Appendix A
TRL and MRL Definitions

(Taken with thanks from: Measuring Technology Readiness for Investment – The Manufacturing Technology Centre & Heriot‐Watt University, March 2017 – Ref. 3.8)

The purpose of the attachment is to provide a plain‐language description of the technology readiness level (TRL) and manufacturing readiness level (MRL) scales. The starting point for the scales was information published by NASA, US Department of Defense, US Department of Energy, European Commission, and the UK Automotive Council.

A.1 Technology Readiness Levels

TRL 1. This is the first stage of development for a new technology. At this stage, a need for the technology will have been identified, perhaps in the form of a problem to be solved or a market need to be addressed, and the principles of a solution will have been developed. The solution will be described briefly, probably in narrative form or as a feasibility study, and its performance and characteristics will be predicted. This will be supported by sketches, diagrams, and some calculations or simple mathematical modelling. A literature search may identify other, similar applications that provide confidence that the proposal is a feasible proposition. The development work will probably have been carried out in a research, laboratory, or workshop environment. There may also be some initial ideas about how the solution could be manufactured, but no more.

TRL 2. The concept outlined at TRL 1 will be developed in greater detail and more thorough performance predictions will be made. Initial drawings or CAD models of the solution will be produced. Simulations or analysis of critical elements of the solution will also be produced, and physical tests of these elements may be undertaken to correlate the analysis. These physical tests are likely to have been limited to components of the solution rather than the solution as a whole. Areas will be identified to which formal IP protection could be applied. Basic manufacturing feasibility studies will also be undertaken, outlining the approach that might be taken and showing its basic feasibility.

TRL 3. The basic concept of the new technology is shown to be viable (‘proof of concept’). On the basis of this, further investment in the next, and more expensive, stages of development might be expected by either the organisation doing the development or by an external investor. The design of the solution will be complete, as an overall system but not the details. This will probably be in the form of a CAD model plus coding of any embedded software. Substantial simulation and modelling will have been undertaken to prove the performance characteristics of the system. This will be supported by practical test work, in a laboratory environment, of a complete system, albeit using relatively crude representations of the final items. This demonstration system is unlikely to work reliably, and could be quite temperamental, but it will show that the concept can be made to work and can achieve something approaching the required level of performance. The development work will also be supported by an initial quality function deployment (QFD)‐type analysis, linking the product in detail to the market need which has been identified. Failure modes and effects (FMEA) or similar methodologies will also be started to identify areas critical to the reliability of the solution. Formal IP protection will be sought. Finally, a manufacturing approach will be defined and documented, suited to the volumes of the market identified.

TRL 4. The basic functioning of the proposed new technology will have been demonstrated at TRL 3 but in a laboratory environment and with limited repeatability. The aim of TRL 4 is to build up an understanding of how the technology works so it can be developed and used with much more confidence. The emphasis, therefore, is on practical testing of the complete solution, rather than elements of it, but in a laboratory environment and using components that are not wholly representative of the final solution. Modelling and simulation work will proceed in parallel with the practical work, and this will feed off the practical work. Initial QFD and FMEA studies will be completed and the results fed into the technology design and into the test program. The QFD, or similar, study will require the market application to be defined in some detail. More detail will also be added to the design of the technology, which will take the form of CAD models from which detailed drawings and bills of material could be extracted. Manufacturing work will have identified the basis of a manufacturing process or system for the technology. Formal IP protection will now be in place. There will be a broad indication of the timescale and costs to reach TRL 9.

TRL 5. The work undertaken at TRL 4 should give sufficient confidence for the technology to be taken out of a laboratory or workshop environment for the first time. This could be achieved by installing it on a test vehicle if, for example, it is an automotive, aerospace, or rail technology. Alternatively, it could be installed, on a one‐off basis, in something close to the true operating environment but under close control and operated by the technology developer, not the customer. Further details will be added to the design that will continue to be optimised, and one output of this TRL will be a set of design rules that provide the guidance for designing a successful product in the future. At this stage, manufacturing studies should be undertaken in some depth. The manufacturing process routings should have been identified, including any new technologies or hazardous processes. Sources of materials, supply chains, and capacity to produce, including any special materials, should be known. This work should be fed back into the design through formal Design for Manufacture & Assembly (DFMA) assessments, which should optimise the design to achieve cost targets. Any special skill needs for production should be known and the broad programme through to TRL 9 should be confirmed.

