Aarseth, Espen, 274n23

advertising (and ad revenue), 10, 116–19. See also under home studio broadcasters; Twitch

Aereo, 266n35

affect theory, 86, 267n11

Ahmed, Sara, 89, 269n24

Albrecht, Matt, 232–33

Alejandre, Christina, 205, 4, 25, 38, 60, 119, 120, 142, 179, 225, 253; Mechanical Turk program, 125

Andrejevic, Mark, 190

AnneMunition, 91–92, 107–8, 109–10, 113–14

AnyKey Organization, 16, 172, 252, 264n19

Aoki, Steve, 64, 125

API (application programming interface), 60, 130, 179

arcades, 4, 37, 145, 271n8

Arledge, Roone, 152, 169, 208

Astromoff, Kathy, 60–61

audiences. See networked audience; spectatorship

AutoMod, 224–26

avatars, 103, 229

Azubu, 212–16, 273n45

Bain, John “Total Biscuit,” 270n37

BAMTech, 177, 216

Banks, John, 243

Baranowsky, Danny, 249

Baym, Nancy, 89–90, 133, 135, 189

Bell, Art, 270n5

Bertino, Phil “inFeZa,” 165

Blackmon, Samantha, 108–9

Blizzard, 3, 177, 180–81, 199–200, 206–7, 209

BlizzCon, 178, 180–81

Bollier, David, 246

Bornstein, Steve, 206–7

“boundary objects,” 15

Bowker, Geoffrey, 15

Bratich, Jack, 46

Breslau, Rod “Slasher,” 180

British Premier League, 56

Brock, Tom, 260–61

Bruns, Axel, 33, 55

Burgess, Jean, 33–34, 245, 258, 265n9, 274n24

Burks, Mike, 139

Burroughs, Benjamin, 55–56

Caillois, Roger, 260–61

Call of Duty, 201–2, 206, 210

cam culture, 29–32, 53; “cam girls,” 31; “social cam” websites, 3

Campbell, Colin, 172

Cassell, Thomas “Syndicate,” 129, 270n41

Chaloner, Paul “Redeye,” 139, 148–49, 166–67

Chamberlain, David, 267n3

Championship Gaming Series (CGS), 139–40

Champions League, 209

Champlin, Alexander, 222

chat windows, 1, 6, 15, 42–44, 67–68, 75, 81, 88–90, 141, 144, 266n24; bots and, 223; “crowdspeak” in, 42; in esports, 171–75; moderators and, 219–20

