Chapter 4
Searching and Analyzing Text

  • Objective 2.3: Given a scenario, create, modify, and redirect files.

images Managing a Linux server involves many important steps and decisions based on data. Trying to gather the information you need in an agile and efficient manner is crucial. There are many Linux structures and tools, which can help you in uncovering the knowledge you seek quickly.

In this chapter, we’ll add more items to your Linux command-line tool belt. We’ll cover filtering and formatting text and the basics of redirection all the way to editing text. Commands and concepts in this chapter will be built upon and used in later chapters.

Processing Text Files

Once you have found or created a text file, you may need to process it in some way to extract needed information. Understanding how to filter and format text will assist you in this endeavor. In the following sections, we’ll take a look at tools and methods that will assist you in processing text files.

Filtering Text

To sift through the data in a large text file, it helps to quickly extract small data sections. The cut utility is a handy tool for doing this. It will allow you to view particular fields within a file’s records. The command’s basic syntax is as follows:

cut OPTION... [FILE]...

Before we delve into using this command, there are few basics to understand concerning the cut command. They are as follows:

Text File Records A text file record is a single file line that ends in a newline linefeed, which is the ASCII character LF. You can see if your text file uses this end-of-line character via the cat -E command. It will display every newline linefeed as a $. If your text file records end in the ASCII character NUL, you can also use cut on them, but you must use the -z option.

Text File Record Delimiter For some of the cut command options to be properly used, fields must exist within each text file record. These fields are not database-style fields but instead data that is separated by some delimiter. A delimiter is one or more characters that create a boundary between different data items within a record. A single space can be a delimiter. The password file, /etc/passwd, uses colons (:) to separate data items within a record.

Text File Changes Contrary to its name, the cut command does not change any data within the text file. It simply copies the data you wish to view and displays it to you. Rest assured that no modifications are made to the file.

The cut utility has a few options you will use on a regular basis. These options are listed in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 The cut command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-c nlist --characters nlist Display only the record characters in the nlist (e.g., 1-5).
-b blist --bytes blist Display only the record bytes in the blist (e.g., 1-2).
-d d --delimiter d Designate the record’s field delimiter as d. This overrides the Tab default delimiter. Put d within quotation marks to avoid unexpected results.
-f flist --fields flist Display only the record’s fields denoted by flist (e.g., 1,3).
-s --only-delimited Display only records that contain the designated delimiter.
-z --zero-terminated Designate the record end-of-line character as the ASCII character NUL.

A few cut commands in action will help demonstrate its capabilities. Listing 4.1 shows a few cut utility examples.

Listing 4.1: Employing the cut command

$ head -2 /etc/passwd
$ cut -d ":" -f 1,7 /etc/passwd
$ cut -c 1-5 /etc/passwd

In Listing 4.1, the head command is used to display the password file’s first two lines. This text file employs colons (:) to delimit the fields within each record. The first use of the cut command designates the colon delimiter using the -d option. Notice the colon is encased in quotation marks to avoid unexpected results. The -f option is used to specify that only fields 1 (username) and 7 (shell) should be displayed.

The second example in Listing 4.1 uses the -c option. In this case, the nlist argument is set to 1-5, so every record’s first five characters are displayed.

images Occasionally it is worthwhile to save a cut command’s output. You can do this by redirecting standard output, which is covered later in this chapter.

Another nice tool for filtering text is our old friend the grep command. The grep command is powerful in its use of regular expressions, which will really help with filtering text files. But before we cover those, peruse Table 4.2 for commonly used grep utility options.

Table 4.2 The grep command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-c --count Display a count of text file records that contain a PATTERN match.
-d action --directories=action When a file is a directory, if action is set to read, read the directory as if it were a regular text file; if action is set to skip, ignore the directory; and if action is set to recurse, act as if the - R, -r, or --recursive option was used.
-E --extended-regexp Designate the PATTERN as an extended regular expression.
-i --ignore-case Ignore the case in the PATTERN as well as in any text file records.
-R, -r --recursive Search a directory’s contents, and for any subdirectory within the original directory tree, consecutively search its contents as well (recursively).
-v --invert-match Display only text files records that do not contain a PATTERN match.

Many commands use regular expressions. A regular expression is a pattern template you define for a utility, such as grep, which uses the pattern to filter text. Basic regular expressions, or BREs, include characters, such as a dot followed by an asterisk (.*) to represent multiple characters and a single dot (.) to represent one character. They also may use brackets to represent multiple characters, such as [a,e,i,o,u] or a range of characters, such as [A-z]. To find text file records that begin with particular characters, you can precede them with a caret (^) symbol. For finding text file records where particular characters are at the record’s end, succeed them with a dollar sign ($) symbol.

images You will see in documentation and technical descriptions different names for regular expressions. The name may be shortened to regex or regexp.

Using a BRE pattern is fairly straightforward with the grep utility. Listing 4.2 shows some examples.

Listing 4.2: Using the grep command with a BRE pattern

$ grep daemon.*nologin /etc/passwd
$ grep root /etc/passwd
$ grep ^root /etc/passwd

In the first snipped grep example within Listing 4.2, the grep command employs a pattern using the BRE .* characters. In this case, the grep utility will search the password file for any instances of the word daemon within a record and display that record if it also contains the word nologin after the word daemon.

The next two grep examples in Listing 4.2 are searching for instances of the word root within the password file. Notice that the first command displays two lines from the file. The second command employs the BRE ^ character and places it before the word root. This regular expression pattern causes grep to display only lines in the password file that begin with root.

The -v option is useful when auditing your configuration files with the grep utility. It produces a list of text file records that do not contain the pattern. Listing 4.3 shows an example of finding all the records in the password file that do not end in nologin. Notice that the BRE pattern puts the $ at the end of the word. If you were to place the $ before the word, it would be treated as a variable name instead of a BRE pattern.

Listing 4.3: Using the grep command to audit the password file

$ grep -v nologin$ /etc/passwd

Extended regular expressions, or EREs, allow more complex patterns. For example, a vertical bar symbol (|) allows you to specify two possible words or character sets to match. You can also employ parentheses to designate additional subexpressions.

images If you would like to get a better handle on regular expressions, there are several good resources. Our favorite is Chapter 20 in the book Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible by Blum and Bresnahan (Wiley, 2015).

Using ERE patterns can be rather tricky. A few examples employing grep with EREs are helpful, such as the ones shown in Listing 4.4.

Listing 4.4: Using the grep command with an ERE pattern

$ grep -E "^root|^dbus" /etc/passwd
dbus:x:81:81:System message bus:/:/sbin/nologin
$ egrep "(daemon|s).*nologin" /etc/passwd

In the first example, the grep command uses the -E option to indicate the pattern is an extended regular expression. If you did not employ the -E option, unpredictable results would occur. Quotation marks around the ERE pattern protect it from misinterpretation. The command searches for any password file records that start with either the word root or the word dbus. Thus, a caret (^) is placed prior to each word, and a vertical bar (|) separates the words to indicate that the record can start with either word.

