIR example shows the HTML content within the HTMLLoader class and iterates through the HTML DOM in search of nodes meeting set criteria.
Figure 5-2. The AIR example shows the HTML content within the HTMLLoader class and iterates through the HTML DOM in search of nodes meeting set criteria.


The ActionScript class created in this solution is tied to the Flex SDK. If, on the other hand, you want to use it in the Flash applications, you have to extend the Sprite class and delete all references to the Flex Framework (such as, for example, the [Event] or [Bindable] metatags).

Accessing and Editing an HTML Style Sheet from ActionScript


You want to access and manipulate CSS styles in a page from ActionScript.


Edit the CSS styles using the cssRules property, which contains an array of the window.document.styleSheets elements.


To access the attributes that regulate the CSS styles of an element in an HTML page, you can use the getElementById and getElementsByTagName methods to access the HTML element and then edit its style property:

_html.window.document.getElementById("contentID").style.color = "#FF6600";
_html.window.document.getElementById("contentID").style.size = 2;

For accessing and editing HTML style sheets, however, you can use the cssRules property of the window.document object that contains an array of the styles declared on the page. This is a better approach.

Consider this example of HTML, which specifies a style sheet with two CSS classes:

    background-color: #ffff00;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #ff0000;

To access and edit these style sheets, use the following ActionScript code:

var myStyle:Object = _html.window.document.styleSheets[0];

myStyle.cssRules[0].style.backgroundColor = "#00ff00";
myStyle.cssRules[0].style.fontSize = "20px";

The myStyle object provides access to the HTML code’s CSS style declaration. You edit its existing settings through the backgroundColor and fontSize properties.

If you like, you can even add new properties that weren’t previously specified in the element’s style sheet:

myStyle.cssRules[1].style.textDecoration = "underline";

Accessing the HTML Container History List


You want to access the HTML history list and move forward or backward throughout the HTML pages loaded within the HTML container.


Use the historyLength, historyPosition, historyAt, historyBack, historyForward, and historyGo methods of the HTMLLoader class to interact with the HTML history.


When you navigate and load new pages in the HTMLLoader object, you will need to access a list that contains the pages loaded so far. AIR automatically maintains a history list for the pages.

AIR provides plenty of flexibility for working with the HTML history list, as you can see in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2. Methods and Properties for Working with the HTML History List




This returns the length of the history list, including back and forward entries.


This returns the current position in the history list. You use this position for back navigation and forward navigation.


This returns the object corresponding to the history entry at the specified position in the history list typed as URLRequest.


This navigates back in the history list.


This navigates forward in the history list.


This navigates the indicated number of steps in the browser history (forward if positive; backward if negative). When set to zero, it reloads the page.

The items maintained by the runtime are typed as HistoryListItem objects. The HistoryListItem contains the properties shown in Table 5-3.

Table 5-3. HistoryListItem Class Properties




Set to true if the HTML page includes POST data


The original URL of the HTML page, before any redirects


The title of the HTML page


The URL of the HTML page

Items in the history list are stored as objects of type HistoryListItem. To be able to access the properties that contain the URL and the title of the HTML pages loaded in the HTML container, for example, you have to first create a variable, typed as HistoryListItem, and from this instance access the url property and title:

var tempHistoryItem:HTMLHistoryItem = _html.getHistoryAt(index);

In this recipe, you will work with some of the methods of the HTML history list.


To access the history list from your Flex project, you need to create a custom ActionScript call that uses the HTMLLoader class and extends the UIComponent class. The code for this class, named HandleHistory, is shown later in this section.

As you examine it, focus your attention on the onComplete event handler of the COMPLETE event; here you need to register a listener for the LOCATION_CHANGE event:

_html.addEventListener(Event.LOCATION_CHANGE, showHistoryHTMLContent);

This event defines the value of the type property of a locationChange event object and is triggered every time the HTML content changes within the HTMLLoader object. This event is therefore used to monitor all navigation of a user in an HTML page. In the showHistoryHTMLContent event handler, an instance of the HTMLHistoryItem is created, from which the URL properties and titles of the HTML content are taken. This information is added to an ArrayCollection, which will contain the navigation history.


