C H A P T E R  25


Other Topics

Image Overview

Image Strings

Image Parsing Strings to Data Values

Image More About the Nullable Types

Image Method Main

Image Documentation Comments

Image Nested Types

Image External Methods

Image Interoperating With COM


In this chapter, I'll cover a number of other topics that are important in using C# but that don't fit neatly into one of the other chapters. These include string handling, nullable types, the Main method, documentation comments, and nested types.


0s and 1s are fine for internal computation, but for human-readable input and output, we need strings of characters. The BCL provides a number of classes that make string handling easy.

The C# predefined type string represents the .NET class System.String. The most important things to know about strings are the following:

  • Strings are arrays of Unicode characters.
  • Strings are immutable—they cannot be changed.

The string type has many useful string-manipulation members, including those that allow you to determine their length, change their case, concatenate strings, and perform many other useful tasks. Table 25-1 shows some of the most useful members.

Table 25-1. Useful Members of the string Type

Member Type Meaning
Length Property Returns the length of the string
Concat Static method Returns a string that is the concatenation of its argument strings
Contains Method Returns a bool value indicating whether the argument is a substring of the object string
Format Static method Returns a formatted string
Insert Method Takes as parameters a string and a position and creates and returns a new copy of the object string, with the parameter string inserted at the given position.
Remove Method Returns a copy of the object string in which a substring has been removed
Replace Method Returns a copy of the object string in which a substring has been replaced
Substring Method Retrieves a substring from the object string
ToUpper Method Returns a copy of the object string in which the alphabetic characters are all uppercase
ToLower Method Returns a copy of the object string in which the alphabetic characters are all lowercase

The names of many of the methods in Table 25-1 sound as if they are changing the string object. Actually, they're not changing the strings but returning new copies. For a string, any “change” allocates a new immutable string.

For example, the following code declares and initializes a string called s. The first WriteLine statement calls the ToUpper method on s, which returns a copy of the string in all uppercase. The last line prints out the value of s, showing that it is unchanged.

string s = "Hi there.";

   Console.WriteLine("{0}", s.ToUpper());         // Print uppercase copy
   Console.WriteLine("{0}", s);                   // String is unchanged

This code produces the following output:

Hi there.

Using Class StringBuilder

The StringBuilder class helps you dynamically and efficiently produce strings without too many copies being made.

  • The StringBuilder class is a member of the BCL, in namespace System.Text.
  • A StringBuilder object is a mutable array of Unicode characters.

For example, the following code declares and initializes a StringBuilder and prints its resulting string value. The fourth line changes the actual object by replacing part of the internal array of characters. Now when you print its string value by implicitly calling ToString, you can see that, unlike an object of type string, the StringBuilder object has actually been changed.

using System.Text;

   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hi there.");
   Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb);                 // Print string
   sb.Replace("Hi", "Hello");                    // Replace a substring
   Console.WriteLine("{0}", sb);                 // Print changed string

This code produces the following output:

Hi there.
Hello there.

When a StringBuilder object is created based on a given string, the class allocates a buffer longer than the actual current string length. As long as the changes made to the string can fit in the buffer, no new memory is allocated. If changes to the string require more space than is available in the buffer, a new, larger buffer is allocated, and the characters are copied to it. Like the original buffer, this new buffer also has extra space.

To get the string corresponding to the StringBuilder content, you simply call its ToString method.

Formatting Numeric Strings

Throughout the text, the sample code has used the WriteLine method to display values. Each time, it used the simple substitution marker consisting of curly braces surrounding an integer. Many times, however, you'll want to present the output of a text string in a format more appropriate than just a plain number. For example, you might want to display a value as currency or as a fixed-point value with a certain number of decimal places. You can do these things by using format strings.

For example, the following code consists of two statements that print out the value 500. The first line prints out the number without any additional formatting. In the second line, the format string specifies that the number should be formatted as currency.


This code produces the following output:

The value: 500.
The value: $500.00.

