Lengthen the back of your
neck to keep your chin in
line with your chest
Resuming the demands of your life as a woman, particularly
if you are planning to return to work, and balancing them with
mothering your growing baby require new skills in alternating
activity and rest. Draw the strength you need to face unexpected
challenges from reserves of deep relaxation. A few minutes of
deep rest are the best substitute for missed sleep while your
baby still wakes at night, and the unconditional love of mothers
for their babies can best flourish through constant resourcing
in the silence and stillness of relaxation.
A regular practice of simple
relaxation helps you to:
Dissolve stress as it arises every day
and so avoid any buildup of
tension and fatigue.
Relax and let go, creating space for
quality time with loved ones.
Take your time to heal a difficult birth
experience or trauma, forgiving
yourself and all involved.
Lie comfortably on your back on the floor, or on a firm bed, so that your
whole spine is aligned. Use cushions if needed under your head and knees.
Rest your baby on her tummy across your abdomen, then relax your arms
and hands loosely at your sides and close your eyes. As you exhale, press
your back gently down, feeling totally supported. Open your eyes again,
retaining this feeling, then close your eyes and relax. Exploring the
threshold between alertness and full relaxation helps you access deep
rest whenever you need it. With practice, turn your palms up to achieve
a softer and deeper relaxation.
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Establish a silent
communication with your
baby without holding her
A cushion under your knees helps your back
remain flat while your legs are outstretched
Times of quietly celebrating your baby’s presence are
precious to nurture and strengthen your bond with
your baby. If possible, involve your partner or whoever
you wish to include in this meditation. Sit cross-legged
with your baby in your lap and with the backs of your
hands resting on your knees. Sit your partner close
behind you with their legs apart so that they can hold
your baby’s hands. Relax in the stillness, breathing
quietly, and experience the quality of rest that results.
Use this joint relaxation often
to let go of unwanted emotions
and nurture a loving bond with
your baby. Lie on your back with
your knees bent and your baby
supported by your thighs. Relax
and let go of physical and mental
tension while still being fully
aware of your baby.
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