
Abu Dhabi, 4, 23–25, 29–31, 39, 104, 132–133

Accenture, 138

AIDS, 192–193

Airbnb, 116

Allen, Rob, 26, 45, 73, 154

Alliance for the Determinants of Health, 175–179

Alluceo, 122

Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), 70–71

Amazon, 29, 68

Amgen, 163–166

Anderson, Scott, 47–48

Aposhian, Clark, 213–219

AQI (Al-Qaeda in Iraq), 70–71

Arab Spring, 24

Arlington National Cemetery, 11

“Arriving,” 59–60

Articles of Confederation, 225

Artificial intelligence, 109

Bain & Company, 35–36, 93–94

Bangor, Maine, 229

BBC, 26

Benchmarking, 47–48

Berensen, Nannette, 63–65

Bergomi, Luigi, 90

Best practices:

adopting, 97–99

codifying, 52

identifying leaders for, 28–29

outsiders role in, 48–49

sharing, 66–69, 131, 159

standardizing, 51

Best-in-class clinical protocols, 67

Biden administration, 17, 220–221

BlackBerry, xii

Bladder cancer, 23

Blockbuster Video, xii, 68

Blockchain, 109

Blue Plate Diner, 214

Boston, Mass., 36

Boston Children’s Hospital, 229

Brace, Heather, 80–81, 204

Bradway, Bob, 163–166

Breastmilk, 186

Briesacher, Mark, 55–56

Brown, Brené, 3–4

Buffalo, N.Y., 150

Bush, George W., 214

Business model, right, xix, 172–173, 180

Cancer, ix–xvii, 4, 113

benefits of breastmilk on, 186

bladder, 23

Covid-19 effects on, 198

digital applications with, 117

and empathy, 4

gastric, 164

and immunotherapy, xvii

mapping DNA of, 143

multiple myeloma, xvii, 10, 18, 57

research on, 133–134

screening for, 78, 143–144

stomach, 118–119

and vulnerability, 57–58

Capeles, Tiffany, 203–204

CAR T-cell therapy, xvii, 6

Castell, 30

Central Intelligence Agency, 71

Charity work, 173–180

Chicago, Ill., 173

Christensen, Clayton, 37, 129

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1, 67, 214

Civica Rx, xiv, 129–131, 139–141, 146

Classic Air Medical, 159–161

Classic Aviation, 165

Clegg, Shannon, 184–188

Cleveland, Ohio, 149

Cleveland Clinic, x, 5, 29, 214

fostering intimacy at, 55

home access to, 112

improvement efforts at, 91, 104

injustices at, 193–194

patient safety in, 44

trauma care at, 131–132

vendor problems at, 102

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, x, 23, 5, 132–133, 255–256

Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital, 101

Coke, 196

Command-and-control approach, xvi, 76

Compassionate discussions, 55

Conflict culture, xv–xx

Connect Care Pro, 113

Continuous improvement, xiii, 47, 53, 67, 75, 89, 91–97, 105


and anti-vaxxers, 16

caregiver burnout from, 81

Delta variant of, 198–199

effects on cancer, 198

and frontline caregivers, 13–14

mask mandates for, 8–9, 198–199

politicization of, 200

protection from, 17

response to, 9–10, 80–81, 100–101

rise of, 8

testing for, 10, 100, 134, 200

treatment of, 129–130

vaccinations against, 15–16, 200, 220

vaccine mandates for, 15–17, 220–222

Covid-19 pandemic, 55, 79–81, 134, 221

Cox, Spencer, 198

Creativity, 26, 49–50, 90, 110, 123

CT scans, scanners, 5, 98–99

Culture of improvement, 89–90, 103

Curiosity, xvi, 18–19, 110, 173, 184, 211–212, 215

CVS Pharmacy, 68, 202

Cycle for Health UAE, 133

DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), 194–195

DAMAN, 133

Daraprim, 127–128

Davos, Switzerland, 74

DeCODE genetics, 142–143

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 194–195

DEI (see Diversity, equity, and inclusion)

