chapter 5


Where to start – try Kanban or Scrum

“Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your methods.”


A sneak preview of Chapter 5

Get off to a very fast, totally stress-free launch by using one of the perfectly formed frameworks on offer.

  • You’re spoilt for choice: There are several excellent varieties available, but Kanban and Scrum are up there with the best.
  • Kanban is simple yet powerful: Easy to get to grips with, yet powerful and flexible. Getting started is a breeze.
  • Scrum is popular and fully featured: More effort up front but massively worth it. Especially fab with bigger missions.
  • Two great options: Kanban is very safe and surprisingly flexible, while Scrum is a feature-rich, comprehensive package. Look no further.

Getting started

Once the decision is made to go agile – or to at least give it a whirl – the big question is simply where to begin. There are plenty of excellent routes in, but without doubt the quickest and safest way is to utilise one of the popular agile frameworks. There are several choices and the good news is they’re all fully formed, tried and tested and a very fast start is guaranteed.

We’re going to concentrate on getting up and running with two excellent options: Kanban and Scrum. Both are hugely popular, and rightly so. Both provide everything you need in one handy box. Kanban is brilliantly easy to get to grips with but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Scrum is probably the most widely known agile framework and although there’s more to get your head around, there’s nothing to fret about. Both can be used pretty much anywhere.

We’ll step through the essence of Kanban and Scrum and help you to pick the best fit. Each has its own nuances, but both do the job superbly well, plus they’re backed by extensive resources and support networks. Having to choose between two excellent options is a nice situation to be in.

Kanban basics

Kanban 看板 means signboard in Japanese and it came to life as a method to fine-tune and improve the production line at the car giant Toyota. Partly to help balance customer demand with build capacity and partly to improve the handling of assembly bottlenecks. Over time it has been taken up in a variety of other business sectors to improve their workflows and is now one of the fastest growth areas in the agile arena.

Kanban hasn’t strayed from its 1950s roots. The simplicity and ease of executing the underpinning ideas remains a big attraction. Although there’s a built-in respect for how the job gets done at the moment, there’s also an implicit determination to pursue incremental change – to make current work processes better, little by little. Kanban is about evolution, not revolution.

It’s easy to grasp, simple to implement and has negligible running costs. The launch pad is whatever you do right now, so there’s no blocker to an immediate start. There are two main steps for pinning down the status quo:

  • Picture the current workflow: Begin by producing a visual representation of the flow of work, from when things are ready to go right through to job complete. Define the key steps along the way but don’t be tempted to go overboard with detail. It must be easy to comprehend.
  • Control the workflow progress: How work progresses from step to step in the workflow must be clear, with a check at the end of each one to validate it’s fine to move on. It includes specific guidance on how to judge whether a piece of work is ready to start and how to confirm it is complete.

This analysis of how things are done now is at the epicentre of Kanban. Usually it’s not hard to do and it’s reasonable to expect it to be drafted within hours. If it takes days then that’s food for thought in itself. Let’s see how it’s done.

Visualise the workflow

When mapping the flow of work, don’t get hung up on the detail. Think big picture for the basic end-to-end format. What are the generic states along the way applicable to everything you do? By far the simplest, most popular and arguably the purest workflow consists of just three: things to do, those in progress and finally work done. When first launching Kanban it’s well worth beginning there and adding more if you feel the need:

  • To do – when what’s wanted is clear and ready to go.
  • In progress – once work is assigned and actively progressing.
  • Done – finished and ready for the business to use as they see fit.

Once the workflow is visualised, it can be mapped directly onto a Kanban board. The board is a graphic representation of the end-to-end flow and can be held electronically but as discussed before it’s very effective to start with a physical wallboard, located in the heart of all the corporate action. Either way, a series of columns represents the flow of work from to do through to done.

Agile in action

AgileParcs goes Kanban

The AgileParcs team considered all the options before deciding to keep their flow simple. The first draft contained five distinct states – To Do, Design, Build, Commission and Done – but the feeling was that a couple of them didn’t apply all the time. By a very narrow majority it was agreed to keep it simple initially.

