
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

ADA. See Americans with Disabilities Act

“Affirmative obligation to disclose”

AMA. See American Management Association

American Dream

American Management Association (AMA)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Apprentice, The

Attracting candidates. See also Candidate selection

basic rules for

“Big 5” social media locations for

company’s online presence in

expectations flyer in

mobile devices access in

newspaper ads in

online job boards in

recruitment brochure in

website career page video use in

Baby boomers

Bad news delivery

commitment to keep CEO informed in

in communication

“flying blind” in

logical business conclusion in

overcome CEO objections preemptively in

Beingness trumps doingness

“Big 5” social media locations

Bird, Rose


Bloomberg Business Week

Branson, Richard

Buckingham, Marcus

Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook

Business conduct statement

Business Management Daily

Candidate selection

four key attributes in

longevity in

“no room for growth” questioning strategy in

personality and chemistry match in

progression through ranks question in

qualifying layoffs in

reasons for leaving prior positions in

red flags in

technical skills and education question in


Case, John

Census Bureau, U. S.


Charity Navigator

Class action wage and hour lawsuits

“Clean final incident”

Clinton, Bill

Coffman, Curt

Communication. See also Bad news delivery

in employee engagement

give-and-take aspect of

golden rules of effective

key tenets in styles of

MBWA use in

in newly inherited employees

“perception” and “perception management” use in

in performance and conduct issues

personal level questions to ask in

“please” and “thank you” in

speak from guilt example in

in staff meetings

strong leader attributes in

in terminations

in workplace investigations

“yes . . . and” statements in

Communication challenges

ADA regarding

avoidance model of

bad hair days as

body odor as

body piercing as

control model of

deflecting model of

egregious misconduct termination as

employee separations as

layoff as

outright refusals as

positive and constructive tone in

tattoos as

termination for performance or attendance problems as

“what” and “how” of

Company property use

Internet activity as

“perception problem” example in

software licensing rules violation in

Company recognition programs, listings of

Constructive discharge claim

Corporate ethics statements

business conduct statement in

as result of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

“Corporate futurists”

Corrective action

performance review documentation in sync with

three-step process of

verbal warning word use in


discussion example of

guidelines for

headhunters on

honesty and transparency in

include other benefits in

original reasons for leaving in

Critical issues documentation

importance of

performance reviews versus written warnings in

timely discussion with employee in

workplace due process in

Customer satisfaction survey (C-SAT)

Decision-making leaves

adult learning theory in

constructive discharge claim in

as “day of contemplation”

definition of

as employee intervention strategy

final written warning example including

guilt response in

scenarios and explanations for

value of

warning about

Defamation claims

Department of Labor, U. S.

Direct sourcing

direct networking call example in

disadvantages to

indirect networking call example in

limited outreach basis of

list of competing companies in

as shoulder tapper in

tips on

“Disparate treatment” claim

Dun & Bradstreet

EAP. See Employee Assistance Program

EEOC. See Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employee disengagement

employee job satisfaction rate goal in

employee response to headhunter regarding

realistic and customized development plan for

“resignation drill” conversation for

sincere and selfless approach in addressing

“stay” interviews to avoid

Employee disputes, mediating

“feel” use in

group meeting for “how” issue in

learn “what” issue of

meeting conclusion in

separate meetings in

three rules in

Employee engagement

achievement rewarding in

basic assumption in

challenges in

“corporate futurists” creation as

demonstrate integrity in

employee commitment and dedication steps in

employee-first culture focus on

employee growth and development in

Gallup organization measuring of

general motivation rules in

getting to know employees in

healthy sense of curiosity as

HR management examples of reengaging superstar

job rotation program use in

job well done recognition as

leader responsibility in

Millennials in

motivation myths of

nature of work debate in

open-book management of

outside training workshops as

problem solving involvement of employees as

quarterly achievement calendar use in

quarterly self-performance and goal reviews for

recognition and appreciation excuses in

reengaging superstar examples in

relevant book of quarter club as

research your organization as

retention equation in

self-examination and career introspection for

selfless or servant leadership in

setting people up for success as

successful leadership practices in

team member support in

transparency and open communication culture for

trust and respect employees in

Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down (Nayar)