Delta Airlines, 111

Diabetes, 114–115, 117, 130, 132, 179, 186, 195

Digital Hippocratic Oath, 140

Discovery Channel, 26

Disney, 25, 29


adapting to, 100

leading, 70

minimizing, 40–41

preempting, xix, 34, 68–69, 76, 123–125

preparing for, 81

Diversity, 183

acceptance of, 1

embracing, 14, 191

enabling progress in, 145

outsider perspectives on, 24–25, 28, 36

powering innovation through, xviii

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), 12–15, 36, 191, 196–197

DNA, 142–143

Empathy, xvi, 3–8

building relationships through, 8–11

fostering, 18–19

and race relations, 12–15

and vaccine hesitancy, 15–17

witnessing, 7–8

End-of-life care, 51–52

Epstein, David, 28

Equity, 13–15, 36–37

achieving objectives in, 120

as fundamental of care, 196–197

and growth, 155

Vizient metrics in, 59

in the workplace, 136–137

Facebook, 17, 111

FaceTime, 10

Faith-based investments, 122–125

Feedback, 53–59

Fee-for-service models, xii–xiii, 77

Fernandopulle, Rushika, 30

First Niagara Bank, 150

Five Prime Therapeutics, 164

Floyd, George, 12, 36, 138, 196

Forbes, 43

Foundry program, 121

Frenemies, 127–146

Fritz, Nick, 180–182

Fundamentals of Extraordinary Care statement, 114

Gabriel, Larry, 142

Gadiesh, Orit, 35–36, 92–93

Gastric cancer, 164

Geisinger Health, 26

General Catalyst, 116–118

Genomics, 109

Glassdoor, 71

Good growth, 152, 159–161, 163

Good trouble, 31–39, 203–204, 227

Google, 68

Graphite Health, 140–145

“Grassroots good,” 144–145

Great recession, 149

Greg (patient), 179–180

Growth, 149–166

mission-focused, 150–151, 155

pursuit of, 150, 153

Hamilton, George, 121

Harrison, Alex, 4–5, 102–103, 170

Harrison, Martin, 170

Harrison, Mary Carole, 4–5, 18, 170, 229

Harrison, Settie, 170

Harvard Business School, 151

Harvard University, xvi, 129, 209, 212

Haslem, Derrick, 118–120

HCA Healthcare, 139–140, 146

Healthcare Partners Nevada, 152, 155–158

Heart disease, 102, 113, 114, 176, 186

Henn, Morissa, 209–220

Herbert, Gary, 8

HerediGene, xiv, 142–145

Holzhauser, Katherina, 16

Hospice care, 51–52

Hospital at Home, 112–113

HP, 138

Huddles, 55, 78, 80

Covid-oriented, 100

with frontline workers, 93–95, 98

structure of, 103–105

synchronized, 98–101

Huntsman Cancer Institute, 133–134

IBM, 136–139

ICU (see Intensive care unit)

IDF (Israeli Defense Forces), 93

Insulin, 130

INTEGRIS Health System, 66–67

Intensive care unit (ICU), 51–52, 80, 145, 169, 226, 229

Intermountain Healthcare, Nevada, 38

Intermountain Medical Center, 13, 44, 50

Intermountain Neurosciences Institute at Intermountain Medical Center, 36

Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital, 1, 192

Intermountain Ventures, 120–121

Intermountain West, 1, 159, 209

Iora Health, 30

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), 93

Ivory, Clark, 223–224

James, Brent, 47

Jim Crow segregation, 219

Johnson, Wes, 90–91

Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 70–71, 76

Joint Special Operations Task Force, 70–72, 76

Jumonville, Lydia, 161–162

Kapsandoy, Seraphine, 13–14

Kerrey, Bob, 10–11

KeyCorp, 149–151, 163

Kodak, xii, 68

Krakovitz, Paul, 38–39

Las Vegas, Nev., 39, 152, 156

Leavitt, Mike, 65–66, 82, 129, 173–174, 214–216, 225, 235

LGBTQ+, 13, 189–194, 204

Life Flight, 159–160

Liljenquist, Dan, 127–129, 139–141, 152, 163–165

Livongo Health, 117

Lolli, Marti, 26, 160

Loop, Floyd, 102

Loyal opposition, 201–205

Mabbutt, Kevan, 25–31, 33

Maci (patient), 85–88

Marine Corps, 180

Mark, Nickolas, 120–121

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 195

Masai tribe, 111

Massachusetts General Hospital, 36

Mayo Clinic, 7–8, 18–19

McChrystal, Stanley, 70–71, 75–76

McKee, Kathleen E., 36–37

McKinsey & Company, 44–47

Medal of Honor, 11

Medicaid, 17, 127, 193

Medicare, 17

Meningitis, 221

Metaverse, 109

Microaggressions, 13, 30

Microsoft, 116–117

Miller, Gail, 36, 224, 235

Moody’s, 43, 166

Mooney, Beth, 149–151

Moore, Mikelle, 171–172, 183–184, 197

Moore, Rusty, 63–65

Multiple myeloma, xvii, 10, 18, 57

Mutual respect, 39, 73, 218, 225

MyHealth+, 28–29, 111–112, 116, 122–124

Nadauld, Lincoln, 143–144

Navy SEALs, 11

Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), 86–88, 143

Networking, 6

of devices, 116

of drones, 108

of facilities, 64, 67, 70, 100, 113, 152, 159, 175–177

of supplies, 99

New York City, 11, 13

“New-collar employees,” 136

NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), 86–88, 143

Nixon, Richard, 10–11

Northern Ohio Trauma System (NOTS), 131–132

Noseworthy, John, 7–8, 18–19

Obesity, 132, 186

O’Hare Airport, 173

One Intermountain, xiii, 69, 73–75, 81, 101

OneTen, 138–139

Opioids, xiv, 125, 179

Outcome-based payments, xii

Outsider perspective, 23–42

and awareness of blind spots, 27

benefits of, 25–31

catalyzing effect of, 29–31

and good trouble, 31–39

integrating, 40–42

new knowledge from, 28–29

and risk taking, 27–28

Palmer, Marty, 1–4

Paralympics, 90

Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH), 138

Patient safety movement, 43

Pehrson, Tim, 66–67

Personal protective equipment (PPE), 80, 101, 221

Philips, 75, 96–97

Phillips, Shannon Connor, 45, 48

Pittsburgh, Pa., 3–4, 23, 214

Plume, 117–118

POKE (preventing pain and organisms from skin and catheter entry), 86–90, 94

Pollard, Matt, 95–97, 104–105

Population health model, xi–xiii, 112, 133, 152, 166, 172 (See also Value-based care model)