In their world, the important, common distinctions are simply: when tasks are ready to go (to do), when work is cracking on (in progress), or once it’s dusted off (done).

The full shooting match isn’t defined but there’s enough to test the concept in the upcoming Easter holidays, with a bit of time to adapt to feedback before the summer season. Priorities can be shuffled right up until work starts on the next task.

All the stories on their Kanban board are a stepping stone to the AgileParcs end game, but also deliver business value in their own right.

A notice board with three pinned sheets shows: to do, in progress and done.

In many respects, agile work management is similar across the leading disciplines and we’ve already covered end-to-end delivery mechanics in detail. However, there are subtle, yet vitally important aspects of Kanban that make it unique:

  • Jobs are allocated dynamically: This is one of the most distinctive points about working in a Kanban environment. Teams adopt a ‘what’s next policy’. The work item with the highest priority is pulled into play when the next person becomes available. Priorities can change at any time and that’s fully embraced in a Kanban environment. Thus, the team can respond rapidly to changing business demands.
  • Work-in-progress is capped: Trying to do too many things at the same time is counterproductive, so with Kanban there’s a limit set for the number of things on the go at any one time. For practical reasons, it’s best to allow for a couple of concurrent tasks per person, three at the most, but the aim is to prevent anyone accumulating a treasure trove of half-finished jobs. This encourages everyone to be a finisher, not a job hoarder.
  • Backlog reviewed frequently: By definition Backlogs are never static but with Kanban they’re even more effervescent. It’s not unheard of to review it on a daily basis and even last-minute negotiations are possible when there’s an emergency. Even so, it’s important to avoid a culture of responding to half-baked ideas and whims. User Stories must always be adequately formed even if they’re desperately urgent. Regular assessments underpin the mood of a dynamic yet controlled environment.
  • All work of a similar size: As a general principle it’s a good idea to keep User Stories lean and mean. Breaking work down into smaller chunks wherever possible avoids huge, long-running jobs and Kanban actively encourages slimmer, similar-sized slices. This helps regulate the flow of work, thus making it easier to predict end-to-end cycle times and the availability of resources. Of course, whatever size, all packages must still deliver business value in their own right.

Go agile in 15 minutes

Download and play with a Kanban app

Download the popular Kanban workflow app Trello on to a smartphone, tablet or whatever is your electronic fancy. The basic version is free and more has more than enough functionality to get going. It’s easy to use with plenty of online help available (check out the Trello 101 guidance for back-to-basics).

Set up as many Kanban boards as you want – there’s no limit. Perhaps one for personal stuff and another one for work stuff. Within each, create the columns you want (lists in Trello-speak) and a good opener is To do, In progress and Done. Add your tasks (called cards) and hey presto, you’re off.

If Trello doesn’t appeal, then search for free Kanban board apps. You’ll be amazed at the choice.

A huge selling point is the ramp-up speed from a standing start – no more than a couple of days if enough effort is put in. There’s no risk of waiting for months before finding out if Kanban is a good match. Days, or a couple of weeks at the most, is enough to get a gut feel. In the very unlikely event of it turning into a total debacle it’s easy to revert back to the old ways, so the overall risk rating is extremely low.

Introducing Scrum

Scrum is an extremely popular option for going agile. It’s in fashion for a host of excellent reasons but the best one is simply that it’s easy to use and works brilliantly. Its framework provides structure without going overboard, which is no mean feat. Roles are clearly defined, yet come with enough flexibility to avoid stifling creative thinking and innovation. The package is fun to work within and brings the best out of people, which is an enticing combination.

There’s a bit more to Scrum but it’s still easy to implement and has the advantage of being well suited to projects, even big ones. Within the framework there’s detailed guidance on all aspects of who-does-what but it’s with a deft touch that doesn’t stifle innovation or creativity. It comes with a fully formed support network, and an unprecedented generosity and willingness to help abound.

As would be expected, Scrum is firmly focused on delivering incrementally in a series of useable chunks. The very first of these is the absolute minimum to get going and then the rest is layered on top from there. Every one of these increments is effectively a mini project, known as a Sprint – a fixed-length time-box of one, two, three or four weeks.