If you want to use the UIComponent class in a Flash project, all you have to do is change the parent class from UIComponent to Sprite and replace the ArrayCollection class with the DataProvider class. (For more information, see the Flash documentation at

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5
    import flash.html.HTMLHistoryItem;
    import flash.html.HTMLLoader;

    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;

    public class HandleHistory extends UIComponent

        private var _html:HTMLLoader;
        private var _historyDP:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

        public function get html():HTMLLoader
        return _html;

        public function get historyDP():ArrayCollection
        return _historyDP;

        public function HandleHistory()

        override protected function createChildren():void
            _html = new HTMLLoader();
            _html.width = 800;
            _html.height = 600;

            _html.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onComplete );

        override protected function measure():void
            measuredWidth = 800;
            measuredHeight= 600;

        override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, 
            super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

            _html.width = unscaledWidth;
            _html.height= unscaledHeight;

        private function onComplete( event:Event ) : void
           _html.addEventListener(Event.LOCATION_CHANGE, showHistoryHTMLContent);

        public function loadURL( url:String ) : void
            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);

        public function showHistoryHTMLContent(evt:Event):void

            for (var i:int = 0; i< _html.historyLength ; i++)
                var tempHistoryItem:HTMLHistoryItem = _html.getHistoryAt(i);


        public function gotToURL(selIndex:int):void
            loadURL(historyDP.getItemAt(selIndex).data as String);

You now have access to the history list. To move backward and forward in the list, you’ll add the code for management of the Back and Forward buttons to your class. To do so, simply use the HTMLLoader class’s historyBack, historyForward, and historyGo methods as event handlers for the click event of the button instances. The historyBack and historyForward methods navigate back and forward through the history list, respectively. The historyGo method navigates forward and backward by passing a positive or negative number as a parameter (a positive number will make the historyGo method navigate forward).

You can use the HandleHistory class you created in a Flex project by creating an MXML file with three buttons to manage the historyGo, historyForward, and historyBack functions, as well as a list that contains the history list of the HTMLLoader object. To create the list, simply load the ArrayCollection instance of the HandleHistory class with a binding.

Here is the complete MXML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical"

        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

        private var list_arr:Array;
        private var myAC:ArrayCollection;

        private function loadHTML():void

            gotorul.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onGotourl);

            myAC = htmlComp.historyDP;

        private function onShowHistoryClick(evt:MouseEvent):void
            hisList.dataProvider =  htmlComp.historyDP;

        private function onGotourl(evt:MouseEvent):void

        private function onACChange(evt:CollectionEvent):void
            hisList.selectedIndex = htmlComp.html.historyPosition;

        <mx:Button label="Back" id="backBtn" click="htmlComp.html.historyGo(-1)" />
        <mx:Button label="Next" id="ffBtn" click="htmlComp.html.historyGo(1)" />
        <mx:Button label="Go to URL" id="gotorul" />

    <mx:List id="hisList" dataProvider="{myAC}" />

    <comp:HandleHistory id="htmlComp" initialize="loadHTML()" />


In JavaScript, the implementation of the history list is identical to the one used in ActionScript. The methods shown by the HTMLLoader class are the same, and the history list corresponds to the window.history object in the HTML page.

Bridging Content from Different Security Sandboxes

Contributed by MarinTodorov ( with an introduction by Marco Casario


You may want to run content, exchange data, and use functionality from the application sandbox and a nonapplication sandbox at the same time. You may even want to do all this between different nonapplication sandboxes.


Use the provided bridging interface to expose variables or methods between the sandboxes. For communication between nonapplication sandboxes, use the application sandbox as a proxy between them.


The security of a desktop application is fundamentally important. AIR applications run directly on the desktop, and the security model for HTML content running in AIR is more stringent than the security model of a typical web browser.

AIR follows a series of rules to guarantee the security of the applications and the users.

When the application has to do with HTML content, it exposes itself to a series of potential attacks that are launched following malicious code execution. One of these techniques is known as cross-site scripting.

A malicious developer could, for example, use the eval method of JavaScript, the JavaScript pattern in the a tag, or the DOM properties innerHTML and innerText to execute malicious code. The following is a classic example of malicious code that can create serious security problems:

<a href="#" onclick="var myFile=new air.File('c:\windowsmyFile.dll'), 
myFile.deleteFile();">Click here to read the file. </a>

When users are unaware of the code behind the link, they will click the text, thinking they are reading something, and instead they will be able to delete a system file.

