
  • Ability to pay
  • Adaptation
  • Adobe
  • Advocacy cases
  • Africa,
    • biased public infrastructure proposal in
    • Chinese companies' bundled proposals in
    • Chinese companies' overpromising in
    • customer profiling for
    • relationship building in
    • as target market for China
    • trust of customers in
    • Western company's core switch sale in
  • Alcatel-Lucent
  • Alliances
  • American-made products
  • Apple
  • Articulating offers
  • The Art of War (Sun Tzu),. See also Sun Tzu
  • Asia, foreign direct investment by
  • Associations, Chinese companies' presence in
  • AT&T
  • Attention to customer
  • Bangladesh
  • Barra, Hugo
  • Barriers:
    • to closing deals
    • to entry
    • to fair trade
    • government regulation
  • Bartering
  • Bezos, Jeff
  • BlackBerry
  • Blank, Rebecca
  • Brands. See also Replication
    • in China
    • customizing
    • product positioning
    • in the West
    • of Western companies
  • Brand association
  • Brand equity
  • Brand strategies, Chinese emulation of
  • Brazil, Paychex expansion into
  • Bremmer, Ian
  • Bribery
  • Britain:
    • Huawei Cyber Security Center in
    • security issues with Chinese expansion into
  • “British Probe Set to Clear Huawei of Allowing Spying,”
  • Brumby, John
  • BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.)
  • Budgets, for deals
  • Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
  • Business models:
    • Chinese
    • new, for Western companies
  • Business model innovation,
    • in China
    • defined
    • monetization model
    • risk- and profit-sharing models
  • Cambodia, offshoring to
  • Canada. See also The West
    • China's collaboration with
    • offshoring to
    • short- vs. long-term thinking in
  • Cannibalization
  • Canon
  • Capitalism, in China
  • Case studies,
    • Cisco Systems
    • Paychex
    • Pinnacle Engines
    • Xiaomi
  • Centers of excellence (CoEs)
  • Certification:
    • in foreign countries
    • of foreign products in United States
  • Chambers, John
  • Channel partners, educating
  • Charan, Ram
  • Chen, John,n
  • Chicken, Chinese demand for
  • China,
    • areas of strength and specialization in
    • barriers to entry for and in
    • Cisco investments in
    • claim of unfair practices against
    • collaboration with Western innovation groups
    • competitiveness of
    • domestic growth of
    • economic strength of
    • efficiency innovation in
    • ethical standards in
    • expansion into Western countries by
    • fear of cyberspying in
    • GDP growth in
    • in global business environment
    • government influence/interception in deals with emerging markets
    • innovation in,–
    • international influence of
    • manufacturing in
    • middle class in
    • offshoring/outsourcing to
    • one-child policy in
    • Pinnacle in
    • solar panel trade case
    • sustainability of growth in
    • as threat to democracies
    • as threat to United States
    • transformed role and identity of
    • United States' coopetition with
    • United States' debt held by
    • Xiaomi case study
  • China Development Bank (CDB)
  • Chinese business model
  • Chinese companies:
    • financing offered by
    • 5Ps applied to
    • market segmentation in
    • partnerships with
    • penetration pricing by
    • place (partnerships) in
    • politics in
    • price (value-add) in
    • pricing by
    • product (solution and innovation) in
    • promotion (customer relationships and culture) in
    • target market selection by
    • Western companies' partnering with
  • Chinese culture, reverence for “knowledgeable ones” in
  • Chinese stock market crash (2015)
  • Chou, Peter
  • Christensen, Clayton
  • Cisco Capital Group
  • Cisco Systems,
    • case study
    • competition for
    • coopetition by
    • customer relationships of
    • and Eastern politics
    • expansion into emerging markets by
    • and governmental politics
    • pay-as-you-grow model of
    • place (partnerships) for
    • politics for
    • price (value-add) for
    • primary goals of
    • product (solution and innovation) for
    • promotion (customer relationships and culture) for
    • target market selection by
    • time-to-market for
  • Clayton Christensen Institute
  • Cleeves, Monty
  • Commercialization
  • Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)
  • Communications:
    • of Chinese companies
    • to influencers
    • intentional
    • positioning of Western products/messages
  • Communism
  • Compensation, sales
  • Competition,
    • and Chinese business practices
    • within Chinese industries
    • for Cisco Systems
    • competitive strategy template for expanding into emerging markets
    • emerging competitors/entrants, see Emerging competitors/entrants
    • knowing
    • partnering with, see Coopetition
