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Chapter 2

  1. 1.Edgar Pierce Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology, Harvard University (Coutu, 2009)
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  9. 9.Aubé, C. and Rousseau, V. (2011), Interpersonal aggression and team effectiveness: The mediating role of team goal commitment. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84 (3), 565–80.

Chapter 3

  1. 1.Hobsbawm, J. (2017). Fully Connected: Social Health in an Age of Overload. London: Bloomsbury.
  2. 2.Neeru Paharia and Anat Keinan, in Conspicuous Consumption of Time: When Busynes and Lack of Leisure Time Become a Status Symbol
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Chapter 4

  1. 1.Ferguson, T. (2020). Outputs and outcomes: The two sides of workshop results. Available from [Accessed 28 February 2020].
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Chapter 5

  1. 1.Mercer (2019). Global talent trends 2019: Connectivity in the human age. Available from [Accessed 17 April 2020].
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  15. 15.In The Infinite Game

Chapter 6

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  4. 4.Webb, C. (2016). How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Behavioural Science to Transform Your Working Life. Penguin Random House USA. Citing Edwin A Locke and Gary P Latham
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Chapter 7

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  7. 7.Founder of Millennial Mindset

Chapter 8

  1. 1.Chorley, M. (2019). Winds of change. The Times, 24 September. Available from [Accessed 21 April 2020].
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  3. 3.Hill, L.A. et al. (2014). Collective Genius: The art and practice of leading innovation. Cambridge: Harvard Business Review Press.
  4. 4.In Collective Genius
  5. 5.Coyle, D. (2019). The Culture Code: The secrets of highly successful groups. Random House Business.
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Chapter 9

  1. 1.Innovation Leader & KPMG, 2019
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  20. 20.In conversation
  21. 21.Greenleaf, R.K. (2002). Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness, 25th anniversary edition. Paulist Press.
  22. 22.Bower, M. (1997). Developing leaders in business. McKinsey Quarterly. Available from [Accessed 28 April 2020].
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  29. 29.Former Commander of the International Space Station. Shah, V. (2018). A Conversation with Chris Hadfield, Former Commander of the International Space Station (ISS). Thought Economics, 26 November. Available from [Accessed 6 May 2020].
  30. 30.In Building an Insights Engine

Chapter 10

  1. 1.Clayton, M. (2014). The Influence Agenda. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. 2.Cambridge Dictionary (no date). Not-invented-here syndrome. Available from [Accessed 28 April 2020].
  3. 3.Innovation Leader & KPMG, 2019
  4. 4.Head of User Experience, Google Cloud (Innovation Leader & KPMG, 2019)
  5. 5.Advaney, M. (2017). To Talk or Not To Talk That Is The Question! Youth Time Magazine, 5 June. Available from [Accessed 28 April 2020].
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  8. 8.In On Leadership
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  10. 10.In The Innovator’s Hypothesis
  11. 11.Founder of Lowercase Capital. Ferriss, T. (2016). Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. Vermilion.
  12. 12.Edsel Bryant Ford Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
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Chapter 11

  1. 1.Heathfield, S.M. (2020). Culture: Your environment for people at work. The Balance Careers. Available from [Accessed 16 April 2020].
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  4. 4.In The Age of Average Is Over
  5. 5.Chief Talent Officer, Netflix, 1998–2012
  6. 6.Moore, P. (2015). Pret a Manger – Behind the scenes at the ‘Happy Factory’. The Guardian, 14 April. Available from [Accessed 16 April 2020].
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  8. The Culture Code
  9. 9.Mercer (2019)

Chapter 12

  1. 1.National Research Council (1999). The Changing Nature of Work: Implications for Occupational Analysis. Washington DC: The National Academies Press. Available from [Accessed 21 April 2020].
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  3. 3.Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum. Schwab, K. (2016). The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond. World Economic Forum. Available from [Accessed 27 January 2020].
  4. 4.In The Human Edge
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  8. 8.Loomes
  9. 9.Smith, A. (2019). Microsoft Productivity Score: Insights that transform how work gets done. Microsoft. Available from [Accessed 27 January 2020].
  10. 10.Mercer (2019)
  11. 11.In TrendWatching
  12. 12.Schrage (2019)
  13. 13.In The Age of Average is Over
  14. 14.Learning Theories (no date). Pareto Principle. Available from [Accessed 27 January 2020].
  15. 15.Trend-Watching
  16. 16.Group Head of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Axiata
  17. 17.Author
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