In Listing 4.4’s second example, notice that the egrep command is employed. The egrep command is equivalent to using the grep -E command. The ERE pattern here uses quotation marks to avoid misinterpretation and employs parentheses to issue a subexpression. The subexpression consists of a choice, indicated by the vertical bar (|), between the word daemon and the letter s. Also in the ERE pattern, the .* symbols are used to indicate there can be anything in between the subexpression choice and the word nologin in the text file record.

Take a deep breath. That was a lot to take in. However, as hard as BRE and ERE patterns are, they are worth using with grep to filter out data from your text files.

Formatting Text

Often to understand the data within text files, you need to reformat file data in some way. There are a couple of simple utilities you can use to do this.

The sort utility sorts a file’s data. Keep in mind it makes no changes to the original file. Only the output is sorted. The basic syntax of this command is as follows:

sort [OPTION]... [FILE]...

If you want to order a file’s content using the system’s standard sort order, simply enter the sort command followed by the file’s name you wish to sort. Listing 4.5 shows an example of this.

Listing 4.5: Employing the sort command

$ cat alphabet.txt
$ sort alphabet.txt

If a file contains numbers, the data may not be in the order you desire using the sort utility. To obtain proper numeric order, add the -n option to the command, as shown in Listing 4.6.

Listing 4.6: Using the sort -n command

$ cat counts.txt
$ sort counts.txt
$ sort -n counts.txt

In Listing 4.6, notice that the file has different numbers listed in an unsorted order. The second example attempts to numerically order the file, using the sort command with no options. This yields incorrect results. However, the third example uses the sort -n command, which properly orders the file numerically.

There are several useful options for the sort command. The more commonly used switches are shown in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 The sort command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-c --check Check if file is already sorted. Produces no output if file is sorted. If file is not sorted, it displays the file name, the line number, the keyword disorder, and the first unordered line’s text.
-f --ignore-case Consider lowercase characters as uppercase characters when sorting.
-k n1 [,n2] --key=n1 [,n2] Sort the file using the data in the n1 field. May optionally specify a second sort field by following n1 with a comma and specifying n2. Field delimiters are spaces by default.
-M --month-sort Display text in month of the year order. Months must be listed as standard three-letter abbreviations, such as JAN, FEB, MAR, and so on.
-n --numeric-sort Display text in numerical order.
-o file --output=file Create new sorted file named file.
-r --reverse Display text in reverse sort order.

The sort utility is handy for formatting a small text file to help you understand the data it contains. Another useful command for formatting small text files is one we’ve already touched on, the cat command.

The cat command’s original purpose in life was to concatenate files for display. That is where it gets its name. However, it is typically used to display a single file. Listing 4.7 is an example of concatenating two files to display their text contents one after the other.

Listing 4.7: Using the cat command to concatenate files

$ cat numbers.txt random.txt
0010 1010
Flat Land
Schrodinger's Cat
0010 1010
0000 0010

Both files displayed in Listing 4.7 have the number 42 as their first line. This is the only way you can tell where one file ends and the other begins, because the cat utility does not denote a file’s beginning or end in its output.

Unfortunately, often the cat utility’s useful formatting options go unexplored. Table 4.4 has a few of the more commonly used switches.

Table 4.4 The cat command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-A --show-all Equivalent to using the option -vET combination.
-E --show-ends Display a $ when a newline linefeed is encountered.
-n --number Number all text file lines and display that number in the output.
-s --squeeze-blank Do not display repeated blank empty text file lines.
-T --show-tabs Display a ^I when a Tab character is encountered.
-v --show-nonprinting Display nonprinting characters when encountered using either ^ and/or M- notation.

Being able to display nonprinting characters with the cat command is handy. If a text file is causing some sort of odd problem when you’re processing it, you can quickly see if any nonprintable characters are embedded. In Listing 4.8 an example is shown of this method.

Listing 4.8: Using the cat command to display nonprintable characters

$ cat bell.txt

$ cat -v bell.txt

In Listing 4.8, the first cat command displays the file, and it appears to simply contain a blank line. However, by employing the -v option, you can see that a nonprintable character exists within the file. The ^G is in caret notation and indicates that the nonprintable Unicode character BEL is embedded in the file. This character causes a bell sound when the file is displayed.

Another handy set of utilities for formatting text are the pr and printf commands. The pr utility was covered in Chapter 3, so let’s explore the printf command. Its entire purpose in life is to format and display text data. It has the following basic syntax:


The basic idea is that you provide text formatting via FORMAT for the ARGUMENT. A simple example is shown in Listing 4.9.

Listing 4.9: Employing the printf command

$ printf "%s
" "Hello World"
Hello World

In Listing 4.9, the printf command uses the %s as the formatting description. It is enclosed within quotation marks to prevent unexpected results. The %s tells printf to print the string of characters listed in the ARGUMENT, which in this example is Hello World. The portion of the FORMAT tells the printf command to print a newline character after printing the string. This allows the prompt to display on a new line, instead of at the displayed string’s end.

images While the pr utility can handle formatting entire text files, the printf command is geared toward formatting the output of a single text line. You must incorporate other commands and write a Bash shell script for it to process a whole text file with it.

The formatting characters for the printf command are not too difficult once you have reviewed them. A few of the more common ones are listed in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 The printf command’s commonly used FORMAT settings

FORMAT Description
%c Display the first ARGUMENT character.
%d Display the ARGUMENT as a decimal integer number.
%f Display the ARGUMENT as a floating-point number.
%s Display the ARGUMENT as a character string.
\% Display a percentage sign.
" Display a double quotation mark.
\ Display a backslash.
f Include a form feed character.
Include a newline character.
Include a carriage return.
Include a horizontal tab.

In Listing 4.10 the printf command is used to print a floating-point number, which has three digits after the decimal point. Only two are desired, so the %.2f format is used.

Listing 4.10: Using the printf command to format a floating-point number

$ printf "%.2f
" 98.532

Formatting text data can be useful in uncovering information. Be sure to play around with all these commands to get some worthwhile experience.

Determining Word Count

Besides formatting data, gathering statistics on various text files can also be helpful when you are managing a server. The easiest and most common utility for determining counts in a text file is the wc utility. The command’s basic syntax is as follows:

wc [OPTION]... [FILE]...

When you issue the wc command with no options and pass it a file name, the utility will display the file’s number of lines, words, and bytes in that order. Listing 4.11 shows an example.

Listing 4.11: Employing the wc command

$ wc random.txt
 5  9 52 random.txt

There a few useful and commonly used options for the wc command. These are shown in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 The wc command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-c --bytes Display the file’s byte count.
-L --max-line-length Display the byte count of the file’s longest line.
-l --lines Display the file’s line count.
-m --chars Display the file’s character count.
-w --words Display the file’s word count.

