JavaScript, PHP, and Ajax Websites

Although you’ve learned a lot about JavaScript, PHP, and Ajax, there’s still a lot to know. If you’d like to move on to advanced features of JavaScript or learn more, the resources listed in this appendix will be helpful.

JavaScript Websites

The following websites will help you learn more about JavaScript:

image The JavaScript Workshop is a weblog about JavaScript written by Michael Moncur, the author of this book. There you’ll find updates on the JavaScript language and the DOM, as well as detailed tutorials on beginning and advanced tasks.

image The DOM Scripting Task Force, part of the Web Standards Project, works toward better use of standards in scripting, and has an informative weblog with the latest on JavaScript and DOM standards.

image The Mozilla Project’s JavaScript section has information on the latest updates to the JavaScript language, as well as documentation, links to resources, and information about JavaScript implementations.

PHP Websites

The following sites are invaluable for PHP Developers:

image The PHP home site offers downloads, documentation, tutorials, FAQs, and much more, including user-submitted code.

image PHPBuilder is a meeting point for anybody interested in PHP, and includes a Code Library, Community pages, PHP news, and much more.

image Planet PHP maintains a list of many important PHP-related blogs. Here you can find news, views, and opinions from influential people in the world of PHP.

Web Development Sites

The following sites have news and information about web technologies, including JavaScript, XML, and the DOM, as well as basic HTML:

image The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is the definitive source for information about the HTML and CSS standards.

image has information and articles about web technologies ranging from Java to plug-ins.

image Digital Web Magazine features regular online articles on everything from JavaScript and web design to running a web business.

Ajax Websites

Some useful websites dedicated to Ajax programming:

image Ajax Matters contains a wide range of in-depth articles about all aspects of Ajax.

image Ajaxian is a well respected and massive resource with news, podcasts, articles, and more about every aspect of Ajax programming.

image Crack Ajax contains tutorials, code snippets, demos, and completely worked projects, as well as a forum for Ajax programmers.

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