Accepting or Rejecting Changes

When you and your colleagues have made your changes to a workbook, you can go through the workbook and accept or reject those changes. The best way to accept or reject changes is to move through them one at a time. Although examining each change in a large document can be tedious, it’s far less of a hassle to take an hour to finalize a workbook than it is to spend a day reconstructing a workbook after you accidentally accepted every change. If you want to keep track of every change, you can have Excel create a new worksheet named History and list every change made since you last saved. Whenever you save your workbook, Excel will delete the History worksheet.

View a Change

  • Hover over a cell with a blue triangle in the upper left corner.

    View a Change

Review Changes

  1. Click the Review tab.

  2. Click Track Changes.

  3. Click Accept/Reject Changes and then click OK to save your workbook.

  4. Select the Who check box.

  5. Click the Who down arrow.

  6. Click Everyone.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Do any of the following:

    • Click Accept to accept the current change.

    • Click Reject to reject the current change.

    • Click Accept All to accept all the changes.

    • Click Reject All to reject all the changes.

    • Click Close to stop reviewing changes.

    Review Changes
    Review Changes
    Review Changes

Create a Change History

  1. Click the Review tab.

  2. Click Track Changes.

  3. Click Highlight Changes.

  4. Select the Track Changes While Editing check box.

  5. Select the Who check box.

  6. Click the Who down arrow.

  7. Click Everyone.

  8. Select the List Changes On A New Sheet check box.

  9. Click OK.

    Create a Change History
    Create a Change History



    You should consider making a backup copy of your workbook before accepting any changes. Having a record of what changes were made in case something goes wrong is never a bad idea.



    If you want to review only those changes made after a specific date, click the When down arrow in the Highlight Changes dialog box, click Since Date, and type the date in the When box.

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