An interesting wc option for troubleshooting configuration files is the -L switch. Generally speaking, configuration file line length will be under 150 bytes, though there are exceptions. Thus, if you have just edited a configuration file and that service is no longer working, check the file’s longest line length. A longer than usual line length indicates you might have accidently merged two configuration file lines. An example is shown in Listing 4.12.

Listing 4.12: Using the wc command to check line length

$ wc -L /etc/nsswitch.conf
72 /etc/nsswitch.conf

In Listing 4.12, the file’s line length shows a normal maximum line length of 72 bytes. This wc command switch can also be useful if you have other utilities that cannot process text files exceeding certain line lengths.

Redirecting Input and Output

When processing text and text files to help you to gather data, you may want to save that data. In addition, you may need to combine multiple refinement steps to obtain the information you need.

Handling Standard Output

It is important to know that Linux treats every object as a file. This includes the output process, such as displaying a text file on the screen. Each file object is identified using a file descriptor, an integer that classifies a process’s open files. The file descriptor that identifies output from a command or script file is 1. It is also identified by the abbreviation STDOUT, which describes standard output.

By default, STDOUT directs output to your current terminal. Your process’s current terminal is represented by the /dev/tty file.

A simple command to use when discussing standard output is the echo command. Issue the echo command along with a text string, and the text string will display to your process’s STDOUT, which is typically the terminal screen. An example is shown in Listing 4.13.

Listing 4.13: Employing the echo command to display text to STDOUT

$ echo "Hello World"
Hello World

The neat thing about STDOUT is that you can redirect it via redirection operators on the command line. A redirection operator allows you to change the default behavior of where input and output are sent. For STDOUT, you redirect the output using the > redirection operator, as shown in Listing 4.14.

Listing 4.14: Employing a STDOUT redirection operator

$ grep nologin$ /etc/passwd
$ grep nologin$ /etc/passwd > NologinAccts.txt
$ less NologinAccts.txt

In Listing 4.14, the password file is being audited for all accounts that use the /sbin/nologin shell via the grep command. The grep command’s output is lengthy and was snipped in the listing. It would be so much easier to redirect STDOUT to a file. This was done in Listing 4.14 by issuing the same grep command but tacking on a redirection operator, >, and a file name to the command’s end. The effect was to send the command’s output to the file NologinAccts.txt instead of the screen. Now the data file can be viewed using the less utility.

images If you use the > redirection operator and send the output to a file that already exists, that file’s current data will be deleted. Use caution when employing this operator.

To append data to a preexisting file, you need to use a slightly different redirection operator. The >> operator will append data to a preexisting file. If the file does not exist, it is created and the outputted data is added to it. Listing 4.15 shows an example of using this redirection operator.

Listing 4.15: Using a STDOUT redirection operator to append text

$ echo "Nov 16, 2019" > AccountAudit.txt
$ wc -l /etc/passwd >> AccountAudit.txt
$ cat AccountAudit.txt
Nov 16, 2019
44 /etc/passwd

The first command in Listing 4.15 puts a date stamp into the AccountAudit.txt file. Because that date stamp needs to be preserved, the next command appends STDOUT to the file using the >> redirection operator. The file can continue to be appended to using the >> operator for future commands.

Redirecting Standard Error

Another handy item to redirect is standard error. The file descriptor that identifies a command or script file error is 2. It is also identified by the abbreviation STDERR, which describes standard error. STDERR, like STDOUT, is by default sent to your terminal (/dev/tty).

The basic redirection operator to send STDERR to a file is the 2> operator. If you need to append the file, use the 2>> operator. Listing 4.16 shows an example of redirecting standard error.

Listing 4.16: Employing a STDERR redirection operator

$ grep -d skip hosts: /etc/*
grep: /etc/anacrontab: Permission denied
grep: /etc/audisp: Permission denied
$ grep -d skip hosts: /etc/* 2> err.txt
/etc/nsswitch.conf:#hosts:     db files nisplus nis dns
/etc/nsswitch.conf:hosts:      files dns myhostname
$ cat err.txt
grep: /etc/anacrontab: Permission denied
grep: /etc/audisp: Permission denied

The first command in Listing 4.16 was issued to find any files within the /etc/ directory that contain the hosts: directive. Unfortunately, since the user does not have super user privileges, several permission denied error messages are generated. This clutters up the output and makes it difficult to see what files contain this directive.

To declutter the output, the second command in Listing 4.16 redirects STDERR to the err.txt file using the 2> redirection operator. This makes it much easier to see what files contain the hosts: directive. If needed, the error messages can be reviewed because they reside now in the err.txt file.

images Sometimes you want to send standard error and standard output to the same file. In these cases, use the &> redirection operator to accomplish the goal.

If you don’t care to keep a copy of the error messages, you can always throw them away. This is done by redirecting STDERR to the /dev/null file, as shown snipped in Listing 4.17.

Listing 4.17: Using an STDERR redirection operator to remove error messages

$ grep -d skip hosts: /etc/* 2> /dev/null
/etc/nsswitch.conf:#hosts:     db files nisplus nis dns
/etc/nsswitch.conf:hosts:      files dns myhostname

The /dev/null file is sometimes called the black hole. This name comes from the fact that anything you put into it, you cannot retrieve.

Regulating Standard Input

Standard input, by default, comes into your Linux system via the keyboard or other input devices. The file descriptor that identifies an input into a command or script file is 0. It is also identified by the abbreviation STDIN, which describes standard input.

As with STDOUT and STDERR, you can redirect STDIN. The basic redirection operator is the < symbol. The tr command is one of the few utilities that require you to redirect standard input. An example is shown in Listing 4.18.

Listing 4.18: Employing a STDIN redirection operator

$ cat Grades.txt
89 76 100 92 68 84 73
$ tr " " "," < Grades.txt

In Listing 4.18, the file Grades.txt contains various integers separated by a space. The second command utilizes the tr utility to change those spaces into a comma (,). Because the tr command requires the STDIN redirection symbol, it is also employed in the second command followed by the file name. Keep in mind that this command did not change the Grades.txt file. It only displayed to STDOUT what the file would look like with these changes.

It’s nice to have a concise summary of the redirection operators. Therefore, we have provided one in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7 Commonly used redirection operators

Operator Description
> Redirect STDOUT to specified file. If file exists, overwrite it. If it does not exist, create it.
>> Redirect STDOUT to specified file. If file exists, append to it. If it does not exist, create it.
2> Redirect STDERR to specified file. If file exists, overwrite it. If it does not exist, create it.
2>> Redirect STDERR to specified file. If file exists, append to it. If it does not exist, create it.
&> Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to specified file. If file exists, overwrite it. If it does not exist, create it.
&>> Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to specified file. If file exists, append to it. If it does not exist, create it.
< Redirect STDIN from specified file into command.
<> Redirect STDIN from specified file into command and redirect STDOUT to specified file.