Employees in crisis

ADA caveat about

entitlement mentality of

extreme worker reaction in

fitness-for-duty release in

“formal” referral to EAP for

group meeting example in

one-on-one staff meetings in

paid administrative leave procedure example in

strengthen own personal relationship with

“time clock” mentality of

“Employer of choice”

company recognition programs listings of

Fortune Data Store lists in

Employment defense

chronological form of “pretaliation” in

defensive game plan for

HR as partner in

HR timing of

“preemptive strike” attorney advice in

Employment law

employment-at-will and exceptions in

“good cause” in

Great Depression in

“job as property doctrine” of

labor unions in

progressive discipline in

“summary judgment” as

Tameny vs. Atlantic Richfield Co. changing

termination-for-just-cause-only standard in

Entitlement mentalities

Entry-level workers

ethical rules of business for

performance and conduct treatment assumption of

“probationary” periods of

raise accountability of

“summary dismissal” of

three simple rules for

written notice assumption of

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

Expectations flyer, what to include on


“Failure to train” charge

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Falcone, Paul

Final written warning

example of

language in

newly inherited employees discussion regarding

in terminations

First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently (Buckingham and Coffman)

FLSA. See Fair Labor Standards Act

Forbes magazine

Fortune Data Store lists

Fortune magazine

Gallup organization

General Electric

Generation X

Generation Y


Gone with the Wind


Great Depression

Great Recession

Group turnarounds, strategic

appropriate written record in

changes in circumstances and behavior regarding

evaluate front-line leadership in

formal corrective action for problematic employee example in

letters of clarification in

negative influencers in

“professional plaintiffs” in

turnaround expert in

workplace bully resigns in

Guide Star


SOX on

in workplace investigations

HCL Technologies


Healthy work environment

annual performance review process as

career development of employees as

information sharing as

mid-year or quarterly reviews in

praise and recognize hard work in

removing obstacles in

respectful employee treatment as

“High-probability hires”

Hiring. See also Candidate selection outstanding hires as consistent norm in

right and wrong people in

self-motivated new hires in

two critical fronts in


“Hostile work environment”

successful turnaround strategies for

Human resources (HR)

book as consultant-in-a-box for

book goal in

compensation experts in

employee exit strategy example from

employee-related liability insulation by

as employment defense partner

employment offers extended by

exit strategy intervention downside in

internal equity analysis by

as knowledge resource

management examples of reengaging superstar

manager land mine avoidance help from

maximize relationship with

as model of effective leadership

as neutral third-party mediator

people issues in

performance review help in

policies contact in

productivity and loyalty and performance in

progressive discipline initiated by

salary offer help in

on selfless leaders

separation packages challenges of

termination approval by

third millennium challenges facing

workplace philanthropy of

Inc. Magazine

Intermittent rotational assignments

Internal recruiters


achievement-anchored questions for

behavior-based questions in

candidate needs focus of

candid career advice in

career coaching approach in

as exercise of value

lateral move questions in

new-hire failure reason

senior leader candidate questions in

telephone screen questions revisited in

“Interviewing facade”

Job loss

company goals and personal career needs in

daily or weekly staff meetings example in

employee change of perspective in

responsibility to subordinates in

true leadership for

typical question and response to interviewer regarding

Kennedy, John F.

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Labor unions


as alternative to progressive discipline or termination

candidate selection qualifying of

communication challenges in announcing

least qualified person in

“peer group analysis” in

position elimination in

repurposing job in

termination in disguise regarding

three steps in


beingness trumps doingness in

compassion in

employee engagement responsibility of

focus on others in

HR as model of effective

in job loss

onboarding practices expectation handout for

perspective and perception change in

selfless or servant

strength building in

strong attributes in communication of

Legal counsel

in performance and conduct issues

in terminations

Letters of clarification

as alternative to formal progressive discipline

example of

lack of “shaming” element in

note of caution about

in strategic group turnarounds


Making offer

additional week off recommendation in

finish-line negotiations in

“offer drill” questions for

salary discussion in

Management by walking around (MBWA)

“Managerial bad acts”