    • for Pinnacle Engines
    • on price
    • regulatory barriers inhibiting
    • strategy for, see Positioning
    • from unfairly traded imports
    • Western approach to
    • for Western companies, knowing
    • for Xiaomi
  • Competitive bidding
  • Competitive differentiation
  • Competitive landscape:
    • China's redefinition of
    • knowing how to compete in
    • for the United States
    • for the West
  • Competitiveness at a Crossroads
  • Competitors, friendliness with
  • Conferences:
    • Chinese companies' presence at
    • Western companies' presence at
  • Consumerism:
    • and brand status in China
    • in the West
  • Cook, Tim
  • Coopetition,
    • by Chinese companies
    • at Cisco Systems
    • by Western companies
  • Corning
  • Corruption
  • Creative Cloud
  • Creativity
  • Cross-company collaboration
  • Cross-cultural awareness
  • Cross-cultural understanding
  • Cross-functional teams, of Chinese companies
  • Cross-pollination innovation, at Xiaomi
  • Culture(s). See also Promotion (customer relationships and culture)
    • American
    • Chinese
    • cross-cultural understanding
    • of customers, understanding
    • in emerging markets
    • of new markets, knowing
    • and rules for customer treatment
    • Western
  • Currency manipulation (China)
  • Customers:
    • articulating value-add relevant to
    • knowing
    • knowing cultures of
    • knowing selling preferences of
    • partnering with
    • rules of local governments
  • Customer-centric approach
  • Customer focus
  • Customer intimacy
  • Customer profiling,
    • by Chinese companies
    • by Western companies
  • Customer reference accounts
  • Customer relationships,. See also Promotion (customer relationships and culture)
    • of Chinese companies
    • customer reference accounts
    • duration of
    • and partnerships
    • of Western companies
  • Customer satisfaction, for Chinese companies
  • Customer support, by Chinese companies
  • Customization:
    • by Chinese companies
    • by Western companies
  • Customs procedures
  • Cybersecurity, see Security issues
  • Cyberspying
  • Decision-makers, see Influence
  • Democracies, China as threat to
  • Deng Xiaoping
  • Denning, Steve
  • Developed economies:
    • emerging competitors from within
    • foreign direct investment in
    • interdependency of emerging economies and
  • Developed markets, in market segmentation
  • Developing countries/economies:
    • closing deals in
    • foreign direct investment in
    • GDP growth in
    • innovation learning curve for
  • DHL
  • Differentiation:
    • competitive
    • by customization
    • with financing options
    • for Mexico
    • by price
    • product, market segmentation and
    • reliable delivery as
    • replication as point of
    • in the West
  • Direct selling, by Chinese companies
  • Discounted pricing:
    • combining financing and
    • competing on value vs.
    • loss-leader approach
  • Disruptive entrepreneurialism:
    • defined
    • Western capabilities/potentialities as
  • Disruptive innovation,
    • by Nokia
    • by Pinnacle Engines
    • by Xiaomi
  • Distribution channels,. See also Partnering and partnerships
    • Chinese partners as
    • for Western companies
  • Downer, Alexander
  • Dump-and-run attitude
  • The East, areas of strength and specialization in,. See also specific countries
  • Economic investment, to appease security concerns
  • Edison, Thomas
  • Education:
    • of channel partners
    • in China's solution approach
    • in the United States
  • Efficiency innovation
  • Elfrink, Wim
  • Elop, Stephen
  • Emerging competitors/entrants,
    • competitiveness of
    • functionality approach with
    • going above and beyond by
    • innovation implementation by
    • penetration pricing by
    • standards of and ways of doing business by
    • Western companies' competition with
    • Western companies' coopetition with
  • Emerging countries/economies:
    • foreign direct investment by
    • government-to-government influence in
    • importance of relationships in
    • loss-leader approach in
    • as target for emerging entrants
    • technology product-adoption in
    • and world GDP growth
  • Emerging markets,
    • Apple in
    • attitudes toward Western companies in
    • building trust in
    • channel partners in
    • China in
    • Chinese bundled proposals to
    • Chinese partnerships in
    • close-enough products for
    • closing deals in
    • commitment to pursuing
    • competitive strategy template for expanding into
    • customer expectations in
    • doing business in
    • expansion into,. See also Positioning
    • export licenses for
    • interdependency of developed markets and
    • long-term customer relationships in
    • in market segmentation
    • market-targeted innovation for