A practical example of redirecting STDOUT and STDIN involves the diff utility, covered in Chapter 3. The diff utility allows you to discover any disparities between two text files and change the differing text file so that the two files are identical. It involves a few steps. The first ones are shown in Listing 4.19 along with extra explanatory commands.

Listing 4.19: Using diff with redirection operators

$ pr -mtl 15 numbers.txt random.txt
42                                  42
2A                                  Flat Land
52                                  Schrodinger's Cat
0010 1010                           0010 1010
*                                   0000 0010
$ cp numbers.txt n.txt
$ diff -e n.txt random.txt >

In Listing 4.19, the pr utility displays the two files numbers.txt and random.txt side by side. You can see that differences exist between these two files. A new copy of the numbers.txt file is made, so any changes are only made to the new file, n.txt, in case anything goes wrong. The diff command uses the -e switch to create an ed script. This script will make the n.txt file the same as the random.txt file.

Prior to enacting the created script, a few additional items must be added to it. In Listing 4.20, the echo command is used two times to append letters to the script.

Listing 4.20: Update an ed script via redirection operators

$ echo w >>
$ echo q >>
$ cat
0000 0010
Flat Land
Schrodinger's Cat

In Listing 4.20, the last command displays the ed script,, to standard output. This script will modify the n.txt file, as shown in Listing 4.21.

Listing 4.21: Modifying a file via an ed script

$ diff -q n.txt random.txt
Files n.txt and random.txt differ
$ ed n.txt <
$ diff -q n.txt random.txt

In Listing 4.21, the diff command does a simple comparison between the two files. Notice that it sends a message to STDOUT that the files are different. Then the ed utility is employed. To enact the script created by the diff command in Listing 4.21, the STDIN redirection operator is used. The last command in Listing 4.21 shows that there are now no differences between these two files.

Piping Commands

If you really want to enact powerful and quick results at the Linux command line, you need to explore pipes. The pipe is a simple redirection operator represented by the ASCII character 124 (|), which is called the vertical bar, vertical slash, or vertical line.

images Be aware that some keyboards and text display the vertical bar not as a single vertical line. Instead, it looks like a vertical double dash.

With the pipe, you can redirect STDOUT, STDIN, and STDERR between multiple commands all on one command line. Now that is powerful redirection.

The basic syntax for redirection with the pipe symbol is as follows:

command 1 | command 2 [| command n]...

The syntax for pipe redirection shows that the first command, command1, is executed. Its STDOUT is redirected as STDIN into the second command, command2. Also, you can pipe more commands together than just two. Keep in mind that any command in the pipeline has its STDOUT redirected as STDIN to the next command in the pipeline. Listing 4.22 shows a simple use of pipe redirection.

Listing 4.22: Employing pipe redirection

$ grep /bin/bash$ /etc/passwd | wc -l

In Listing 4.22, the first command in the pipe searches the password file for any records that end in /bin/bash. This is essentially finding all user accounts that use the Bash shell as their default account shell. The output from the first command in the pipe is passed as input into the second command in the pipe. The wc -l command will count how many lines have been produced by the grep command. The results show that there are only three accounts on this Linux system that have the Bash shell set as their default shell.

You can get creative using pipe redirection. Listing 4.23 shows a command employing over four different utilities in a pipeline to audit accounts using the /sbin/nologin default shell.

Listing 4.23: Employing pipe redirection for several commands

$ grep /sbin/nologin$ /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 1 | sort | less

In Listing 4.23, the output from the grep command is fed as input into the cut command. The cut utility removes only the first field from each password record, which is the account username. The output of the cut command is used as input into the sort command, which alphabetically sorts the usernames. Finally, the sort utility’s output is piped as input into the less command for leisurely perusing through the account usernames.

In cases where you want to keep a copy of the command pipeline’s output as well as view it, the tee command will help. Similar to a tee pipe fitting in plumbing, where the water flow is sent in multiple directions, the tee command allows you to both save the output to a file and display it to STDOUT. Listing 4.24 contains an example of this handy command.

Listing 4.24: Employing the tee command

$ grep /bin/bash$ /etc/passwd | tee BashUsers.txt
user1:x:1000:1000:Student User One:/home/user1:/bin/bash
$ cat BashUsers.txt
user1:x:1000:1000:Student User One:/home/user1:/bin/bash

The first command in Listing 4.24 searches the password file for any user account records that end in /bin/bash. That output is piped into the tee command, which displays the output as well as saves it to the BashUsers.txt file. The tee command is handy when you are installing software from the command line and want to see what is happening as well as keep a log file of the transaction for later review.

Creating Here Documents

Another form of STDIN redirection can be accomplished using a here document, which is sometimes called here text or heredoc. A here document allows you to redirect multiple items into a command. It can also modify a file using a script, create a script, keep data in a script, and so on.

A here document redirection operator is << followed by a keyword. This keyword can be anything, and it signals the beginning of the data as well as the data’s end. Listing 4.25 shows an example of using the sort command along with a here document.

Listing 4.25: Employing a here document with the sort command

$ sort <<EOF
> dog
> cat
> fish

In Listing 4.25, the sort command is entered followed by the << redirection operator and a keyword, EOF. The Enter key is pressed, and a secondary prompt, >, appears indicating that more data can be entered. Three words to be sorted are entered. The keyword, EOF, is entered again to denote that data entry is complete. When this occurs, the sort utility alphabetically sorts the words and displays the results to STDOUT.

Creating Command Lines

Creating command-line commands is a useful skill. There are several different methods you can use. One such method is using the xargs utility. The best thing about this tool is that you sound like a pirate when you pronounce it, but it has other practical values as well.

By piping STDOUT from other commands into the xargs utility, you can build command-line commands on the fly. Listing 4.26 shows an example of doing this.

Listing 4.26: Employing the xargs command

$ find tmp -size 0
$ find tmp -size 0 | xargs /usr/bin/ls
tmp/EmptyFile1.txt  tmp/EmptyFile2.txt  tmp/EmptyFile3.txt

In Listing 4.26, the first command finds any files in the tmp subdirectory that are empty (-size 0). The second command does the same thing, except this time, the output from the find command is piped as STDIN into the xargs utility. The xargs command uses the ls command to list the files. Notice that xargs requires not only the ls command’s name, but also its program’s location in the virtual directory tree.

While Listing 4.26’s commands are educational, they are not practical, because you get the same information just using the find utility. Listing 4.27 shows a functional use of employing the xargs utility.

Listing 4.27: Using the xargs command to delete files

$ find tmp -size 0 | xargs -p /usr/bin/rm
/usr/bin/rm tmp/EmptyFile1.txt tmp/EmptyFile2.txt tmp/EmptyFile3.txt ?...y

The xargs command used in Listing 4.27 uses the -p option. This option causes the xargs utility to stop and ask permission before enacting the constructed command-line command. Notice that the created command is going to remove all three empty files with one rm command. After you type in y and press the Enter key, the command is enacted, and the three files are deleted. This is a pretty handy way to find and remove unwanted files.