Porter, Michael, 151

PPE (see Personal protective equipment)

Presbyterian Health Services, 141

Press Ganey, 48–49

Preventing pain and organisms from skin and catheter entry (POKE), 86–90, 94

Preventive care:

accessing, 177

and Covid-19, 198–199

firearms’ role in, 210

improving, 78

managing, 111–112, 143–144

patient reminders for, 122

Progress tracking, 48–53

Provo, Utah, 119

P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools), 138

Radical collaborations, 114–118

Randy (patient), 176–177

Reddy, Cara Camiolo, 63–65, 73

Reiss-Brennan, Brenda, 114, 122

Reorganization, xiii–xiv

and civility, 54

leading, 66

preempting disruption through, 68–69

for rehabilitative care, 63

resistance to, 73, 75–77, 236

(See also Restructuring)

Respect, mutual, 39, 73, 218, 225

Responsibility, taking, 56–57

Restructuring, 68–74, 77–81, 88, 196 (See also Reorganization)

Richfield, Utah, 119

Ridout, Erick, 86–90, 94

Right business model, xix, 172–173, 180

Right care, 29, 51–52

Rinaudo, Kell Cliffton, 107–110

Robel, Sue, 26, 80–81, 204

Robinson, M. Reis, 141

Rometty, Ginni, 139–139

Rutherford, Bill, 139–140

St. George Regional Hospital, 86

Salt Lake City, Utah, 212, 214

Saltzer Health, 165

Santa Barbara, Calif., 11

SCL Health, 161–165

Second Amendment, 210–211

SelectHeath, 16–17, 26, 160

Shadowing, 1

Shark Tank, 121

Shkreli, Martin, 127–128

Six Sigma, 89, 103

Smith, Ryan, 146

Snap, 116

Standard & Poor’s, 43

Standardized care, xiv, 64, 67

Starbucks, 111, 136

State Department, 71

STEM, 138

Stomach cancer, 118–119

Suicide, xiv, 55

gun-related, xvi, 211–213, 218, 225

prevention, 210, 212–213

Sun Valley Conference, 110

Synchronized huddles, 98–101

Syracuse, NY, 169, 203

Taking responsibility, 56–57

Taneja, Hermant, 117–118

Task Force (see Joint Special Operations Task Force)

T-cells, xvii

Telehealth (telemedicine)

building relationships with, 155

as digital innovation, 47, 122

introducing, xiii–xiv

partnering with, 162

providing, 113

resistance to, 118–120

treatment via, 157–159

value of, 172–173

Tele-oncology, 119

Tesla, 74

Theory of Constraints, 103

3D printing, 109

TOMS Shoes, 144–145

Tony (IBM employee), 136–137

Total Productive Maintenance, 103

Toyota Production System, 89

Triangulation, avoiding, 58–59

Trump, Donald, 11

Tübingen, Germany, 4

Tullman, Greg, 117

Turing Pharmaceuticals, 127–128

Twitter, 17

Twix, 195

United Arab Emirates, 23, 28, 132

United Healthcare, 154

United Nations, 130

University of Pittsburgh, 6, 64

University of Utah, 133–135, 180, 185

University of Western Ontario, 7

U.S. News & World Report hospital rankings, 205–206

US Olympic Committee, 90

USSC (Utah Shooting Sports Council), 211

Utah Academy of Family Physicians, 79

Utah Grand Challenges, 133

Utah House of Representatives, 216

Utah Housing Preservation Fund, 180–182

Utah Shooting Sports Council (USSC), 211

Utah State Correctional System, 184–185

Value-based care model, xi–xiii, 75–79

business benefits of, 172

expanding, 120, 155

and fixed pricing, 29–30

increasing workforce for, 160–163

moving to, 68–69, 88, 97, 112

over full lifespan, 38

(See also Population health model)

Van Houten, Frans, 75, 96–97

Vernal, Utah, 118–119

Vertigo, 143–144

Vietnam War, 10

Vizient, 48, 59

Vulnerability, 55–58

Walgreens, 68

Walmart, 111

Washington, George, 225

Washington County, Utah, 175–177

Weber County, Utah, 175–177

Welkie, Katy, 192

Wilson, Brad, 216–217

Woodruff, Mike, 49–51, 90, 92

World Economic Forum, 74, 130

Zimmerli, Bert, 161, 225

Zions First National Bank, 47

Zipline, 108

Zoom, 13, 39, 134

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