
I’d like to begin by recognizing my talented and dogged book team. Casey Ebro, executive editor at McGraw Hill, greatly improved this book with her keen eye and smart advice. To my agent, Jim Levine, thank you for believing in this book and helping me navigate the process of finding a publisher. Seth Schulman, Brian McKenna, Debbie Ostrander, Katherina Holzhauser, and Rachel Gledhill: you are all strategic, brilliant, persistent, and fun, prime examples of the good and talented humans whom I want around me. I wish to thank as well the dozens of phenomenal, self-reflective leaders who agreed to be interviewed for this book. I feel inspired by your examples and deeply appreciate your stories and insights.

I’m fortunate to have received a vast amount of guidance, coaching, and friendship over the course of my career. Thank you to Joe Hahn and Toby Cosgrove for seeing a glimmer of capability in me and allowing me to run hard—and for forgiving my mistakes. I’m grateful to have worked under the guidance of spectacular board chairs, including Waleed al Muhairi al Moukarab, Scott Anderson, Gail Miller, and Mike Leavitt.

Over the years, I’ve led some truly phenomenal teams—low drama, high speed, low drag, marked by an obsession over mission and an unparalleled ability to execute. Thank you to my PICU colleagues, Medical Operations executive team, CCAD leaders, and Intermountain’s Executive Leadership Team. To my ELT, we’ve been through reorganization, growth, stumbles, sickness, health, pandemic, social unrest, economic headwinds, social polarization. I’ve learned that this team can do literally anything. You are the best of the best. My feelings for you and your families run deep and true.

I take great pleasure in hearing stories of the skill, spontaneity, and compassion that Intermountain’s 60,000 caregivers (post-merger with SCL Health) bring to bear on behalf of our neighbors. People are the heart and soul of any business, and all of you prove that every day. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Please know that leading this organization has been the privilege of a lifetime.

When you become the CEO of a big organization, you have lots of new “friends.” Here’s to old friends: Owen Young, Kirk Miller, Marci Price-Miller, Jonathan Kaye, Lesley Kaye, Morris Wheeler, Joanne Cohen, Lou Bonelli, Josette Beran, Steve Davis, Denise Davis, Abdulla al Shamsi, Babbie Lester, and Lessing Stern.

My mom and dad, Rosanne and Tony Harrison, raised three kids in a home that valued family, education, and service. My brother and sister, Ed and Janet, are fine human beings and wonderful siblings. I’m grateful for everything that our family taught me, and I try to live my life in ways that pay homage to the spirit of our upbringing.

Finally, I’d like to acknowledge my wife, Mary Carole, and our children, Alex, Martin, and Settie. Over a cocktail one night, MC and I were talking about this book. I told her that I doubt that my (considerable) drive would have been as productively channeled in the absence of our family. Our journey started in New Hampshire in 1989. I was a fourth-year medical student delivering babies, and MC was a freshly minted pediatric intern resuscitating them. I thought she was smart, sassy, and filled out her scrubs nicely. She thought I looked like a baby. We’ve been married for 32 years. Her sense of fun, talents, and open heart have enriched my life. Our three remarkable kids have grown into strong, talented adults who are determined to make our world more tolerant and just. My love for these four is infi-nite. The way they live their lives inspires me every day to be the best person I can be.

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