A very popular option is two weeks, and although there’s no recommended duration, many people feel one week is too short and four is far too long. Sprints provide a regular flow of product to the business team so don’t be tempted to vary the duration apart from in exceptional circumstances. Get into a groove and maintain a regular cadence. With the timescale fixed, the only variable is what can be delivered in that period of time.

But before we take a closer look at how that pans out on a day-to-day basis, let’s look first at how the roles and responsibilities within the Scrum team are set up.

Let’s get self-organised

It will come as no surprise that Scrum keeps it simple when it comes to responsibilities. There are only three roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master and Team Member. There are always several Team Members but only one each of the other two. The defining traits of a Scrum team are self-organising, self-starting and self-governing.

There are different opinions about the optimum team size, but the recommended min/max is between three and nine. A much more important consideration is for this unit to have all the skills needed to get the job done. There’s a collective onus on the gang to pull together and deliver, whatever it takes.

Product Owner – the business eyes and ears

The Product Owner (PO) is the business representative in every respect and looks after their interests on a day-to-day basis. This covers everything from shaping what’s needed, to confirming that deliveries are as expected. It doesn’t stop there either as the PO also represents the needs of the end customer too. They’re responsible for delivering business value to both their own organisation and to the end users.

The Product Owner will be lobbied by everyone about priority calls but ultimately, what they say goes. It’s not only about being decisive – the ability to balance off conflicting views and being tactful is important too. In addition to everything else, wisdom and negotiation skills are both needed. This is a pivotal role that is measured by the quality of the list of prioritised requirements (the Backlog), which is the spine for any Scrum team.

Even when the Backlog is in good shape, the team will have plenty of questions and the Product Owner needs to be freely available on a day-to-day basis. In parallel, it’s important for the PO and the team to build up a buffer of requirements to avoid living from hand to mouth. Ideally, the aim is a Backlog with a depth of at least a couple of Sprints at all times.

A day in the life of a Product Owner

  • Preparing new User Stories
  • Answering questions about work in progress
  • Keeping the stakeholders in the loop and happy
  • Homing in on the Product Vision at all times.

It looks easy enough on paper but requires a skilful touch and a clear understanding of where the business wants to go.

Scrum Master – a facilitator and enabler

The Scrum Master does everything imaginable to help the team perform to the best of their abilities. Part of the job involves practical day-to-day stuff such as facilitating team gatherings. Part is about overseeing the run-of-the-mill logistics such as getting the right people in the right place at the right time. Part is about removing blockers and greasing the team wheels.

The Scrum Master provides vital support to the Product Owner and helps promote a culture where the Backlog stays in good shape at all times. When the PO is thinking ahead and the rest of the team are focusing on the Sprint obligations, the Scrum Master helps maintain the tricky balance between short-term commitments and future aspirations.

The Scrum Master is ultimately responsible for maintaining the best possible environment for the team to operate within and to help their work lives run smoothly. But not at any cost, as the Scrum Master is the custodian of the Scrum process, making sure that things are done the right way.

A day in the life of a Scrum Master

  • Facilitating the Scrum Events and other get-togethers
  • Minimising distractions for the team
  • Removing blockers to progress
  • Helping the team to stay on the path

It’s harder than it might seem to steer the team without becoming dogmatic, nit-picking or appearing highhanded.

The Development Team – the engine room

The rest of the squad is usually referred to collectively as the Development Team. Each individual is known by the rather bland title of Team Member, but the role is rich and diverse. They’re all multi-talented, multi-disciplined and ultimately in control of their own destiny. Once the Product Owner sets out their stall in the Backlog, the Development Team works out how best to do it.

Within the confines of each Sprint, the team are self-managing and focused on delivering end results – taking prioritised items from the Backlog and turning them into working artefacts. They are trusted to operate as sensible grown-ups who can get on with it without needing micro-management.

