
Part V

Executing Your Proactive Social Media Job Hunt Strategies


pt_webextra_bw.TIF For more strategies on staying up-to-date with online job-searching tools, visit www.dummies.com/extras/jobsearchingsocialmedia.

In this part . . .

check.png Find the right people to talk with in an organization — it’s a critical step because you can’t rely totally on job boards.

check.png Put yourself in the hiring manager’s shoes. Understanding a hiring manager’s business issues brings you one step closer to becoming relevant to an organization.

check.png Get more out of informational interviews. Info interviewing used to just be about information gathering, but by applying the right techniques, you’ll also grow your network and social-media influence strategically.

check.png Reach out to hiring managers as a networking play. It will separate you from other prospects who just sit around and wait for calls. Learn how to proactively get on the good side of the decision maker.

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