Chapter 29

A Name Means Something

imageI’m glad I don’t have a name like other dogs, Dharma thought. Dog names were so predictable: Buddy, Max, Princess, Lady, Caesar, Daisy. Dharma was an uncommon name. Most humans have forgotten that a name means something. Three thousand years ago, when individuals went through a transformative process in life, their name would change. The name change would reflect the transformation they had gone through and their calling in life. The name had a meaning to it. Joseph, for example, means “God will increase.” Matthew means “gift of God.” David means “beloved.” Kathryn means “pure.” Names are important. A name means something.

Josh had a friend with a baby named Koa. Koa means “fearless.” I love that name, Dharma thought. She knew her name meant something, too. Dharma means “calling,” or “your life’s purpose.” Yes, she knew her life’s purpose. It was to love unconditionally and show humans what unconditional love was all about. Josh was her purpose, and she loved him more than anything.

Josh’s name meant something, too. The name Joshua means “God rescues.” It wasn’t surprising, then, that as Josh matured and went through a transformation process over a few years, Dharma noticed he now preferred to be called Joshua instead of Josh. It made perfect sense. He was entering into a new phase in his life. He was becoming all he was supposed to be. His calling was clear. There’s nothing more exciting than a dog or human who represents the meaning of the name they were given. Yes, a name means something.

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