Appendix A. Answers to Review Questions

Chapter 2, Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration

  1. First, create the namespace named apps. Then, we’ll create the ServiceAccount:

    $ kubectl create namespace apps
    $ kubectl create serviceaccount api-access -n apps

    Alternatively, you can use the declarative approach. Create the namespace from the definition in the file apps-namespace.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: apps

    Create the namespace from the YAML file:

    $ kubectl create -f apps-namespace.yaml

    Create a new YAML file called api-serviceaccount.yaml with the following contents:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: api-access
      namespace: apps

    Run the create command to instantiate the ServiceAccount from the YAML file:

    $ kubectl create -f api-serviceaccount.yaml
  2. Use the create clusterrole command to create the ClusterRole imperatively.

    $ kubectl create clusterrole api-clusterrole --verb=watch,list,get 

    If you’d rather start with the YAML file, use content shown in the file api-clusterrole.yaml:

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: api-clusterrole
    - apiGroups: [""]
      resources: ["pods"]
      verbs: ["watch","list","get"]

    Create the ClusterRole from the YAML file:

    $ kubectl create -f api-clusterrole.yaml

    Use the create clusterrolebinding command to create the ClusterRoleBinding imperatively.

    $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding api-clusterrolebinding 
      --serviceaccount=apps:api-access --verb=watch,list,get 

    The declarative approach of the ClusterRoleBinding could look like the one in the file api-clusterrolebinding.yaml:

    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: api-clusterrolebinding
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: api-clusterrole
    - apiGroup: ""
      kind: ServiceAccount
      name: api-access
      namespace: apps

    Create the ClusterRoleBinding from the YAML file:

    $ kubectl create -f api-clusterrolebinding.yaml
  3. Execute the run command to create the Pods in the different namespaces. You will need to create the namespace rm before you can instantiate the Pod disposable.

    $ kubectl run operator --image=nginx:1.21.1 --restart=Never 
      --expose=80 --serviceaccount=api-access -n apps
    $ kubectl create namespace rm
    $ kubectl run disposable --image=nginx:1.21.1 --restart=Never 
      -n rm

    The following YAML manifest shows the rm namespace definition stored in the file rm-namespace.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: rm

    The YAML representation of those Pods stored in the file api-pods.yaml could look as follows:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: operator
      namespace: apps
      serviceAccountName: api-access
      - name: operator
        image: nginx:1.21.1
        - containerPort: 80
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: disposable
      namespace: rm
      - name: disposable
        image: nginx:1.21.1

    Create the namespace and Pods from the YAML files:

    $ kubectl create -f rm-namespace.yaml
    $ kubectl create -f api-pods.yaml
  4. Determine the API server endpoint and the Secret access token of the ServiceAccount. You will need this information for making the API calls.

    $ kubectl config view --minify -o 
    $ kubectl get secret $(kubectl get serviceaccount api-access -n apps 
    -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' -n apps 
    | base64 --decode

    Open an interactive shell to the Pod named operator:

    $ kubectl exec operator -it -n apps -- /bin/sh

    Emit API calls for listing all Pods, and deleting the Pod disposable living in the rm namespace. You will find that the list operation is permitted, the delete operation isn’t.

    # curl --header 
    "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ii1hOUhI... 
        "kind": "PodList",
        "apiVersion": "v1",
    # curl -X DELETE 
    /rm/pods/disposable --header 
    "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ii1hOUhI... 
      "kind": "Status",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
      "status": "Failure",
      "message": "pods "disposable" is forbidden: User 
      "system:serviceaccount:apps:api-access" cannot delete 
      resource "pods" in
      API group "" in the namespace "rm"",
      "reason": "Forbidden",
      "details": {
        "name": "disposable",
        "kind": "pods"
      "code": 403
  5. The solution to this sample exercise requires a lot of manual steps. The following commands do not render their the output.

    Open an interactive shell to the master node using Vagrant.

    $ vagrant ssh k8s-master

    Upgrade kubeadm to the version 1.21.2 and apply it.

    $ sudo apt-mark unhold kubeadm && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get 
      install -y kubeadm=1.21.2-00 && sudo apt-mark hold kubeadm
    $ sudo kubeadm upgrade apply v1.21.2

    Drain the node, upgrade the kubelet and kubectl, restart the kubelet, and uncordon the node.

    $ kubectl drain k8s-master --ignore-daemonsets
    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y 
      --allow-change-held-packages kubelet=1.21.2-00 kubectl=1.21.2-00
    $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    $ sudo systemctl restart kubelet
    $ kubectl uncordon k8s-master

    The version of the node should now say v1.21.2. Exit out of the node.

    $ kubectl get nodes
    $ exit

    Open an interactive shell to the first worker node using Vagrant. Repeat all of the following steps for the other worker nodes.

    $ vagrant ssh worker-1

    Upgrade kubeadm to the version 1.21.2 and apply it to the node.

    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y 
      --allow-change-held-packages kubeadm=1.21.2-00
    $ sudo kubeadm upgrade node

    Drain the node, upgrade the kubelet and kubectl, restart the kubelet, and uncordon the node.

    $ kubectl drain worker-1 --ignore-daemonsets
    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y 
      --allow-change-held-packages kubelet=1.21.2-00 kubectl=1.21.2-00
    $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    $ sudo systemctl restart kubelet
    $ kubectl uncordon worker-1

    The version of the node should now say v1.21.2. Exit out of the node.

    $ kubectl get nodes
    $ exit
  6. The solution to this sample exercise requires a lot of manual steps. The following commands do not render their the output.

    Open an interactive shell to the master node using Vagrant. That’s not with the etcdctl command line tool installed.

    $ vagrant ssh k8s-master

    Determine the parameters of the Pod etcd-k8s-master by describing it. Use the correct parameter values to create a snapshot file.

    $ kubectl describe pod etcd-k8s-master -n kube-system
    $ sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt 
      --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key snapshot save /opt/etcd.bak

    Restore the backup from the snapshot file. Edit the etcd YAML manifest and change the value of spec.volumes.hostPath.path for the Volume named etcd-data.

    $ sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --data-dir=/var/bak snapshot restore 
    $ sudo vim /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml

    After a short while, the Pod etcd-k8s-master should transition back into the “Running” status. Exit out of the node.

    $ kubectl get pod etcd-k8s-master -n kube-system
    $ exit
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