
This book is the result of insights, encouragement, and opportunities received from thousands of people I have had the good fortune to work with over the course of my career. If I ever worked with you as a colleague, customer, or coworker then you helped in some way to contribute to this book. Thank you! There are a few individuals that I must also thank by name, as without them this book would never have gotten past the idea stage. Jill Popelka made the project a reality with her unexpected phone call asking, “I hear you want to write a book. How can I help?” Courtney Kimbrough “penetrated the bureaucracy” to get the project underway, and Hayden Boshart, Marne Hermes-Newman, and Brandi Starks kept it moving down the track. My wonderful and talented nieces Sarah Hunt and Spenser Nickell-Hunt enthusiastically responded when I reached out for much needed assistance with illustrations and promotion materials. Haley Dominique, Christy Robinson, Andrew Postman, and Matt Hart provided valuable comments on the manuscript. And a super special thanks to Kelly Hamilton who did the painful work of reviewing my first drafts and highlighting improvements they desperately needed. Many others helped with encouragement and assistance in one form or another. Please know I am indebted for your support. I am acutely aware that I did not do this on my own.

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