    • in new competitive landscape
    • partnerships in
    • standards of business conduct in
    • as target customers
    • time range for
    • time-to-market for
    • as Western companies' target
    • wireless communications infrastructure in
  • Empathy, among emerging-market nations
  • Engagement:
  • Entrepreneurialism:
    • in China
    • stimulating, in Western countries
    • in United States
  • Ericsson
  • Espionage, see Security issues
  • Ethics. See also Unfair practices
    • Chinese standards of
    • in dealing with governments
    • in emerging markets
  • European Union:
    • on Chinese unfair trade practices
    • funding/financing organizations in
  • Evolutionary innovation
  • Exchange rate management (China)
  • Execution expertise, in the East
  • Expansion. See also Global expansion
    • Chinese, into Western markets
    • Chinese, security issues with
    • into emerging markets
    • into innovation domains
    • strategy for, see Positioning
  • Export licenses
  • Facebook
  • Fair trade
  • Farming system (China)
  • FedEx
  • Financing:
    • from China Development Bank
    • in China's partnering/investing approach
    • in China's solution approach
    • Chinese liberalization of
    • by Cisco
    • combining discounts and
    • competitors' offer of
    • creative models of
    • as differentiator
    • in emerging markets
    • funding/financing organizations and options
    • by Huawei
    • through development bodies
    • for Western companies' customers
  • 5Ps of Global Marketing framework,. See also individual stages and elements
    • in Chinese business
    • defining and applying
    • and The Marketing Mix
    • market segmentation in
    • positioning and Marketing Mix in
    • target market selection in
    • in Western business
  • Flexibility:
    • in doing business
    • of payment terms
  • Flextronics
  • Fluidity
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
  • Foreign direct investment (FDI),
    • by developing economies
    • in developing economies
    • by emerging economies
    • inflows by type of economies
    • by transition economies
  • 4Ps of Marketing framework
  • Foxconn Interconnect Technology
  • Foxconn Technology Group
  • Franklin Templeton Investments
  • Free products/services:
    • from Chinese companies
    • from Western companies
  • Funding/financing organizations and options,. See also Financing
  • Geiger, John
  • General Electric (GE)
  • Geopolitical dimension, see Politics
  • Gifts, from Chinese companies
  • Gilt
  • Global business environment,
    • China in
    • innovation advantage in
    • new global paradigm in
    • politics in
    • as wake-up call for West
    • the West in
  • Global expansion:
    • by China
    • by Cisco
    • competitive strategy template for
    • by Pinnacle Engines
    • strategy for, see Positioning
    • by Western companies
    • by Xiaomi
  • Global Tilt (Ram Charan)
  • Glocalization
  • Goal setting:
    • by Chinese government
    • in target market selection
  • Google
  • Government(s). See also Politics
    • Chinese companies' assistance from
    • government-to-government influence
    • regulatory barriers of
    • Western, role of
    • Western companies' assistance from
    • Western companies' involvement of
  • Government affairs (GA) group/representative
  • Govindarajan, Vijay
  • Grove, Andy
  • Growth:
    • of China, factors in
    • China's inherent drive for
    • Western attitude of
  • Haier
  • Hewlett Packard (HP)
  • Hidden price lists
  • High-end benchmark testing,n
  • High-technology industry:
    • customer relationships in
    • public-private partnerships in
    • security issues for
  • High-touch customer relationship model,
    • of Chinese companies
    • for Western companies
  • Hiring locally, by Chinese companies
  • Hoge, Ron
  • Holistic deal-making, by Western companies
  • Holistic pricing
  • Honda
  • Household Responsibility System (China)
  • HTC
  • H3C Technologies
  • Huawei Technologies,
    • alliances of
    • brand of
    • BSNL bid of
    • developed markets penetrated by
    • financing from
    • hiring locally by
    • international marketing policy of
    • partnering with customers
    • pay-as-you-grow model of
    • profit sharing with Sunday
    • purchase of 3Leaf
    • and security issues
    • subsidies used by
    • in telecom equipment hierarchy
    • ZTE lawsuit with
  • IBM
  • Imitating products,. See also Replication, in China
  • Immelt, Jeffrey
  • India:
    • BSNL vendor selection in
    • China's strategy for winning
    • Cisco Systems in
    • GDP growth in
    • mobile phones in
    • offshoring to
    • Pinnacle in
    • security issues with Chinese expansion into
  • Indonesia
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Influence:
    • Chinese companies' selling to influencers
