Chapter 4

Splitting Method for Counting and Optimization

4.1 Background

This chapter deals with the splitting method for counting, combinatorial optimization, and rare-event estimation. Before turning to the splitting method we present some background on counting using randomized (or Monte Carlo) algorithms.

To date, very little is known about how to construct efficient algorithms for hard counting problems. This means that exact solutions to these problems cannot be obtained in polynomial time, and therefore our work focuses on approximation algorithms, and, in particular, approximation algorithms based on randomization. The basic procedure for counting is outlined below.

1. Formulate the counting problem as estimating the cardinality c04-math-0001 of some set c04-math-0002, such as the one in (1.1).
2. Find a sequence of decreasing sets c04-math-0003 such that

4.1 c04-math-0004

and c04-math-0005 is known.

3. Write c04-math-0006 as

4.2 c04-math-0007


4.3 c04-math-0008

Note that c04-math-0009 is typically very small, like c04-math-0010, while each ratio

4.4 c04-math-0011

should be not too small, like c04-math-0012 or bigger. Clearly, estimating c04-math-0013 directly while sampling in c04-math-0014 is meaningless, but estimating each c04-math-0015 separately seems to be a good alternative.
4. Develop an efficient estimator c04-math-0016 for each c04-math-0017 and estimate c04-math-0018 by

4.5 c04-math-0019

where c04-math-0020.

Using (4.1)(4.2)(4.3)(4.4)(4.5), one can design a sampling plan according to which the “difficult” counting problem defined on the set c04-math-0021 is decomposed into a number of “easy” ones associated with a sequence of related sets c04-math-0022 and such that c04-math-0023. Typically, the Monte Carlo algorithms based on (4.1)(4.2)(4.3)(4.4)(4.5) explore the connection between counting and sampling and in particular the reduction from approximate counting of a discrete set to approximate sampling of the elements of this set [108].

To deliver a meaningful estimator of c04-math-0024, we must solve the following two major problems:

i. Construct the sequence c04-math-0025 such that each c04-math-0026 is not a rare-event probability.
ii. Obtain a low variance unbiased estimator c04-math-0027 of each c04-math-0028.

Hence, once both tasks (i) and (ii) are resolved, one can obtain an efficient estimator for c04-math-0029 given in (4.5).

Task (i) might be typically simply resolved in many cases. Let us consider a concrete example:

  • Suppose that each variable of the set (1.1) is bounded, say c04-math-0030c04-math-0030a (c04-math-0031), then we may take c04-math-0032, with c04-math-0033.
  • Consider the function c04-math-0034 to be the number of constraints of the integer program (1.1); hence, c04-math-0035.
  • Define finally the desired subregions c04-math-0036 by equation

Task (ii) is quite complicated. It is associated with uniform sampling separately at each subregion c04-math-0038 and will be addressed in the subsequent text.

The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 4.2 presents a quick look at the splitting method. We show that, similarly to the conventional classic randomized algorithms (see [88]), it uses a sequential sampling plan to decompose a “difficult” problem into a sequence of “easy” ones. Sections 4.3 and 4.4 present two different splitting algorithms for counting; the first based on a fixed-level set and the second on an adaptive level set. Both algorithms employ a combination of a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm, such as the Gibbs sampler, with a specially designed cloning mechanism. The latter runs in parallel multiple Markov chains by making sure that all of them run in steady-state at each iteration. Section 4.5 shows how, using the splitting method, one can generate a sequence of points c04-math-0039 uniformly distributed on a discrete set c04-math-0040. By uniformity we mean that the sample c04-math-0041 on c04-math-0042 passes the standard Chi-squared test [91]. We support numerically the uniformity of generated samples based on the Chi-squared test.

In Section 4.6 we show that the splitting method is suitable for solving combinatorial optimization problems, such as the maximal cut or traveling salesman problems, and thus can be considered as an alternative to the standard cross-entropy and MinxEnt methods. Sections 4.7.1 and 4.7.2 deal with two enhancements of theadaptive splitting method for counting. The first is called the direct splitting estimator and is based on the direct counting of c04-math-0043, while the second is called the capture-recapture estimator of c04-math-0044. It has its origin in the well-known capture-recapture method in statistics [114]. Both are used to obtain low-variance estimators for counting on complex sets as compared to the adaptive splitting algorithm. Section 4.8 shows how the splitting algorithm can be efficiently used for estimating the reliability of complex static networks. Finally, Section 4.9 presents supportive numerical results for counting, rare events, and optimization.

4.2 Quick Glance at the Splitting Method

In this section we will take a quick look at our sampling mechanism using splitting. Consider the counting problem (4.2) with c04-math-0045 subsets, that is,


where c04-math-0047. We assume that the subsets c04-math-0048 are associated with levels c04-math-0049 and can be written as


where c04-math-0051 is the sample performance function and c04-math-0052. We set for convenience c04-math-0053. The other levels are either fixed in advance, or their values are determined adaptively by the splitting algorithm during the course of simulation. Observe that c04-math-0054 in (4.3) can be interpreted as

4.6 c04-math-0055

where c04-math-0056, the uniform distribution on c04-math-0057. We denote this by c04-math-0058. Furthermore, we shall require a uniform pdf on each subset c04-math-0059, which is denoted by c04-math-0060.Clearly,

4.7 c04-math-0061

where c04-math-0062 is the normalization constant. Generating points uniformly distributed on c04-math-0063 using the splitting method will be addressed in Section 4.5. With these notations, we can consider c04-math-0064 of (4.4) to be a conditional expectation defined as

4.8 c04-math-0065

Suppose that sampling from c04-math-0066 becomes available, and that we generated c04-math-0067 samples in c04-math-0068, then the final estimators of c04-math-0069 and c04-math-0070 can be written as

4.9 c04-math-0071


4.10 c04-math-0072

respectively. Here we used

4.11 c04-math-0073

as estimators of their true unknown conditional expectations. Furthermore, c04-math-0074, with c04-math-0075 and c04-math-0076. We call c04-math-0077 the elite sample size, associated with the elite samples.

To provide more insight into the splitting method, consider a toy example of the integer problem (1.1), pictured in Figure 4.1. The solution set is a six-sided polytope in the two-dimensional plane, obtained by c04-math-0078 inequality constraints. Its boundary is shown by the bold lines in the figure. The bounding set is the unit square c04-math-0079. We generate c04-math-0080 points uniformly in c04-math-0081 (see the dots in the figure). The corresponding five performance values c04-math-0082, c04-math-0083 are


Figure 4.1 Iteration 1: five uniform samples on c04-math-0085.


As for elite samples, we choose the two largest values corresponding to c04-math-0086 and c04-math-0087. We thus have c04-math-0088, and c04-math-0089. Consider the first elite sample c04-math-0090 with c04-math-0091. Its associated subregion of points satisfying exactly the same five constraints is given by the shaded area in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2 The subregion corresponding to the elite point c04-math-0092 with c04-math-0093.


Similarly, Figure 4.3 shows the elite point c04-math-0094 (with c04-math-0095) and its associated subregion of points satisfying the same four constraints. However, notice that there are more subregions of points satisfying at least four constraints. The union of all these subregions is the set c04-math-0096; that is,


as shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.3 The subregion corresponding to the elite point c04-math-0098 with c04-math-0099.


Figure 4.4 The subregion c04-math-0100 containing all points with c04-math-0101.


Starting from the two elite points c04-math-0102, we apply a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm that generates points in c04-math-0103 such that these points are uniformly distributed. Figure 4.5 shows c04-math-0104 resulting points. The five performance values are

Figure 4.5 Iteration 2: five uniform points on c04-math-0106.



Next, we repeat the same procedure as in the first iteration. As elite samples we choose the two largest points c04-math-0107. Thus, c04-math-0108, and c04-math-0109. This gives us the set of all points satisfying at least five constraints,


see Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6 The subregion c04-math-0111 containing all points with c04-math-0112.


We use a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to generate from the two elite points five new points in c04-math-0114, uniformly distributed; see Figure 4.7. Note that two of the new points hit the desired polytope. At this stage, we stop the iterations and conclude that the algorithm has converged. The purpose of Figures 4.1–4.7 is to demonstrate that the splitting method can be viewed as a global search in the sense that, at each iteration, the generated random points c04-math-0115 are randomly distributed inside their corresponding subregion. The main issue remaining in the forthcoming sections is to provide exact algorithms that implement the splitting method.

Figure 4.7 Iteration 3: five uniform points on c04-math-0113.


Before doing so, we show how to cast the problem of counting the number of what we call multiple events into the framework (4.6)–(4.8). As we shall see below, counting the number of feasible points c04-math-0116 of the set (1.1) follows as a particular case of it.

Example 4.1 Counting Multiple Events
Consider counting the cardinality of the set

4.12 c04-math-0117

where c04-math-0118 are arbitrary functions. In this case, we can associate with (4.12) the following multiple-event probability estimation problem:

4.13 c04-math-0119

Note that (4.13) extends (4.6) in the sense that it involves an intersection of c04-math-0120 events c04-math-0121, that is, multiple events rather than a single one c04-math-0122. Some of the constraints may be equality constraints, c04-math-0123.

As before, we assume that each individual indicator event in (4.13) is not rare, that is, each probability of the type c04-math-0124 is not a rare-event probability, say c04-math-0125 but the event intersection forms a rare-event probability c04-math-0126.
It is clear that in this case c04-math-0127 in (4.13) can be rewritten as

4.14 c04-math-0128


4.15 c04-math-0129

For the cardinality of the set c04-math-0130 one applies (4.10), which means that one only needs to estimate the rare-event probability c04-math-0131 in (4.14) according to (4.9).squ

4.3 Splitting Algorithm with Fixed Levels

In this section we assume that the levels c04-math-0132 are fixed in advance, with c04-math-0133. This can be done using a pilot run with the splitting method as in [73]. Consider the problem of estimating the conditional probability


Assume further that we have generated a point c04-math-0135 uniformly distributed on c04-math-0136, that is, c04-math-0137. Recall from our toy example in the previous section that, given this information of the current point, we should be able to generate a new point in c04-math-0138, which is again uniformly distributed. Typically, this might be obtained by applying a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique. For now we just assume that we dispose of a mapping c04-math-0139, which preserves uniformity, that is,

4.16 c04-math-0140

We call this mapping the uniform mutation mapping. Based on that we can derive an unbiased estimator of c04-math-0141 by using the followingprocedure:

1. Generate a sample c04-math-0142 of points uniformly distributed on c04-math-0143.
2. Apply the uniform mutation mapping to each point, and determine the cardinality c04-math-0144 of the set of points c04-math-0145. This set is called the elite set.
3. Deliver


as an unbiased estimator of c04-math-0147.