The difference between the two statements is that the format item includes additional information in the form of a format specifier. The syntax for a format specifier consists of three fields inside the set of curly braces: the index, the alignment specifier, and the format specifier. Figure 25-1 shows the syntax.


Figure 25-1. Syntax for a format item

The first thing in the format item is the index. As you well know by now, the index specifies which item from the list following the format string should be formatted. The index is required, and the numbering of the list items starts at 0.

The Alignment Specifier

The alignment specifier represents the minimum width of the field in terms of characters. The alignment specifier has the following characteristics:

  • It is optional and separated from the index with a comma.
  • It consists of a positive or negative integer.
    • The integer represents the minimum number of characters to use for the field.
    • The sign represents either right or left alignment. Positive specifies right alignment; negative specifies left alignment.


For example, the following code shows two format items, formatting the value of int variable myInt. In the first case, the value of myInt is displayed as a right-aligned string of ten characters. In the second case, it's left-aligned. The format items are between two vertical bars, just to show in the output their limits on each side.

int myInt = 500;
   Console.WriteLine("|{0, 10}|", myInt);                 // Aligned right
   Console.WriteLine("|{0,-10}|", myInt);                 // Aligned left

This code produces the following output; there are ten characters between the vertical bars:

|       500|
|500       |

The actual representation of the value might take more or fewer characters than specified in the alignment specifier:

  • If the representation takes fewer characters than specified in the alignment specifier, the remaining characters are padded with spaces.
  • If the representation takes more characters than specified, the alignment specifier is ignored, and the representation uses as many characters as are needed.
The Format Component

The format component specifies the form that the numeric representation should take. For example, should it be represented as currency, in decimal format, in hexadecimal format, or in fixed-point notation?

The format component has two parts, as shown in Figure 25-2:

  • The format specifier is a single alphabetic character, from a set of nine built-in character formats. The character can be uppercase or lowercase. The case is significant for some specifiers but not for others.
  • The precision specifier is optional and consists of one or two digits. Its actual meaning depends on the format specifier.

Figure 25-2. Standard format specifier string

The following code shows an example of the syntax of the format string component:


The following code shows examples of different format strings:

double myDouble = 12.345678;
   Console.WriteLine("{0,-10:G} -- General",                      myDouble);
   Console.WriteLine("{0,-10} -- Default, same as General",       myDouble);
   Console.WriteLine("{0,-10:F4} -- Fixed Point, 4 dec places",   myDouble);
   Console.WriteLine("{0,-10:C} -- Currency",                     myDouble);
   Console.WriteLine("{0,-10:E3} -- Sci. Notation, 3 dec places", myDouble);
   Console.WriteLine("{0,-10:x} -- Hexadecimal integer",          1194719 );

This code produces the following output:

12.345678  -- General
12.345678  -- Default, same as General
12.3457    -- Fixed Point, 4 dec places
$12.35     -- Currency
1.235E+001 -- Sci. Notation, 3 dec places
123adf     -- Hexadecimal integer

Standard Numeric Format Specifiers

The Regional and Language Options applet of the Windows Control Panel can affect the resulting formats of some of the specifiers. For example, the currency symbol of the country or region specified will be used by the currency format specifier. You can do the same in code by creating a CultureInfo and assigning it to the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture property.

Table 25-2 summarizes the nine standard numeric format specifiers. The first column lists the name of the specifier followed by the specifier characters. If the specifier characters have different output depending on their case, they are marked case sensitive.

