

I WOULD LIKE TO THANK a number of friends, colleagues, professors, role models, and others who have helped me in one way or another, directly or indirectly, with this book. They include Adriana Lins de Albuquerque, Michael Berger, Richard Betts, Steve Biddle, Marty Binkin, Bruce Blair, Dennis Blair, Barry Blechman, Max Boot, Christopher Bowie, Duncan Brown, Richard Bush, Jason Campbell, Kurt Campbell, Ash Carter, Eliot Cohen, William Cohen, Bernard Cole, Walter Cronkite, Ivo Daalder, Thomas Davis, Todd Duso, Joshua Epstein, Harold Feiveson, Michele Flournoy, Lawrence Freedman, Aaron Friedberg, Richard Garwin, Thomas Garwin, Philip Gordon, Michael Green, Richard Haass, Robert Haffa, Robert Hale, John Hamre, William Inglee, Frederick Kagan, Nina Kamp, William Kaufmann, Steve Kosiak, Andrew Krepinevich, Richard Kugler, Eric Labs, Michael Levi, James Lindsay, Frances Lussier, Thomas Lynch, William Lynn, Jack Mayer, Thomas McNaugher, Michael Meese, James Miller, Derek Mitchell, Mike Mochizuki, Satoshi Morimoto, David Mosher, William Myers, Sam Nunn, Carlos Pascual, Bill Perry, David Petraeus, Lane Pierrot, Kenneth Pollack, Barry Posen, Jack Pritchard, Peter Rodman, Scott Sagan, Stephen Sargeant, Jeremy Shapiro, Eric Shinseki, Peter Singer, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Thomas Stefanick, James Steinberg, John Steinbruner, Strobe Talbott, Richard Ullman, Robert Vilhauer, Frank von Hippel, Stephen Walt, and Dov Zakheim. I would like to dedicate this book to Cathy, Grace, and Lily.

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