    • and fair trade
    • government-to-government, in emerging countries
    • political, see Politics
    • Western companies' selling to influencers
  • Innovation,. See also Product (solution and innovation)
    • by Apple
    • being strategic about
    • as business model
    • in China
    • by Cisco
    • disruptive
    • evolutionary
    • as key to survival
    • localized
    • market-targeted
    • process/supply chain
    • reverse
    • revolutionary
    • strategic
    • traditional/sustaining
    • true source of
    • in United States
    • in the West
    • by Western companies
  • Innovation advantage,
    • for the United States
    • for the West
  • Innovation capability
  • Innovation models,
    • business model innovation
    • disruptive innovation
    • market-targeted innovation for emerging markets (reverse innovation)
    • process/supply chain innovation
    • traditional/sustaining innovation
  • The Innovator's Dilemma (Clayton Christensen)
  • Inspur
  • Intel
  • Intellectual property (IP):
    • in China-United States joint ventures
    • Chinese companies' acquisition of
    • infringement of
    • replication in China
  • Interdependency, of developed and emerging markets
  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
  • International trade, China in
  • International Trade Administration (ITA)
  • International Trade Agency (ITA)
  • Intuit
  • Investing. See also Foreign direct investment (FDI)
    • in company sales force
    • in customers
    • of time
  • Japan
  • Jobs:
    • on-the-job knowledge acquisition
    • in the United States
  • Jobs, Steve
  • Joint ventures (JVs)
  • Knowledge,
    • Chinese acquisition of
    • on-the-job acquisition of
  • Knowledge transfer, in China's solution approach
  • Labor costs,
    • in China
    • and selling direct by Chinese
    • in United States
  • Labor laws
  • Latin America, Chinese bundled proposals in
  • Leadership
  • Learning:
    • by Chinese
    • in innovation partnerships
  • Lee, Ann
  • Lee, Michelle K.
  • Lei Jun
  • Lenovo
  • Listening, by Chinese companies
  • Loans, see Financing
  • Localized innovation
  • Local presence, of Chinese companies
  • Logistics management
  • Long-term thinking/strategy,
    • of Chinese companies
    • for Western companies
  • Lord, John
  • Loss-leader approach
  • Lu, Sidney
  • McCarthy, E. J.
  • Management by objectives (MBOs)
  • Manufacturing:
    • American-made products
    • in Bangladesh and Vietnam
    • in China
    • in the East
    • offshoring
    • in United States
  • Mao Zedong
  • Margins:
    • in cannibalization
    • maintaining
    • in retail
  • Market-appropriate products
  • Marketing, by Chinese companies,. See also Ps of Global Marketing framework; Ps of Marketing framework
  • The Marketing Mix
  • Market penetration:
    • alliances for
    • China's strategies for
    • by Huawei
    • loss-leader approach
    • penetration pricing
  • Market segmentation:
    • in China
    • in 5Ps of Global Marketing
    • in reverse innovation
    • by Western companies
  • Market-targeted innovation for emerging markets
  • Marks, Michael
  • Martha Stewart Living
  • Mexico:
    • manufacturing outsourced to China by
    • supply chain in
  • Micro-innovation,n
  • Microsoft
  • Middle class, in China
  • Ministerial-level involvement, of executives
  • Mobile World Congress
  • Monetization model
  • Motorola
  • mPesa
  • Murray, Allen
  • Must-win battles (MWBs), for Chinese companies
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Nationalistic approach:
    • by Chinese
    • for Chinese business outside of China
  • National Security Agency (NSA)
  • Natural resources, China's targeting of
  • Negotiation:
    • Chinese renegotiations
    • by Western companies
  • Networking, security issues in
  • Nokia:
    • disruptive innovation by
    • in Indian phone market
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Obama, Barack,–
  • Offshoring
  • Open shortest path first (OSPF)
  • Operating leases
  • Outsourcing
  • Overcommitment
  • Overpromising:
    • by Chinese companies
    • by competition
  • P&G
  • Paper industry
  • Partnering and partnerships. See also Place (partnerships)
    • to aid market penetration
    • by Chinese companies
    • with customers
    • for innovation
    • public-private
    • selling direct vs. selling through
    • by Western companies
  • Pay-as-you-grow model
  • Paychex
  • Payment terms
  • Payoffs
  • Penetration pricing
  • Pepsico
  • Performance testing
  • Philips
  • Pilot programs
  • Pinnacle Engines:
    • case study
    • competition
    • place (partnerships)
    • politics
    • price (value-add)
    • product (solution and innovation)
    • promotion (customer relationships and culture)
    • target market selection
  • Place (partnerships),
    • for Chinese companies
