Gen-Xers and Corporate


Just as Generation Xers are close readers of cultural signs outside the workplace, Xers are close readers of the signals conveyed by corporate culture. Xers are always looking for evidence that investing in a particular employer–employee relationship is worthwhile, or not. That is how Xers decide whether a job is “just a job,” or has the potential to be something more. When Xers see in the signals of a given corporate culture that a company’s leadership undervalues the individual and treats its young workers like easily replaceable cogs in the machine, Xers feel rejected. Xers know they can never thrive in companies like that. In response, Xers reject the company and its management by psychologically compartmentalizing the job and diminishing its overall significance in their lives. The result is sinking morale, lower productivity, and higher turnover.

The goal of building an Xer friendly corporate culture is to let Xers know that your company should be the primary outlet for their creative energy. To break down the wall between Xers’ jobs and the rest of their lives, you have to convince Xers that your company is a worthwhile focal point of their personal growth.


1. Authority based on credibility
Gen-Xers appreciate managers who keep well informed about employees’ work and remain engaged without imposing on the creative process.

2. Valuing employee input
When Xers’ ideas, opinions, and work are regularly included, Xers are more likely to go out of their way to support goals and implement decisions.

3. Supporting individual stars and champion teams
Xers thrive on the shared purpose and emotional/ creative support of work teams driven by individual accomplishment.

4. A little care and feeding
Xers know that companies have to be lean and mean to survive, but a little fat provides insulation, allows the body to absorb critical nutrients, and prevents the burning of efficient muscle tissue under strain. Try to be generous with low cost/high return fringes like refreshments, exercise breaks, dress down days, and “fun budgets.”


Work through the four features of corporate culture that are most desirable to Gen-Xers.

For each feature, identify THREE ACTIONS you can take to put that feature into practice.

1. Authority based on credibility. Possible actions:




2. Valuing employee input. Possible actions:




3. Supporting individual stars and champion teams.Possible actions:




4. A little care and feeding. Possible actions:




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