Table 25-2. Standard Numeric Format Specifiers

Name and Characters Meaning
C, c
Formats the value as a currency, using a currency symbol. Precision specifier: The number of decimal places.
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :C}", 12.5);
Output: $12.50
D, d
A string of decimal digits, with a negative sign, if appropriate. Can be used only with integral types.
Precision specifier: The minimum number of digits to use in the output string. If the number has fewer digits, it will be padded with 0s on the left.
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :D4}", 12);
Output: 0012
F, f
A string of decimal digits with a decimal point. Can also include a negative sign, if appropriate.
Precision specifier: The number of decimal places.
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :F4}", 12.3456789);
Output: 12.3457
G, g
A compact fixed-point representation or a scientific notation representation, depending on the value. This is the default, if no specifier is listed.
Precision specifier: Depends on the value.
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :G4}", 12.3456789);
Output: 12.35
X, x
Case sensitive
A string of hexadecimal digits. The hex digits A through F will match the case of the specifier.
Precision specifier: The minimum number of digits to use in the output string. If the number has fewer digits, it will be padded with 0s on the left.
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :x}", 180026);
Output: 2bf3a
N, n
Similar to fixed-point representation but includes separators between each group of three digits, starting at the decimal point and going left.
Precision specifier: The number of decimal places.
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :N2}", 12345678.54321);
Output: 12,345,678.54
P, p
A string that represents percent. The number is multiplied by 100.
Precision specifier: The number of decimal places
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :P2}", 0.1221897);
Output: 12.22 %
R, r
The output string is chosen so that if the string is converted back to a numeric value using a Parse method, the result will be the original value.
Precision specifier: Ignored.
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :R}", 1234.21897);
Output: 1234.21897
E, e
Case sensitive
Scientific notation with a mantissa and an exponent. The exponent is preceded by the letter E. The E will be the same case as the specifier.
Precision specifier: The number of decimal places.
Sample: Console.WriteLine("{0 :e4}", 12.3456789);
Output: 1.2346e+001

Parsing Strings to Data Values

Strings are arrays of Unicode characters. For example, string "25.873" is six characters long and is not a number. Although it looks like a number, you cannot perform arithmetic functions on it. “Adding” two strings produces their concatenation.

  • Parsing allows you to take a string that represents a value and convert it into an actual value.
  • All the predefined, simple types have a static method called Parse, which takes a string value representing the type and converts it into an actual value of the type.
  • If the string cannot be parsed, the system raises an exception.

The following statement shows an example of the syntax of using a Parse method. Notice that Parse is static, so you need to invoke it by using the name of the target type.


The following code shows an example of parsing two strings to values of type double and then adding them:

static void Main()
      string s1 = "25.873";
      string s2 = "36.240";

      double d1 = double.Parse(s1);
      double d2 = double.Parse(s2);

      double total = d1 + d2;
      Console.WriteLine("Total:  {0}", total);

This code produces the following output:

Total:  62.113

Image Note  A common misconception about Parse is that since it operates on a string, it is thought of as a member of the string class. It is not. Parse is not a single method at all but a number of methods implemented by the target types.

The disadvantage of the Parse methods is that they throw an exception if they can't successfully parse the string to the target type. Exceptions are expensive operations, and you should try to programmatically avoid them if you can. The TryParse method allows you to do that. The important things to know about TryParse are the following:

  • Every built-in type that has a Parse method also has a TryParse method (and you should use the TryParse).
  • The TryParse method takes two parameters and returns a bool.
    • The first parameter is the string you're trying to parse.
    • The second is an out parameter of a reference to a variable of the target type.
    • If the TryParse succeeds, it returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.

The following code shows an example of using a TryParse method:


This code produces the following output:

String 28 was successfully parsed
String vt750 was not successfully parsed

More About the Nullable Types

In Chapter 3 you got an introduction to nullable types. As you'll remember, nullable types allow you to create a value type variable that can be marked as valid or invalid, effectively letting you set a value type variable to “null.” I wanted to introduce nullable types in Chapter 3 with the other built-in types, but now that you know more about C#, it's a good time to cover their more intricate aspects.

Just to review, a nullable type is always based on another type, called the underlying type, that has already been declared.