Scrum in action

At the epicentre of the Scrum framework are four key events properly known as Scrum Events, but very often referred to as Scrum Ceremonies. All play a vital part and each one is totally indispensable. Fully assembled they form the end-to-end structure of each Sprint:

  • Sprint Planning: This happens at the very beginning and does exactly what is says on the tin. This is where the final decisions are made about what business requirements – usually in the form of User Stories – are going into the Sprint. The Product Owner comes armed with prioritised requirements and the team forecast how much they can handle in the next Sprint.
  • Daily Scrum: This is where the team huddle together and bring their colleagues up to date on what they’ve been doing, what they plan to do and report any roadblocks. This happens every day without exception. This enables the team to be on the same page and have a joint plan for the next 24 hours. It’s certainly not a status update to the Scrum Master.
  • Sprint Review: This takes place at the end of the Sprint when the Product Owner with support from the team showcases the business-centric work to the stakeholders – when things pan out as expected, this is whatever the team forecasted they’d deliver during Sprint planning. This is primarily a final pre-launch check and really keeps the wider business in the loop.
  • Team Retrospective: This is a look back on the Sprint and highlights the things that went well and anything that could be improved. Whatever the outcome, there’s usually a mix of recommendations to take forward to the next Sprint. It’s important to focus on the big winners and quality is more important than quantity. The Scrum Master facilitates, and the team drive the recommended improvements.

There are no nice-to-haves in this collection. Each Sprint must start with planning and end with a review topped off by a team Retrospective. Every day there must be a Daily Scrum (or Daily Stand-Up as it’s commonly referred to). If any of these appear surplus to requirements, then something’s going seriously wrong.

A man, dressed in suit, walks towards a bar named 'The Agile Arms'. A crowd of men and women dressed in suits are seen interacting inside. Two dispensers labelled 'SCRUM' and 'XANBAN' are placed on the table counter.

Sprint planning – setting out the stall

As each Sprint is a mini project in its own right, it will come as no great surprise that it kicks off with a planning session where the team agree what’s to be done. Planning in this context is an interactive event to review the prioritised User Stories that are ready to go and decide how many can be delivered within the next Sprint.

The Product Owner brings along a wish list that is invariably more than can be achieved in one time-box and the team decide what can be done based on experience. The end target must be challenging but achievable and the team always have the final say on when they have reached full capacity. The sum of the parts is expressed as the Sprint Goal, a pithy declaration of immediate intent which is a step towards the Vision.

There are times when planning goes very smoothly, usually when the Backlog is rock solid, and the team is clear about their projected capacity. Then it’s a straightforward case of the team selecting stories, one by one, that they’re confident of finishing to done status. It isn’t always straightforward though and usually there’s a sympathetic negotiation between the Product Owner and the team, with the Scrum Master facilitating.

The end result is the team forecasting delivery of a subset of the prepared stories which is then dubbed the Sprint Backlog. At this point the team must be clear about what they’re getting themselves into and the Product Owner must be satisfied with the intended outcome. There’s a mutual interest in getting this right and ensuring the contract is a fair one.

Once the User Stories that make up the Sprint Backlog are finalised, then it’s over to the Development Team to get on with it. The thinking and preparation are over – all systems go!

Agile in action

AgileParcs planning disaster

Planning sessions aren’t always plain sailing and it would be fair to say that the first AgileParcs Sprint planning ceremony didn’t go well at all.

The session was in trouble before it even started because the new Product Owner couldn’t get enough User Stories ready in time. A couple were in a reasonable state, but the most important stuff was in poor shape. The business requirements were a bit vague with questions remaining about pivotal points.

The Scrum Master compounded the problem by taking a laissez-faire approach to the ensuing debacle. Then, despite feeling uncomfortable and voicing reservations, the Development Team felt pressurised into accepting the stories as is and optimistically hoped to sort out the requirements on the go.

The planning session ran for twice as long as expected and by the end tempers were frayed. The team felt that some of the important half-baked tickets might be fatally flawed and decided to take in a few extra tickets they preferred the look of.

A perfect storm is brewing.