Citron, Danielle, 171

Cohen, Julie, 239

ComicCon, 137–39

community management, 20, 21, 62, 69, 94, 115, 173–75, 218–27

Conti, Olivia, 246

Coombs, Rosemary, 246

cosplay, 6, 48, 64, 137, 217, 231

Counter-Strike Go (CSGO), 128–29, 170, 180, 205, 206, 210–11

Critical Role, 255

Crittenden, Spencer, 254–55

CU-SeeMe, 29–31

Dave, Paresh, 200

Dayal, Geeta, 249

deathlyiam, 202

DDOS (distributed denial of service), 21, 156, 162, 218, 226

Demers, Matt, 183–84, 272n25

Dibbell, Julian, 264n10

DiGiovanni, Sundance, 180

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 56–57, 212–15, 237, 247–48

DirectTV, 139, 180

Discord, 95, 104, 111–12, 132, 204, 220

DistractedElf, 107, 110

diversity, 105–13, 172, 175, 234, 149

Domise, Andray, 109

Dota 2, 170, 181, 182, 184, 192, 206

Dovey, Jon, 151

DreamHack, 3, 148, 149, 172–73, 203, 204–5, 271n15

du Gay, Paul, 51

Dungeons and Dragons, 217

ELEAGUE, 4, 160, 205–6, 257

Electronic Arts, 128

Ellis, Stephen “Snoopeh,” 206

Ellohime, 74, 86–87, 130

emoticons, 1, 9, 42, 43, 73, 94, 112–13, 181, 223, 269nn23–24

engineering, 59–63

ESL (Electronic Sports League), 3, 17, 137, 200–201, 203–5, 273n45

ESPN, 56, 257

esports, 1, 3, 14, 132, 136–211; audiences (and markets) for, 140–43, 145, 167–69, 175, 185–99; in China, 266n28; DIY roots of, 145–57; economics of, 154–57, 167, 185; gambling on, 129; growth of, 138–42; history (waves) of, 4, 136–37; industry competition in, 199–207; licensing and rights in, 208–10; live streaming impact on, 16–17, 20–21, 46–47, 82, 140–42, 199–200; as media events, 2, 137, 157–58; moderators in, 172–73; oversaturation and churn in, 210–11; production techniques of, 146–52; revenue generation in, 175–85; technological advances in, 158–63; television and, 20, 138–44, 208; Twitch and, 64, 125, 141, 179, 181, 201–2, 206, 207. See also tournament broadcasting; women in game culture

esports broadcasters, 68–69, 71, 75, 82–84; audience relationships of, 92–93, 99; branding of, 83; expertise of, 82; motivations of, 99; performative aspects of, 86, 88, 99; public/private balance of, 103; technicity of, 151

Facebook, 3, 13, 16, 20, 46, 53, 64, 69, 206–7, 271n16

Fairfield, Joshua, 248, 274n25

fanwork, 240–41

fighting game broadcasts, 49, 50, 147, 153, 184

Filewich, Carling “Toastthebadger,” 173

Ford, Colin, et al., 42

FTC guidelines, 127–28

Full Sail, 180

gambling streams, 127–30

game cafes, 268n19

game consoles, 4, 37, 59, 198; PlayStation 4, 4, 26, 71

game culture, cultural significance of, 10–14, 38

game live streaming: beginnings and growth of, 1–4, 6, 10, 23–65; benefits of, 4, 6, 21; definition of, 27–28; future of, 22; heterogeneity of, 15; marketing uses of, 9, 21; motivations for watching, 39–42, 265n22. See also esports; home studio broadcasters

Game of Thrones, 142

GamerGate, 233–34, 236, 270n37

Garazzo, Heather “sapphiRe,” 165

Garfield, Alex, 64

Giddings, Seth, 250

Gill, Keaton “Chakki,” 172

Gillespie, Tarleton, 58, 63, 124, 217, 263n4, 263n6

Global eSports Management, 205

Good Game Agency, 64

Google, 202, 249

GotFrag, 149

Graham, Marcus “djWHEAT,” 139, 149–50, 271n12

Graham, Paul, 53, 58

Gray, Kishonna, 105, 110

Green, Joshua, 33–34, 258, 265n9

Gregg, Melissa, 133, 134–35, 267n11

Haag, Matthew “NaDeSHoT,” 201–2

harassment, 20, 21, 72, 103–4, 105, 110–11, 114–15, 171–74, 221–23, 236; DDOSing, 226; “e-stalking,” 214; swatting, 103, 222. See also trolls

Harding, James “2GD,” 184

HarmonQuest, 254–55

Harris, Josh, 32

Harry, Drew, 42

Hearthstone, 172–73

HBO, 25, 26, 123, 142

Hillis, Ken, 30, 31

Hills, Matt, 36

home studio broadcasters, 66–135; ads and, 68, 79, 117–19, 122; audience relationships of, 88–95, 120; “crowd work” by, 81, 267n7; economics of, 67–68, 72, 79, 90, 95–97, 115–35, 244; emotional demands on, 84–86; entertainment and performative aspects of, 80–84, 86–88, 98, 120, 243–44; moderators and, 68, 93, 94–95, 112, 113, 115; motivations of, 69–70, 91, 134; production demands on, 72–80, 100, 115; promotional power of, 126–27; public/private balance of, 99–104; safety concerns of, 103–4; viewer expectations and stereotypes of, 105–15

House of Cards, 25

HUDs (heads-up displays), 160–61

Hughes, Linda, 261

Hulu, 25

Humphreys, Sal, 243

Hwang, Tim, 118

Intel Extreme Masters, 159, 165, 178, 181, 192

intellectual property and ownership issues, 10, 11, 19, 22, 55, 58, 208, 237–39, 245–48, 250–51; fair use policy, 237, 239–42, 247, 274n15; SpectateFaker case and, 213–16. See also Digital Millennium Copyright Act