The following algorithm applies this procedure iteratively. Moreover, in each iteration all c04-math-0148 elite points are reproduced (cloned) c04-math-0149 times to form a new sample of c04-math-0150 points. The parameter c04-math-0151 is called the splitting parameter.

Algorithm 4.1 Fixed-Level Splitting Algorithm for Counting
  • Input: the counting problem (1.1); the fixed levels c04-math-0152; c04-math-0153; c04-math-0154; the splitting parameters c04-math-0155; the initial sample size c04-math-0156.
  • Output: estimators (4.9) and (4.10).
1. Initialize: Set a counter c04-math-0157. Generate a sample c04-math-0158 uniformly on c04-math-0159.
2. Select: Determine the elite sample, that is, the points for which c04-math-0160. Suppose that c04-math-0161 is the size of this subset, and denote these points by c04-math-0162; thus,


Note that each elite c04-math-0164.
3. Estimate c04-math-0165: Take


as an estimator of c04-math-0167.
4. Stop: If c04-math-0168 (c04-math-0169), deliver the estimators (4.9) and (4.10). Else, continue with the next step.
5. Splitting: Reproduce (clone) c04-math-0170 times each sample point c04-math-0171 of the elite sample. Set c04-math-0172.
6. Mutation: To each of the cloned points apply the uniform mutation mapping c04-math-0173. Denote the new sample by c04-math-0174. Note that each point in the sample is distributed uniformly on c04-math-0175.
7. Iterate: Increase the counter c04-math-0176, and repeat from step 2.

A key ingredient in the Algorithm 4.1 is the uniform mutation mapping c04-math-0177. Typically, this is obtained by a Markov chain kernel c04-math-0178 on c04-math-0179 with the uniform distribution as its invariant distribution. This means that we assume:

i. There is some aperiodic irreducible Markov chain c04-math-0180 on c04-math-0181 with transition probabilities


for measurable subsets c04-math-0183.

ii. The invariant probability distribution c04-math-0184 exists; that is,


iii. c04-math-0186 is the uniform distribution on c04-math-0187.

Under these assumptions, we can generate from any point c04-math-0188 a path of points c04-math-0189 in c04-math-0190, by repeatedly applying the Markov kernel c04-math-0191. If the initial point is random uniformly distributed, then each consecutive point of the path preserves this property (assumption (iii)). Otherwise, we use the property that the limiting distribution of Markov chain is its invariant distribution. In implementations we often resort to the Gibbs sampler for constructing the Markov kernel and generating an associated path of points (see Appendix 4.10 for details). All these considerations are summarized in just mentioning “apply the uniform mutation mapping.”

We next show that the estimator c04-math-0192 is unbiased. Indeed taking into account that


we obtain from the last two equalities that


from which c04-math-0195 readily follows. We next calculate the variance of c04-math-0196. In order to accomplish this, we do the following:

1. Find for each point c04-math-0197 in the first elite set its corresponding number c04-math-0198 of offspring in the final subset c04-math-0199.
2. Denote by c04-math-0200 the number of offspring generated from the c04-math-0201-th elite point. Then clearly,


and c04-math-0203 are iid.
3. Calculate c04-math-0204 as

4.17 c04-math-0205





Thus, to estimate the variance of c04-math-0208 it suffices to estimate c04-math-0209, which in turn can be calculated as




and c04-math-0212 are iid samples.

It is challenging to find good splitting parameters c04-math-0213 in the fixed-level splitting version. When these parameters are not chosen correctly, the number of samples will either die out or explode, leading in both cases to large variances of c04-math-0214. The minimal variance choice is c04-math-0215, see [48] and [55]. Thus, given the levels c04-math-0216, we can execute pilot runs to find rough estimates of the c04-math-0217's, denoted by c04-math-0218. At iteration c04-math-0219 (c04-math-0220) of the algorithm we set the splitting parameter of the c04-math-0221-th elite point to be a random variable defined as


where the variable c04-math-0223 is a Bernoulli random variable with success probability c04-math-0224, and c04-math-0225 means rounding down to the nearest integer. Thus, the splitting parameters satisfy c04-math-0226. Note that the sample size in the next iteration is also a random variable defined as


In the following section we propose an adaptive splitting method considering two issues that can cause difficulties in the fixed-level approach:

  • An objection against cloning is that it introduces correlation. An alternative approach is to sample c04-math-0228 “new” points in the current subset by running a Markov chain using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method.
  • Finding “good” locations of the levels c04-math-0229 is crucial but difficult. We propose to select the levels adaptively.

4.4 Adaptive Splitting Algorithm

In both counting and optimization problems the proposed adaptive splitting algorithms generate sequences of pairs

4.18 c04-math-0230

where, as before, c04-math-0231. This is in contrast to the cross-entropy method [107], where one generates a sequence of pairs

4.19 c04-math-0232

Here c04-math-0233 is a sequence of parameters in the parametric family of distributions c04-math-0234. The crucial difference is, of course, that in the splitting method, c04-math-0235 is a sequence of (uniform) nonparametric distributions rather than of parametric ones c04-math-0236. Otherwise the cross-entropy and the splitting algorithms are very similar, apart from the fact that cross-entropy has the desirable property that the samples are independent, whereas in splitting they are not. The advantage of the splitting method is that it permits approximate sampling from the uniform pdf c04-math-0237 and permits updating the parameters c04-math-0238 and c04-math-0239 adaptively. It is shown in [104] that for rare-event estimation and counting the splitting method typically outperforms its cross-entropy counterpart, while for combinatorial optimization they perform similarly. The main reason is that for counting the sampling from a sequence of nonparametric probability density function c04-math-0240 is more beneficial (more informative) than sampling from a sequence of a parametric family like c04-math-0241.

Below we present the main steps of the adaptive splitting algorithm. However, first, we describe the main ideas for which we refer to [13] and [40], where the adaptive c04-math-0242-thresholds satisfy the requirements c04-math-0243. Here, as before, the parameters c04-math-0244, called the rarity parameters, are fixed in advance and they must be not too small, say c04-math-0245.

We start by generating a sample of c04-math-0246 points uniformly on c04-math-0247, denoted by c04-math-0248. Consider the sample set at the c04-math-0249-th iteration: c04-math-0250 of c04-math-0251 random points in c04-math-0252. All these sampled points are uniformly distributed on c04-math-0253. Let c04-math-0254 be the c04-math-0255-th quantile of the ordered statistics values of the values c04-math-0256. The elite set c04-math-0257 consists of those points of the sample set for which c04-math-0258. Let c04-math-0259 be the size of the elite set. If all values c04-math-0260 would be distinct, it would follow that the number of elites c04-math-0261, where c04-math-0262 denotes rounding up to the nearest integer. However, when we deal with a discrete finite space, typically we will find many duplicate sampled pointswith c04-math-0263. All these are included in the elite set. Level c04-math-0264 is used to define the next level subset c04-math-0265. Finally, note that it easily follows from (4.7) that the elite points are distributed uniformly on this level subset.

Regarding the elite sample c04-math-0266, we do three things. First, we use its relative size c04-math-0267 as an estimate of the conditional probability c04-math-0268. Next, we delete duplicates. We call this screening, and it might be modeled formally by introducing the identity map c04-math-0269; that is, c04-math-0270 for all points c04-math-0271. Apply the identity map c04-math-0272 to the elite set, resulting in a set of c04-math-0273 distinct points (called the screened elites), that we denote by

4.20 c04-math-0274

Thirdly, each screened elite is the starting point of c04-math-0275 trajectories in c04-math-0276 generated by a Markov chain simulation using a transition probability matrix with c04-math-0277 as its stationary distribution. Because the starting point is uniformly distributed, all consecutive points on the sample paths are uniformly distributed on c04-math-0278. Therefore, we may use all these points in the next iteration. If the splitting parameter c04-math-0279, all trajectories are independent.

Thus, we simulate c04-math-0280 trajectories, each trajectory for c04-math-0281 steps. This produces a total of c04-math-0282 uniform points in c04-math-0283. To continue with the next iteration again with a sample set of size c04-math-0284, we choose randomly c04-math-0285 of the generated trajectories (without replacement) and apply one more Markov chain transition to the end points of these trajectories. Denote the new sample set by c04-math-0286, and repeat the same procedure as above. Summarizing the above:

4.21 c04-math-0287

The algorithm iterates until it converges to c04-math-0288, say at iteration c04-math-0289, at which stage we stop and deliver the estimators (4.9) and (4.10) of c04-math-0290 and c04-math-0291, respectively.

Figure 4.8 represents a typical dynamics of the zero-th iteration of the adaptive splitting algorithm below for counting. Initially c04-math-0292 points were generated randomly in the two-dimensional space c04-math-0293 (some are shown as black dots). Because c04-math-0294, the elite sample consists of c04-math-0295 points (shown as the ) points numbered c04-math-0296) with values c04-math-0297. After renumbering, these five points are c04-math-0298. From each of these elite points c04-math-0299 Markov chain paths of length c04-math-0300 were generated resulting in again c04-math-0301 points in the space c04-math-0302. In the picture we see these paths from two points c04-math-0303 and c04-math-0304. Three points (the ) in the upper region) are shown reaching the next-level c04-math-0305.

