Advancing Your Practice of Project Management

There is always a new way to improve our project management ability. At a personal level, we can pursue the Project Management Professional certification. Organizations can improve their project management ability by creating consistency in their approach to selecting and managing projects. We can also add to our project management toolset by making connections between the discipline of project management and other related disciplines.

The four chapters in Part 5 each address a different opportunity for individuals and organizations to extend and improve their practice of project management.

Chapter 21, on enterprise project management (EPM), presents a framework for organizing a project‐driven organization. It contains the current practices that organizations use for managing multiple projects with shared resources.

Chapter 22 introduces the principles for collecting, prioritizing, and managing requirements. This discipline is essential to project success because it helps create a clear understanding of what must be delivered by the project. Failure in establishing and managing requirements undermines all the hard work done to define, plan, and control the project as described in the first four parts of this book.

Chapter 23 reveals the tip of the quality management iceberg. The quality discipline has its own professional certifications and processes. Awareness of this discipline allows a project manager to build quality practices and professionals into the project plan.

Passing the Project Management Institute's Project Management Professional exam is a milestone in a project manager's career. Chapter 24 provides advice on how to prepare for this challenging exam.

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