Daily Scrum – keeping in touch

The Daily Scrum or Daily Stand-Up, as it’s popularly referred to, is a time-boxed, mini-meeting that lasts no more than 15 minutes and happens every day without fail. It’s an opportunity for each Team Member to update their colleagues and report anything blocking progress towards the Sprint Goal. The backdrop is the Sprint task board which should be prominently available for reference.

The recommended format is blisteringly straightforward with each Team Member in turn answering the same three questions:

  • What did you do yesterday? A summary not a blow-by account.
  • What will you do today? Again, only an overview of intent.
  • What impediments do you have? Anything obstructing progress.

Sprints rarely run totally smoothly, and hiccups are to be expected. Therefore, an important aspect of this assembly is to get any blockers out in the open. Issues are tabled but not normally solved on the spot – the Scrum Master has the responsibility for sussing out a way forward. The plan is to line up a helping hand and avoid issues becoming a damaging distraction.

Despite the simplicity of the format, even in a mature Scrum environment these sessions don’t always run smoothly. Occasional detours are to be expected. Ditto for overruns. But if they’re regularly dysfunctional it’s a serious warning sign.

Agile in action

AgileParcs daily debacle

It’s not easy to keep everyone on message at the Daily Scrum, especially in the early days when the team are finding their feet. It’s fair to say that the AgileParcs team struggled more than most.

Even rounding up the team at the same time was challenging. At least one late arrival each day led to a mixture of delayed starts, updates getting repeated and occasional incomplete reporting because of total no-shows.

The sessions regularly went off piste with blow-by-blow updates and lengthy discussions of all and everything. As time went on it was easy to see certain people were getting bored, irritated and switching off. For some it soon became a box-ticking exercise rather than anything constructive.

The Scrum Master failed to nip bad behaviour in the bud, compounding problems by conducting investigations and complaining about slow progress. Very soon the Daily Stand-Up was often an acrimonious battleground.

Anyone observing a couple of AgileParcs daily disasters would see there’s definitely trouble at t’mill.

Sprint Review – delivering the goods

Keeping the stakeholders permanently in the loop is a massive part of the agile ethos and this happens on a day-to-day basis because of the constant involvement of the Product Owner. But there’s wider business contact at the end of each Sprint when the Product Owner shows off the fruits of the team’s labour to the business stakeholders. This is another Sprint Ceremony, called the Sprint Review. It’s open to all stakeholders and interested parties within reason.

This session is facilitated by the Scrum Master, but the team and the Product Owner are very much centre stage. They showcase their wares in whatever format makes most sense to the audience, preferably demoed as the end product will eventually be used. Each individual User Story is laid bare, warts ‘n all if necessary. Full disclosure is what’s expected in this context.

It’s about much more than showing the stakeholders what they’re getting. When executed well, the Sprint Review brings everyone together with a sense of collective ownership and a common goal. Not only the final nod on whether the deliveries are fit-for-purpose, but also confirming they’re another step towards the promised land. This is a sea change from long waits and a you-get-what-you-get culture.

Most of the time, this leaves everyone with a warm satisfied feeling which is excellent for building confidence. It’s normal for minor issues and small oversights to be revealed under the spotlight but with agile a problem shared is a problem solved. And if a bit of fine-tuning is urgently needed, the next delivery is only a matter of weeks away.

Agile tips

Running effective review sessions

Don’t be shy when it comes to running Sprint Reviews. Always invite the relevant stakeholders, of course, but see if a couple of movers and shakers can be tempted along too occasionally. Build on the natural buzz and use these events to promote the world of agile and Scrum.

Pay attention to getting the logistics right. The Scrum Master needs to book a fit-for-purpose, well-equipped room in advance and get there early on the day to check it’s ready to go. There’s only one chance to make a good first impression and there’s nothing better than getting off to a seamless, trouble-free start.