Algorithm 4.2 Adaptive Splitting Algorithm for Counting
  • Input: The counting problem (4.2); the rarity parameters c04-math-0306; the splitting parameters c04-math-0307; the sample size c04-math-0308.
  • Output: Estimators (4.9) and (4.10).
1. Initialize: Set a counter c04-math-0309. Generate a sample c04-math-0310 uniformly on c04-math-0311.
2. Select: Compute level c04-math-0312 as the c04-math-0313 quantile of the ordered statistics values of c04-math-0314. Determine the elite sample, that is, the largest subset of c04-math-0315 consisting of points for which c04-math-0316. Suppose that c04-math-0317 is the size of this subset, and denote its points by c04-math-0318; thus,


Note that each elite point c04-math-0320, the uniform distribution on the set c04-math-0321.
3. Estimating c04-math-0322: Take


as an estimator of c04-math-0324.
4. Stop: If c04-math-0325, deliver the estimators (4.9) and (4.10). Else continue with the next step.
5. Screening: Screen the elite set; that is, remove duplicates, to obtain c04-math-0326 distinct points c04-math-0327 uniformly distributed in c04-math-0328.
6. Splitting: Reproduce (clone) c04-math-0329 times each screened elite c04-math-0330 of the screened elite sample; that is, take c04-math-0331 identical copies of each point.
7. Sampling: To each of the cloned points apply a Markov chain sampler of length c04-math-0332 in c04-math-0333 with c04-math-0334 as its stationary distribution. The length c04-math-0335 is given by c04-math-0336. Choose randomly (without replacement) c04-math-0337 of these paths and extend these with one point by applying an extra transition of the Markov chain sampler. Denote the new entire sample by c04-math-0338. Note that each point in the sample is distributed uniformly on the set c04-math-0339.
8. Iterate: Increase the counter c04-math-0340, and repeat from step 2.

Figure 4.8 Iteration of the splitting algorithm.


As an illustrative example, one may consider a sum of Bernoulli random variables. Suppose we have c04-math-0341 for c04-math-0342 and we are interested in calculating a probability of the event c04-math-0343 for fixed c04-math-0344, c04-math-0345. One should note that even for moderate c04-math-0346 and, say, c04-math-0347 we have a rare-event scenario. Let now c04-math-0348 be the performance function. The Gibbs sampler can be defined as follows:

Algorithm 4.3 Gibbs Sampler for the Sum of Bernoulli Random Variables
  • Input: A random Bernoulli vector c04-math-0349 where c04-math-0350
  • Output: A uniformly chosen random neighbor c04-math-0351 with the same property.

For each c04-math-0352 do:

1. Generate c04-math-0353; set c04-math-0354.
2. If c04-math-0355, set c04-math-0356; otherwise c04-math-0357.

From this simple example, it is clear that if we repeatedly apply this algorithm on any vector c04-math-0358, it will eventually approach the desired event space c04-math-0359c04-math-0359a.

We conclude with a few remarks.

Remark 4.1
One of the important features of Algorithm 4.2 is that it produces points distributed nearly uniformly on each subregion c04-math-0360. Indeed, the assumption is that in the initialization step we can generate samples that are exactly uniformly distributed on the entire space c04-math-0361. At the subsequent iterations we generate in parallel a substantial number of independent sequences of nearly uniform points. We also make sure that they have sufficient lengths. By doing so we guarantee that our Gibbs sampler mixes rapidly and the generated points at each c04-math-0362 are indeed distributed approximately uniform, see also a relevant discussion in Gelman and Rubin [51]. We found numerically that this holds by choosing the sample size about 10–100 times larger than dimension c04-math-0363 and the splitting parameters c04-math-0364 not too small, say c04-math-0365. For more details on uniform sampling, see Section 4.5.
The following figures supply evidence that supports the rapid mixing properties of the Gibbs sampler. We applied the splitting algorithm to a 3-SAT problem from the SATLIB benchmark problems, consisting of c04-math-0366 literals and c04-math-0367 clauses. In each iteration we chose arbitrarily one of the elite points as a starting point of the Gibbs sampler of length c04-math-0368. From this sequence of points c04-math-0369 in the subset c04-math-0370 we constructed a time series c04-math-0371 by summating the coordinates of each point: c04-math-0372, c04-math-0373. Finally, we computed the autocorrelation function of this time series. Figure 4.9 shows these autocorrelation functions of the first four iterations, up to lag 20. We clearly see that in each iteration the correlation vanishes rapidly.
Figure 4.9 Autocorrelations of the Gibbs sampler.
Remark 4.2 Adaptive Choice of c04-math-0374
Suppose that we want to fix in advance the rarity parameters c04-math-0375. Typically it is not so simple, especially for combinatorial problems. The reason is that if, for example, we consider the integer constraints (1.1), then a majority of generated points will result at the same level c04-math-0376. Note that all these points are added to the elite set and as result the number of elites blowsup to c04-math-0377. Such a policy may lead to a situation where c04-math-0378. As result we obtain that c04-math-0379 and the Algorithm 4.2 will be locked.
To eliminate such undesirable phenomena we propose the following adaptive procedure involving a fixed interval c04-math-0380 for c04-math-0381. Initially we choose quite an arbitrary c04-math-0382, say c04-math-0383, called the proposal rarity parameter; let c04-math-0384 be the largest elite value of the ordered sample c04-math-0385, corresponding to the proposal c04-math-0386. The adaptive choice of c04-math-0387, where, say c04-math-0388, is executed as follows:
  • Include in the elite sample all additional points satisfying c04-math-0389, provided that the number of elite samples c04-math-0390.
  • Remove from the elite sample all points c04-math-0391, provided the number of elite samples c04-math-0392. Note that by doing so we switch from a lower elite level to a higher one. If c04-math-0393, and thus c04-math-0394, accept c04-math-0395 as the size of the elites sample. If c04-math-0396, proceed sampling until c04-math-0397, that is until at least c04-math-0398 elite samples are obtained. The above guarantees that c04-math-0399.
    It follows that such adaptive c04-math-0400 satisfying c04-math-0401 prevents Algorithm 4.2 of being stopped before reaching the target level c04-math-0402.
Remark 4.3 Alternative Choice of c04-math-0403
As an alternative to Remark 4.2 we can define c04-math-0404 based on the maximum value of the ordered sample c04-math-0405, denoted as c04-math-0406, rather than on the c04-math-0407 quantile c04-math-0408. This is so, since the sample size c04-math-0409 is typically larger than the number of levels c04-math-0410 in the model. Thus, we expect that the number of c04-math-0411 values, denoted as c04-math-0412 will be greater than 1. The adaptive c04-math-0413 in this case will correspond to c04-math-0414.
As an example, consider the following two sample scenarios for the ordered values of c04-math-0415:
i. c04-math-0416;
ii. c04-math-0417.
We have in (i) c04-math-0418 and in (ii) c04-math-0419. Note that because in case (ii) we have c04-math-0420 (that is, a single value of c04-math-0421), we can include in the elite sample all additional smaller values corresponding (in this case) to c04-math-0422. By doing so we obtain c04-math-0423 instead of c04-math-0424.
In summary, in the alternative c04-math-0425 approach we first select some target c04-math-0426 value, say c04-math-0427, and then accumulate all largest values of c04-math-0428 until we obtain

4.5 Sampling Uniformly on Discrete Regions

Here we demonstrate how, using the splitting method, one can generate a sequence of points c04-math-0430 nearly uniformly distributed on a discrete set c04-math-0431, such as the set (1.1). By near uniformity we mean that the sample c04-math-0432 on c04-math-0433 passes the standard Chi-square test. Thus, the goal of Algorithm 4.2 is twofold: counting the points on the set c04-math-0434 and simultaneously generating points uniformly distributed on that set c04-math-0435.

Note that generating a sample of points uniformly distributed on a continuous set c04-math-0436 using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm has been thoroughly studied in the literature. One of the most popular methods is the hit-and-run of Smith [53]. For recent applications of hit-and-run for convex optimization, see the work of Gryazina and Polyak [58].

We will show empirically that a simple modification of the splitting Algorithm 4.2 allows one to generate points uniformly distributed on sets like (1.1). The modification of the Algorithm 4.2 is very simple. Once it reaches the desired level c04-math-0437 we perform several more iterations, say c04-math-0438 iterations, with the corresponding elite samples. As for previous iterations, we use here the screening, splitting, and sampling steps. Such policy will only improve the uniformity of the samples on c04-math-0439. The number of additional steps c04-math-0440 needed for the resulting sample to pass the Chi-square test for uniformity, depends on the quality of the original elite sample at level c04-math-0441, which in turn depends on the selected values c04-math-0442 and c04-math-0443. We found numerically that the closer c04-math-0444 is to 1, the more uniform is the sample. But, running the splitting Algorithm 4.2 at c04-math-0445 close to 1 is clearly time consuming. Thus, there exists a trade-off between the quality (uniformity) of the sample and the number of additional iterations c04-math-0446 required.

As an example, consider a c04-math-0447-SAT problem consisting of c04-math-0448 literals and c04-math-0449 clauses and c04-math-0450 (see also Section 4.9 with the numerical results). We applied the Chi-square test for uniformity of c04-math-0451 samples for the following cases:

  • c04-math-0452 and no additional iterations (c04-math-0453);
  • c04-math-0454 and no additional iterations (c04-math-0455);
  • c04-math-0456 and one additional iteration (c04-math-0457).

All three experiments passed the Chi-square test at level c04-math-0458: the observed test values were 13.709, 9.016, and 8.434, respectively, against critical value c04-math-0459. The histogram corresponding to the last experiment (c04-math-0460) is shown in Figure 4.10.

Figure 4.10 Histogram of 5,000 samples for the 3-SAT problem.


In this way, we tested many more SAT problems for uniformity and found that typically (about 95%) the resulting samples pass the Chi-square test, provided we perform two or three additional iterations (c04-math-0461) on the corresponding elite sample after the algorithm has reached the desired level c04-math-0462.