To avoid this and many other problems linked to security, Adobe AIR allows you to define the permits for each file (internally as well as externally) in an application. Using sandboxes, AIR establishes access protocols to data and operations by using two concepts of sandboxes: an application sandbox and a nonapplication sandbox. According to the sandbox that is specified, different rules apply.

Code in an application sandbox context has access to AIR APIs, has a limited ability to generate code dynamically after a page loads, and cannot load content via a script tag. In this sandbox, the possibility of executing JavaScript code is disabled after a page has been loaded. This stops malicious code from being created, for example, on the eval method or by interacting with DOM properties. The developers specify the trusted directories to work on by using the app:/ schema. All files and data are installed and copied in app:/, and the ones that are outside this folder are treated as if they were in the web browser.

Code in nonapplication sandboxes essentially imitates typical browser restrictions and behaviors for local trusted HTML. This is the sandbox that is automatically assigned to all content that is loaded from an Internet location (or from a network). The content specified in this sandbox can access the JavaScript code and interact with DOM.

The AIR sandbox bridge model enables broader functionality and less risk than is associated with typical browser-based applications.

Application Sandbox from Nonapplication Content

The application sandbox can set up a bridge interface inside the nonapplication box called parentSandboxBridge that can be accessed by the nonapplication sandbox code. Consider the following example:

var parentBridge = {
    sayHello = function (msg) {
        alert("Hello from the application sandbox! "+msg);

function setupBridge(){
Bridge = parentBridge;

This example creates the bridge between the different sandboxes. Specifically, the following code includes the nonapplication sandbox content in the application:

<iframe id="sandbox" src=""
     ondominitialize="setupBridge ()">

In this way, the nonapplication sandbox code (in sandbox.html) can invoke the method sayHello from the application sandbox:

window.parentSandboxBridge.sayHello("and from non-app sandbox");

Communicate Between Different Nonapplication Sandboxes

The nonapplication code can access the parent via the parentSandboxBridge and can expose data and methods via the childSandboxBridge. You might immediately suppose that in this case it is possible to expose directly the childSandboxBridge of nonapplication sandbox 1 to nonapplication sandbox 2 (using the application sandbox’s parentSandboxBridge), but this setup does not work (for security reasons). The access to the bridges is very restricted. From outside the sandbox, the bridges are defined and are read-only. In addition, if you try to read an exposed method’s body in order to peek at the nonexposed objects, you will find out alert(childSandboxBridge.exposedMethod) will give you an empty function.

To exchange data between nonapplication sandboxes, you should set up a bridge proxy in the application sandbox code. The following example is an application that loads two different websites: one that has a database with clients and another where the user wants to copy some of those clients (of course, the two sites must implement the appropriate code, as described in a moment, for this setup to work).

The parent code (running on AIR) is as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">

    var bridgeProxy = {
        broadcast: function (method, args, sandbox) {
callMethod(method, args)

    function setupBridge(sandbox){
        sandbox.contentWindow.parentSandboxBridge = bridgeProxy;


<!-- that's the first non-app sandbox -->
<iframe id="site_abc" src="" documentRoot="app:/" 
sandboxRoot="" ondominitialize="setupBridge(this)"></iframe>

<!-- that's the second non-app sandbox -->
<iframe id="site_xyz" src="" documentRoot="app:/" 
sandboxRoot="" ondominitialize="setupBridge(this)"></iframe>


Note that each iframe calls the setupBridge function to create the parentSandboxBridge in its window object. This is the code of the view customer page on the website ABC (your first nonapplication sandbox):

<script type="text/javascript">

    function copyInfo() {
       // call the parent bridge with arguments : method name, data, iframe id
           firstName: document.getElementById('firstName').value,
           lastName : document.getElementById('lastName').value,
           street : document.getElementById('street').value,
           city : document.getElementById('city').value


<b>Web site ABC</b><br />
View Client information:<br /><br />

First name: <input type="text" id="firstName" value="Ford" /> <br />
Last name: <input type="text" id="lastName" value="Prefect" /> <br />
Street: <input type="text" id="street" value="42, East side drive" /> <br />
City: <input type="text" id="city" value="Manchester" /> <br />