TRL 6. At the TRL 6 stage, the technology is ready to be taken out into the field for trials by known end user(s) in a form close to the final end product. The performance of the technology will be measured closely for comparison with the expected performance and benefits. Based on successful completion of this stage, a decision should be made to launch the technology on a specific product platform, or as a product in its own right, by a certain date and within known cost boundaries (product cost and investment). As well as operating the technology under ‘normal’ conditions, it could also be trialled at extremes, such as overload, abuse, harsh environments, or with unfamiliar operators. Simulation models will continue to be used in parallel with the practical work, in particular to investigate any problems identified. The design of the technology will be stable and detailed at this stage but will be open to detailed modification based on the field trials. Manufacturing planning will have started in detail, and this could impact on the design in terms of DFMA studies, supply source capabilities, and capacities and lead times. Some redesign might be expected to deal with issues related to manufacturing, and these will have to be dealt with in parallel with the field trials and its outcome.

TRL7. This stage has the aim of confirming that the product embodying the new technology meets all the performance, durability, and reliability criteria specified for that product. It may involve multiple prototypes of either the complete product, and/or elements of it. These prototypes will be as close as possible to the final product but may be produced by low‐volume methods or without production tooling. The prototypes will be subject to a wide range of tests that could include coverage of extremes of the operating envelope, overload, abuse, and extreme environmental testing. Issues identified by earlier FMEA work will be signed off as resolved at this stage. The product itself will be fully defined in terms of drawings, bills of material, and specifications, which will be the subject of formal change control to manage the modifications that will inevitably arise from the test programme. Models and simulations from earlier TRLs will be maintained and used in problem solving. Detailed manufacturing planning will run parallel to this activity, and production of prototypes will provide useful learning to guide the full production process. This learning will be captured in formal DFMA processes, which will have been started at much earlier TRLs.

TRL 8. TRL 8 is linked to the establishment of a full production system for the product that will embody the new technology. The product itself will be stable in the sense that the design will not be subject to major modifications as a result of the test programme, which is largely completed at TRL 7. There is, however, the possibility that long‐term durability testing, a TRL 7 issue that will overlap with TRL 8, will throw up some issues and similarly early pre‐production products may be introduced into the field for reliability trials. There will also be scope for changes and optimisation arising from manufacturing and supply chain development. Full regulatory approval, if needed, will be completed at this stage, which may require approval of the production system – the physical assets, the processes, and the skill base – as well as the product itself.

TRL 9. At TRL 9, the technology that started its journey at TRL1 will be operating successfully in the market with customers and be providing the benefits and capabilities that were originally envisaged. Manufacture will be operating smoothly within acceptable cost, quality, and delivery boundaries. Skills and training to achieve this will be in place. There will be programmes of cost reduction and productivity improvement. The technology will be operating reliably and will be the subject of continuous improvement rather than rectification. Reliability performance, and other measures such as warranty costs and customer complaint levels, will be known and acceptable. The emphasis will be on expanding market coverage and developing new applications for the technology.

A.2 Manufacturing Readiness Levels

MRL 1. This is the first stage of development of the manufacturing processes, which will be used to produce, for sale to the marketplace, a new product based on new technology. It can take place when the product concerned has reached a TRL 2 or TRL 3 stage of its development. At MRL 1, there will be paper‐based research of the possible manufacturing methods that could be used, appropriate to the sales volumes envisaged. There will be a broad assessment of manufacturing costs, investment, sources of supply, and timescales. This will also highlight any areas of potential difficulty, e.g. unusual materials or processes, where early action might be needed to forestall potential risks.

MRL 2. More detail will be added, at this stage, to the work undertaken at MRL 1. In particular, initial conclusions will have been reached concerning difficult or unusual materials or processes. Initial drawings and bills of material will be available, which will enable DFMA studies to commence. The product will be at a TRL 3 or TRL 4 stage of maturity so there will be hardware to evaluate, covering both its design and its early‐stage manufacture and sourcing. From this work, a manufacturing development programme can be defined. These points will be documented in a manufacturing feasibility and development plan.