The other methods to create command-line commands on the fly use shell expansion. The first method puts a command to execute within parentheses and precedes it with a dollar sign. An example of this method is shown in Listing 4.28.

Listing 4.28: Using the $() method to create commands

$ touch tmp/EmptyFile1.txt
$ touch tmp/EmptyFile2.txt
$ touch tmp/EmptyFile3.txt
$ ls $(find tmp -size 0)
tmp/EmptyFile1.txt  tmp/EmptyFile2.txt  tmp/EmptyFile3.txt

In Listing 4.28, the find command is again used to locate any empty files in the tmp subdirectory. Because the command is encased by the $() symbols, it does not display to STDOUT. Instead, the file names are passed to the ls utility, which does display the files to STDOUT. Of course, it would be more useful to delete those files, but they are needed in the next few examples.

The next method puts a command to execute within backticks (`). Be aware that backticks are not single quotation marks. You can typically find the backtick on the same keyboard key as the tilde (~) symbol. An example of this method is shown in Listing 4.29.

Listing 4.29: Using the backtick method to create commands

$ ls `find tmp -size 0`
tmp/EmptyFile1.txt  tmp/EmptyFile2.txt  tmp/EmptyFile3.txt

Notice in Listing 4.29 that the created command-line command behaves exactly as the constructed command in Listing 4.28. The command between the backticks executes and its output is passed as input to the ls utility.

images Backticks are not very popular anymore. While they perform the same duty as do the $() symbols for creating commands, they are harder to see and are often confused with single quotation marks.

Another method for creating commands is brace expansion. This handy approach allows you to cut down on typing at the command line. Listing 4.30 provides a useful example of brace expansion.

Listing 4.30: Using brace expansion to create commands

$ rm -i tmp/EmptyFile{1,3}.txt
rm: remove regular empty file 'tmp/EmptyFile1.txt'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'tmp/EmptyFile3.txt'? y

Notice in Listing 4.30 that two files are deleted. Instead of typing out the entire file names, you can employ curly braces ({}). These curly braces contain two numbers separated by a comma. This causes the rm utility to substitute a 1 in the braces’ location for the first file name and a 3 for the second file’s name. In essence, the brace expansion method allows you to denote multiple substitutions within a command argument. Thus, you can get very creative when building commands on the fly.

Editing Text Files

Manipulating text is performed on a regular basis when managing a Linux system. You may need to employ either a stream editor or a full-fledged interactive text editor to accomplish the task. In the following sections, we’ll cover both types of editors.

Appreciating Text Editors

Whether you need to modify a configuration file or create a shell script, being able to use an interactive text file editor is an important skill. Also, it is a good idea to know more than just one. Therefore, we’ll cover both the nano and the vim text editors.

The nano editor is a good text editor to start using if you have never dealt with an editor or have only used GUI editors. To start using the nano text editor, type nano followed by the file’s name you wish to edit or create. Figure 4.1 shows a nano text editor screen in action.

The figure shows a vim text editor screen in action.

Figure 4.1 Using the nano text editor

In Figure 4.1 you can see the four main sections of the nano text editor. They are as follows:

Title Bar The title bar is at the nano text editor window’s top line. It shows the current editor version as well as the name of the file you are presently editing. In Figure 4.1, the file being edited is the numbers.txt file. If you simply typed in nano and did not include a file name, you would see New Buffer in the title bar.

Main Body The nano text editor’s main body is where you perform the editing. If the file already contains text, its first lines are shown in this area. If you need to view text that is not in the main body, you can use either arrow keys, Page Up or Down key, and/or the page movement shortcut key combinations to move through the text.

Status Bar The status bar does not always contain information. It only displays status information for certain events. For example, in Figure 4.1, the text file has just been opened in nano, so the status bar area displays [ Read 5 lines ] to indicate that five text lines were read into the editor.

Shortcut List The shortcut list is one of the editor’s most useful features. By glancing at this list at the window’s bottom, you can see the most common commands and their associated shortcut keys. The caret (^) symbol in this list indicates that the Ctrl key must be used. For example, to move down a page, you press and hold the Ctrl key and then press the V key. To see additional commands, press the Ctrl+G key combination for help.

images Within the nano text editor’s help subsystem, you’ll see some key combinations denoted by M-k. An example is M-W for repeating a search. These are metacharacter key combinations, and the M represents the Esc, Alt, or Meta key, depending on your keyboard’s setup. The k simply represents a keyboard key, such as W.

The nano text editor is wonderful to use for simple text file modifications. However, if you need a more powerful text editor for creating programs or shell scripts, the vim editor is a popular choice.

Before we start talking about how to use the vim editor, we need to talk about vim versus vi. The vi editor was a Unix text editor, and when it was rewritten as an open-source tool, it was improved. Thus, vim stands for “vi improved.”

Often you’ll find the vi command will start the vim editor. In other distributions, only the vim command will start the vim editor. Sometimes both commands work. Listing 4.31 shows using the which utility to determine what command a CentOS distribution is using.

Listing 4.31: Using which to determine which command

$ which vim
$ which vi
alias vi='vim'

Listing 4.31 shows that this CentOS distribution has aliased the vi command to point to the vim command. Thus, for this distribution, both the vi and vim commands will start the vim editor.

images Some distributions, such as Ubuntu, do not have the vim editor installed by default. Instead, they use an alternative, called vim.tiny, which will not allow you to try all the various vim commands discussed here. You can check your distribution to see if vim is installed by obtaining the vim program file name. Type in type vi and press Enter, and if you get an error or an alias, then enter type vim. Once you receive the program’s directory and file name, type in the command readlink -f and follow it up with the directory and file name. For example: readlink -f /usr/bin/vi. If you see /usr/bin/vi.tiny, you need to either switch to a different distribution to practice the vim commands or install the vim package (see Chapter 13).

To start using the vim text editor, type vim or vi, depending on your distribution, followed by the name of the file you wish to edit or create. Figure 4.2 shows a vim text editor screen in action.

The figure shows a nano text editor screen in action.

Figure 4.2 Using the vim text editor

In Figure 4.2 the file being edited is the numbers.txt file again. The vim editor loads the file data in a memory buffer, and this buffer is displayed on the screen. If you open vim without a file name or the file name you entered doesn’t yet exist, vim starts a new buffer area for editing.

The vim editor has a message area near the bottom line. If you have just opened an already created file, it will display the file name along with the number of lines and characters read into the buffer area. If you are creating a new file, you will see [New File] in the message area.

The vim editor has three standard modes as follows:

Command Mode This is the mode vim uses when you first enter the buffer area; this is sometimes called normal mode. Here you enter keystrokes to enact commands. For example, pressing the J key will move your cursor down one line. This is the best mode to use for quickly moving around the buffer area.

