About the Authors

Lucian Camp

Lucian's marketing services career stretches back well over 30 years, the large majority spent as a specialist in financial services. Over that time he has played four overlapping roles: he began as an advertising copywriter, then was for many years as an agency creative director, then founded and chaired two agencies of his own, and then after the sale of the second became a one-man brand and marketing consultant. He has also written, blogged and spoken extensively on financial services brand, marketing and communications issues. Lucian is married to Judy, and they have two grown-up children. He lives in north-west London and south-west France.

Anthony Thomson

Anthony is a marketer and entrepreneur. In the 1980s he co-founded what became Europe's biggest financial services marketing agency. Since then he went on to be founder and chairman of Metro Bank, the UK's first new High Street Bank in over 100 years, and then founder and chairman of Atom Bank, Europe's first bank delivered through mobile devices.

From 2014 until 2017 he was chairman of The National Skills Academy for Financial Services. From 2011 to 2014 he served as visiting professor to London Metropolitan University Business School, and is currently the David Goldman Visiting Professor of Business Innovation & Enterprise at Newcastle University Business School.

He is married to Louise and has three grown-up children. He lives in Somerset.

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