The Scrum Master is the facilitator, not the centre of attention. The team are all present for a very good reason and each is expected to play their part in some way or other:

  • Set the scene by confirming the format of the review and introducing the team.
  • Restate the Sprint Goal as agreed up front during the Sprint planning.
  • Demo each User Story in whatever way to make sense to the audience and in a logical sequence.
  • Encourage feedback without promising too much in the heat of the moment.
  • Ratify each sign-off as you go along and reiterate any agreed caveats.
  • Get the Product Owner and stakeholders to confirm the team has met the original Sprint Goal.
  • Look forward by sharing and discussing the intended focus of the next Sprint.
  • Announce the arrangements for the next review, close the session and enjoy the moment.

Be prepared but don’t over rehearse – it’s not a National Theatre production. Put all your cards on the table and never be tempted to be economical with the truth or resort to smoke and mirrors.

There are times when Sprint Reviews are very straightforward and over with little fuss, but these are few and far between. Even when the team sets out their stall clearly during planning, there are bound to be questions and niggles when the stakeholders run their final pre-flight checks. It’s normal for minor tweaks and future improvements to be suggested. Quite often there are debates about points of detail and that’s absolutely fine too.

The Sprint Review is when everything comes together. The journey started with the Product Vision and then a slice pops out at the Sprint Review. This is a great litmus test and when all is going well generally it’s obvious during these sessions. Conversely, if things are not so rosy then this is when the tell-tale warning signs appear.


Before jumping onto the next Sprint rollercoaster, the team gets together to reflect on how things panned out in the current one. This is called a Retrospective and it’s the final non-negotiable ceremony. It must take place whether things went well or badly, as there’s as much to be learned from good practice as there is from a debacle. Never be tempted to give this a miss and plough straight on.

The groundwork begins early on as the search for improvements must be at the back of everyone’s mind at all times. Encourage the team to note down their thoughts whenever they occur – no need for chapter and verse as a couple of sentences will be enough as a memory jogger at the Retrospective itself. Less is more in this respect.

Getting the team to open up is never easy and translating their comments into realisable actions is a skill that takes time to fully master. It’s true to say that most observations are going to be about learning from mistakes but it’s important to keep an eye out for good behaviour that can repeated too. For Scrum, this is the epicentre for process improvements and we’ve already covered how important that is to the agile lifestyle.

Agile in action

AgileParcs retro tour de force

Against all the odds it was a pretty decent Sprint, as the AgileParcs team delivered some good quality product with plenty of business value. The mood was generally positive at the Retrospective, all things considered. Just a touch of disappointment bubbling about failing to deliver several User Stories.

The team stuck with their normal format and asked the standard questions: what went well and what could be improved? The session meandered at times and significantly overran the agreed time-box of an hour. Many points were discussed but the team pinpointed five key things they wanted to focus on during the next Sprint.

Each of the main points was assigned a champion, with the expectation of seeing progress by their next session:

1Create better quality User Stories: Many of the issues faced in the Sprint were tracked back to poorly defined requirements. More time was recommended for thinking things through in advance and building a more robust Backlog.

2Be more considered during Sprint planning: An over optimistic view on what the team could do led to a completely unrealistic forecast. It was agreed to only take in fully formed requirements and to be realistic about capacity.

3Focus on the business’ highest priorities: A few very interesting but low priority requirements were picked up before the more important stuff. This will be an easy one to fix by strictly adhering to the designated running sequence.

4Stick to the script at the daily gatherings: Late arrivals and going off topic were a couple of the reasons identified for overruns during the Daily Scrums. Hence an agreement to re-focus on: what have you done, what are you going to do and are there any blockers?

The openness, honesty and determination to learn from experience during the Retrospective spoke volumes. The recommendations generated went to the heart of the matter and it was sensible to limit attention to only four key items. Building a perfect world by the end of the next Sprint wasn’t realistic but starting the journey was spot on.

In the next Sprint the Daily Scrums were dragged back on track and much more time was invested into developing solid stories. Lessons were learned.

Maintaining a regular heartbeat

With Scrum the days of waiting around for once-in-a-blue-moon deliveries are long gone. Instead of endlessly anticipating the arrival of all and everything, smaller chunks of business value are delivered based on a set schedule – fixed-length increments set at one, two, three or four weeks. The regular arrival of another piece of the jigsaw is invariably a breath of fresh air.