IRL (in real life) broadcasting, 6, 22; Twitch and, 64–65

IRC (Internet Relay Chat), 1, 42

Ismail, Rami, 9

Iwuanyanwu, Chinemere “Chinny,” 111, 113, 114

Jarrett, Kyle, 46

Jefferson, Mychal, 112–13, 269n23

Jenkins, Henry, 33, 47–48, 259

Jhally, Sut, 45

Johnson, Mark, 135, 3, 6, 53–58, 61, 64, 157, 265n14, 266n37

Kaceytron, 268n22

Kamdar, Adi, 118

Kan, Justin, 53–54, 59

Kane, Mary Jo, 195

Karbum, Philipp “Moldran,” 264n21

Kennedy, Helen, 151

Kjellberg, Felix “PewDiePie,” 127

Koebel, Adam, 85, 110, 254–55

Kraft, Robert, 209

Kreiss, Daniel, et al., 260

labor in digital economy, 34–36, 46–47, 115–16, 133–35, 260; in esports, 163–67

Laksh, Russell “Horror,” 228–29

Langenscheidt, Leonard, 208–9

LAN parties, 145, 171, 204, 271n15

League of Legends, 21, 167, 168, 177, 181, 187, 192, 200, 210–11, 212, 215, 234, 268n22

leisure, 11–12, 37, 186, 191–92, 193–94; “serious,” 16, 154, 241, 261

Lembo, Ron, 2

Leslie, Callum, 128–29, 204, 235

Lessig, Lawrence, 264n10

Levine, Craig, 139

Lin, Kevin, 116–17

Livant, Bill, 45

“liveness” (simultaneity), appeal of, 24, 105, 144, 264n2, 270n5

Lo, Claudia, 219, 224

Lotz, Amanda, 26–27, 188, 190, 266n26

Lowood, Henry, 147, 150

MacCallum-Stewart, Esther, 35–36

Machinima, 35, 128, 131, 147

“mafia” (game), 263n7

Magic: The Gathering, 6

Major League Baseball (MLB), 25, 55, 56, 177

Major League Gaming (MLG), 3, 177, 180, 200–203, 206

Maker Studios, 131

Martin, Steve, 268n12

Martin, Trevor “TmarTn,” 129

Marwick, Alice, 39

Mathewson, Jordan “Kootra,” 222

McDaniel, J. P., 87–88, 93–94, 267n9

media piracy, 55–57, 228

Merrill, Mark “Tryndramere,” 213–16

Miller, Terrance “TerranceM,” 172

Miller, Toby, 186, 188, 256–57

Minecraft, 192

Mitchell, Ferguson, 184, 232

Moblord, 269n32

moderators, 172–73, 219–21, 228, 271n22; nonhuman, 223–26, 272n22

Modern Times Group (MTG), 201, 204–5

Morley, David, 39

Mulligan, Jessica, 174

multichannel network (MCN) structures, 35, 130–32, 227, 270n42

multiplayer gaming, 4, 11, 12, 37–38

Munroe, Randall, 44

Murphy, Sheila, 24, 28–29

Myerscough, Kaelan Clare, 268n14

Mykles, Christopher “MonteCristo,” 167, 205

NASA, 29

NBA2K, 275n1

Neff, Gina, 133–34

Netflix, 25, 38, 64, 142, 191

networked audience, 38–48; commodification of, 46–47

networked broadcasting, 4, 10, 22, 23–65

Newbury, Elizabeth, 170, 271n20

Newman, James, 38

NFL (National Football League), 55, 139, 160, 197

NGE (formerly Hitbox), 64

Nissenbaum, Helen, 104

Nixon, Sarah, 114–15

Nixon, Sean, 51

Nuclear Throne, 9

Nygård, Kristian, 84–85

Obama, Michelle, 248–49

on-demand modes, 142

OnGameNet, 167

Online Performers Group, 132

Orange Is the New Black, 25

Organization for Transformative Works, 240

Overwatch, 177, 181, 187, 209

ownership. See intellectual property and ownership issues

Papert, Seymour, 145

Parks, Lisa, 26