<input type="button" value="Copy information" onClick="copyInfo()" />


When the user clicks the Copy Information button, the form information is gathered and sent to the parent bridge proxy, and the data is addressed to the sandbox with the ID site_xyz. Here is the code in the other website, which has to receive the customer information:


<script type="text/javascript">
    function copyInfo (args)
        document.getElementById('name').value = args.firstName +" "+ args.lastName;
        document.getElementById('address').value = args.street +", "+;

   var childBridge = {

        callMethod : function(name, args) {
            if (window[name]) window[name](args);
            else alert("No "+name+" defined!");

   window.childSandboxBridge = childBridge;

<b>Web site XYZ</b><br />
Create new customer:<br /><br />

Name: <input type="text" id="name" value="" /> <br />
Address: <input type="text" id="address" value="" /> <br />

<input type="button" value="Create customer" onClick="alert('New
 customer created!')" />


The bridge interface of site_xyz just calls the required method and passes the data—in this case, the method copyInfo, which reformats the customer data and fills in the form. The user now has to just click Create Customer, and you’re done.

This example shows how far you can go by exposing the window’s methods via the bridge. In most cases, it would have been better to encapsulate the exposed methods in the bridge object.


For more details on AIR security, see the “Adobe AIR Security” white paper at

Creating JavaScript Functions from ActionScript


You need to define JavaScript functions and properties that ActionScript can then access.


Use the loadString method of the HTMLLoader class to load HTML code passed in as a simple string. Create a complex HTML code snippet that also includes JavaScript using only the ActionScript language.


By passing an HTML string to the loadString method, you can load HTML content. The syntax of the method is as follows:

public function loadString(htmlContent:String):void

where the htmlContent parameter is the HTML string that will be loaded in the HTMLLoader class.

Using this technique, you can assign a whole HTML page with JavaScript code to the loadString method.


When you call the loadString method, any pending load operation initiated with this method or with the load method is canceled. This means that the complete event for the previous load operation will never be delivered.


The following example creates HTML content directly in an ActionScript class. The htmlToLoad property, typed as XML, is set with HTML content, which loads a text message into a div:

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.html.HTMLLoader;

    public class CreateJSfromAS extends Sprite

        private var _html:HTMLLoader;
        private var htmlToLoad:XML = new XML();

        public function CreateJSfromAS()
            this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

            _html = new HTMLLoader();

            _html.width = stage.stageWidth;
            _html.height = stage.stageHeight;


            _html.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);

            this.addChild( _html );


        private function onComplete (e:Event):void
            // The window.document object includes the contentData element
            // that we access using the getElementById method.
            // It returns the text into the contentData div



        private function loadHTMLcontent( ):void

            // Define the HTML string to pass to the
            // loadString() method of the _html istance

            _htmlToLoad = <![CDATA[
            <html xmlns="">

            <title>Solution 15.X: Creating a JavaScript function from 

            <script type="text/javascript">

            function showMessage(message)
            document.getElementById("contentData").innerHTML = message;


            <body onload=" showMessage ('This is a JavaScript function created 
                within an ActionScript class')">


            <div id="contentData" style="overflow:auto; width:100%; height:100%"> 




            </html> ]]>;

            // Loads the htmlToLoad string within the
            // HTMLLoader class



The long HTML string contained in the htmlToLoad property is assigned to the loadString method. The onComplete event handler provides access to the resultDiv element through ActionScript, specifically with the getElementById method specified in the HTML string:

private function onComplete (e:Event):void
    // The window.document object includes the contentData element
    // that we access using the getElementById method.
    // It returns the text into the contentData div



Only after the page has been completely loaded, when the HTMLLoader object dispatches the complete event, can you access the HTML DOM through the ActionScript code.

Scrolling HTML Content in ActionScript


You need to create a window with scrolling HTML content or simply want to scroll HTML content.


Scroll HTML content by setting the scrollBarsVisible parameter of the HTMLLoader createRootWindow method to true.


