

In the modern job market, no tool is more capable of shortening your job search and helping you become successful in your career than social media — online networks that foster interaction with other people. Social media tools have become key resources for hiring managers who, on smaller budgets, turn to their network to fill positions. Social media sites have also grown to augment business networking and have become vital marketplaces for the exchange of goods and services through trusted connections. Job Searching with Social Media For Dummies, 2nd Edition, takes the topic most job-searching books treat as a single chapter — using social media — and gives it the depth and focus it deserves in today’s competitive job market.

When I was laid off for the second time in six months, I started to rely heavily on social media to get back on my feet. During that time, I developed a personal brand that worked for me, I began networking in person and online, and I started reaching out to people at companies I wanted to work at. Pretty soon the job opportunities started to roll in as I received several offers. But something inside me wasn't ready to start work again. That's when I started Career Enlightenment so I could help other people figure out social media and find jobs. I've watched countless clients slide right into the job of their dreams, using the tools and techniques I share with you in this book. And after years of research, writing, and client work, my blog CareerEnlightenment.com won the About.com 2013 Reader's Choice Award for best career blog. This book weaves together the most important threads from my blog into a cohesive volume for job-search success.

I know you have better things to do than read more books about job searching. In fact, you’d probably prefer to be out networking, cruising job boards, writing your résumé, or interviewing for that new dream job, right? I wrote this book with all that in mind. If you’re hyper-focused on taking your career to the next level, if you prefer action over theory, and if you want to see fast results from your efforts, then this is your book.

About This Book

Job Searching with Social Media For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is your go-to reference for all kinds of tips and tricks that reveal how to use social media to find a job. Whether you’re new to social media (which is also called social networking) or can surf Facebook in your sleep, you’ll find information of value within this book.

Feel free to jump around to the subjects that interest you most. The beauty of a For Dummies book is that you don’t have to read every single word. In fact, you can skip over some parts of this book entirely. Feel free to pass over the sidebars (the gray-shaded blocks of text within some chapters). They provide context, extra detail, or happily ending stories, but you certainly don’t have to read them to get the gist of a section.

However, even if you think you know about a technology or tool, I encourage you to give each chapter a look. You may find new ideas or even old ideas used in new ways. These days, any new trick that separates you from the crowd is worth finding out about.

Foolish Assumptions

If you’re picking up this book, I’m guessing you’re a frustrated job seeker. Perhaps you’re just out of college and looking for your first job with little to no working experience under your belt. Maybe you’re seeking to make the leap into a new field after spending several years in a different one. Or perhaps you never intended to find another job because you were so happy at your old one, but then life threw you for a loop and your job disappeared. If any of these statements accurately describe your situation, then this is the book for you.

I don’t expect you to have a wealth of social media experience (although this book is certainly still relevant if you do). However, I do expect you to have access to a computer and the Internet so you can sign in to various social media sites.

Finally, I’m also assuming that you

check.png Want tips and tricks to accelerate your chances of finding your next job and you aren’t finding answers anywhere else

check.png Are open minded about discovering new ways to approach the job hunt

check.png Are truly motivated to take action and that you take full responsibility for your career and your life

Icons Used in This Book

Keep your eyes peeled for the following icons, which I’ve scattered throughout the text to draw your attention to important paragraphs.

remember.eps If you take nothing else away from this book, be sure to recall the information flagged with this icon.

tip.eps This bull’s-eye leads you to information I find to be particularly useful. After all, who doesn’t like saving themselves a little time here and there or figuring out an easier way to accomplish something?

warning_bomb.eps Pay special attention to paragraphs bearing this icon. The information they contain is there to keep you from making a potentially career- or reputation-harming mistake.

webextras.eps When I provide bonus content online to supplement what you find in the book, I mark it with this icon.

Beyond the Book

In addition to the material in the book you're reading right now, this product also comes with some access-anywhere goodies on the web. You'll find more information on the free Cheat Sheet at www.dummies.com/cheatsheet/JobSearchingSocialMedia. I include links to relevant articles on the parts pages of this book, and other useful information related to job searching with social media can be found at www.dummies.com/extras/JobSearchingSocialMedia.

Where to Go from Here

If you’re wondering where to start, take a look at the table of contents. Rest assured that wherever you choose to begin reading, you don’t have to worry about feeling lost. Each chapter is self-contained and tells you what you need to know.

Obviously, if you really don’t know where to start, you can always begin at the beginning with Chapter 1. Of course, if you already know why social media is important when it comes to the modern job search, and if you have a pretty good handle on your goal setting and organization skills, then why not start with Chapter 4 for an introduction to personal branding? For insight on putting the big three social media sites (LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook) to work in your job search, head to Chapter 9, 12, or 13.

Basically, head wherever the mood and your needs at this time lead you. Best of luck with your job search!

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