Chapter 1

Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods

Monte Carlo methods present a class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to approximate some unknown quantities. They are best suited for calculation using a computer program, and they are typically used when the exact results with a deterministic algorithm are not available.

The Monte Carlo method was developed in the 1940s by John von Neumann, Stanislaw Ulam, and Nicholas Metropolis while they were working on the Manhattan Project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. It was named after the Monte Carlo Casino, a famous casino where Ulam's uncle often gambled away his money.

We mainly deal in this book with two well-known Monte Carlo methods, called importance sampling and splitting, and in particular with their applications to combinatorial optimization, counting, and estimation of probabilities of rare events.

Importance sampling is a well-known variance reduction technique in stochastic simulation studies. The idea behind importance sampling is that certain values of the input random variables have a greater impact on the output parameters than others. If these “important” values are sampled more frequently, the variance of the output estimator can be reduced. However, such direct use of importance sampling distributions will result in a biased estimator. To eliminate the bias, the simulation outputs must be modified (weighted) by using a likelihood ratio factor, also called the Radon Nikodym derivative [108]. The fundamental issue in implementing importance sampling is the choice of the importance sampling distribution.

In the case of counting problems, it is well known that a straightforward application of importance sampling typically yields poor approximations of the quantity of interest. In particular, Gogate and Dechter [56] [57] show that poorly chosen importance sampling in graphical models such as satisfiability models generates many useless zero-weight samples, which are often rejected, yielding an inefficient sampling process. To address this problem, which is called the problem of losing trajectories, these authors propose a clever sample search method, which is integrated into the importance sampling framework.

With regard to probability problems, a wide range of applications of importance sampling have been reported successfully in the literature over the last decades.Siegmund [115] was the first to argue that, using an exponential change of measure, asymptotically efficient importance sampling schemes can be built for estimating gambler's ruin probabilities. His analysis is related to the theory of large deviations, which has since become an important tool for the design of efficient Monte Carlo experiments. Importance sampling is now a subject of almost any standard book on Monte Carlo simulation (see, for example, [3] [108]). We shall use importance sampling widely in this book, especially in connection to rare-event estimation.

The splitting method dates back to Kahn and Harris [62] and Rosenbluth and Rosenbluth [97]. The main idea is to partition the state-space of a system into a series of nested subsets and to consider the rare event as the intersection of a nested sequence of events. When a given subset is entered by a sample trajectory during the simulation, numerous random retrials are generated, with the initial state for each retrial being the state of the system at the entry point. By doing so, the system trajectory is split into a number of new subtrajectories, hence the name “splitting”. Since then, hundreds of papers have been written on this topic, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. Applications of the splitting method arise in particle transmission (Kahn and Harris [62]), queueing systems (Garvels [48], Garvels and Kroese [49], Garvels et al. [50]), and reliability (L'Ecuyer et al. [76]). The method has been given new impetus by the RESTART (Repetitive Simulation Trials After Reaching Thresholds) method in the sequence of papers by Villén-Altimirano and Villén-Altimirano [122–124]. A fundamental theory of the splitting method was developed by Melas [85], Glasserman et al. [54] [55], and Dean and Dupuis [38] [39]. Recent developments include the adaptive selection of the splitting levels in Cérou and Guyader [24], the use of splitting in reliability networks [73] [109], quasi-Monte Carlo estimators in L'Ecuyer et al. [77], and the connection between splitting for Markovian processes and interacting particle methods based on the Feynman-Kac model in Del Moral [89].

Let us introduce the notion of a randomized algorithm. A randomized algorithm is an algorithm that employs a degree of randomness as part of its logic to solve a deterministic problem such as a combinatorial optimization problem. As a result, the algorithm's output will be a random variable representing either the running time, its output, or both. In general, introducing randomness may result in an algorithm that is far simpler, more elegant, and sometimes even more efficient than the deterministic counterpart.

Example 1.1 Checking Matrix Multiplication
Suppose we are given three c01-math-0001 matrices c01-math-0002, and c01-math-0003 and we want to check whether c01-math-0004.
A trivial deterministic algorithm would be to run a standard multiplication algorithm and compare each entry of c01-math-0005 with c01-math-0006. Simple matrix multiplication requires c01-math-0007 operations. A more sophisticated algorithm [88] takes only c01-math-0008 operations. Using randomization, however, we need only c01-math-0009 operations, with an extremely small probability of error [88].
The randomized procedure is as follows:
  • Pick a random c01-math-0010-dimensional vector c01-math-0011.
  • Multiply both sides of c01-math-0012 by c01-math-0013, that is, obtain c01-math-0014 and c01-math-0015.
  • If c01-math-0016, then declare c01-math-0017, otherwise, c01-math-0018.
This algorithm runs in c01-math-0019 operations because matrix multiplication is associative, so c01-math-0020 can be computed as c01-math-0021, thus requiring only three matrix-vector multiplications for the algorithm.squ

For more examples and foundations on randomized algorithms, see the monographs [88] [90].

