
Erik Peterson

Everything good in my life flows from the fact that my wife, Christie, accepted my proposal more than 25 years ago. When I was faced with two career paths—one that meant more income and less travel, and the other that brought me to Corporate Visions—Christie urged me to take the Corporate Visions job because she knew I would love it. She was right, as I have come to expect, and I have been blessed to do this work ever since. We are also blessed with three wonderful boys, Jeremy, Zachary, and Brett, whom I could brag about for thousands of words. But that would be another book. Suffice it to say that I do this work in the hope that they can see some of the results (like this book) and be as proud of their dad as I am of them.

Tim Riesterer

To all the women in my life: Laura, my love, you make this world a better place for everyone you meet, and make me a better man; Rachel, Emily, Anna, and Hope, you’ve grown up to be amazing young women with caring hearts, just like your mother; Little Rosie, thank you for your precious smile and sweet spirit, which helps me accept the reality that I’m old enough to be a grandpa. Mom, your positive spirit and gift of encouragement is as meaningful now as it was 50 years ago. Mary and Dad, thank you for your constant love, presence, and support for all we do. Kia, my goddaughter, and her family, thank you for increasing our family’s capacity to love and be loved. To God be the glory!

Nick Lee

I would like to thank in particular Tim, Erik, and everyone else at Corporate Visions for their enthusiasm and interest. It’s been a real pleasure and an education working with them on these and all our other studies over the last few years. I’d especially like to thank Tim for giving me the opportunity to be a part of what is a really fun double act in presenting this work too and making it all seem so easy! Of course, as always, I’d like to thank my wonderfully supportive wife, Laura, who always helps me see the good in things and encourages me always to take the opportunity to do interesting and fun stuff, like this!

Rob Perrilleon

Thank you to my wife, Jessica, who not only supported but encouraged my career change to Corporate Visions. Like so many other times, you knew what would make me happy better than I did. And thank you for the countxivless times and ways you have supported me since. Thank you to my sons, Justin and Evan, for being a constant reminder of what really matters in life. Seeing the character and maturity you have developed lets me sleep soundly at night, even when too many of those early nights were away from home. Thank you to Erik and Tim for your leadership, vision, and trust and for making CVI unlike any other place to work. Thank you to the consulting team and all my great colleagues at CVI. “Inspired” is an overused term, but I can think of nothing better to describe the incredibly high standard you set. Finally, thank you to the great mentors I had early in my career: Mark, Erik, Tom, Todd, Greg, Jim.

Joe Collins

If you believe that life is a journey, then it really matters whom you walk with. For over 20 years, I could not have asked for a better partner than my wife, Tracie. She is the nucleus of our family and my best friend, and she enables us all to strive for more. Thank you for everything you do! To my kids, Joseph and Lillian, you are amazing. As a parent, over half the time I have no idea what I am doing, and yet despite that, you kids have grown into interesting, intelligent, and entertaining teenagers. I can’t wait to see what paths you take as adults. I’d also like to thank my parents and my sisters. As I was growing up, they provided the perfect amount of fun, support, craziness, and love. Each one of them helped me find my path, and I am grateful to you all. For all my friends and family that I couldn’t mention, just know that you are loved and appreciated.

Doug Hutton

I’d like to thank my wife, Cassandra, for her patience and grace at home while I’m earning too many award miles visiting our clients. To my children, Addison and Carter, for often being the guinea pigs as I try out new whiteboards and practice client messages. To all my coauthors, for continually pushing my thinking and disrupting my own Status Quo Bias. And as the aspiring pilot of the group, to my flight instructor, Hunter Driscoll. He never knew what he was getting into when he accepted that first request.

Leslie Talbot

I was fortunate to have been born into the most wonderful family anyone could hope for. To my dad, for his wisdom and resilience—you have always pushed me to be the best I can be, and I am eternally grateful for that. To my sisters, Liz and Leigh, for their lifelong love and support—you are truly my best and closest friends. To my mom, for your brilliance and determination—I miss you every day. Thank you also to my mentors Erik and Tim, my coauthors, and to the CVI Content team—particularly Leif Kothe, Brent Alwood, Michelina Jones, Justin Barry, and Jessica Zimmerman—who brought these ideas to brilliant life with their words and art. It’s a privilege to work with you all.

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