A reliable delivery cadence is the trademark of a performing Scrum team. There’s nothing more potent for building business confidence than when there’s an understanding about what’s coming next and when it will arrive. It gets the business into a habit of expecting product and is a big factor in keeping their buy-in. It does put a degree of pressure on the team but it’s a positive challenge.

The timing isn’t a vague commitment, it’s very precise. For example, every two weeks means exactly that, let’s say every other Wednesday. The number of User Stories delivered each time may vary but the arrival dates are guaranteed and can be plugged into diaries up front. The Vision is delivered in pieces that are useful in their own right.

Although weekly deliveries are exciting, there’s a limit to what can be done in such a short timescale and the business team barely have time to pause for breath. Every four weeks permits meatier content, but it can seem a long wait. No surprise then that the most popular format is every two. It’s a perfect balance.

A piece-by-piece approach revolutionises the relationship between the doers and the receivers. It provides regular, concrete evidence that things are on the right track, which is far more reassuring than any project status report. In fact, it’s a sign of Scrum working well when the business starts to complain because they must wait weeks for what they want.

A complete end-to-end solution

Scrum guidance is concise without being constraining, with excellent specialist advice widely available in many formats. It’s extremely easy to get started. Sticking to the events and operating within the recommended team structure are non-negotiable and the rest flows from there.

Go Agile in 15 minutes

Read the Scrum Guide

Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland are the founding fathers of Scrum and they created a pithy summary cunningly called the Scrum Guide. It’s kept up to date, but changes are few and far between. Downloads are freely available at www.

Only 16 pages including a cover page and the table of contents, so no valid excuses for giving it a swerve.

Scrum is a fully formed agile bundle for transforming what the business team wants into end product. The only word of warning from experienced practitioners is that getting the best out of the framework requires a deft touch and the right mindset. So, for exceptional results, remember to stick with all the advice we’ve covered.

There’s something reassuring about a framework which can be perfectly summed up in one diagram:

A diagram shows the Scrum Framework providing a graphical view of how Scrum is implemented at a team level within an organization.

Various variations

When it comes to ways of working, there are many intriguing variations to be found in the agile world. The community has been debating various blended and hybrid approaches recently and ScrumBan (a combination of Scrum and Kanban) is one of the best known. However, there’s a range of opinions about how effective these fusions are and it’s one of the hottest of hot potatoes.

As part of our more targeted focus on Scrum and Kanban, it’s worth mentioning there are plenty of practitioners who draw on the intent of the other framework with great success. In particular, when Kanban teams reuse elements of Scrum:

  • Retrospectives: Essentially, inspecting and adapting the work-flow. The timing of sessions is not fixed with Kanban but it’s equally valuable to ask the same questions: what do we do well and what can we do better?
  • Daily Stand-Up: If nothing else, raising the profile of any impediments justifies a daily get-together with Kanban too. It also underpins the sense of teamwork and general collaboration that’s important to preserve.
  • Planning: Kanban is more focussed on just-in-time activities but there are times when it pays to think ideas through in advance, with input from representatives from all the relevant disciplines.
  • Reviews: There’s no set-piece show and tell events with Kanban, but timely feedback is part of the ethos. Pre-launch mini reviews make good sense whatever framework you use to do the work.
  • Roles: Kanban doesn’t specify roles but it’s worth thinking about what the Product Owner and the Scrum Master do. There will still be a need to involve the business, and the team will have blockers to resolve.

Figure shows Kanban and Scrum in a nutshell.

Kanban versus Scrum

Both are brilliant. Both are steeped in agile thinking. Both have their pros and cons. Spoilt for choice is the phrase that regularly comes to mind. More importantly, it’s quite likely one will suit your world better than the other. Contemplate the options before jumping in but don’t overthink it.

Kanban’s strengths

  • Builds from the status quo
  • Zero risk and minimal cost
  • Dynamic prioritising and scheduling
  • Brings structure to unconnected tasks
  • An agile fast start

    Kanban’s weaknesses

  • Not the best option for big projects

The Kanban framework won’t let you down, the only risk is a poorly executed implementation. It’s a fantastic way to experience agile as opposed to reading about it.