Insert Mode Insert mode is also called edit or entry mode. This is the mode where you can perform simple editing. There are not many commands or special mode keystrokes. You enter this mode from command mode, by pressing the I key. At this point, the message --Insert-- will display in the message area. You leave this mode by pressing the Esc key.

Ex Mode This mode is sometimes also called colon commands because every command entered here is preceded with a colon (:). For example, to leave the vim editor and not save any changes you type :q and press the Enter key.

Since you start in command mode when entering the vim editor’s buffer area, it’s good to understand a few of the commonly used commands to move around in this mode. Table 4.8 contains several moving commands for your perusal.

Table 4.8 Commonly used vim command mode moving commands

Keystroke Description
h Move cursor left one character.
l Move cursor right one character.
j Move cursor down one line (the next line in the text).
k Move cursor up one line (the previous line in the text).
w Move cursor forward one word to front of next word.
e Move cursor to end of current word.
b Move cursor backward one word.
^ Move cursor to beginning of line.
$ Move cursor to end of line.
gg Move cursor to the file’s first line.
G Move cursor to the file’s last line.
nG Move cursor to file line number n.
Ctrl+B Scroll up almost one full screen.
Ctrl+F Scroll down almost one full screen.
Ctrl+U Scroll up half of a screen.
Ctrl+D Scroll down half of a screen.
Ctrl+Y Scroll up one line.
Ctrl+E Scroll down one line.

Quickly moving around in the vim editor buffer is useful. However, there are also several editing commands that help to speed up your modification process. For example, by moving your cursor to a word’s first letter and pressing CW, the word is deleted, and you are thrown into insert mode. You can then type in the new word and press Esc to leave insert mode.

images Keep in mind that some people stay in command mode to get where they need to be within a file and then press the I key to jump into insert mode for easier text editing. This is a convenient method to employ.

Once you have made any needed text changes in the vim buffer area, it’s time to save your work. You can type ZZ in command mode to write the buffer to disk and exit your process from the vim editor.

The third vim mode, Ex mode, has additional handy commands. You must be in command mode to enter into Ex mode. You cannot jump from insert mode to ex mode. Therefore, if you’re currently in insert mode, press the Esc key to go back to command mode first.

Table 4.9 shows several Ex commands that can help you manage your text file. Notice that all the keystrokes include the necessary colon (:) to use Ex commands.

Table 4.9 Commonly used vim Ex mode commands

Keystrokes Description
:x Write buffer to file and quit editor.
:wq Write buffer to file and quit editor.
:wq! Write buffer to file and quit editor (overrides protection).
:w Write buffer to file and stay in editor.
:w! Write buffer to file and stay in editor (overrides protection).
:q Quit editor without writing buffer to file.
:q! Quit editor without writing buffer to file (overrides protection).
:! command Execute shell command and display results, but don’t quit editor.
:r! command Execute shell command and include the results in editor buffer area.
:r file Read file contents and include them in editor buffer area.

After reading through the various mode commands, you may see why some people despise the vim editor. There are a lot of obscure commands to know. However, some people love the vim editor because it is so powerful.

images Some distributions have a vim tutorial installed by default. This is a handy way to learn to use the vim editor. To get started, just type vimtutor at the command line. If you need to leave the tutorial before it is complete, just type in the Ex mode command :q to quit.

It’s tempting to learn only one text editor and ignore the other. This, of course, won’t help you pass the CompTIA Linux+ certification exam. But, in addition, knowing at least two text editors is useful in your day-to-day Linux work. For simple modifications, the nano text editor shines. For more complex editing, the vim editor is king. Both are worth your time to master.

Learning About Stream Editors

There are times where you will want to edit text files without having to pull out a full-fledged text editor. In these cases, learning about two very popular stream editors is worthwhile. A stream editor modifies text that is passed to it via a file or output from a pipeline. The editor uses special commands to make text changes as the text “streams” through the editor utility.

The first stream editor we’ll explore is called the stream editor. The command to invoke it is sed. The sed utility edits a stream of text data based on a set of commands you supply ahead of time. It is a quick editor because it makes only one pass through the text to apply the modifications.

The sed editor changes data based on commands either entered into the command line or stored in a text file. The process the editor goes through is as follows:

  • Reads one text line at a time from the input stream
  • Matches that text with the supplied editor commands
  • Modifies the text as specified in the commands
  • Outputs the modified text to STDOUT

After the sed editor matches all the prespecified commands against a text line, it reads the next text line and repeats the editorial process. Once sed reaches the end of the text lines, it stops.

Before looking at some sed examples, it is important to understand the command’s basic syntax. It is as follows:


By default, sed will use the text from STDIN to modify according to the prespecified commands. An example is shown in Listing 4.32.

Listing 4.32: Using sed to modify STDIN text

$ echo "I like cake." | sed 's/cake/donuts/'
I like donuts.

Notice in Listing 4.32 that the text output from the echo command is piped as input into the stream editor. The sed utility’s s command (substitute) specifies that if the first text string, cake, is found, it is changed to donuts in the output. Note that the entire command after sed is considered to be the SCRIPT, and it is encased in single quotation marks. Also notice that the text words are delimited from the s command, the quotation marks, and each other via the forward slashes (/).

Keep in mind that just using the s command will not change all instances of a word within a text stream. Listing 4.33 shows an example of this.

Listing 4.33: Using sed to globally modify STDIN text

$ echo "I love cake and more cake." | sed 's/cake/donuts/'
I love donuts and more cake.
$ echo "I love cake and more cake." | sed 's/cake/donuts/g'
I love donuts and more donuts.

In the first command in Listing 4.33, only the first occurrence of the word cake was modified. However, in the second command a g, which stands for global, was added to the sed script’s end. This caused all occurrences of cake to change to donuts.

You can also modify text stored in a file. Listing 4.34 shows an example of this.

Listing 4.34: Using sed to modify file text

$ cat cake.txt
Christine likes chocolate cake.
Rich likes lemon cake.
Tim only likes yellow cake.
Samantha does not like cake.
$ sed 's/cake/donuts/' cake.txt
Christine likes chocolate donuts.
Rich likes lemon donuts.
Tim only likes yellow donuts.
Samantha does not like donuts.
$ cat cake.txt
Christine likes chocolate cake.
Rich likes lemon cake.
Tim only likes yellow cake.
Samantha does not like cake.

In Listing 4.34, the file contains text lines that contain the word cake. When the cake.txt file is added as an argument to the sed command, its data is modified according to the script. Notice that the data in the file is not modified. The stream editor only displays the modified text to STDOUT.

The stream editor has some rather useful command options. The more commonly used ones are displayed in Table 4.10.

Table 4.10 The sed command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-e script --expression=script Add commands in script to text processing. The script is written as part of the sed command.
-f script --file=script Add commands in script to text processing. The script is a file.
-r --regexp-extended Use extended regular expressions in script.

