I discussed EVA at considerable length in my 1964 book Managing for Results, but the last generation of classical economists, Alfred Marshall in England and Eugen Böhm-Bawerk in Austria, were already discussing it in the late 1890s.


Weltbeglücker—Those who establish paradise on earth by killing off nonconformists, dissidents, resisters, and innocent bystanders, whether Jews, the bourgeoisie, kulaks, or intellectuals—an untranslatable German term, alas.


See Robert Lawrence and Mark Slaughter, International Trade and American Wages in the 1980s (Brookings Institute paper on economic activity, 1993).


See The Five Pillars of TQM: How to Make Total Quality Management Work for You, by General Bill Creech, former commanding general of the U.S. Tactical Air Force (New York: Truman Talley Books Dutton, 1994), which brilliantly recounts the conversion of a skill-based organization, that is, the U.S. Tactical Air Force, into a knowledge-based organization.


On this see chapter 8.


On this see again the book by General Bill Creech cited above, which makes it clear that even a military organization like the Tactical Air Force becomes a collegial organization when it becomes a knowledge organization despite all military rank and protocol. The colonel commanding a maintenance unit is a colleague of the sergeant doing the maintenance work. He is accountable for the sergeant’s work, but is not the sergeant’s superior.


On this see chapter 13.


The phrase is that of the American medievalist J.R. Strayer (1904–1987).

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