Scrum’s strengths

  • Fully formed, comprehensive support
  • Low start-up costs
  • Fast product launch built in
  • Great for all types of projects
  • Comprehensive agile package

    Scrum’s weaknesses

  • Needs an agile mindset to flourish

Scrum needs a more considered launch but it’s usually the best route in. It’s easy enough to get to grips with the mechanics and has its own built-in checks to keep things humming.

It would be a mistake to simply see Kanban as a soft option, or as a stepping stone to Scrum. There are pros and cons, but both are rich in their own rights. There are times when there’s a migration from one framework to the other but it happens both ways. It’s certainly not one-way traffic.

Beware agile framework tripwires!

Agile frameworks offer a risk-free route in, plus it’s inexpensive to get up and running (especially true with Kanban and Scrum). But things can go wrong and there are booby traps to be avoided:

  • Leaping before looking: Avoid the temptation to dive in too early – think first and then plan. With Kanban it doesn’t take much, so there’s no excuse.
  • Selective implementation: Take great care about using selective elements of any framework and be aware that the returns will be severely diminished.
  • Changing horses in mid-stream: Teams do switch between Kanban and Scrum but constantly going backwards and forwards is far too disruptive.
  • It’s all so obvious: Don’t be fooled into thinking the simplicity of Kanban and the straightforwardness of Scrum mean they’re easy to get right. Plenty are discovering it needs a deft touch.

The final word

Making the leap into the world of agile doesn’t need to be risky or costly. Using a framework means the methods are crystal clear and allows everyone to focus on getting the implementation spot on. There are plenty of options but if you want a fast, seamless start then look no further than Kanban and Scrum. It really is a no-brainer.

Kanban is a great way to get a foot in the door. It’s easy to understand and simplicity itself to use. It’s nigh on impossible to get wrong, so there’s no good reason for not at least having a crack for a few weeks, is there? And even though it’s an easy, low-cost entry point, Kanban isn’t a compromise solution and is perfectly capable of sparking a revolution.

Then there’s Scrum, a veritable tour de force that is close to being perfectly formed. Although it can handle pretty much anything, it comes into its own with projects. There’s a bit more to mastering the how-to-do mechanics and it pays to prepare but it’s nothing to worry about. It’s a comprehensive package that will not let you down.

If there are any lingering doubts about agile, then trying out one of these two is an inexpensive, low-risk way to test the water and dispel those fears. Even contemplating an implementation is guaranteed to generate rich material about how your world functions right now.

Go agile in an hour

Kick off with personal Kanban

It can be difficult to get the nod for the first agile project. Even in the most receptive organisations it can take a bit of time to get the ducks lined up and that can be frustrating. Well, during that (hopefully short) hiatus, try Kanban out for yourself. Use it to take to-do lists on to a whole different level.

Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t use to-do lists? There are those of us who are drowning in a sea of the little buggers at times. Perhaps you have the self-discipline to only create one a day and religiously finish off everything before knocking off. Or maybe they’re all over the place, both short and long but all half-finished.

Create a Kanban board, either one for work tasks or one for personal stuff. Whichever you prefer. For the best results use a workflow app like Trello, but it’s fine to keep it simple for the purposes of this exercise – a sheet of flipchart paper and Post-it notes is about as low-tech as it gets. Then step through the following to get started:

1Create tasks and stories – all with a specific, tangible outcome.

2Prioritise them – shuffle them into an order of importance.

3Set a WIP limit – set the maximum number of concurrent items.

4Pull the first one – when complete then repeat.

Don’t be tempted to set a high WIP limit as it defeats the object of the exercise. Settle on two or three at the most to begin with. Think about how your own operating practices can be improved. What are the blockers? Are there any tweaks which might make life easier? If you can’t think of anything at all, you’re not looking hard enough.

If handled correctly, this is nothing like a normal to-do list. The differences are subtle but significant. And as this is personal Kanban, continuing the journey is totally under your control.

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