MBWA. See Management by walking around

Mental element qualifiers

Millennials. See also Generation Y

Model workplace

identify human capital metrics for

motivation and engagement in

people motivate themselves in

removing problematic employees in

selfless leadership in

setting high expectations in

turnover and retention statistics of

voluntary and involuntary turnover in


Morningstar Investment Research Center

“Moving party”

Multigenerational workforce

baby boomer beliefs in

cross-generational mentoring in

embrace employees differences in

generation X beliefs in

generation Y beliefs in

positive atmosphere factors for

veteran generation beliefs in

Nayar, Vineet

New employee orientation (NEO)

Newly inherited employees

annual performance appraisal of

company or departmental restructuring as cause of

differing management style in

final written warning discussion with

level of productivity and style of working determination of

over-communication in

personnel file check of

questions for prior management team of

research of situations in disciplinary and other challenges of

review résumés of

significant challenges in

OBM. See Open-book management

“Obstruction of justice”

Off-the-record conversations

over-promising confidentiality and examples in

proper response to

supervisor’s affirmative obligation to disclose and example in

Onboarding practices

connection to big picture in

create true believers in

leadership expectation handout for

mentorship in

new employee orientation

90-day one-on-one follow-up questions as

organizational values in

performance review schedule in

set expectations in

60-day one-on-one follow-up questions as

30-day one-on-one follow-up questions as

101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems: A Guide to Progressive Discipline and Termination (Falcone)

101 Tough Conversations to Have with Employees: A Manager’s Guide to Addressing Performance, Conduct, and Discipline Challenges (Falcone)

Open-book management (OBM)

Outside training workshops, tax advantages of

Paramount Pictures

Patton, George


Performance and conduct issues

“clean final incident” in

conditions and circumstances surrounding

conduct infractions and immediate dismissal in

“constructive discharge claim” lawyer argument in

directly address

employee responsibility in

exit strategy intervention example of

general expectation in

gentle approach in

intervention outcome of

issue drives outcome in

legal counsel in

manager versus employee in

negative organizational consequences in

perception breakdown in

performance infractions definition

reset expectation discussion example in

“showing your hand” warning in

sleeping example of

swift and definitive intervention for

third-party mediator in

totality of events in

workplace due process for

written record and verbal communication trail in

Performance feedback

amount of time for


general outline for

mentoring or coaching questions in


in real-time

specificity in

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Performance reviews

assigning scores and “forced ranking” in

bell-curve distribution of scores on

choices for undoing errors on

consistency and common themes in

corrective action documentation in sync with

draft of error letter in

employee self-evaluation in

grade inflation on

in healthy work environment

HR help in constructing

negative feedback example of

performance “calibration” meeting with management team in

performance management cycle in

rater definition consistency tool use for

review prior year document in

schedule in onboarding practices

in separation packages

in terminations

versus written warnings

Personnel file

Pew Research Center

“Piercing the veil”

PIP. See Performance Improvement Plan

P&L. See Profit and loss statement


company handling of similar situations in

HR contact in

practice trumps policy in

“Preemptive strike”


“Professional plaintiffs”

Profit and loss statement (P&L)

Progressive discipline

acknowledgment statement and examples in

conduct-related infractions skip steps in

consequences in closing statement of

corrective action key in documenting

definition of

documentation pattern in

employee’s exact words and responses documented in

employees needs in

in employment law

expectations documentation in

“failure to train” charge in

HR initiation of

layoff as alternative to

letters of clarification as alternative to

mental element qualifiers in

negative organizational impact documentation in

objective writing style and example for

responsibility for improvement shift in

speak with employee about

“state-of-mind offenses” avoidance in

“summary offenses” in

three-step approach of

training and supervisory direction documentation in

treating employees as adults in

vague and fluid language use for

“Pulse check”

Quarterly achievement calendar

Quid pro quo (“this for that”)

“Rank and yank” system

Rater definition consistency tool

Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature

Reagan, Ronald

“Reasonableness” standard

“Recruiter’s bait”

Recruitment brochure, typical sections of

“Reference bridging”

Reference checks

importance of

keeping notes on

“negligent hiring” theory in

performance or conduct flaw issue in

as safeguard


three steps for effective


action in reliance regarding

“discharge” transformation in

final termination date in

“moving party” in

resign in writing handling of

two weeks notice in

“Resign by mutual consent”

