Chapter 20

Ten XSLT Processors Available Online

In This Chapter

bullet msxsl

bullet Saxon

bullet Sablotron

bullet Xalan-C++

bullet Xalan-Java

bullet LotusXSL

bullet XT

bullet jd.xslt

bullet XML::XSLT

bullet libxslt

A n XSLT processor is the engine that applies an XSLT stylesheet to a source XML document to produce a result document. You can purchase commercial versions of XSLT processors, but many free versions, which are available on the Web, can serve common uses you need. I highlight ten of the most popular in this chapter and note those that are easily downloadable as a Windows executable (.exe file).


One of the most popular and easy-to-use processors available, Saxon is a W3C-compliant processor that comes in two forms: Full Saxon and Instant Saxon. Full Saxon includes Java source code, API documentation, and related resources. Instant Saxon is a Windows executable version (without source code) and is the one you’ll generally want to use.

Saxon includes a wealth of extension functions and elements to supplement the core XSLT language. (See Chapter 16 for more information on extensions.)


Saxon is an Open Source project, which means that its source code is freely available for anyone that conforms to its license agreement.

Available as a Windows executable.

msxsl 7/001/766/msdncompositedoc.xml

msxsl does not provide support for extensions at this time. However, because Microsoft is a strong supporter of XML and XSLT technologies, I suspect you will see strong support for msxsl by Microsoft as well as see continued improvements in its capabilities in the future.

Available as a Windows executable.


Sablotron is a W3C-compliant processor that runs on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and more. Sablotron has a rich library of XSLT extensions.

Available as a Windows executable.


Sablotron is available as an Open Source project as well, so you have the option of downloading its C++ source code.


Xalan-C++ is a W3C compliant XSLT processor written in C++. It runs on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Solaris. Xalan provides a rich library of extensions.

Along with many of the others, Xalan is Open Source and includes source code.

Available as a Windows executable.


Xalan-Java is a Java-based W3C compliant XSLT processor. You can use it from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a module in another program. As with the C++ version, Xalan-Java has a library of extensions.


This is a Java-based W3C compliant XSLT processor brought to you by the folks from IBM/Lotus.


This Java-based XSLT processor can be run as a Java application, or you can also download it as a Windows executable (.exe) for easier running on Windows systems.

Available as a Windows executable.


Another Java-based XSLT processor. Open Source.


An XSLT processor, written in Perl, that fully implements the W3C XSLT recommendation.


An XSLT processor written in C that works under Linux, Unix, and Windows.

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