Channel conversion solutions
This appendix describes the possibilities of conversion from FICON channel connectivity to ESCON or connectivity to Bus and Tag (B/T) devices (parallel channel). An ESCON channel feature is not supported on any marketable IBM mainframes.
This appendix includes the following sections:
Conversion solutions
The following are the available solutions for channel conversion.
FICON to ESCON conversion
Prizm Protocol Convert from Optica Technologies Inc. provides a FICON-to-ESCON conversion function that has been qualified for use with IBM Z. To view qualification letters, see the IBM Z I/O Connectivity web page:
Select the Products tab, then FICON / FCP Connectivity. Scroll down to the “other supported devices” area on the web page.
The Optica Prizm converter can be implemented in point-to-point, switched, and cascaded FICON configurations as shown in Figure D-1.
Figure D-1 Optica Prizm possible configurations
FICON to Bus and Tag conversion
Also, for IBM Z platforms that still require connectivity to B/T devices, a combination of two Optica converters can be used: The Optica Prizm to convert FICON to ESCON and the Optica ESBT to convert ESCON to B/T that is operating for devices in block mode only, as shown in the Figure D-2.
Figure D-2 z13, zEC12, and zBC12 connections to ESCON and B/T devices
For more information about Prizm Protocol Convert, see the Optica website:
Note: IBM cannot confirm the accuracy of compatibility, performance, or any other claims by vendors for products that have not been qualified for use with IBM Z. Address questions regarding these capabilities and device support to the suppliers of those products.
IBM Facilities Cabling Services ESCON-to-FICON migration services can help you take advantage of high-speed FICON to support an upgraded IBM Z environment. Also, it is possible to keep using ESCON-attached devices to reduce migration costs.
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