Are you cut out to be a freelancer?


Answer your question and work out your score, then read the guidance points overleaf for advice on how to get the most of going freelance.


What attracts you most to the idea of going freelance?

a) The money! Surely there’ll be lots?

b) I like the idea of working from home more.

c) I’ve always wanted to be my own boss.

What, if anything, is putting you off?

a) Finding new work.

b) I worry about feeling isolated.

c) Nothing. I think I’d slip into a new working life easily.

The idea of being responsible for your own business is…

a) Terrifying. I’m not sure I could handle that amount of responsibility!

b) Good but daunting. That said, I’m sure my confidence would grow over time.

c) Amazing! I’d love to be in charge of my own destiny in terms of work.

Do you have good organisational skills?

a) Not at all! But surely my clients will help?

b) I find it easier to be organised about the aspects of my career and personal life that interest me.

c) Yes. I’m always very on the ball.

How confident are you about making decisions?

a) Hopeless. To be honest, I try to get other people to have the final say.

b) So-so. I feel better taking decisions that aren’t too important.

c) Very. Not everyone agrees with them, though.

Can you work well under pressure?

a) No, I get stressed out easily when I’m under too much pressure.

b) I have always been good at working to deadlines but like to keep myself clear of unnecessary pressure.

c) Yes, pressure motivates me to work effectively.

Do you find it easy to stick to your to-do list at work?

a) It depends on how enthusiastic I am about what needs to be done!

b) I’m easily distracted from mundane tasks.

c) Normally, yes. I understand that some task will be a bit of a drag, but it all balances out.

How do you feel about being responsible for your own accounts?

a) It’s been the aspect of freelancing that’s been putting me off the most. I just don’t know where to start.

b) It’s not really my bag, but that’s what accountants are for!

c) I reckon I’m organised enough to manage my own accounts successfully

a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 Now add up your scores.

square 8–14: You seem a little reluctant to face up to what going freelance really means in terms of responsibility: it’ll be up to you to manage your time, make decisions, network, and find new customers to keep your workflow going. Chapters 1 to 3 offer useful information on self-evaluation so that you can really think long and hard about whether it’s the right move for you. You also need to be realistic about the money situation: it may take up some time for the work to start coming in, so make sure you have an emergency fund, just in case.

square 15–19: You are on the right lines, but need to boost your confidence somewhat! You’re wise to know that there are some areas you need to brush up on, and managing your time well is the cornerstone to a happy freelance life. Turn to chapter 5 for more help on this. If you’re worried about doing your accounts — and many people are — turn to chapter 5.

square 20–24: You’re very confident about your skills, which is great. Once you’re ready to move your sights away from the day-to-day work to the future, chapter 7 offers insights about how to make new business contacts that will help you build up work for the months and years ahead. Also, even if you’re happy looking after your finances, you may need extra assistance if some customers take their time paying. Turn to chapter 8!

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