  • You can create a nullable type from any value type, including the predefined, simple types.
  • You cannot create a nullable type from a reference type or another nullable type.
  • You do not explicitly declare a nullable type in your code. Instead, you declare a variable of a nullable type. The compiler implicitly creates the nullable type for you.

To create a variable of a nullable type, simply add a question mark to the end of the name of the underlying type, in the variable declaration.

For example, the following code declares a variable of the nullable int type. Notice that the suffix is attached to the type name—not the variable name.


With this declaration statement, the compiler takes care of both producing the nullable type and the variable of that type. Figure 25-3 shows the structure of this nullable type. It contains the following:

  • An instance of the underlying type
  • Several important read-only properties:
    • Property HasValue is of type bool and indicates whether the value is valid.
    • Property Value is the same type as the underlying type and returns the value of the variable—if the variable is valid.

Figure 25-3. A nullable type contains an object of the underlying type in a struct, with two read-only properties.

You can use the two read-only properties explicitly as follows. Reading a variable of a nullable type returns its value. You must, however, make sure that the variable is not null. Attempting to read the value of a null variable produces an exception.


A better method, however, is to use the shortcut forms, as shown in the following code.

  • To check whether a nullable type has a value, you can compare it to null.
  • Like any variable, to retrieve its value, you can just use its name.


Both sets of code produce the following output:


The Null Coalescing Operator

The standard arithmetic and comparison operators also handle nullable types. There is also a special operator called the null coalescing operator, which returns a non-null value to an expression, in case a nullable type variable is null.

The null coalescing operator consists of two contiguous question marks and has two operands:

  • The first operand is a variable of a nullable type.
  • The second is a non-nullable value of the same underlying type.
  • If, at run time, the first operand evaluates to null, the second operand is returned as the result of the operation.


This code produces the following output:

myI4: -1
myI4: 10

The equality comparison operators, == and !=, have an interesting characteristic you need to be aware of. If you compare two values of the same nullable type and both are null, the equality comparison operators consider them equal. For example, in the following code, the two nullable ints are set to null. The equality comparison operator declares them equal.

int? i1 = null, i2 = null;                       // Both are null.

   if (i1 == i2)                                    // Operator returns true.

Using Nullable User-Defined Types

So far, you've seen nullable forms of the predefined, simple types. You can also create nullable forms of user-defined value types. These bring up additional issues that don't come up when using the simple types.

The main issue is access to the members of the encapsulated underlying type. A nullable type doesn't directly expose any of the members of the underlying type. For example, take a look at the following code and its representation in Figure 25-4. The code declares a struct (which is a value type) called MyStruct, with two public fields.

  • Since the fields of the struct are public, they can easily be accessed in any instance of the struct, as shown on the left of the figure.
  • The nullable version of the struct, however, exposes the underlying type only through the Value property and doesn't directly expose any of its members. Although the members are public to the struct, they are not public to the nullable type, as shown on the right of the figure.
struct MyStruct                                        // Declare a struct.
      public int X;                                       // Field
      public int Y;                                       // Field
      public MyStruct(int xVal, int yVal)                 // Constructor
      { X = xVal;  Y = yVal; }

   class Program {
      static void Main()
         MyStruct? mSNull = new MyStruct(5, 10);

Figure 25-4. The accessibility of the members of a struct is different from that of the nullable type.

For example, the following code uses this struct and creates variables of both the struct and the corresponding nullable type. In the third and fourth lines of code, the values of the struct's variables are read directly. In the fifth and sixth lines, they must be read from the value returned by the nullable's Value property.



Nullable types are implemented by using a .NET type called System.Nullable<T>, which uses the C# generics feature.

The question mark syntax of C# nullable types is just shortcut syntax for creating a variable of type Nullable<T>, where T is the underlying type. Nullable<T> takes the underlying type, embeds it in a structure, and provides the structure with the properties, methods, and constructors of the nullable type.

You can use either the generics syntax of Nullable<T> or the C# shortcut syntax. The shortcut syntax is easier to write and to understand and is less prone to errors.