By default, the HTMLLoader class does not provide scroll bars for the HTML content it displays. By specifying a parameter in the createRootWindow method, however, you can force the HTMLLoader window to use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

The static createRootWindow method of the HTMLLoader class has the following syntax:

createRootWindow(visible:Boolean = true, windowInitOptions:NativeWindowInitOptions 
= null, scrollBarsVisible:Boolean = true, bounds:Rectangle = null):HTMLLoader

This method lets you create a new NativeWindow object that contains an HTMLLoader object for which a URL can be specified to be loaded. The third parameter of this method, scrollBarsVisible, enables you to specify whether the window with HTML content uses scroll bars. To turn on scroll bars, set scrollBarsVisible to true, as shown here:

var _initOptions = new air.NativeWindowInitOptions();
var _bounds = new air.Rectangle(50, 50, 320, 240);

var html = air.HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(false, _initOptions, true, _bounds);

var urlReq = new air.URLRequest( " " );
html.load( urlReq );


The HTMLLoader class has the following properties to control the scrolling of the HTML content:

  • contentHeight: Specifies the height of the HTML content

  • contentWidth: Specifies the width of the HTML content

  • scrollH: Represents the horizontal scroll position of the HTML content

  • scrollV: Represents the vertical scroll position of the HTML content

To check the scrolling of the HTML content, you use the properties contentHeight, contentWidth, scrollH, and scrollV.

The following example creates an event handler on the htmlBoundsChange event, which is triggered every time the contentHeight or contentWidth property changes. This event handler always places the vertical scroll of the HTML content in the top position:

var html:HTMLLoader = new HTMLLoader();
html.width = 640;
html.height = 480;
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");

html.addEventListener(Event.HTML_BOUNDS_CHANGE, onContentChange);


private function onContentChange(event:Event):void
    // Scroll to the top
    html.scrollV = 1;

Using ActionScript Libraries Within an HTML Page


You need to import and use an ActionScript library within an HTML page.


Use the HTML script tag to import and use ActionScript classes within an HTML page. To ensure the ActionScript class is imported properly, specify the script tag’s type attribute as type="application/x-shockwave-flash".


AIR can import ActionScript classes in a compiled SWF file within an HTML page.

To import an ActionScript library in an HTML page, you must first compile the library as a SWF file with the acompc compiler.

The acompc tool is a command-line compiler included in the AIR SDK ( It is launched by a terminal window and requires the classes to be specified within the code base to include the library or component and, if necessary, a configuration file.

In this example, you will be working with a simple ActionScript class that has one public property. You will learn how to access that public property from within JavaScript. Here is the class you will be working with:

package com.oreilly.aircookbook.ch5 {
    public class CreateJSfromAS

        public var resultValue:String = "A Variable from ActionScript";
        public function CreateJSfromAS(){


The configuration file is a simple XML-based file that contains the information regarding the classes to include in the compiled file and their packages.

The following code is an example of a configuration:


It is even possible to specify more than one ActionScript class in the include-classes node by declaring more than one class node:


This file is assigned to the command-line compiler by using the load-config attribute and by specifying the name and the folder in which the compiled file will be placed. For example, in the following command line, the compiler loads the configuration file air-config.xml and creates the asLib.swf file in the lib folder:

acompc -load-config air-config.xml -output lib/asLib.swf

After you create the ActionScript library, you can import it into the HTML page and therefore use it in your JavaScript code. The example of HTML page that follows imports the class with the script tag and creates an instance upon the onload event. In addition, it takes the value of the resultValue public variable from the ActionScript class and populates the innerHTML property of the result div:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>5.9 Using ActionScript libraries within an HTML page</title>

<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRAliases.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="frameworks/AIRIntrospector.js"</script>

<script src="lib/asLib.swc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    var libIstance = null;

    function loadASClass()
        var libIstance = new;
        var result = document.getElementById('result'),
        result.innerHTML = libInstance.resultValue;



<body onload="loadASClass()">

    <div id="result"> </div>


To import the library properly, be sure to set the type attribute of the script tag to application/x-shockwave-flash:

<script src="lib/asLib.swc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></script>

To access the imported library (asLib.swc), you have to create a reference through the runtime property of the JavaScript window object (including the package name for which the classes are organized), as shown below. Since you have created the reference to the ActionScript class, you can then access its public methods and properties:

function loadASClass()
    var libIstance = new;
    var result = document.getElementById('result'),
    result.innerHTML = libInstance.resultValue;
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