Moments in St Petersburg’s History

1. Founding of the City

St Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1703 as Russia’s “Window to Europe”. Constructed on swampland, it was built by thousands of serfs, many of whom perished, their bones laying the city’s foundations. It became the capital of Russia in 1712, and remained so until 1918.

2. “Bloody Sunday”

On 9 January 1905, peaceful demonstrators carrying a petition to Nicholas II were gunned down by the army as they marched towards the Winter Palace. Around 1,000 demonstrators perished. The aftermath of the horrifying event led to the 1905 Revolution.

3. 1917 Revolution

Following a series of strikes in 1917, the tsar was forced to abdicate, and a provisional government assumed power. This was the signal for exiled revolutionaries, led by Vladimir Lenin, to return to Russia, where they overthrew the fledgling government in October, heralding the start of more than 70 years of Soviet rule.

4. WWII Siege

The 900-day siege of Leningrad, which began in 1941 when Nazi forces encircled the city, plunged its three million inhabitants into a living hell. By the time the siege was finally broken in 1944, around two million people had lost their lives to starvation and bitter winters.

5. 1991 Coup

The military coup occurred when hardliners opposed to President Gorbachev’s reforms seized power. Supporters of Gorbachev’s policies gathered in Palace Square to protest events. The coup was eventually defeated.

6. Name Changes

Originally founded as St Petersburg, the city’s name was changed to the more Russian sounding Petrograd in 1914, then to Leningrad in 1924, after the death of Vladimir Lenin. Its original name was restored following the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

7. “Criminal” 1990s

Immediately after the era of perestroika, a criminal class sprung up, willing and able to do anything to build up fortunes. During this period, St Petersburg earned the reputation as the “Crime Capital of Russia”.

8. Reburial of Nicholas II

After the 1917 Revolution, Nicholas II and his family were executed in Yekaterinburg. In 1998, their remains were reburied in the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paul.

9. 300th Anniversary

St Petersburg’s 300th anniversary saw a long-needed renovation of the city. The celebrations were attended by the heads of government from more than 45 countries and lasted for over ten days.

10. Election of Vladimir Putin

A St Petersburg native, Putin came into power as Acting President on New Year’s Eve, 1999. A former KGB man, he has overseen the country’s economic growth as well as increasing curbs on civil liberties.

Top 10 St Petersburg Political Figures

Top 10 St Petersburg Political Figures

1. Peter the Great

Peter the Great, the driving force behind the city, ruled Russia from 1682 to 1725.

2. Nicholas II

The last tsar of Russia, he was killed by the Bolsheviks following the 1917 Revolution.

3. Rasputin

A peasant mystic whose scandalous lifestyle helped discredit Nicholas II’s rule (for further details see Rasputin).

4. Mikhail Bakunin

A revolutionary involved in insurrections all over Europe, generally considered the “father of modern anarchism”.

5. Lenin

Leader of the 1917 Revolution and first head of the Soviet Union, Lenin changed Russia forever.

6. Sergey Kirov

A Soviet revolutionary whose assassination marked the beginning of a series of purges in the 1930s.

7. Anatoly Sobchak

St Petersburg’s first democratically elected mayor, who took office in 1991 and was instrumental in restoring the original name of the city.

8. Galina Starovoitova

Known for her democratic principles, this politician was assassinated in 1998.

9. Valentina Matvienko

The governor of the city from 2003 to 2011, she has risen to national office as Chairman of the Federation Council.

10. Vladimir Putin

Elected President of the Russian Federation in 2000, Putin spent 2008–12 as Prime Minister before regaining the presidency once more.

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