


1. Providing Eldercare for a Loved One

It’s Not Just About You

Your Biggest Concerns Regarding Eldercare

Managing Life Transitions

Recognizing Your Role as a Family Caregiver

Caregiver Survival Tip

2. The Caregiver’s Challenges

Changing Family Dynamics

Understanding the Legalities of Caregiving

Managing Your Loved One’s Needs

Juggling Your Own Needs with Caregiving

Understanding Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver Survival Tip

3. Easing Caregiver Concerns with Proactive Behavior

Recognizing the Early Warning Signs

Identifying Stages of Dementia

Seeing Your Loved One in Today’s Reality

Twelve Signs It’s Time for Assistance

Consulting with Health Care Professionals

Complicated Issues for Family Caregivers

Caregiver Survival Tip

4. Nurturing Your Loved One’s Mind, Body, and Spirit

The Mind: Understanding Changes in Your Loved One’s Brain

The Body: Understanding What’s Happening Physically to Your Loved One

The Spirit: Keeping Your Loved One’s Inner Light Shining

Caregiver Survival Tip

5. Considering Options for Care Needs

The First Option: Family Caregivers

The Role of a Health Care Advocate

Choosing Between Professional Home Health Care Agencies and Private Caregivers

Palliative Care Services

Hospice Services

Care Communities

Caregiver Survival Tip

6. Paying for Your Loved One’s Care

Understanding Average Costs of Care

Determining Needs and Budgeting for Costs of Care

Identifying Ways to Pay for Care

Caregiver Survival Tip

7. Having the Difficult Discussions

Bringing the Family Together

Developing a Strategy for Your Discussion

Doing Your Homework First

Having the Discussion

Caregiver Survival Tip

8. Making the Right Decision

Approaching Your Decision

Knowing When to Compromise

Deciding Who Makes the Final Decision

Caregiver Survival Tip

9. Special Considerations for Care

The Special Care Needs of a Younger Person

Traumatic Brain Injury

Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Related Dementias

Parkinson’s Disease and Similar Conditions

Feeding Tubes, Tracheotomy Tubes, and Other Medical Devices


Bed-Bound Patients

Behavioral Issues

Caregiver Survival Tip

10. Final Words of Advice After Any Change

The Transition Period

Common Mistakes Made During the Transition

Suggestions for a Successful Transition

No Guilt: You Did the Best You Could

Caregiver Survival Tip



About the Author

Free Sample Chapter from Just Listen by Mark Goulston

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