4.6 Splitting Algorithm for Combinatorial Optimization

In this section, we show that the splitting method is suitable for solving combinatorial optimization problems, such as the maximum cut or traveling salesman problems, and, thus, can be considered as an alternative to the standard cross-entropy and MinxEnt methods. The splitting algorithm for combinatorial optimization can be considered as a particular case of the counting Algorithm 4.2 with c04-math-0463. In that case, we do not need to calculate the product estimators c04-math-0464; thus, Step 3 of Algorithm 4.2 is omitted. The main difference reflects the stopping step.

Algorithm 4.4 Splitting Algorithm for Optimization
Given the rarity parameter c04-math-0465, say c04-math-0466 and the sample size c04-math-0467, execute the following steps:
1. Initialize: The same as in Algorithm 4.2.
2. Select: The same as in Algorithm 4.2 using a single c04-math-0468 in all iterations.
3. Stop: If for some given small integer c04-math-0469, say c04-math-0470,

4.22 c04-math-0471

Deliver c04-math-0472 as the estimator of the optimal solution. Else go to the next step.
4. Screening: The same as in Algorithm 4.2.
5. Splitting: The same as in Algorithm 4.2.
6. Sampling: The same as in Algorithm 4.2.
7. Iterate: The same as in Algorithm 4.2.

4.7 Enhanced Splitting Method for Counting

Here we consider two enhanced estimators for the adaptive splitting method for counting. They are called the direct and capture-recapture estimators, respectively.

4.7.1 Counting with the Direct Estimator

This estimator is based on direct counting of the number of screened samples obtained immediately after crossing the level c04-math-0473. This is the reason that it is called the direct estimator. It is denoted c04-math-0474, and is associated with the uniform distribution c04-math-0475 on c04-math-0476. We found numerically that c04-math-0477 is extremely useful and very accurate as compared to c04-math-0478 of the Algorithm 4.2, but is applicable only for counting where c04-math-0479 is not too large. Specifically, c04-math-0480 should be less than the sample size c04-math-0481. Note, however, that counting problems with small values c04-math-0482 are the most difficult ones and in many counting problems one is interested in the cases where c04-math-0483 does not exceed some fixed quantity, say c04-math-0484. Clearly, this is possible only if c04-math-0485. It is important to note that c04-math-0486 is typically much more accurate than its counterpart, the standard estimator c04-math-0487 based on the splitting Algorithm 4.2. The reason is that c04-math-0488 is obtained directly by counting all distinct values of c04-math-0489 satisfying c04-math-0490, that is, it can be written as

4.23 c04-math-0491

where c04-math-0492 is the sample obtained by screening the elites when Algorithm 4.2 actually satisfied the stopping criterion at Step 4. Again, the estimating Step 3 is omitted; and conveniently Step 4 (stopping) and Step 5 (screening) are swapped.

Algorithm 4.5 Direct Algorithm for Counting
  • Input: The counting problem (4.2); the splitting parameters c04-math-0493; the rarity parameters c04-math-0494; the parameters c04-math-0495 and c04-math-0496, say c04-math-0497 and c04-math-0498, such that c04-math-0499 as in Remark 4.2; the sample size c04-math-0500.
  • Output: Estimator (4.23).
1. Initialization: Same as in Algorithm 4.2.
2. Select: Same as in Algorithm 4.2.
3. Screening: Same as in Algorithm 4.2.
4. Stop: If c04-math-0501, deliver (4.23) as an estimator of c04-math-0502. Else continue with next step.
5. Splitting: Same as in Algorithm 4.2.
6. Sampling: Same as in Algorithm 4.2.
7. Iterate: Same as in Algorithm 4.2.

To increase further the accuracy of c04-math-0503 we might execute one more iteration with a larger sample (more clones in Step 5 and/or longer Markov paths in Step 6).

Note that there is no need to calculate c04-math-0504 in Algorithm 4.5 at any iteration. Note also that the counting Algorithm 4.5 can be readily modified for combinatorial optimization, since an optimization problem can be viewed as a particular case of counting, where the counted quantity c04-math-0505.

4.7.2 Counting with the Capture–Recapture Method

In this section, we discuss how to combine the classic capture-recapture (CAP-RECAP) method with the splitting Algorithm 4.2. First we present the classical capture-recapture algorithm in the literature. Capture-Recapture Method

Originally, the capture-recapture method was used to estimate the size, say c04-math-0506, of some unknown population on the basis of two independent samples, each taken without replacement. To see how the CAP-RECAP method works, consider an urn model with a total of c04-math-0507 identical balls. Denote by c04-math-0508 and c04-math-0509 the sample sizes taken at the first and second draws, respectively. Assume, in addition, that

  • The second draw takes place after all c04-math-0510 balls have been returned to the urn.
  • Before returning the c04-math-0511 balls, each is marked, say, painted with a different color.

Denote by c04-math-0512 the number of balls from the first draw that reappear in the second. Then a biased estimate c04-math-0513 of c04-math-0514 is

4.24 c04-math-0515

This is based on the observation that c04-math-0516. Note that the name capture-recapture was borrowed from a problem of estimating the animal population size in a particular area on the basis of two visits. In this case, c04-math-0517 denotes the number of animals captured on the first visit and recaptured on the second.

A slightly less biased estimator of c04-math-0518 is

4.25 c04-math-0519

See Seber [113] for an analysis of its bias. Furthermore, defining the statistic


Seber [113] shows that




so that c04-math-0523 is an approximately unbiased estimator of the variance of c04-math-0524. Splitting Algorithm Combined with Capture–Recapture

Application of the CAP-RECAP to counting problems is straightforward. The target is to estimate the unknown size c04-math-0525. Consider the last iteration c04-math-0526 of the adaptive splitting Algorithm 4.2; that is, when we have generated in Step 2 the set c04-math-0527 of elite points at level c04-math-0528 (points in the target set c04-math-0529).

Then, we perform the following steps:

1. Skip the stopping Step 4 (of Algorithm 4.2).
2. Screen the elites (Step 5).
3. Execute splitting Step 6 and sampling Step 7 (of Algorithm 4.2) with a sample size c04-math-0530.
4. Remove the duplicates.
5. Record the resulting set of c04-math-0531 distinct points.
6. Execute Steps 2–5 above a second time, starting from the same elite set c04-math-0532; the sample size in Step 5 is taken to be c04-math-0533. Let c04-math-0534 be the number of distinct points.
7. Count the number c04-math-0535 of distinct points that occur in both runs and deliver either estimator the (4.24) or (4.25).

The resulting algorithm can be written as

Algorithm 4.6 Capture-Recapture Algorithm for Counting
  • Input: the counting problem (4.2); sample sizes c04-math-0536; rarity parameters c04-math-0537; set automatically the splitting parameters c04-math-0538.
  • Output: counting estimator (4.24) or (4.25).
1. Initialize: Set a counter c04-math-0539. Generate a sample c04-math-0540 uniformly on c04-math-0541.
2. Select: Compute level c04-math-0542 as the c04-math-0543 quantile of the ordered statistics values of c04-math-0544. Determine the elite sample, that is, the largest subset of c04-math-0545 consisting of points for which c04-math-0546. Suppose that c04-math-0547 is the size of this subset, and denote its points by c04-math-0548; thus,
3. Screening: Screen the elite set; that is, remove duplicates to obtain c04-math-0550 distinct points c04-math-0551, uniformly distributed in c04-math-0552.
4. Stop: If c04-math-0553, set c04-math-0554 and go to Step 7; otherwise continue with the next step.
5. Sampling: To each of the screened elite points, apply a Markov chain sampler of length c04-math-0555 in c04-math-0556 with c04-math-0557 as its stationary distribution. The length c04-math-0558 is given by c04-math-0559. Choose randomly (without replacement) c04-math-0560 of these paths and extendthese with one point by applying an extra transition of the Markov chain sampler. Denote the new entire sample by c04-math-0561.
6. Iterate: Increase the counter c04-math-0562, and repeat from step 2.
7. Capture: Let c04-math-0563. For all c04-math-0564, starting at the c04-math-0565-th screened elite point, run a Markov chain of length c04-math-0566 in c04-math-0567 with c04-math-0568 as its stationary distribution. Extend c04-math-0569 randomly chosen sample paths with one point. Screen out duplicates to obtain a set c04-math-0570 of c04-math-0571 distinct points in c04-math-0572.
8. Recapture: Repeat step 7 with c04-math-0573. After screening out, the remaining set is c04-math-0574 of c04-math-0575 distinct points in c04-math-0576.
9. Capture-Recapture: Compute the number c04-math-0577 of points in c04-math-0578.
10. Estimating: Deliver estimator (4.24) or (4.25).

In Section 4.9, we compare the numerical results of the adaptive splitting Algorithm 4.2 with the capture–recapture Algorithm 4.6. As a general observation we found that the performances of the two counting estimators depend on the size of the target set c04-math-0579. In particular, when we keep the sample c04-math-0580 limited to 10,000, then for c04-math-0581 sizes up to c04-math-0582 the CAP-RECAP estimator (4.25), denoted as c04-math-0583 is more accurate than the adaptive splitting estimator c04-math-0584 in (4.10), that is,


However, for larger target sets, say with c04-math-0586, we propose using the splitting algorithm because the capture–recapture method performs poorly.

4.8 Application of Splitting to Reliability Models

4.8.1 Introduction

Consider a connected undirected graph c04-math-0587 with c04-math-0588 vertices and c04-math-0589 edges, where each edge has some probability c04-math-0590 of failing. What is the probability that c04-math-0591 becomes disconnected under random, independent edge failures? This problem can be generalized by allowing a different failure probability for each edge. It is well known that this problem is #P-hard, even in the special case c04-math-0592.

Although approximation [18] and bounding [5] [6] methods are available, their accuracy and scope are very much dependent on the properties (such as size and topology) of the network. For large networks, estimating the reliability via simulation techniques becomes desirable. Due to the computational complexity of the exact determination, a Monte Carlo approach is justified. However, in highly reliable systems such as modern communication networks, the probability of network failure is a rare-event probability and naive methods such as the Crude Monte Carlo are impractical. Various variance reduction techniques have been developed to produce better estimates. Examples include a control variate method [47], importance sampling [22] [59], and graph decomposition approaches such as the recursive variance reduction algorithm and its refinements [21] [23]. For a survey of these methods, see [20].

