XSLT For Dummies®





About the Author

Richard Wagner is vice president of Development Tools at Nombas, a JavaScript tools provider, and author of numerous books, including JavaScript Unleashed. He also invented and architected the award-winning NetObjects ScriptBuilder and served as editor for the XML-based ECMAScript Components standard. In his free time, he enjoys writing on his nontech Web site called digitalwalk.net (www.digitalwalk.net). Rich lives with his wife and three boys in Princeton, Massachusetts. He can be reached at [email protected].



To the intrepid J-boys — Jordan, Jared, and Justus. In all things, “to the hilt . . .”


Author’s Acknowledgments

In writing this book, I was blessed with an unbeatable editorial team at Hungry Minds. My deepest thanks go to Christine Berman for her flawless management of this project from start to finish. Thanks to Becky Huehls for her keen editing eye and helpful suggestions, driving me to be clearer and more concise in my writing. Thanks also to Bob Dominy for his technical insights that made a strong impact on the book’s overall quality and coverage. I talk about the X-Team in this book, but I’d say the book’s X-Factor is Christine, Becky, and Bob. For without them, XSLT For Dummies would have been far less of a book.

I’d also like to express thanks to Steven Hayes at Hungry Minds for his involvement early on in the project, as well as thank my agent, Chris Van Buren.

Finally, I’d like to express earnest gratitude to my wife, Kimberly, and our three boys, the J-team, for their patience and grace throughout the entire project.


Publisher’s Acknowledgments

We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Hungry Minds Online Registration Form located at www.dummies.com.

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development

Associate Project Editor: Christine Berman

Senior Acquisitions Editor: Steve Hayes

Copy Editor: Rebecca Huehls

Technical Editor: Robert Dominy

Editorial Manager: Leah Cameron

Media Development Manager: Laura VanWinkle

Media Development Supervisor: Richard Graves

Editorial Assistant: Amanda Foxworth


Project Coordinator: Maridee Ennis

Layout and Graphics: Jackie Nicholas, Barry Offringa, Heather Pope, Jacque Schneider, Betty Schulte, Mary J. Virgin, Erin Zeltner

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