
In my work as an artist, I encounter many beginners interested in painting flowers in watercolor. I began to ponder what would be the easiest way to sketch and color flower drawings. I wanted to simplify the complex sketching process by developing simple methods for drawing and painting beautiful flowers, even for someone with basic coloring skills. This book guides you through creating your favorite flowers, from sketching to watercolor painting, illustrating the entire process in a simplified way.

These three tips are for beginners who are starting to learn how to draw.



As you learn how to draw, you may, understandably, become too focused on creating a magnificent art piece. But no one starts out as a skilled artist. If you can enjoy the process of drawing rather than the result, you will build techniques, and naturally, your skills will improve. There are many ways to enjoy a drawing practice, such as searching for and purchasing materials and tools, observing flowers and plants that you want to draw, or taking a picture of a beautiful flower in the park or on the street. You can prepare a cup of tea or play your favorite song while setting the tools on the table, and you can practice the fundamentals of sketching or coloring, wash the brush and palette after spending the day painting, hang out with friends to draw outdoors, or give your painting as a present. All these experiences are part of the drawing process. So, relax and enjoy your time drawing.


Many types of flowers are around us, both simple and complex. I recommend beginners start drawing and painting simple flowers or large tropical leaves. Flowers with few petals and orderly arrangements that are distinguishable from afar are easier to draw. If you begin with a complex flower without an understanding of the flower’s basic shapes, your time spent sketching will take much longer, causing you to feel discouraged. Beginning with simple flowers will help boost your confidence and skills.


Generally, people only learn to color with watercolors when they’re studying watercolor painting. But I recommend you also learn how to sketch as much as possible. I receive a lot of messages from my Instagram followers, and a hefty portion are from those who are at an intermediate level. They say that even though using watercolor was easy because they practiced using a coloring book, they could not color anything else but the designs in the books. Thus, they ended up losing interest in painting. These intermediate-level artists say their interest in painting returned after following my three-step sketching method because they could choose any flowers to work on and create their own sketches. If you study watercolor after learning how to sketch, painting becomes more interesting, and it also helps improve your skills.

The process of drawing and painting gives you as much joy as the artwork itself. Learning and improving your skills one by one with the help of this book will hopefully give you a sense of self-satisfaction and joy. My wish is that this book will aid you in your drawing and painting journey and widen your path.

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