MRL 3. At this stage of manufacturing development, the new technology or product will have advanced to the stage where a trial system might have been taken out of the laboratory or workshop environment and be operating in a market environment. There will therefore be a lot of design detail and experience from the manufacture of early components or systems. At this stage, then, manufacturing studies should be undertaken in some depth. The manufacturing process routings should have been identified, including any new technologies or hazardous processes. An initial make‐versus‐buy study will have been undertaken. Sources of materials, supply chains, and capacity to produce, including any special materials, should be known in principle. If substantially new manufacturing methods or technologies are required, workshop trials will have been conducted to confirm that the planned manufacturing concepts will actually function. This work should be fed back into the design through initial DfM assessments, which should optimise the design to achieve manufacturability. Skills needs for production should be known and the programme through to full production should be confirmed or modified.

MRL 4. An early prototype is likely to have been produced when the manufacturing readiness has reached MRL 4. Hence, the product will be capable of manufacture in a workshop or low volume environment. Problem areas or risks will be known, and the design will have been optimised as a concept for prototype production. This then provides the basis for planning high‐volume production, and processes will have started for this, including formal in‐house and supplier quality‐planning systems. The potential supply chain will have been surveyed, sources of supply and lead times will be known, and make‐versus‐buy decisions confirmed. Simulation models will have been established for critical, individual processes and for the overall production layout. Workshop trials for any new manufacturing technologies will have proceeded to the point of reliable operation in a high‐skill environment. The programme through to full production will be known in detail, including revenue and capital costs for subsequent MRL stages. A high‐cost commitment to enter a full prototype development and production planning programme will be made by the company at the end of this stage.

MRL 5. Manufacturing readiness will have advanced to the level where multiple prototypes can be produced by low‐volume methods to permit a detailed performance and durability programme to be undertaken on the new product. By committing to build multiple prototypes, supplier company choices for production will in many cases have been made in effect. Part‐by‐part DFMA studies will be completed during this phase to capture the learning from prototype build. Manufacturing process FMEAs or similar process risk studies will also be completed during this phase. Trials of new manufacturing technologies will be running with production‐level operators. The product itself will be fully defined in terms of drawings, bills of material, and specifications, which will be the subject of formal change control to manage the modifications that will inevitably arise from the test and manufacturing review programme.

MRL 6. Having started to produce multiple prototypes and learnt from this experience, the design will now be capable of being produced in volume and most production manufacturing processes will have been defined. New manufacturing technologies will now be capable of production operation, and statistical methods will demonstrate this. Supplier agreements will be in place and long‐lead production items will have been identified. Cost analyses will be updated from prototype experience, and overall cost targets will be achievable with actions in place for problem areas. The investment budget will be known on a detailed basis, and a commitment will be made to go ahead with that investment.

MRL 7. Facility design procurement will be undertaken covering capital items, tooling, fixtures, inspection equipment and material handling. Process FMEAs or other risk analysis methods will be completed ahead of this. Simulation modelling will have been completed and critical areas identified. Supplier quality assessment will be complete. Material will be ordered, starting with long‐lead items, for facility commissioning and parts schedules issued accordingly. Cost models will be updated as orders are placed.

MRL 8. At this stage, production facilities will be in place and will be commissioned to produce the full range of products in the required quantity. Simulation models will be run in parallel with physical commissioning and used to support problem solving. Parts and products will be inspected in detail to confirm that all requirements have been met. This will apply to both in‐house and externally sourced items. Formal certification of processes by external agencies may be required at this stage. Sufficient operators for MRL 9 volumes, and support staff, will be fully trained and signed off as competent.

MRL 9. All production facilities will be fully operational at this stage and have a proven capability to run at the full, planned volumes. Volumes will be gradually built up. Further staff will be recruited to facilitate the expanding output. Process capabilities and facility performance will be closely monitored during the period of volume increase, as will the performance of the supply chain. Costs will be fully known and within target levels.

MRL 10. At MRL 10, manufacturing will be running consistently at the planned volume levels and parameters such as on‐time delivery, quality, and cost will be stable within the target parameters. There will be a full complement of trained staff. Statistically, processes will be in control and the emphasis will be on continuous improvement, cost reduction, and productivity enhancement. All facilities will be fully operational and proven.

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