For network unreliability, Karger [64] presents an algorithm and shows that its complexity belongs to the so-called fully polynomial randomized approximation schemes (see Appendix section A.3.2 for a definition). His approach can be described as follows.

Assume for simplicity that each edge fails with equal probability c04-math-0593. Let c04-math-0594 be the size of a minimum cut in c04-math-0595; that is, the smallest cut in the graph having exactly c04-math-0596 edges. An important observation of Karger is that if all edges of the cut fail, then the graph becomes disconnected and the network unreliability (failure probability), denoted by c04-math-0597, satisfies c04-math-0598. If c04-math-0599 is bounded by some reasonable polynomial, say c04-math-0600, then the naive Monte Carlo will do the job. Otherwise, c04-math-0601 will be very small and, thus, we are forced to face a rare event situation. Karger discusses the following issues:

  • The failure probability of a cut decreases exponentially with the number of edges in the cut (so he suggests considering only relatively small cuts).
  • There exists a polynomial number of such relatively small cuts, and they can be enumerated in polynomial time.
  • To estimate c04-math-0602 to within c04-math-0603 with high probability, it is sufficient to perform c04-math-0604 trials.
  • Combining the well-known DNF counting algorithm of Karp and Luby [65], one can construct easily a polynomial-sized DNF formula whose probability of being satisfied is precisely the desired one. The algorithm of Karger estimates the failure probability of the graph to within c04-math-0605 in c04-math-0606 time.

The permutation Monte Carlo (PMC) and the turnip methods of Elperin, Gertsbakh, and Lomonosov [41] [42] are the most successful breakthrough methods for networks reliability. Both methods are based on the so-called basic Monte Carlo (BMC) algorithm for computing the sample performance c04-math-0607 (see [52] and Algorithm 4.7). It is shown in [41] [42] that the complexity of both PMC and turnip is c04-math-0608, where c04-math-0609 is the number of edges in the network.

Botev et al. [14] introduce a fast splitting algorithm based on efficient implementation of data structures using minimal spanning trees. This allows one to speed-up substantially the Gibbs sampling, while estimating the sample reliability function c04-math-0610. The Gibbs sampler is implemented online into the BMC Algorithm 4.7 (see Section 4.8.3). Although numerically the splitting method in [14] performs exceptionally well compared with its standard counterpart (see Algorithms 16.7–16.9 in Kroese et al. [73]), there is no formal proof regarding the speed-up of the former relative to the latter. Extensive numerical results support the conjecture that its complexity is the same as in [41] [42], that is, c04-math-0611.

The recent work of Rubinstein et al. [109] deals with further investigation of networks' reliability. In particular, they consider the following three well-known methods: cross-entropy, splitting, and PMC. They show that combining them with the so-called hanging edges Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm of Lomonosov [43] instead of the conventional BMC algorithm obtains a speed-up of order c04-math-0612. The speed-up is due to the fast computation of the sample reliability function c04-math-0613. As a consequence, the earlier suggested cross-entropy algorithm in Kroese et al. [59], the conventional splitting one in Kroese et al. [73], and the PMC algorithm of Elperin et al. [41] for network reliability (all based on the BMC Algorithm 4.7) can be sped up by a factor of c04-math-0614. In particular, the following is shown:

  • The theoretical complexity of the new HMC-based PMC algorithm becomes c04-math-0615 instead of c04-math-0616.
  • The empirical complexity of the new HMC-based cross-entropy algorithm becomes c04-math-0617 instead of c04-math-0618.
  • The empirical complexity of the new HMC-based splitting algorithm becomes c04-math-0619 instead of c04-math-0620.

An essential feature of all three algorithms in [109] is that they retain their original form, because the improved counterparts merely implement the HMC as a subroutine.

In spite of the nice theoretical and empirical complexities of the new HMC-based PMC and cross-entropy algorithms, they have limited application. The reason is that both cross-entropy and PMC algorithms are numerically unstable for large c04-math-0621. Consequently, the cross-entropy and PMC algorithms are able to generate stable reliability estimators for c04-math-0622 up to several hundred nodes, while the splitting and the turnip algorithms (in [14] [109], and [41] [42], respectively, all with complexities c04-math-0623) are able to generate accurate reliability estimators for tens of thousands of nodes.

Here we present a splitting algorithm based on the BMC Algorithm 4.7, as an alternative to the methods of [73] and [109]. Similar to [14] its empirical complexity is c04-math-0624. We believe that the advantage of the current version as compared to the one in [14] is the simplicity of implementation of the Gibbs sampler for generating c04-math-0625.

4.8.2 Static Graph Reliability Problem

Consider an undirected graph c04-math-0626 with a set of nodes c04-math-0627 and a set of edges c04-math-0628. Each edge can be either operational or failed. The configuration of the system can be denoted by c04-math-0629, where c04-math-0630 is the number of edges, c04-math-0631 = 1 if edge c04-math-0632 is operational, and c04-math-0633 = 0 if it is failed. A subset of nodes c04-math-0634 is selected a priori and the system (or graph) is said to be operational in the configuration c04-math-0635 if all nodes in c04-math-0636 are connected to each other by at least one path of operational edges only. We denote this by defining the structure function,


by c04-math-0638 when the system is operational in configuration c04-math-0639, and c04-math-0640 otherwise.

Suppose that edge c04-math-0641 is operational with probability c04-math-0642, so that the system configuration is a random vector c04-math-0643, where c04-math-0644 = c04-math-0645 = c04-math-0646 and the c04-math-0647's are independent. The goal is to estimate c04-math-0648, the reliability of thesystem.

The crude Monte Carlo reliability estimator is given as

4.26 c04-math-0649

where c04-math-0650 are iid realizations from a multivariate Bernoulli distribution such that c04-math-0651 for all c04-math-0652. For highly reliable systems, the unreliability c04-math-0653 is very small, so that we have a rare-event situation, and c04-math-0654 has to be prohibitively large to get a meaningful estimator. Such rare-event situations call for efficient sampling strategies. In this section, we shall use the ones based on cross-entropy, splitting, and the PMC method, all of which rely on the graph evolution approach described next. Dynamic Graph Reliability Problem Formulation

In our context, a rare event occurs when the network is nonoperational. We consider an artificial state that contains more information than the binary vector based on [41]. The idea is to transform the static model into a dynamic one by assuming that all edges start in the failed state at time 0 and that the c04-math-0655-th edge is repaired after a random time c04-math-0656, whose distribution is chosen so that the probability of repair at time 1 is the reliability of the edge. In particular, we assume that the c04-math-0657's have a continuous cumulative distribution function c04-math-0658 for c04-math-0659, with c04-math-0660 and c04-math-0661. The reliability of the graph is the probability that it is operational at time 1, and the crude Monte Carlo algorithm can be reformulated as follows:

Generate the vector of repair times and check if the graph is operational at time 1; repeat this c04-math-0662 times independently, and estimate the reliability by the proportion of those graphs that are operational.

This formulation has the advantage that, given the vector c04-math-0663, we can compute at what time the network becomes operational and use this real number as a measure of our closeness to the rare event.

Assuming that the c04-math-0664's are independent, they are easy to generate by inverting the c04-math-0665's. We define random variables c04-math-0666 for all c04-math-0667, where c04-math-0668 is the indicator function, and the associated random configuration c04-math-0669. These variables give the status of edge c04-math-0670 at time c04-math-0671, namely, if c04-math-0672, the edge is operational at time c04-math-0673. Note that for the original Bernoulli variable indicatingwhether edge c04-math-0674 is operational, we have c04-math-0675. In this way we get also a random dynamic structure function c04-math-0676, c04-math-0677, for which c04-math-0678. The interpretation is that the edges become operational one by one at random times and we are interested in the reliability at time 1. This is referred to as the construction process in [110]. Define the performance function


as the first time when the graph becomes operational. Hence, the value equals one of the repair times c04-math-0680, namely the one that swaps the graph from non-operational to operational. Another point of view is to consider c04-math-0681 as a measure of closeness of c04-math-0682 to reliability: c04-math-0683 means that the system is operational at time 1, thus c04-math-0684 measures the distance from it. Both the cross-entropy [59] and the splitting method [73] exploit this feature.

These methods are designed to estimate the nonoperational probability (or unreliability) c04-math-0685. Ideally, we would like to sample c04-math-0686 (repeatedly) from its distribution conditional on c04-math-0687. To achieve this, we first partition the interval [0, 1] in fixed levels


and use them as intermediate stepping stones on the way to sampling c04-math-0689 conditional on c04-math-0690 as follows.

At stage c04-math-0691 of the algorithm, for c04-math-0692, we have a collection of states c04-math-0693 from their distribution conditional on c04-math-0694. For each of them, we construct a Markov chain that starts with that state and evolves by resampling some of the edge repair times under their distribution conditional on the value c04-math-0695 remaining larger than c04-math-0696. While running all those chains for a given number of steps, we collect all the visited states c04-math-0697 whose value is above c04-math-0698, and use them for the next stage. By discarding the repair times below c04-math-0699 and starting new chains from those above c04-math-0700, and repeating this at each stage, we favor the longer repair times and eventually obtain a sufficiently large number of states with values above 1. Based on the number of steps at each stage, and the proportion of repair times that reach the final level, we obtain an unbiased estimator of c04-math-0701, which is the graph unreliability, see [41].

This reformulation with the repair-time variables c04-math-0702 enables us to consider the reliability at any time c04-math-0703: the configuration is c04-math-0704 and the graph is operational if and only if c04-math-0705. Once the repair-time variables c04-math-0706 are generated, we can compute from them an estimator of the reliability for any c04-math-0707.

In Elperin et al. [41] [42] and Gertsbakh and Shpungin [52], each repair distribution c04-math-0708 is taken as exponential with rate c04-math-0709 (denoted c04-math-0710). Then


and c04-math-0712. We denote the corresponding joint pdf by c04-math-0713.