    • for Cisco Systems
    • in expansion into emerging markets
    • for Pinnacle Engines
    • in positioning strategy
    • for Western companies
    • for Xiaomi
  • Plagiarism
  • Polaroid brand
  • Politics,
    • for Chinese companies
    • for Cisco Systems
    • in emerging markets
    • in global business environment
    • for Pinnacle Engines
    • in positioning strategy
    • power of
    • for Western companies
    • for Xiaomi
  • Political support:
    • from Chinese companies
    • for Western companies
  • Porter, Michael
  • Positioning,
    • in global expansion strategy
    • and Marketing Mix
    • market segmentation and associated pricing
    • Paychex case study
    • of premium pricing
    • Sun Tzu on
    • template for
    • in traditional/sustaining innovation model
    • value-selling
    • for the West
    • of Western products/messages
  • Price (value-add),
    • for Chinese companies
    • at Cisco Systems
    • in expansion into emerging markets
    • at Pinnacle Engines
    • in positioning strategy
    • for Western companies
    • at Xiaomi
  • Price skimming,n. (chapter )
  • Pricing:
    • according to payment propensity
    • loss-leader approach
    • lower, saying no to requests for
    • and market segmentation
    • unfair, combating
    • by Western companies
  • Priorities, for deals
  • Process innovation
  • Product (solution and innovation),
    • for Chinese companies
    • at Cisco Systems
    • in expansion into emerging markets
    • at Pinnacle Engines
    • in positioning strategy
    • for Western companies
    • at Xiaomi
  • Product adoption lifecycle
  • Product development:
    • efficiencies in
    • targeted and market-appropriate
    • by Western companies
  • Product differentiation approach
  • Product superiority
  • Profile, customer
  • Profit sharing:
    • as business model
    • by Huawei
  • Promotion (customer relationships and culture),
    • for Chinese companies
    • at Cisco Systems
    • in expansion into emerging markets
    • by Pinnacle Engines
    • in positioning strategy
    • for Western companies
    • at Xiaomi
  • Public-private partnerships
  • RCA
  • Recycling approach (brands)
  • Regulatory barriers
  • Relationships,. See also Customer relationships; Politics; Promotion (customer relationships and culture)
  • Renegotiating, by Chinese
  • Replication, in China
  • Research and development, Chinese replication of products and
  • Retail industry, customer relationships in
  • Reverse innovation
  • Revolutionary innovation
  • RIM (Research in Motion)
  • Risk aversion
  • Risk-sharing models
  • Rolls Royce
  • Safaricom
  • Sales teams,
    • compensation of
    • investing in
  • Security issues
  • Self-knowledge
  • Selling direct:
    • by Chinese companies
    • selling through partners vs.
    • by Western companies
  • Semiconductor industry
  • Service revenue, as profit-sharing mechanism
  • Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
  • Short-term thinking/strategy
  • Siemens
  • Silicon Valley
  • Silicon Valley Bank
  • Silos
  • Snowden, Edward
  • Softbank Asia Infrastructure Fund (SAIF)
  • Solar industry
  • Solar panel trade case
  • SolarWorld
  • Solutions. See also Product (solution and innovation)
    • elements to consider in
    • for emerging markets
    • evolving
  • Solution-selling
  • South Korea
  • Spying, see Security issues
  • Standards bodies, Chinese companies' presence in
  • Starbucks
  • State of the world, see Global business environment
  • Steel industry
  • Stewart, Martha
  • Stock market crash (China,)
  • Strategic accounts:
    • Chinese pursuit of
    • creative financing for
  • Strategic innovation
  • Strategy:
    • competitive strategy template for expansion
    • cross-division unity in Western companies
    • for expansion, see Positioning
    • for new-entrant market penetration,. See also market penetration
    • for reverse innovation
    • short- vs. long-term
    • Sun Tzu on
  • Subscription revenue, as profit-sharing mechanism
  • Subsidies:
    • from China Development Bank
    • by foreign governments
  • Sunday
  • Sun Tzu,
    • on alliances
    • on appearing weak or strong
    • on art of war
    • on calculations for battles
    • on clever fighters
    • on conforming to enemy's tactics
    • on constancy
    • on cost of fighting
    • on experts in battle
    • on factors in the art of war
    • on foreknowledge
    • on knowing self and enemy
    • on making enemy move
    • on opportunities
    • on people's security/interests
    • on strength and weakness
    • on successful attacks
    • on tastes
    • on victory
  • Suppliers:
    • emerging market customers' engagement with
    • for emerging markets
    • and rules for customer treatment
    • for the West
  • Supply and demand, in China
  • Supply chain efficiency, in China