A handy option to use is the -e option. This allows you to employ multiple scripts in the sed command. An example is shown in Listing 4.35.

Listing 4.35: Using sed -e to use multiple scripts

$ sed -e 's/cake/donuts/ ; s/like/love/' cake.txt
Christine loves chocolate donuts.
Rich loves lemon donuts.
Tim only loves yellow donuts.
Samantha does not love donuts.

Pay close attention to the syntax change in Listing 4.35. Not only is the -e option employed, but the script is slightly different too. Now the script contains a semicolon (;) between the two script commands. This allows both commands to be processed on the text stream.

If you have a lot of sed script commands, you can store them in a file. This is convenient because you can use the script file over and over again. Listing 4.36 shows an example of using a sed script one time.

Listing 4.36: Using sed -f to use a script file

$ cat script.sed
$ sed -f script.sed cake.txt
Christine loves chocolate donuts.
Rich loves lemon donuts.
Tim only loves yellow donuts.
Samantha does not love donuts.

In Listing 4.36, notice that the sed script has single sed commands on each file line. No single quotation marks are employed here. Once the sed command is used along with the -f option and script file argument, the changes are applied to the file data and displayed STDOUT.

The gawk utility is also a stream editor, but it provides a more powerful editing process via its programming language. With the gawk programming language, you can do the following:

  • Define variables to store data.
  • Use arithmetic and string operators to work on data.
  • Use programming structures, such as loops, to add logic to your processing.
  • Create formatted reports from data.

The gawk programming language is popular for creating formatted reports from large data sets. You can create gawk programs and store them in files for repeated use.

A little confusion exists between awk and gawk, so let’s address that before delving further into the gawk utility. The awk program was created for the Unix operating system, so when the GNU project rewrote it, they named it GNU awk, or gawk for short. However, on many distributions you can use either command, but they both actually call the gawk program. Listing 4.37 shows an example of this on a CentOS distribution.

Listing 4.37: Looking at the awk and gawk commands

$ which awk
$ readlink -f /usr/bin/awk
$ which gawk

In Listing 4.37, you can see that the awk command exists on this distribution. However, when you following the soft link trail to the actual program used, it points to the gawk program. The gawk command exists as well.

Before looking as some gawk examples, it is important to understand the command’s basic syntax. It is as follows:


Similar to sed, you can provide the program on the same command line as the gawk command. It also employs the use of single quotation marks to enclose the script. However, unlike sed, the gawk utility requires you to put your programming language commands between two curly braces. An example is shown in Listing 4.38.

Listing 4.38: Using gawk to modify STDIN text

$ echo "Hello World" | gawk '{print $0}'
Hello World
$ echo "Hello World" | gawk '{print $1}'
$ echo "Hello World" | gawk '{print $2}'

The print command displays text to STDOUT, but notice that different parts of STDIN are shown, as shown in Listing 4.38. This is accomplished via the gawk utility’s defined data field variables. They are defined as follows:

  • The $0 variable represents the entire text line.
  • The $1 variable represents the text line’s first data field.
  • The $2 variable represents the text line’s second data field.
  • The $n variable represents the text line’s nth data field.

The gawk utility can also process text data from a file. An example of this is shown in Listing 4.39.

Listing 4.39: Using gawk to modify file text

$ cat cake.txt
Christine likes chocolate cake.
Rich likes lemon cake.
Tim only likes yellow cake.
Samantha does not like cake.
$ gawk '{print $1}' cake.txt

The gawk programming language is rather powerful and allows you to use many typical structures employed in other programming languages. In Listing 4.40, an attempt is made to change the word cake in the output to donut.

Listing 4.40: Using gawk structured commands to modify file text

$ gawk '{$4="donuts"; print $0}' cake.txt
Christine likes chocolate donuts
Rich likes lemon donuts
Tim only likes donuts cake.
Samantha does not donuts cake.
$ gawk '{if ($4 == "cake.") {$4="donuts"; print $0}}' cake.txt
Christine likes chocolate donuts
Rich likes lemon donuts

In Listing 4.40, the first attempt to substitute the words does not work properly. That is a result of two text file lines having the word cake in data field $5 instead of data field $4. The second gawk attempt employs an if statement to check if data field $4 is equal to the word cake. If the statement returns a true, the data field is changed to donuts and the text line is displayed on STDOUT. Otherwise, the text line is ignored.

Using complex programming structures in gawk can be tricky on the command line. It’s much better to put those commands in a file. However, you need to know a few common gawk options prior to doing this. Table 4.11 has some typical gawk switches.

Table 4.11 The gawk command’s commonly used options

Short Long Description
-F d --field-separator d Specify the delimiter that separates the data file’s fields.
-f file --file=file Use program in file for text processing.
-s --sandbox Execute gawk program in sandbox mode.

Using the field separator option is very handy when the data file’s fields are separated by commas or colons. An example of pulling data from the password file using this switch is shown in Listing 4.41.

Listing 4.41: Using gawk structured commands to extact file data


$ gawk -F : '{print $1}' /etc/passwd

You can put complex gawk programs into files to keep them for reuse. Listing 4.42 shows an example of this.

Listing 4.42: Using a gawk program file

$ cat cake.txt
Christine likes chocolate cake.
Rich likes lemon cake.
Tim only likes yellow cake.
Samantha does not like cake.
$ cat script.gawk
{if ($4=="cake.")
  {$4="donuts"; print $0}
else if ($5=="cake.")
  {$5="donuts"; print $0}}
$ gawk -f script.gawk cake.txt
Christine likes chocolate donuts
Rich likes lemon donuts
Tim only likes yellow donuts
Samantha does not like donuts

In Listing 4.42, a more complex if structure statement is written using the gawk programming language and saved to a file, script.gawk. This script not only employs an if statement, it also incorporates an else if structure. Notice also that no single quotation marks are needed when the gawk program is stored in a file. Using the -f switch, the program is enacted on the cake.txt file, and the appropriate word is changed in every line.


Being able to process data to make agile decisions is important for administering your Linux system. There are many Linux structures and tools, which can help you in uncovering the information you need.

This chapter’s purpose was to continue to improve your Linux command-line tool belt. The tools and structures added in this chapter will allow you to search and analyze text in order to uncover knowledge in an efficient manner.

Exam Essentials

Summarize the various utilities used in processing text files. Filtering text file data can be made much easier with utilities such as grep, egrep, and cut. Once that data is filtered, you may want to format it for viewing using sort, pr, printf, or even the cat utility. If you need some statistical information on your text file, such as the number of lines it contains, the wc command is handy.

Explain both the structures and commands for redirection. Employing STDOUT, STDERR, and STDIN redirection allows rather complex filtering and processing of text. The echo command can assist in this process as well as here documents. You can also use pipelines of commands to perform redirection and produce excellent data for review.