4.8.3 BMC Algorithm for Computing c04-math-0714

Recall that, in terms of the vector c04-math-0715, the graph unreliability can be written as c04-math-0716 and using the crude Monte Carlo, we would estimate c04-math-0717 via


It is well known that direct evaluation of c04-math-0719 by using the minimal cuts and minimal path sets of the network is impractical. Instead, it is common to resort to the following simple algorithm [52] [59, 73], which uses a breadth-first search procedure [32].

Algorithm 4.7 Basic Monte Carlo Algorithm for Computing c04-math-0720
Given c04-math-0721 and a set of terminal nodes of size c04-math-0722, set c04-math-0723 and execute the following steps.
1. Let c04-math-0724 be the permutation of the edges c04-math-0725 obtained from c04-math-0726 such that


2. Consider the network c04-math-0728 in which the edges c04-math-0729 are operational and the rest, c04-math-0730, are failed.
3. Use the breadth-first search algorithm to check if the network is operational. If so, denote by c04-math-0731 the final number c04-math-0732 corresponding to the operational network, stop and go to Step 4; otherwise, increment c04-math-0733 and repeat from Step 2.
4. Output c04-math-0734 as the time at which the network becomes operational.

The stopping random value of c04-math-0735 corresponding to the operational network is called the critical number.

Remark 4.4
In the original BMC version [52], the terminal connectivity (see Step c04-math-0736 of Algorithm 4.7) was established using the Kruskal algorithm with complexity c04-math-0737. The corresponding complexity of the entire algorithm was c04-math-0738 [52]. One can speed up Algorithm 4.7 by using the bisection search for finding the critical number c04-math-0739 instead of searching it sequentially starting from c04-math-0740. By doing so, the complexity of this enhanced breadth-first search version reduces to c04-math-0741 and that of Algorithm 4.7 reduces to c04-math-0742.

4.8.4 Gibbs Sampler

To estimate the unreliability c04-math-0743 we use the standard splitting algorithm on a sequence of adaptive levels


As usual, for each level c04-math-0745 we employ a Gibbs sampler. Clearly, the complexity of the splitting algorithm depends on the complexity of the Gibbs sampler. We present here two version of the Gibbs sampler, the standard one, which was used earlier for different estimation and counting problems [105], and the new faster one, called an enhanced Gibbs sampler, which is specially designed for reliability models.

Algorithm 4.8 Standard Gibbs Sampler for Network Reliability
  • Input: A time c04-math-0746; a graph c04-math-0747, with c04-math-0748; repair times c04-math-0749 such that c04-math-0750.
  • Output: A random neighbor c04-math-0751 such that c04-math-0752.

For each c04-math-0753 do:

1. Generate c04-math-0754; set c04-math-0755.
2. If c04-math-0756, set c04-math-0757.

This algorithm exploits two properties, which ensures its correctness. The first property is that, given any repair times c04-math-0758, the value c04-math-0759, where c04-math-0760 is the smallest of all repair times that make the system operational. Suppose that c04-math-0761, and choose an arbitrary edge c04-math-0762. Suppose that we may alter its repair time randomly to set it c04-math-0763. Then there are two possible scenarios.

a. Either edge c04-math-0764 is noncritical in the sense that, whatever the new repair time c04-math-0765 will be, the perfomance value remains larger than c04-math-0766.
b. Or edge c04-math-0767 is critical in the sense that setting c04-math-0768 too small, the value becomes less than c04-math-0769. In the latter case, surely when c04-math-0770, the value also remains larger. Then we call the second property, which is the memoryless property of the exponential distribution.

The Gibbs sampler Algorithm 4.8 is quite time consuming because the evaluation of c04-math-0771 is so. Below we propose a faster option, called the enhanced Gibbs sampler, which avoids explicit calculation of c04-math-0772 during Gibbs sampler execution. It is based on similar observations made above. Consider again the situation that c04-math-0773 for some repair time c04-math-0774 and that we change the repair time of edge c04-math-0775 randomly.

  • If already c04-math-0776, then we conclude that edge c04-math-0777 is noncritical, so we can generate any repair time c04-math-0778.
  • If c04-math-0779, then we run a breadth-first search procedure [32] in order to verify whether edge c04-math-0780 is critical or noncritical. The breadth-first search procedure will operate on a subgraph c04-math-0781 induced by edges operational before time c04-math-0782. If c04-math-0783 is indeed critical, we will generate c04-math-0784.

The enhanced Gibbs sampler can be written as follows.

Algorithm 4.9 Enhanced Gibbs Sampler for Network Reliability
  • Input: A time c04-math-0785; a graph c04-math-0786, with c04-math-0787; repair times c04-math-0788c04-math-0788a such that c04-math-0789.
  • Output: A random neighbor c04-math-0790 such that c04-math-0791.

For each c04-math-0792 do:

1. Generate c04-math-0793; set c04-math-0794.
2. If c04-math-0795:
a. Determine c04-math-0796 and c04-math-0797.
b. Check terminal connectivity by applying the breadth-first search procedure to the subgraph c04-math-0798.
c. If the terminals are connected set c04-math-0799.

Taking into account that for each random variable c04-math-0800 the most expensive operation is breadth-first search procedure on c04-math-0801, which takes at most c04-math-0802 units of time because c04-math-0803 is clearly a subgraph of the original c04-math-0804 and so c04-math-0805, we conclude that the overall complexity of the enhanced Gibbs sampler Algorithm 4.9 is c04-math-0806.

4.9 Numerical Results with the Splitting Algorithms

We present here numerical results with the proposed algorithms for counting and optimization. A large collection of instances (including real-world) is available on the following sites:

4.9.1 Counting SAT Problem

We present data from experiments with two different 3-SAT models:

  • Small size; c04-math-0807 (meaning c04-math-0808 variables and c04-math-0809 clauses); exact count c04-math-0810.
  • Moderate size; c04-math-0811; exact count c04-math-0812.

We shall use the following notation.

Notation 4.1
For iteration c04-math-0813
  • c04-math-0814 and c04-math-0815 denote the actual number of elites and the number after screening, respectively;
  • c04-math-0816 and c04-math-0817 denote the upper and the lower elite levels reached, respectively (the c04-math-0818 levels are the same as the c04-math-0819 levels in the description of the algorithm);
  • c04-math-0820 are the adaptive rarity, splitting, and burn-in parameters, respectively;
  • c04-math-0821 is the estimator of the c04-math-0822-th conditional probability;
  • (intermediate) product estimator after the c04-math-0823-th iteration c04-math-0824;
  • (intermediate) direct estimator after the c04-math-0825-th iteration c04-math-0826, which is obtained by counting directly the number of distinct points satisfying all clauses.
  • RE denotes the estimated relative errors defined in (2.3) in Chapter 2.
  • CPU report computing time of the algorithm. All computations were executed on the same machine (PC Pentium E5200 4GB RAM). First Model: c04-math-0827-SAT with Instance Matrix c04-math-0828

This instance of the c04-math-0829-SAT problem consists of c04-math-0830 variables and c04-math-0831 clauses. The exact count is c04-math-0832. A typical dynamics of a run of the adaptive splitting Algorithm 4.2 with c04-math-0833, c04-math-0834, and c04-math-0835 (single burn-in) is given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Dynamics of Algorithm 4.2 for 3-SAT c04-math-0836 model


We ran the algorithm 10 times with c04-math-0845, c04-math-0846, and c04-math-0847. The average performance was


The direct estimator c04-math-0849 gave always the exact result c04-math-0850. Second Model: c04-math-0851-SAT with Instance Matrix c04-math-0852

Our next model is a c04-math-0853-SAT with an instance matrix c04-math-0854 taken from The exact value is c04-math-0855. Table 4.2 presents the dynamics of the adaptive Algorithm 4.2 for this problem.

Table 4.2 Dynamics of Algorithm 4.2 for the c04-math-0868-SAT with matrix c04-math-0869


We ran the splitting algorithm 10 times, using sample size c04-math-0856 and parameters c04-math-0857 and c04-math-0858 for all iterations. We obtained


We also implemented the direct Algorithm 4.5 after the last iteration of the adaptive splitting using c04-math-0860. We obtained


Table 4.3 presents a comparison of the performances of the adaptive splitting estimator c04-math-0862 and its counterpart, the CAP-RECAP estimator, denoted by c04-math-0863 obtained from the capture-recapture Algorithm 4.6. The comparison was done for the same random 3-SAT model with the instance matrix c04-math-0864. We set c04-math-0865, c04-math-0866, and c04-math-0867.

Table 4.3 Comparison of the Performance of the Adaptive Estimator c04-math-0878 and Its CAP-RECAP counterpart c04-math-0879 for the 3-SAT c04-math-0880 model


Note that the sample c04-math-0888 was obtained as soon as soon as Algorithm 4.6 reaches the final level c04-math-0889, and c04-math-0890 was obtained while running it for one more iteration at the same level c04-math-0891. The actual sample sizes c04-math-0892 and c04-math-0893 were chosen according to the following rule: sample until Algorithm 4.6 screens out 50% of the samples and then stop. It follows from Table 4.3 that for model c04-math-0894 this corresponds to c04-math-0895. It also follows that the relative error of c04-math-0896 is about 100 times smaller as compared to c04-math-0897. Random Graphs with Prescribed Degrees

Random graphs with given vertex degrees is a model for real-world complex networks, including the World Wide Web, social networks, and biological networks. The problem is to find a graph c04-math-0898 with c04-math-0899 vertices, given the degree sequence c04-math-0900 with some nonnegative integers. Following [9], a finite sequence c04-math-0901 of non-negative integers is called graphical if there is a labeled simple graph with vertex set c04-math-0902 in which vertex c04-math-0903 has degree c04-math-0904. Such a graph is called a realization of the degree sequence c04-math-0905. We are interested in the total number of such realizations for a given degree sequence, hence c04-math-0906 denotes the set of all graphs c04-math-0907 with the degree sequence c04-math-0908.

