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Can I Change Your Mind?
Lindsay Camp
London: A & C Black, 2007
256pp, 978-1713678499
Whatever line of work you’re in, it’s important that your business communications are as strong and persuasive as possible. Whether you’re writing a pitch, a business proposal, page for your website, or even a hasty e-mail to a colleague, Can I Change Your Mind? will help you to argue your case effectively.

Cash Management on a Shoestring
Tony Dalton
London: A & C Black, 2007
208pp, ISBN 978-0713677065
When you work for yourself, keeping an eye on your cash is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face. The good news is that you can learn how to keep track of where your money is, how to get it in faster, how to make it work harder for you, and how to cut costs if necessary.

Eat That Frog: Get More of the Important Things Done Today!
Brian Tracy
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2004
144pp, ISBN 978-0340835043
Even if you work in an office environment, it’s all too easy to put off unappealing jobs, but when you work for yourself, you don’t have anyone to chivvy you along. This book is a great aid to making procrastination a thing of the past: the ‘frog’ refers to jobs you don’t want to do, and the author recommends tackling them as early as possible in the day so that you can move on to other tasks.

Give Great Presentations: How to Speak Confidently and Make Your Point
London: A & C Black, 2005
96pp, ISBN 978-0-7136-8257-1
In some industries, potential new customers may ask you to make a presentation about yourself and your work, and this book is a must-read for all nervous public speakers. Full of practical advice and tips, Give Great Presentations will help you prepare well, look confident, speak clearly, and get your message across strongly.

Network with Confidence
Daphne Clifton
London: A & C Black, 2007
96pp, ISBN 978-07136814688
Networking is something that can really improve our career prospects, but many people actively dread it. This book will help you conquer your nerves, ask the right questions, find out about the right events (and work out which ones to avoid), and make sure that the time you invest in networking gives you the best possible return.

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