
1.1 Year-to-Year Growth in Social Media Use from 2011 to 2012
1.2 2012 Social Media Statistics Racial Demographics and U.S. Traffic Rankings
1.3 2012 Mobile Use Statistics
2.1 Community, Network, and Crowd Defined
2.2 Focus on Shared Goals
2.3 1 Million Strong Against Offshore Drilling Facebook Page
2.4 Co-Creation Cycle
2.5 and 1Sky Website Announcement
3.1 Epic Change Photos of the Construction of Shepherds Secondary School
3.2 Epic Change Blog Post Telling Supporters of the Opening of Shepherds Secondary School
3.3 Microsite Campaign by the National Women’s Law Center
3.4 Example of NWF Action Fund Email Alert
3.5 Example of a QR Code for Our Book, Social Change Anytime Everywhere
3.6 The Seafood Watch Mobile Application
3.7 Churn Rates Across the Nonprofit Sector
4.1 Geoff Livingston Met His Fundraising Goal and Got Dished a Pie in the Face
4.2 Thank-You Note from NOI to Donor Craig Newmark
4.3 Online Giving Growth Since 2009
4.4 Fundraising Across Social Media Channels
4.5 Campaign Calendar for the Baldacious Campaign by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
4.6 Version A: Clinton Bush Haiti Fund Website Donation Form
4.7 Picture of Lita, One of the Rescued Black Labs That Allyson and Her Husband Adopted
4.8 Homepage Hijack Example by Humane Society of the United States
5.1 American Jewish World Service Website Footer
6.1 Example of NWF Fundraising Appeal
6.2 Screen Shot of the #Go Silent Campaign Microsite
6.3 #Go Silent Campaign Sign-up Form
6.4 #Go Silent Campaign Sign-up Confirmation Page
6.5 Email Confirmation Message for #Go Silent Supporters
6.6 IAVA’s #GoSilent Branded Facebook Page
6.7 IAVA Instagram Photo Posted to Facebook Page
7.1 Common Organizational Silos Squash Innovation and Creativity
7.2 Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks and Experiment
C.1 Screen Shot of charity: water’s Microsite WaterForward: Suggesting Friends to Pay It Forward to You


2.1 Engagement Overview for the Community and Crowd
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