In order to perform this estimation, we transform the problem into a counting problem by considering the complete graph c04-math-0909 of c04-math-0910 vertices, in which each vertex is connected with all other vertices. Thus, the total number of edges in c04-math-0911 is c04-math-0912, labeled c04-math-0913. The random graph problem with prescribed degrees is translated to the problem of choosing those edges of c04-math-0914 such that the resulting graph c04-math-0915 matches the given sequence c04-math-0916. We set c04-math-0917 when c04-math-0918 is chosen, and c04-math-0919, otherwise, c04-math-0920. So that such an assignment c04-math-0921 matches the given degree sequence c04-math-0922, it holds necessarily that c04-math-0923, since this is the total number of edges. In other words, the configuration space is


Let c04-math-0925 be the incidence matrix of c04-math-0926 with entries


It is easy to see that whenever a configuration c04-math-0928 satisfies c04-math-0929, the associated graph has degree sequence c04-math-0930. We conclude that the set c04-math-0931 is represented by


We first present a small example as illustration. Let c04-math-0933 with c04-math-0934, and c04-math-0935. After ordering the edges of c04-math-0936 lexicographically, the corresponding incidence matrix is given as


It can be seen that c04-math-0938 and c04-math-0939c04-math-0940 present two solutions of this example.

For the random graph problem we define the performance function c04-math-0941 by


where c04-math-0943 is the degree of vertex c04-math-0944 under the configuration c04-math-0945. Each configuration that satisfies the degree sequence will have a performance function equal to c04-math-0946.

The implementation of the Gibbs sampler for this problem is slightly different than for the c04-math-0947-SAT one, in as much as we keep the number of edges in each realization fixed to c04-math-0948. The algorithm below takes care of this requirement and generates a random c04-math-0949.

Algorithm 4.10 A Random Graph with Prescribed Degrees
  • Input: The prescribed degrees sequence c04-math-0950.
  • Output: A random c04-math-0951.
1. Generate a random permutation of c04-math-0952.
2. Choose the first c04-math-0953 places in this permutation and deliver a vector c04-math-0954 having one's in those places.

The adaptive thresholds in the splitting algorithm are negative, increasing to 0:


The resulting Gibbs sampler (in Step 3 of the splitting algorithm starting with a configuration c04-math-0956 for which c04-math-0957) can be written as follows.

Algorithm 4.11 Gibbs Algorithm for Random Graph Sampling
  • Input: A configuration c04-math-0958 with c04-math-0959.
  • Output: A uniformly chosen random neighbor with the same property.

For each edge c04-math-0960, while keeping all other edges fixed, do:

1. Remove c04-math-0961 from c04-math-0962; that is, make c04-math-0963.
2. Check all possible placements for the edge resulting a new vector, denoted by c04-math-0964 conditioning on the performance function c04-math-0965.
3. With uniform probability choose one of the valid realizations.

We will apply the splitting algorithm to two problems taken from [9]. A Small Problem

For this small problem we have the degree sequence


The solution can be obtained analytically and is already given in [9], from which we quote:

To count the number of labeled graphs with this degree sequence, note that there are c04-math-0967 such graphs with vertex 1 not joined to vertex 2 by an edge (these graphs look like two separate stars), and there are c04-math-0968 such graphs with an edge between vertices 1 and 2 (these look like two joined stars with an isolated edge left over). Thus, the total number of realizations of d is c04-math-0969.

As we will see, the adaptive splitting Algorithm 4.2 easily handles the problem. First we present a typical dynamics (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4 Typical Dynamics of the Splitting Algorithm 4.2 for a small problem using c04-math-0970 and c04-math-0971


We ran the algorithm 10 times, independently, using sample size c04-math-0979 and rarity parameter c04-math-0980. The average performance was

equation A Large Problem

A much harder instance (see [9]) is defined by


In [9] the number of such graphs is estimated to be about c04-math-0983. The average performance with the adaptive splitting Algorithm 4.2, based on 10 experiments, using sample size c04-math-0984 and rarity parameter c04-math-0985, was

equation Binary Contingency Tables

Given are two vectors of positive integers c04-math-0987 and c04-math-0988 such that c04-math-0989 for all c04-math-0990, c04-math-0991 for all c04-math-0992, and c04-math-0993. A binary contingency table with row sums c04-math-0994 and column sums c04-math-0995 is a c04-math-0996 matrix c04-math-0997 of zero-one entries c04-math-0998 satisfying c04-math-0999 for every row c04-math-1000 and c04-math-1001 for every column c04-math-1002. The problem is to count all contingency tables.

The extension of the proposed Gibbs sampler for counting the contingency tables follows immediately. We define the configuration space c04-math-1003 as the space where all column or row sums are satisfied:


Clearly, sampling uniformly on c04-math-1005 is straightforward. The sample function c04-math-1006 is defined by


that is, the difference of the row sums c04-math-1008 with the target c04-math-1009 if the column sums are right, and vice versa.

The Gibbs sampler is similar to random graphs with prescribed degrees.

Algorithm 4.12 Gibbs Algorithm for Random Contingency Tables Sampling
  • Input: A matrix realization c04-math-1010 with performance value c04-math-1011.
  • Output: A uniformly chosen random neighbor with the same property.

For each column c04-math-1012 and for each 1-entry in this column (c04-math-1013) do:

1. Remove this c04-math-1014, that is, set c04-math-1015.
2. Check all possible placements for this c04-math-1016 in the given column c04-math-1017 conditioning on the performance function c04-math-1018, where c04-math-1019 is the matrix resulting by setting c04-math-1020, c04-math-1021 for some c04-math-1022, and all other entries remain unchanged.
3. Suppose that the set of valid realization is c04-math-1023. This set also contains the original realization c04-math-1024. Then, with probability c04-math-1025, pick any realization at random and continue with step 1.

In this way we keep the column sums correct. Similarly, when we started with a matrix configuration with all row sums correct, we execute these steps for each row and swap 1 and 0 per row. Model 1

The data are c04-math-1026 with row and column sums


The true count value is known to be c04-math-1028 (reported in [28]). Table 4.5 presents a typical dynamics of the adaptive splitting Algorithm 4.2 for Model 1 using c04-math-1029 and c04-math-1030.

Table 4.5 Typical Dynamics of the Splitting Algorithm 4.2 for model 1 using c04-math-1031 and c04-math-1032


The average performance based on 10 experiments using sample size c04-math-1040 and rarity parameter c04-math-1041 was

equation Model 2

Consider the problem of counting tables with Darwin's finch data as marginal sums given in Chen et al. [28]. The data are c04-math-1043 with row and columns sums


The true count value in [28] is c04-math-1045. The average performance based on 10 independent experiments using sample size c04-math-1046 and rarity parameter c04-math-1047 was

equation Vertex Coloring

Vertex coloring is a problem of coloring the vertices of a graph c04-math-1049 consisting of c04-math-1050 nodes and c04-math-1051 edges, such that neighboring vertices have different colors. The set of colors has a size c04-math-1052. For more details on vertex coloring see Section A.1.1.

Algorithm 4.13 Gibbs Algorithm for Vertex Coloring
  • Input: A graph c04-math-1053 with proper coloring.
  • Output: A uniformly chosen random neighbor with the same property.

For each vertex c04-math-1054 do:

1. Choose a color for c04-math-1055 according to the uniform distribution over the set of colors that are not assigned at any of its neighbors.
2. Accept the new color with probability c04-math-1056 and leave all other vertices unchanged.

We consider here two coloring models: a small one and one of moderate size. First Model: c04-math-1057 Vertices, c04-math-1058 Edges, c04-math-1059 Colors

The graph c04-math-1060 has the following c04-math-1061 adjacency matrix.


The performance is based on 10 independent experiments using sample size c04-math-1063 and rarity parameter c04-math-1064, was


Note that the splitting procedure starts with the set c04-math-1066 consisting of all feasible colorings of the graph c04-math-1067 (see Section A.1.1). Thus, c04-math-1068. We obtain, in this case, that the probability equals


Because c04-math-1070 is not a rareevent, the crude Monte Carlo method can also be used here. The performance of the CMC estimator based on 10 independent runs with c04-math-1071 and c04-math-1072 was


It follows the RE of the CMC is about 3 times larger than its counterpart, the splitting Algorithm 4.2. Second Model: c04-math-1074 Vertices, c04-math-1075 Edges, c04-math-1076

We next consider a larger and sparser coloring model, one with c04-math-1077 vertices, c04-math-1078 edges, and c04-math-1079.

For this model, we applied the adaptive splitting Algorithm 4.2 with sample size c04-math-1080, rarity parameter c04-math-1081, and burn-in parameter c04-math-1082. The direct algorithm was implemented immediately after the last iteration of the adaptive splitting, using again c04-math-1083. Table 4.6 presents the dynamics for a single run of the splitting Algorithm 4.2.

Table 4.6 Dynamics of Algorithm 4.2 for 4-Coloring graph with c04-math-1084 nodes


The average performance based on 10 independent experiments was


The direct splitting algorithm results in c04-math-1130 with RE c04-math-1131. Permanent

The permanent of a general c04-math-1132 matrix c04-math-1133 is defined as

4.27 c04-math-1134

where c04-math-1135 is the set of all permutations c04-math-1136 of c04-math-1137.

Example 4.2
Let c04-math-1138 be a c04-math-1139 matrix given as

4.28 c04-math-1140

Note that, in contrast to the Hamiltonian cycle problem, the diagonal elements of the matrix c04-math-1141 need not to be zeros. The c04-math-1142 permutations with the corresponding product values c04-math-1143 are given in Table 4.7. The permanent is c04-math-1144. The values of the performance function c04-math-1145 with all six possible permutation vectors c04-math-1146 are given in Table 4.8.squ

Table 4.7 Six permutations and their product values of the matrix c04-math-1147 in (4.28)
Table 4.8 The c04-math-1156 values corresponding to the permutations for the matrix c04-math-1157 in (4.28)

To apply the Gibbs sampler for the permanent problem, we adopt the concept of “neighboring” elements (see, for example, Chapter 10 of Ross [99]) and in particular the concept of 2-opt heuristic [108]. More precisely, given a point (tour) c04-math-1165 of length c04-math-1166 generated by the pdf c04-math-1167, the conditional Gibbs sampling updates the existing tour c04-math-1168 to c04-math-1169, where c04-math-1170 is generated from c04-math-1171 and where c04-math-1172 is the same as c04-math-1173 with the exception that the points c04-math-1174 and c04-math-1175 in c04-math-1176 are interchanged. We accept the tour c04-math-1177 if c04-math-1178, otherwise, we leave the tour c04-math-1179 the same. If c04-math-1180 is accepted, we update the cost function c04-math-1181 (for c04-math-1182) accordingly. We found empirically that, in order for the tours c04-math-1183 to be distributed approximately uniformly (at each subspace c04-math-1184), we used c04-math-1185 trials.