  • Supply chain innovation
  • Support services/resources, in China's solution approach
  • Sustaining innovation
  • Talent:
    • as true source of innovation
    • Western companies' development/acquisition of
  • Target
  • Targeted products
  • Target market selection,
    • by Chinese companies
    • at Cisco Systems
    • committing to
    • at Pinnacle Engines
    • by Western companies
    • for Xiaomi
  • Tata Motors
  • Tata Nano
  • TCL
  • Technology product-adoption
  • Tenacity of vendors
  • Tesla
  • Testing:
    • as defensive strategy
    • high-end benchmark,n
    • performance
    • requirements in foreign countries
  • Thinking, short- vs. long-term
  • Third-party local financiers
  • Thought leadership
  • 3Com
  • 3Leaf
  • Time-to-delivery
  • Time-to-innovation
  • Time-to-market
  • Total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Toyota
  • Trade agreements,
    • Chinese incorporation of deals into
    • keeping up on
    • U.S. government trade missions
  • Trade complaints
  • Trade imbalance
  • Trade missions
  • Trade practices,
  • Trade shows, Western companies' presence at
  • Traditional/sustaining innovation
  • Training, in China's solution approach
  • Transition economies, foreign direct investment in
  • Trimble, Chris
  • Trips, as gifts from Chinese companies
  • Trust building:
    • by Chinese companies
    • and culture
    • with reliable delivery
    • by Western companies
  • Try-and-buy arrangements
  • Tsinghua Holdings
  • Turkey
  • Twitter
  • Underdelivering:
    • by Chinese companies
    • by competition
  • Unfair practices,
    • of China
    • China's loans/subsidies as
    • combating
    • and fair trade barriers
    • by Western companies
  • Unique value proposition
  • United States. See also The West; Western companies
    • American companies' assistance from government
    • American-made products
    • challenging rules of
    • China's collaboration with
    • China's threat to
    • competitiveness of
    • culture of
    • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
    • foreign products certification in
    • funding/financing organizations in
    • help with trade barriers for
    • Huawei and security issues in
    • Huawei's expansion challenged in
    • innovation advantage for
    • as innovation expert
    • jobs in
    • micro-innovation in
    • security issues with Chinese expansion into
    • solar panel trade case
    • strengths and differentiators of
    • weakening competitiveness of
  • U.S. Commercial Service
  • U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC)
  • U.S. Department of Commerce Advocacy Center (AC)
  • U.S. Department of State
  • U.S. Export Assistance Center
  • U.S. Export Import Bank (EXIM)
  • U.S. Trade Development Agency (USTDA)
  • United States Trade Representative (USTR)
  • Urbanization, in China
  • Value-add. See also Price (value-add)
    • articulating
    • defending
    • lost services when competing on price
    • relevance of
  • Value-selling,
    • by Cisco
    • as defense in emerging markets
    • defined
    • discounted pricing vs.
    • unique value proposition
  • Vietnam,
    • manufacturing workforce in
    • offshoring to
  • Vipshop
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Walmart
  • The West. See also individual countries
    • competitiveness of
    • funding/financing organizations in
    • in global business environment
    • innovation advantage of
    • new global paradigm for
    • rules for customer treatment in
  • Western companies:
    • Chinese alliances with
    • competitive edge of
    • export licenses for selling to emerging markets
    • 5Ps applied to
    • offshoring by
    • partnering with Chinese companies
    • place (partnerships) in
    • politics in
    • positioning for
    • price (value-add) in
    • product (solution and innovation) in
    • promotion (customer relationships and culture) in
    • recommendations for
    • repositioning by
    • success factors for
  • Western Europe,. See also The West
  • Western markets, Chinese expansion into
  • What the U.S. Can Learn from China (Ann Lee)
  • Whitman, Meg
  • Wilcox, Ken
  • Wireless communications infrastructure
  • World Bank Group
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
  • Wozniak, Steve
  • Xiaomi,
    • case study
    • competition for
    • cross-pollination innovation at
    • disruptive innovation approach at
    • global expansion by
    • place (partnerships)
    • politics for
    • price (value-add)
    • product (solution and innovation)
    • promotion (customer relationships and culture)
    • target market selection
  • Xi Jinping
  • Yahoo
  • Yourself, knowing
  • YY
  • Zakaria, Fareed
  • Zhou Hongyi,n
  • Zombie brands
  • ZTE
  • Zuckerberg, Mark
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