Chapter 28

Making A Difference

imageAfter six months had gone by, it was clear that Josh had not only overcome his critics at work, but he had overcome the fear, hopelessness, and obstacles that cause people to stop pursuing their purpose and dreams.

His campaign was starting to work, people were buying in, and sales were growing. He also received many e-mails from colleagues thanking him for making a difference in their lives. With a focus on purpose, they not only improved their work lives, they improved their home lives, too. Josh discovered that one person in an organization or family who decides to make a difference enhances the lives of everyone around him or her. The fact that Josh was impacting families of his colleagues was truly rewarding.

Customers and their employees were also buying into the messages. Josh was asked to speak at several clients’ events to discuss the importance of purpose-driven goals and the effect purpose can have on the people in an organization. Josh was not only effecting change in the people of his company, he was now impacting people in other companies as well. Josh’s career wasn’t on the line anymore. Now it was soaring to new heights.

After a celebratory after-work meeting with the leaders of the company, Josh went home to his apartment and Dharma. He looked out the window and felt the pulse of the city. People were still rushing aimlessly from one place to the next, but thankfully, he no longer felt numb and lost like them. He grabbed his guitar and thought about all the people who had encouraged him and helped him arrive at this moment. We all have a seed in us waiting to be planted, he thought. Once planted, our seed needs support, nourishment, and light. He believed everyone that comes into your life is there for a reason. Mentors, encouragers, and advice from strangers feed us, provide food for the soul, and give our seed the light it needs to grow and he felt fortunate to have such people guide him along the way. He looked forward to seeing the farmer again after he knew what the final stage was. He then closed his eyes and performed “Stairway to Heaven” for his one and only groupie, Dharma.

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