The following code uses the Nullable<T> syntax with struct MyStruct, declared in the preceding example, to create a variable called mSNull of type Nullable<MyStruct>:

Nullable<MyStruct> mSNull = new Nullable<MyStruct>();

The following code uses the question mark syntax but is semantically equivalent to the Nullable<T> syntax:

MyStruct? mSNull = new MyStruct();

Method Main

Every C# program must have one entry point—a method that must be called Main.

In the sample code throughout this text, I've used a version of Main that takes no parameters and returns no value. There are, however, four forms of Main that are acceptable as the entry point to a program. These forms are the following:

  • static void Main()               {...}
  • static void Main( string[] args) {...}
  • static int  Main()               {...}
  • static int  Main( string[] args) {...}

The first two forms don't return a value to the execution environment when the program terminates. The second two forms return an int value. A return value, if one is used, is generally used to report success or failure of the program, where 0 is generally used to indicate success.

The second and fourth forms allow you to pass actual parameters, also called arguments, from the command line into the program, when it starts. Some important characteristics of command-line arguments are the following:

  • There can be zero or more command-line arguments. Even if there are no arguments, the args parameter is not null. Instead, it is an array with no elements.
  • The arguments are separated by spaces or tabs.
  • Each argument is interpreted by the program as a string, but you don't need to enclose them in quotation marks on the command line.

For example, the following program, called CommandLineArgs, accepts command-line arguments and prints out each argument supplied:

class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)
         foreach (string s in args)

The following command line executes program CommandLineArgs with five arguments:


The preceding program and command line produce the following output:


Other important things to know about Main are the following:

  • Main must always be declared static.
  • Main can be declared in either a class or a struct.

A program can contain only one declaration of the four acceptable entry point forms of Main. You can, however, legally declare other methods named Main, as long as they don't have any of the four entry point forms—but doing this is inviting confusion.

Accessibility of Main

Main can be declared public or private:

  • If Main is declared private, other assemblies cannot access it, and only the execution environment can start the program.
  • If Main is declared public, other assemblies can call it.

The execution environment, however, always has access to Main, regardless of its declared access level or the declared access level of the class or struct in which it is declared.

By default, when Visual Studio creates a project, it creates a program outline where Main is implicitly private. You can always add the public modifier if you need to do so.

Documentation Comments

The dcumentation comments feature allows you to include documentation of your program in the form of XML elements. Visual Studio even assists you in inserting the elements and will read them from your source file and copy them to a separate XML file for you. This section does not cover the topic of XML but presents the overall process of using documentation comments.

Figure 25-5 gives an overview of using XML comments. This includes the following steps:

  • You can use Visual Studio to produce the source file with the embedded XML. Visual Studio can automatically insert most of the important XML elements.
  • Visual Studio reads the XML from the source code file and copies the XML code to a new file.
  • Another program, called a documentation compiler, can take the XML file and produce various types of documentation files from it.

Figure 25-5. The XML comments process

Earlier versions of Visual Studio contained an elementary documentation compiler, but it was removed before the release of Visual Studio 2005. Microsoft has developed a new documentation compiler called Sandcastle, which they already use to generate the .NET Framework documentation. You can learn more about it and download it for free from http://sandcastle.codeplex.com.

Inserting Documentation Comments

Documentation comments start with three consecutive forward slashes.

  • The first two slashes indicate to the compiler that this is an end-of-line comment and should be ignored in the parsing of the program.
  • The third slash indicates that it's a documentation comment.

For example, in the following code, the first four lines show documentation comments about the class declaration. They use the <summary> XML tag. Above the declaration of the field are three lines documenting the field—again using the <summary> tag.


Each XML element is inserted by Visual Studio automatically when you type three slashes above the declaration of a language feature, such as a class or a class member.

For example, the following code shows two slashes above the declaration of class MyClass:

   class MyClass
   { ...