Describe the various methods used for editing text files. Editing text files is part of a system administrator’s life. You can use full-screen editors such as the rather complicated vim text editor or the simple and easy-to-use nano editor. For fast and powerful text stream editing, employ the use of sed and its scripts or the gawk programming language.

Review Questions

  1. The cat -E MyFile.txt command is entered, and at the end of every line displayed is a $. What does this indicate?

    1. The text file has been corrupted somehow.
    2. The text file records end in the ASCII character NUL.
    3. The text file records end in the ASCII character LF.
    4. The text file records end in the ASCII character $.
    5. The text file records contain a $ at their end.
  2. The cut utility often needs delimiters to process text records. Which of the following best describes a delimiter?

    1. One or more characters that designate the beginning of a line in a record
    2. One or more characters that designate the end of a line in a record
    3. One or more characters that designate the end of a text file to a command-line text processing utility
    4. A single space or a colon (:) that creates a boundary between different data items in a record
    5. One or more characters that create a boundary between different data items in a record
  3. Which of the following utilities change text within a file? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. cut
    2. sort
    3. vim
    4. nano
    5. sed
  4. You have a text file, monitor.txt, which contains information concerning the monitors used within the data center. Each record ends with the ASCII LF character and fields are delimitated by a comma (,). A text record has the monitor ID, manufacture, serial number, and location. To display each data center monitor’s monitor ID, serial number, and location, use which cut command?

    1. cut -d "," -f 1,3,4 monitor.txt
    2. cut -z -d "," -f 1,3,4 monitor.txt
    3. cut -f "," -d 1,3,4 monitor.txt
    4. cut monitor.txt -d "," -f 1,3,4
    5. cut monitor.txt -f "," -d 1,3,4
  5. The grep utility can employ regular expressions in its PATTERN. Which of the following best describes a regular expression?

    1. A series of characters you define for a utility, which uses the characters to match the same characters in text files
    2. ASCII characters, such as LF and NUL, that a utility uses to filter text
    3. Wildcard characters, such as * and ?, that a utility uses to filter text
    4. A pattern template you define for a utility, which uses the pattern to filter text
    5. Quotation marks (single or double) used around characters to prevent unexpected results
  6. You are a system administrator on a CentOS Linux server. You need to view records in the /var/log/messages file that start with the date May 30 and end with the IPv4 address Which of the following is the best grep command to use?

    1. grep "May 30?" /var/log/messages
    2. grep "May 30.*" /var/log/messages
    3. grep -i "May 30.*" /var/log/messages
    4. grep -i "May 30?" /var/log/messages
    5. grep -v "May 30.*" /var/log/messages
  7. Which of the following is a BRE pattern that could be used with the grep command? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Sp?ce
    2. "Space, the .*frontier"
    3. ^Space
    4. (lasting | final)
    5. frontier$
  8. You need to search through a large text file and find any record that contains either Luke or Laura at the record’s beginning. Also, the phrase Father is must be located somewhere in the record’s middle. Which of the following is an ERE pattern that could be used with the egrep command to find this record?

    1. "Luke$|Laura$.*Father is"
    2. "^Luke|^Laura.Father is"
    3. "(^Luke|^Laura).Father is"
    4. "(Luke$|Laura$).* Father is$"
    5. "(^Luke|^Laura).*Father is.*"
  9. A file data.txt needs to be sorted numerically and its output saved to a new file newdata.txt. Which of the following commands can accomplish this task? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. sort -n -o newdata.txt data.txt
    2. sort -n data.txt > newdata.txt
    3. sort -n -o data.txt newdata.txt
    4. sort -o newdata.txt data.txt
    5. sort data.txt > newdata.txt
  10. Which of the following commands can display the data.txt and datatoo.txt files’ content one after the other to STDOUT? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. ls data.txt datatoo.txt
    2. sort -n data.txt > datatoo.txt
    3. cat -n data.txt datatoo.txt
    4. ls -l data.txt datatoo.txt
    5. sort data.txt datatoo.txt
  11. A text file, StarGateAttacks.txt, needs to be specially formatted for review. Which of the following commands is the best command to accomplish this task quickly?

    1. printf
    2. wc
    3. pr
    4. paste
    5. nano
  12. You need to format the string 42.777 into the correct two-digit floating number. Which of the following printf command FORMAT settings is the correct one to use?

    1. "%s "
    2. "%.2s "
    3. "%d "
    4. "%.2c "
    5. "%.2f "
  13. A Unicode-encoded text file, MyUCode.txt, needs to be perused. Before you decide what utility to use in order view the file’s contents, you employ the wc command on it. This utility displays 2020 6786 11328 to STDOUT. What of the following is true? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. The file has 2,020 lines in it.
    2. The file has 2,020 characters in it.
    3. The file has 6,786 words in it.
    4. The file has 11,328 characters in it.
    5. The file has 11,328 lines in it.
  14. Which of the following best defines a file descriptor?

    1. A letter that represents the file’s type
    2. A number that represents a process’s open files
    3. Another term for the file’s name
    4. A six-character name that represents standard output
    5. A symbol that indicates the file’s classification
  15. By default, STDOUT goes to what item?

    1. /dev/ttyn, where n is a number.
    2. /dev/null
    3. >
    4. /dev/tty
    5. pwd
  16. Which of the following commands will display the file SpaceOpera.txt to output as well as save a copy of it to the file SciFi.txt?

    1. cat SpaceOpera.txt | tee SciFi.txt
    2. cat SpaceOpera.txt > SciFi.txt
    3. cat SpaceOpera.txt 2> SciFi.txt
    4. cp SpaceOpera.txt SciFi.txt
    5. cat SpaceOpera.txt &> SciFi.txt
  17. Which of the following commands will put any generated error messages into the black hole?

    1. sort SpaceOpera.txt 2> BlackHole
    2. sort SpaceOpera.txt &> BlackHole
    3. sort SpaceOpera.txt > BlackHole
    4. sort SpaceOpera.txt 2> /dev/null
    5. sort SpaceOpera.txt > /dev/null
  18. Which of the following commands will determine how many records in the file Problems.txt contain the word error?

    1. grep error Problems.txt | wc -b
    2. grep error Problems.txt | wc -w
    3. grep error Problems.txt | wc -l
    4. grep Problems.txt error | wc -w
    5. grep Problems.txt error | wc -l
  19. You want to find any file named 42.tmp, which exists somewhere in your current directory’s tree structure and display its contents to STDOUT. Which of the following will allow you to build a command to do this? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. xargs (find . -name 42.tmp) cat
    2. cat `find . -name 42.tmp`
    3. cat $(find . -name 42.tmp)
    4. cat {find . -name 42.tmp}
    5. find . -name 42.tmp | xargs cat
  20. You want to edit the file SpaceOpera.txt and decide to use the vim editor to complete this task. Which of the following are vim modes you might employ? (Choose all that apply.)

    1. Insert
    2. Change
    3. Command
    4. Ex
    5. Edit
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