
Books aren’t written by one person, and careers aren’t built by one person either. There are so many people to acknowledge it would take up every page of this book. So if I left you out, thank you.

Thank you to my wife, Amy. When you start to think about how many people there are in the world and how I got so lucky to end up with you as my wife, it’s scary. These pages would never have been written without your belief in me and my professional mission. I can’t wait for the world to read the work of the real writer in our family.

Thank you to my kids, John Ellis and Lucy. The day you came into my life a purpose was born where words wouldn’t do it justice. Don’t ever forget, you are going to do great and mighty things—go change the world.

Thank you to Keith and Margie, my parents. While life hasn’t always been perfect, I couldn’t have asked for a better childhood and environment to grow up in. I learned the value of hard work, professionalism, and grit from you, Dad, and I learned service and community from you, Mom—something I couldn’t ever thank you both enough for.

Thank you to Michael and David, my brothers. While we will never be as close as we once were because of age and distance, I learned how to compete and persevere from taking it to both of you my whole life. I am proud to share last name Eades with you both.

To Jim, Lisa, Eric and Laura Beth. I have learned incredible lessons from each of you. I am grateful to be a part of your family and honored to be your friends.

• • •

Thank you to Christina Wilder. Without you there is no way this book would have been written. The daily banter and whiteboard sessions to bring the concepts in this book to life are moments I will never forget. Your sense of humor makes me a better human being, and your willingness to challenge my ideas makes me a better professional. From the very beginning, you saw something in me and took a big leap of faith to join me on this journey. For that, I am forever grateful.

Thank you to Mark Houston. Your development as a professional is something I am so proud of, but what I value the most is your character. I appreciate everything you did as a member of the team and can’t thank you enough for the sacrifices you made to get where we are trying to go.

Thank you to Gordon Shuford. Because of your tenacity and effort, this book is going to touch the lives of so many people. You’re a great man, and I am so happy to have played a small part in your development as a professional.

To all our clients at LearnLoft: Thank you for the trust and belief in us, it means the world.

Thank you to those who were instrumental in helping me write this book:

Images   Roderic Yapp: You were the seed many years ago, and I respect you more than you know.

Images   Bryan Wish: You challenged the writing of someone you didn’t know well, and for that I am grateful.

Images   Connie Hawkins: Only God could have brought you in my life, and I can’t thank you enough for the constant encouragement.

Images   Steve Smith: You are an excellent leader, and the lessons you taught me early in my career I have never forgotten.

Images   Jacquilyn Lavalle: You have a gift with words, and I hope you continue to use it.

Images   Trevor Byrd: You are one of the smartest people I have ever met, and I couldn’t respect you more. Thank you for your help in bringing our research to life.

Images   To all the guests who have been on the Follow My Lead podcast: Your example of leadership and your willingness to share your stories with me have no doubt shaped my life and thinking.

Images   To Ludovico Einaudi and NEEDTOBREATHE: Without your music, there is no way this book would have been written. I am pretty sure I know your music better than you do at this point.

Thank you to Taylor Mokris, Doug LaBrosse, Devin Drobbin, and Nick Maslanka. Your friendship and constant belief in me has helped more than you will ever know.

Thank you to Armand Brown and Corey Richard. I do my best daily to be a good example for you and not let you down. You are ready—go do big things that go beyond your own glory.

Above all, thank you to God. None of this is possible without you, and I am constantly amazed at how you are using me.

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