“participatory culture,” 33, 45, 258–60, 265n9

Partin, William, 184

“payola” scandals, 127–29, 270n37

pay-per-view (PPV), 57, 176, 180–81

PAX expos, 48–52, 124, 198, 252–54

peer-to-peer networks, 55–56

PGL, 3

Penny Arcade Expo, 17

platforms, defined, 263n4

PlayStation 4, 4, 26, 71

Pokémon, 43–44; Pokemon Go, 192. See also Twitch Plays Pokémon

pornography, 152, 228, 229, 232, 265n12, 265n17

Postigo, Hector, 36, 253

Professional Gamers League, 182

Proletariat Inc., 9, 32, 265n16

Quinn, Zoë, 233

radio, 265n6, 270n5

Radio ITG, 149

Rea, Jared, 228

Reddit, 16, 71, 216

ReedPOP, 49

regulatory and policy issues, 19, 21–22, 55–57, 212–51; automated enforcement of, 247–50; “vernacular law,” 245–47. See also intellectual property and ownership issues

Reichert, Ralf, 204

Rice, Andrew, 54

Riot Games, 3, 167, 177, 200, 209, 213, 215–16

Rizzo, John, 61

Robida, Albert, 23–24

Rodriguez, Carlos “ocelote,” 205

Romine, Morgan, 172

Ross, Bob, 63

Rugg, Adam, 55–56

SaltyTeemo, 216

Sang-hyeok, Lee “Faker,” 212–16

Sarkeesian, Anita, 233

Sattler, Michael, 29–30

Saturday Night Live, 2

Saw, Stuart “Tosspot,” 149

Schmidt, Trevor “gfmidway,” 149

SDKs (software development kits), 59, 60

Second Life, 11, 229–30

Seibel, Michael, 53, 56

Seigworth, Greg, 267n11

Sell, Jesse, 169

Senft, Theresa, 31–32, 265n14

Sepso, Mike, 206

sexism and racism. See harassment

Shear, Emmett, 53, 54, 58

Sherr, Ian, 128

Shimpach, Shawn, 46

SHOUTcast, 148, 151

Silbey, Jessica, 245

Silver, Adam, 258

“skins,” 128–29, 181

SK Telecom T1, 212, 214–15

Skype, 16, 29, 66, 68, 95, 104, 204, 220, 226, 271n16

Slack, 95, 204, 220

Smite, 48

Smith, Scott “SirScoots,” 149

“social justice warriors,” 233–34, 268n21

social media, 12, 20, 25, 34, 43, 58, 69, 84–85; celebrity and, 39, 89

social networking, 12, 16, 28, 32

software transformation, 237, 241

Sørenson, Henrik Aasted, 117

South Korean gaming, 138–39, 153, 167, 178, 270n7; Korean Esports Association, 212. See also SK Telecom T1

Spawn on Me, 109

SpectateFaker case, 212–17, 238

spectatorship, 1–2, 6, 19, 20, 37–38, 45, 54–55, 158, 167. See also networked audience

Star, Susan Leigh, 15

StarCraft, 1, 150, 160, 180, 210–11, 265n22

StarLordLucian, 212–16

Steam, 9, 69, 78, 111, 115, 128

Stebbins, Robert, 261

Sterne, Jonathan, 46

Stevens, Phillips, 261

Stickam, 55, 156

StreamLabs, 120

Streamline, 9

stream sniping, 84, 267n10

Stream Tip, 122

Szablewicz, Marcella, 266n28

“table-top” role-playing games, 6, 254–55

Taylor, Nick, 46

Team Liquid, 116

Team Sportscast Network, 149

television, 2–3, 23–29, 38, 105, 231, 256–57, 263n2; advertising on, 269n27; children’s shows, 27; esports and, 20, 138–44, 208; interactive programs, 27; reality TV, 26, 27, 32, 53; rights and regulations relating to, 55–56; 21st-century changes to, 142, 144