Return on investment (ROI)


Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)

antidiscrimination provisions in

codes of ethics as mainstay of

company property use in

confidentiality in reporting

conflict of interest in

corporate obligations and responsibilities in

“defective certification” in

employee certification form use for

ethical business issues in

examples of other potential conflicts in

flexible reporting chain in

on or off duty harassment in

supervisor and subordinate relationship reporting in

whistleblower retaliation prohibition in

“willful noncompliance” in


Separation packages

documented corrective action leverage in

HR challenges in

“negotiation” discussion for

performance review and corrective action in

“showed your hand” in

signing release in

structure of

“showing your hand”

Situational coaching

alternative courses of action example in

combined front in approaching

errant leaders in

judgment and observation in

personal liability and “managerial bad acts” reminder in

suggested script for

Social media

Southwest Airlines

SOX. See Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

“Spoliation of evidence”

Staff development

consistency in

define own management style in

delegation as strategic tool of

key to

new skills development for

rank-order staff in categories for

set employee expectations in delegating

Staff meetings

job loss daily or weekly example of

one-on-one, for employee crisis

opening lines of communication in

purpose of

steps to successful

workplace example of introducing

“State-of-mind offenses”

“Stay” interviews


decision-making leaves as employee intervention

employee exit

exit intervention downside in

“no room for growth” questioning

telephone screening

“Strict liability”

“Summary discharge” cautionary tale

“Summary dismissal”

casual drug use as

employment application falsification as

of entry level workers

timecard fraud as

“Summary judgment”

“Summary offenses”

Tameny vs. Atlantic Richfield Co.

TCC. See Total cash compensation

Telephone screening

Counteroffer Preparation question in

cover basics in

interviewing guide for

major segments of

salary history and salary expectations in

salary progression and regression in

as time-saver

twofold strategy in handling


ambiguity in

annual performance review in

both sides of story obligation in

checklist for

“clean final incident” in

as communication challenge

documented verbal warning in

document trail of

in employment law

extenuating circumstances in

final written warning in

HR approval of

HR response to documentation in

ignoring of multiple problems before

individual training and EAP offer in

lawsuit regarding

layoff as alternative to

legal counsel in

legal scrutiny of

minimal final incident in

ongoing employee communication before

personnel file contents in

“resign by mutual consent” instead of

“summary offense” in

verbal coaching and accountability in

workplace due process of

Third-party mediator

Third-party reference checks

“Third-rail” metaphor

“This for that.” See Quid pro quo

Total cash compensation (TCC)

“Toughing it out”

Trump, Donald

Turnaround expert


2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews (Falcone)

2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals (Falcone)

Union “salts”

Value Line

Verbal warning

Veteran generation

“Vicarious liability”

Victim syndromes

Wage and hour quagmires

class action potential of

classifying of employees in

exemption status in

lunch and rest periods in

overtime pay in

“wobbler” job categories for

Walt Disney Company

Welch, Jack

“What to Expect When You First Come to Work for Us”

Whistleblowers and character assassins

anonymous complainant handling of

employees escalate matters anonymously in

group “investigational wrap-up” meeting for

legal advice in

legal guidance and common sense in

“no findings call” in

preemptive strike in

protections of

Workplace burnout

group lunch in

incoming email limit in

meeting schedule change in

mid-afternoon walk for

real and significant changes for

rotational assignments or job shadowing for

time away from office in

Workplace due process

critical issues documentation for

performance and conduct issues in

situational coaching as

terminations in

Workplace investigations

“affirmative obligation to disclose” in

attorney-client privilege and document structure of

business conduct statement or code of ethics for

common sense in

communication in

confidentiality of

discrimination regarding

“disparate treatment” claim in

email as evidence in

escalating issues outside group in

final decision in

formal legal obligation in

goals in conducting

harassment in

hostile work environment as

legal scrutiny of communications in

“managerial bad acts” in

quid pro quo in

“reasonableness” standard of

“reasonable steps” in

retaliation in

“strict liability” in

“summary discharge” cautionary tale for

“vicarious liability” in

Workplace wisdom

World War II

Wrongful termination claim

You Tube

Zack’s Investment Research

Zukor, Adolph

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