Chapter 5. Step Two—Choosing Your Program Model

Chapter Summary

Once you have your plan, the next step is to choose your program model. Affiliate program models come in many shapes and sizes. The more your program matches what’s being offered on your affiliate sites, the more successful it will be.

You can affiliate with Web sites in two ways. First, by placing offers on your affiliates’ sites that link back to your company servers where the sale is made, and second, via hybrid affiliate models. These models consist of Banner or Text Links, Storefronts, Pop-Ups, Imbedded Commerce, E-mail, and Two-Tier Programs. The most important objective of your program, of course, is to get customers to buy. That’s why the creatives you use for your banners and links should be designed for that purpose and that purpose only. Putting in the time and effort to design good creatives will pay off handsomely in sales.

Finally, product endorsements from affiliates are one of the best ways to help sell your product to their site visitors. By providing pre-written marketing copy to your affiliates that they can place into electronic communications with their site visitors, you can both help your affiliate increase its revenue and add to your sales.

Affiliate programs come in all shapes and sizes. If someone has thought of a product or service to sell on the Net, it’s a good bet that there’s an affiliate program for it. And if you have a product or service that’s selling on the Net, you too can sell it through an affiliate program.

In fact, selling it through your own affiliate program will help make it even more successful. Developing an affiliate program that creates a collaborative commerce network is one of the most powerful ways today to market online. Here’s another advantage: A successfully developed and managed network of affiliate partner sites can make even the smallest business or an unfamiliar product on the Net competitive with other e-commerce offers. A network of partners extends your product’s reach, increases your product’s visibility, and produces additional revenue for your business.

Once you’ve decided on a plan and understand what you are looking for in a program, the next step is to choose a program model.

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