Terranova, Tizania, 34

text-based games, 12

Title IX, 193–94

tournament broadcasting, 1, 3–4, 16, 17, 20–21, 47, 48, 64, 69, 82–83, 95, 123, 133, 137–38, 140–42, 157–58, 192; scale of, 181; structure of, 169–71

transformative work of play, 22, 28, 239–47, 250–51, 259, 261

trolls, 112, 113, 229, 269n22; “Forsen Army,” 235–36

Tumblr, 54, 91

Turkle, Sherry, 145

Turner, Graeme, 258, 264n3, 275n3

Turner Broadcasting System, 4, 205–6

Turney, Meg, 232, 233

Turtle Entertainment, 18, 137–38, 203–4

Tushnet, Rebecca, 238

Twin Galaxies, 146

Twitch: adult content policy of, 228, 229–31, 232; advertising and, 116–20, 123; Affiliates Program, 3, 63, 79, 116, 269n34; Amazon purchase of, 4, 60, 64, 225, 253, 256, 263n6; audience interaction (and chat) on, 20, 42–43, 46, 69, 223–24, 227–29, 254–56; Bits system of, 79, 123, 183–84, 256; “black Twitch,” 109; bots on, 223–24; communities on, 112; content and services of, 4, 6, 9, 26, 28, 63–65, 78–79, 123–25, 131, 224, 228, 231; convention presence of, 48–52, 252–55; dress code on, 231–36, 273n12; esports and, 64, 125, 141, 179, 181, 201–2, 206, 207; financial aspects of, 116, 122–23, 125, 256; front page of, 63, 67, 112, 124, 125; future of, 256–58; and licensing and legal issues, 212, 236–37, 246–48, 249–50; media coverage of, 65; motto of, 124; origin and development of, 3, 14, 51, 53–65, 157; Partner Program, 3, 63, 79, 116, 124, 267n4; /r/Twitch subreddit, 71, 78, 96, 234; SureStream system, 118, 269n29; user relationships and input to, 60–62, 123–25, 134, 256; viewership statistics for, 3, 5, 64

TwitchCon, 17, 65, 219, 246

Twitch Plays Pokémon (TPP), 43–44, 61, 120, 217

Twitter, 2, 13, 16, 20, 46, 54, 69, 112, 115, 174, 216

UGC (user-generated content), 10, 12–13, 22, 26, 32–37, 53, 257; regulations and, 57–59, 246

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), 55, 56–57

Ultra Music Festival, 64

Uricchio, William, 23–24

Ustream, 3, 55, 56, 156, 249

Vacas, Ben “Braindeadly,” 131

Valve Corporation, 3, 128–30, 182–83, 184, 205. See also Steam

variety streamers, 3, 6, 14, 35, 47, 68–69, 82, 133. See also home studio broadcasters

Vee, Ryoga, 114, 268n21

“vernacular creativity,” 33–34

video on demand (VOD), 4, 36, 107, 141

viewbots, 273n5

Vlambeer, 263n8

Vogt, Michael, 53

Walker, Austin, 51, 81, 267n8

Weber, Max, 260, 261

We Live in Public (documentary), 32

Westen, Burns, 246

Westworld, 26

White, Michelle, 221

white label products, 177–78

William Morris Endeavor–International Management Group, 205, 273n42

Winamp, 146

Wirman, Hanna, 243

Witkowski, Emma, 114, 271n15

women in game culture, 114, 172, 175, 186–87, 196–98, 232–35, 268n22; “grills” as a term for, 232, 236; historical background to, 193–96, 198; surveys and 191, 192–93. See also harassment

Woodcock, Jamie, 135, 247

World Cyber Games, 157, 181

World of Warcraft, 11, 192, 268n16

World Series of Video Games, 157

Wyatt, Ryan “Fwiz,” 202

Xbox One, 4, 128

xkcd (webcomic), 44

Yang, Robert, 230

Yogscast, 35–36

YouTube, 3, 4, 6, 20, 22, 26, 33–35, 40, 53, 56, 64, 69, 115, 124, 127–28, 132–33, 242, 248–49, 253, 270n42; comments field on, 43; ContentID system of, 248; esports and, 147; MCNs and, 35, 130–31; monetization of, 35–36, 124, 129; participation gap with, 259; viewership figures for, 33; YouTube Gaming, 202

Zuckerman, Ethan, 269n31

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