We shall consider not only randomized algorithms but also random structures. The latter comprises random graphs (such as Erdös-Rényi graphs), random Boolean formulas, and so on. Random structures are of interest both as a means of understanding the behavior of algorithms on typical inputs and as a mathematical framework in which one can investigate various probabilistic techniques to analyze randomized algorithms.

This book deals with Monte Carlo methods and their associated randomized algorithms for solving combinatorial optimization and counting problems. In particular, we consider combinatorial problems that can be modeled by integer linear constraints. To clarify, denote by c01-math-0022 the set of feasible solutions of a combinatorial problem, which is assumed to be a subset of an c01-math-0023-dimensional integer vector space and which is given by the following linear constraints:

1.1 c01-math-0024

Here, c01-math-0025 is a given c01-math-0026 matrix and c01-math-0027 is a given c01-math-0028-dimensional vector. Most often we require the variables c01-math-0029 to be nonnegative integers and, in particular, binary integers.

In this book, we describe in detail various problems, algorithms, and mathematical aspects that are associated with (1.1) and its relation to decision making, counting, and optimization. Below is a short list of problems associated with (1.1):

1. Decision making: Is c01-math-0030 nonempty?
2. Optimization: Solve c01-math-0031 for a given objective (performance) function c01-math-0032.
3. Counting: Calculate the cardinality c01-math-0033 of c01-math-0034.

It turns out that, typically, it is hard to solve any of the above three problems and, in particular, the counting one, which is the hardest one. However, we would like to point out that there are problems for which decision making is easy (polynomial time) but counting is hard [90]. As an example, finding a feasible path (and also the shortest path) between two fixed nodes in a network is easy, whereas counting the total number of paths between the two nodes is difficult. Some other examples of hard counting and easy decision-making problems include:

  • How many different variable assignments will satisfy a given satisfiability formula in disjunctive normal form?
  • How many different variable assignments will satisfy a given 2-satisfiability formula (constraints on pairs of variables)?
  • How many perfect matchings are there for a given bipartite graph?

In Chapter 5, we follow the saying “counting is hard, but decision making is easy” and employ relevant decision-making algorithms, also called oracles, to derive fast Monte Carlo algorithms for counting.

Below is a detailed list of interesting hard counting problems.

  • The Hamiltonian cycle problem. How many Hamiltonian cycles does a graph have? That is, how many tours contains a graph in which every node is visited exactly once (except for the beginning/end node)?
  • The permanent problem. Calculate the permanent of a matrix c01-math-0035, or equivalently, the number of perfect matchings in a bipartite balanced graph with c01-math-0036 as its biadjacency matrix.
  • The self-avoiding walk problem. How many self-avoiding random walks of length c01-math-0037 exist, when we are allowed to move at each grid point in any neighboring direction with equal probability?
  • The connectivity problem. Given two different nodes in a directed or undirected graph, say c01-math-0038 and c01-math-0039, how many paths exist from c01-math-0040 to c01-math-0041 that do not traverse the same edge more than once?
  • The satisfiability problem. Let c01-math-0042 be a collection of all sets of c01-math-0043 Boolean variables c01-math-0044. Thus, c01-math-0045 has cardinality c01-math-0046. Let c01-math-0047 be a set of c01-math-0048 Boolean disjunctive clauses. Examples of such clauses are c01-math-0049, c01-math-0050, etc. How many (if any) satisfying truth assignments for c01-math-0051 exist, that is, how many ways are there to set the variables c01-math-0052 either true or false so that all clauses c01-math-0053 are true?
  • The c01-math-0054-coloring problem. Given c01-math-0055 distinct colors, in how many different ways can one color the nodes (or the edges) of a graph, so that each two adjacent nodes (edges, respectively) in the graph have different colors?
  • The spanning tree problem. How many unlabeled spanning trees has a graph c01-math-0056? Note that this counting problem is easy for labeled graphs.
  • The isomorphism problem. How many isomorphisms exist between two given graphs c01-math-0057 and c01-math-0058? In other words, in an isomorphism problem one needs to find all mappings c01-math-0059 between the nodes of c01-math-0060 and c01-math-0061 such that c01-math-0062 is an edge of c01-math-0063 if and only if c01-math-0064 is an edge of c01-math-0065.
  • The clique problem. How many cliques of fixed size c01-math-0066 exist in a graph c01-math-0067? Recall that a clique is a complete subgraph of c01-math-0068.

The decision versions of these problems are all examples of NP-complete problems. Clearly, counting all feasible solutions, denoted by #P, is an even harder problem.

Generally, the complexity class #P consists of the counting problems associated with the decision problems in NP. Completeness is defined similarly to the decision problems: a problem is #P-complete if it is in #P, and if every #P problem can be reduced to it in polynomial counting reduction. Hence, the counting problems that we presented above are all #P-complete. For more details we refer the reader to the classic monograph by Papadimitrou and Stieglitz [92].

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