The Gibbs sampler may be summarized as follows:

Algorithm 4.14 Gibbs Algorithm for the Permanent
  • Input: Given a permutation c04-math-1186 and c04-math-1187.
  • Output: A uniformly chosen random neighbor with the same property.

For each c04-math-1188 and c04-math-1189 c04-math-1190 do:

1. c04-math-1191;
2. If c04-math-1192, set c04-math-1193.

We applied the adaptive splitting Algorithm 4.2 to a problem with an instance matrix c04-math-1194 matrix. We took a sample size c04-math-1195 and set the rarity parameter c04-math-1196 and burn-in parameter c04-math-1197. The average performance based on 10 experiments was


The direct estimator was implemented immediately after the last iteration of the adaptive splitting, using again c04-math-1199. The average performance of the direct algorithm was c04-math-1200 with RE c04-math-1201. Hamiltonian Cycles

We solve the Hamiltonian cycles problem by applying the 2-opt heuristic used for the permanent. In counting Hamiltonian cycles we simulated an associated permanent problem by making use of the following observations:

  • The set of Hamiltonian cycles of length c04-math-1202 represents a subset of the associated permanent set of trajectories.
  • The latter set is formed from cycles of length c04-math-1203.

It follows that, in order to count the number of Hamiltonian cycles for a given matrix c04-math-1204, one can use the following simple procedure:

1. Run Algorithm 4.2 and calculate the estimator of c04-math-1205 of the associated permanent using the product formula (4.9). Denote such a permanent estimator by c04-math-1206.
2. Proceed with one more iteration of Algorithm 4.2 and calculate the ratio of the number of screened Hamiltonian elite cycles (cycles of length c04-math-1207) to that of screened elite samples (samples of length c04-math-1208) in the permanent. Denote the ratio by c04-math-1209.
3. Deliver c04-math-1210 as an estimator of the number Hamiltonian cycles c04-math-1211.

Below we present simulation results for two c04-math-1212 models. We choose c04-math-1213, c04-math-1214 and c04-math-1215. The results are based on the averages of 10 experiments. The adaptive splitting algorithm results in


while the direct algorithm results in

equation Volume of a Polytope

Here we present numerical results with the splitting Algorithm 4.2, on the volume of a polytope defined as c04-math-1218. We assume in addition that all components c04-math-1219. By doing so the polytope c04-math-1220 will be inside the unit c04-math-1221-dimensional cube and therefore its volume is very small (rare-event probability) relative to that of the unit cube. In general, however, before implementing the Gibbs sampler, one must find the minimal c04-math-1222-dimensional box, which contains the polytope, that is, for each c04-math-1223, one must find the values c04-math-1224 of the minimal box satisfying c04-math-1225. This can be done by solving for each c04-math-1226 the following two linear programs:

4.29 c04-math-1227

4.30 c04-math-1228


4.31 c04-math-1229

4.32 c04-math-1230

We consider two models. First Model

4.33 c04-math-1231

Table 4.9 presents the dynamics of a single run of the splitting Algorithm 4.2 with c04-math-1232 and c04-math-1233. The results are self-explanatory.

Table 4.9 Dynamics of single run of splitting Algorithm 4.2


In this model, we also executed the crude Monte Carlo, for which we took a sample c04-math-1240. The results of 10 experiments are

equation Second Model

This problem involves a c04-math-1242 matrix, whose main part, c04-math-1243, comprises the first 60 column vectors of matrix c04-math-1244 with 0-1 entries and the rightmost column corresponds to the vector c04-math-1245. Running the splitting Algorithm 4.2 for 10 independent runs, each with c04-math-1246 and c04-math-1247, we obtained average performance


4.9.2 Combinatorial Optimization Traveling Salesman Problem

We now present some numerical results obtained with splitting Algorithm 4.2 while using the 2-opt heuristics. The models are taken from

All our results are based on 10 independent runs with the random Gibbs sampler. Below, we consider the ftv33 model with c04-math-1249 nodes and the best-known solution, equal to 1286. We used in our simulation studies c04-math-1250 and c04-math-1251. We found that the accuracy with c04-math-1252 is higher than for c04-math-1253, but the CPU time in the latter increased by about 20%. We also found that the accuracy of the splitting Algorithm 4.2 is quite sensitive to c04-math-1254, c04-math-1255, and c04-math-1256. Below are some results:

  • c04-math-1257, c04-math-1258, and c04-math-1259. The results are


    The CPU was 25 sec for a run.

  • c04-math-1261, c04-math-1262, and c04-math-1263. In this case, the 2-opt heuristic results in the best-known solution is c04-math-1264 in all 10 runs.
  • c04-math-1265, c04-math-1266, and c04-math-1267. The results are equation
  • c04-math-1269, c04-math-1270, and c04-math-1271. The results are equation
  • c04-math-1273, c04-math-1274, and c04-math-1275. The results are equation(This is the worst case, with relative error about 7%.) Knapsack Problem

Consider the Sento1.dat knapsack problem given in The problem has 30 constraints and 60 variables. We ran the splitting Algorithm 4.4 for 10 independent runs with c04-math-1277, c04-math-1278, c04-math-1279, and we found that it discovers the best-known solution. We also ran it for various integer problems and always found that the results coincided with the best-known solution.

4.9.3 Reliability Models

To estimate the system unreliability parameter c04-math-1280, we use in all our numerical experiments the exponential pdf c04-math-1281 with the rates c04-math-1282, where c04-math-1283 is the underlying Bernoulli vector.

Our numerical results are given for a dodecahedron graph in Figure 4.11 and a lattice graph. Note that an c04-math-1284 graph has c04-math-1285 rows containing c04-math-1286 nodes each, arranged in a rectangular lattice. Each node is connected to its neighbors on the left, right, above, and below, where they exist. As an illustration, a c04-math-1287 lattice graph is presented in Figure 4.12. In all our numerical experiments, we take the terminals to be the upper-left and the lower-right nodes of the corresponding lattice graph.

Figure 4.11 The dodecahedron graph.


Figure 4.12 A c04-math-1288 lattice graph, with 40 nodes and 67 edges.


To estimate the unreliability parameter c04-math-1289 we run both models for 10 independent scenarios. Dodecahedron Graph with Terminal Nodes c04-math-1290

We considered the following two cases:

Case 1  with c04-math-1291. We set c04-math-1292 and c04-math-1293. We obtained the following 10 estimators of c04-math-1294:


The average CPU time was c04-math-1296 seconds and the relative error was c04-math-1297.

Case 2  with c04-math-1298. We set c04-math-1299 and c04-math-1300. We obtained the following 10 estimators of c04-math-1301:


The average CPU time was c04-math-1303 seconds and the relative error was about c04-math-1304. Lattice c04-math-1305 Graph with c04-math-1306

We considered the following two cases:

Case 1  with c04-math-1307. We set c04-math-1308 and c04-math-1309. We obtained the following 10 estimators of c04-math-1310:


The average CPU time was c04-math-1312 seconds and the relative error was c04-math-1313.

Case 2  with c04-math-1314, c04-math-1315, and c04-math-1316. We obtained the following 10 estimators of c04-math-1317:


The average CPU time was c04-math-1319 seconds and the relative error was c04-math-1320.

4.10 Appendix: Gibbs Sampler

In this appendix, we show how to sample from a given joint pdf c04-math-1321 using the Gibbs sampler, where instead of proceeding with c04-math-1322 directly, which might be very difficult, one samples from one-dimensional conditional pdfs c04-math-1323, which is typically much simpler.

Two basic versions of the Gibbs sampler [108] are available: systematic and random. In the former, the components of the vector c04-math-1324 are updated in a fixed, say increasing, order, while in the latter they are chosen randomly according to a discrete uniform c04-math-1325-point pdf. Below we present the systematic version, where for a given vector c04-math-1326, one generates a new vector c04-math-1327 with the same distribution c04-math-1328 as follows:

Algorithm 4.15 Systematic Gibbs Sampler
1. Draw c04-math-1329 from the conditional pdf c04-math-1330.
2. Draw c04-math-1331 from the conditional pdf c04-math-1332
3. Draw c04-math-1333 from the conditional pdf c04-math-1334

Iterating with Algorithm 4.15, the Gibbs sampler generates (subject to some mild conditions, see [108]), a sample distributed c04-math-1335.

We denote for convenience each conditional pdf c04-math-1336 by c04-math-1337, where c04-math-1338 denotes conditioning on all random variables except the c04-math-1339-th component.

We next present a random Gibbs sampler taken from (Ross, 2006) for estimating each c04-math-1340 according to (4.11), that is,


Algorithm 4.16 Ross' Acceptance-Rejection Algorithm for Estimating c04-math-1342
1. Set c04-math-1343=0.
2. Choose a vector c04-math-1344 such that c04-math-1345.
3. Generate a random number c04-math-1346 and set c04-math-1347=c04-math-1348.
4. If c04-math-1349, generate c04-math-1350 from the conditional one-dimensional distribution c04-math-1351 (see Algorithm 4.15).
5. If c04-math-1352, return to 4.
6. Set c04-math-1353 and c04-math-1354.
7. If c04-math-1355, then c04-math-1356.
8. Go to 3.
9. Estimate c04-math-1357 as c04-math-1358.

For many rare-event and counting problems, generation from the conditional pdf c04-math-1359 can be achieved directly, that is, skipping Step 5. This should obviously speed things up.

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