Appendix B

Confidential Candidate Brief

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Working with Perry-Martel International Inc

Confidential Candidate Brief for Manufacturing COO

The purpose of this Brief is to gather preliminary information and then to match your requirements with the needs of our client regarding the above position. This document is a critical part of the selection and preparation process.

When you're finished please save the document with [“your name” Confidential Brief] and then submit the completed brief to: [email protected] or [email protected]

At this early stage in the process, do understand that we take your candidacy very seriously; that is why this has been sent to you. Please recognize though, that Perry-Martel cannot make any guarantee that you will be granted an interview or a job offer for the above position.

Kindly address all of the following questions. In preparing for your job search you probably have most of the information at your fingertips already. We think you'll agree that your next career move is worth the thoughtful effort. Please avoid the use of terms such as “see résumé” or other such phrases. It is important that you think through and verbalize your answers to prepare you for any subsequent interview process.

Also be sure you include your updated Microsoft Word résumé, as a separate attachment, in support of this document. Please visit our website for more information that may be helpful to your career:

Thank you,

David Perry and Mark J. Haluska

You can use the “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys to navigate back and forth on this document.

  1. Your name:
  2. Today's date:
  3. Phone number(s): Home:
  4. Cell: (Optional)
  5. Personal e-mail:
  6. Generally speaking, when is the best time to contact you? (Include time zone)
  7. Are you currently employed? Yes ☐ No ☐
  8. Your current/last job title:
  9. Dates (month/year) employed at this title:
  10. Current /last employer company name:
  11. If you are currently unemployed, please explain the circumstances that led to this status?

    ☐ Not applicable. I am still employed as of this date.

    I left my last position because

  12. If necessary, are you willing to relocate to Wisconsin?

    ☐ Yes ☐ No

  13. This position requires engineering, manufacturing, and business management skills. Can you take a moment and tell me where you have had these responsibilities. What products did you build and with what results (market share, revenues, and profit margins)?


  14. Tell me about your experience with analyzing and interpreting financial data. Are you confident in your ability to read, analyze, and interpret income statements and balance sheets? Give an example of the insight you have gained and decisive action taken from analyzing financial information.


  15. How would you best describe your personal management/leadership style? Explain how your style is perceived by your boss, peers, and subordinates. What would you do to improve your management acumen?


  16. What is your direct experience with suppliers and OEM customers in developing new products? Explain how your prior experience is relevant to building these relationships. Are any of these defense customers?


  17. Cite examples of experience you have in dealing with large capital goods manufacturing customers, specifically in support of their core product lines? Identify your strongest success and greatest frustration in these engagements.


  18. Where have you demonstrated the ability to successfully manage a mature business or product line to maximize profitability? Describe initiatives you took to minimize cost, retain customers, improve service, and improve profitability.


  19. Give an example of an innovative approach you have taken to respond quickly to an unanticipated resource demand. Further, explain how quality (of products and services delivered) and the volume of sales was impacted by those actions.


  20. Describe your experience in communications with or participating on company boards of directors. Have you ever led the process of acquisition or restructuring?


  21. How have you developed and deployed new products that leverage existing manufacturing infrastructure and core competencies? Have you ever personally led both the development and the interactions with early adopter customers? Please elaborate.


  22. Describe what you believe to be your two most recent major professional accomplishments relative to the position profile for COO. How do these reflect your personal learning and growth in these efforts?


  23. This is a position that requires a senior player/coach capable of both strategic and multilevel operational management. Have you demonstrated these skills in the past, and if so, how?

    ☐ No ☐ Yes


  24. Under what circumstances would you accept a counteroffer from your current employer?

    ☐ Not applicable as I am currently unemployed.

    ☐ I would not accept a counteroffer for any reason.

    I might consider a counteroffer from my employer if:

  25. What is the primary reason you would like to confidentially explore this opportunity?


  26. Are you currently working under an unexpired employment contract?

    ☐ Yes ☐ No


  27. Have you signed any non-disclosure agreements or non-compete agreements that are still in effect?

    ☐ No ☐ Yes

    If yes, please explain:

  28. Degrees attained, certifications, patents granted, continuing education, professional affiliations, and so on are an important indicator of your breadth of experience and thirst for knowledge. Please take a moment to list any degrees, certifications, or other designations and the year they were granted.


  29. As always, there is a legal question. Your confidentiality is an important matter. Perry-Martel International maintains candidate data in a privately owned and secure database. Do we have permission to store your information in our database?

    ☐ Yes ☐ No

  30. This brief is a tool that we first use to help us determine your suitability relative to the needs of our client. If referred to our client, this brief may also be utilized in their internal evaluation process. May we provide our client with the information contained in this document?

    ☐ Yes ☐ No


Thank you for taking time to address the confidential candidate brief. We are now better positioned to confidentially and intelligently speak with you about this opportunity and to present your credentials.

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