As soon as you add the third slash, Visual Studio immediately expands the comment to the following code, without your having to do anything. You can then type anything you want on the documentation comment lines between the tags.


Using Other XML Tags

In the preceding examples, you saw the use of the summary XML tag. There are also a number of other tags that C# recognizes. Table 25-3 lists some of the most important.

Table 25-3. Documentation Code XML Tags

Tag Meaning
<code> Format the enclosing lines in a font that looks like code.
<example> Mark the enclosing lines as an example.
<param> Mark a parameter for a method or constructor and allow a description.
<remarks> Describe a type declaration.
<returns> Describe a return value.
<seealso> Create a See Also entry in the output document.
<summary> Describe a type or a type member.
<value> Describe a property.

Nested Types

Types are usually declared directly inside a namespace. You can, however, also declare types inside a class or struct declaration.

  • Types declared inside another type declaration are called nested types. Like all type declarations, nested types are templates for an instance of the type.
  • A nested type is declared like a member of the enclosing type.
    • A nested type can be any type.
    • An enclosing type can be either a class or a struct.

For example, the following code shows class MyClass, with a nested class called MyCounter.

class MyClass                       // Enclosing class
      class MyCounter                  // Nested class

Declaring a type as a nested type often makes sense if it's only meant to be used as a helper for the enclosing type.

Don't be confused by the term nested. Nested refers to the location of the declaration—not the location of any instances. Although a nested type's declaration is inside the enclosing type's declaration, objects of the nested type are not necessarily enclosed in objects of the enclosing type. Objects of the nested type—if any are created at all—are located wherever they would have been located had they not been declared inside another type.

For example, Figure 25-6 shows objects of types MyClass and MyCounter, as outlined in the preceding code. The figure additionally shows a field called Counter, in class MyClass, that is a reference to an object of the nested class, which is located elsewhere in the heap.


Figure 25-6. Nesting refers to the location of the declaration, not the location of the object.

Example of a Nested Class

The following code fleshes out classes MyClass and MyCounter into a full program. MyCounter implements an integer counter that starts at 0 and can be incremented using the ++ operator. When the constructor for MyClass is called, it creates an instance of the nested class and assigns the reference to the field. Figure 25-7 illustrates the structure of the objects in the code.

class MyClass
      class MyCounter                                      // Nested class
         private int _Count = 0;
         public int Count                                  // Read-only property
            get { return _Count; }

         public static MyCounter operator++( MyCounter current )
            return current;

      private MyCounter counter;                         // Field of nested class

      public MyClass() { counter = new MyCounter(); }    // Constructor

      public int Incr()     { return (counter++).Count; }  // Increment method
      public int GetValue() { return counter.Count; }      // Get counter value

   class Program
      static void Main( )
         MyClass mc = new MyClass();                       // Create object

         mc.Incr(); mc.Incr(); mc.Incr();                  // Increment it.
         mc.Incr(); mc.Incr(); mc.Incr();                  // Increment it.

         Console.WriteLine("Total:  {0}", mc.GetValue());  // Print its value.

This code produces the following output:

Total:  6

Figure 25-7. Objects of a nested class and its enclosing class

Visibility and Nested Types

In Chapter 7, you learned that classes, and types in general, can have an access level of either public or internal. Nested types, however, are different in that they have member accessibility rather than type accessibility. Therefore, the following are true:

  • A nested type declared inside a class can have any of the five class member accessibility levels public, protected, private, internal, or protected internal.
  • A nested type declared inside a struct can have one of the three struct member accessibility levels public, internal, or private.

In both cases, the default access level of a nested type is private, which means it cannot be seen outside the enclosing type.

The relationship between the members of the enclosing class and the nested class is a little less straightforward and is illustrated in Figure 25-8. The nested type has complete access to the members of the enclosing type, regardless of their declared accessibility, including members that are private and protected.

The relationship, however, is not symmetrical. Although the members of the enclosing type can always see the nested type declaration and create variables and instances of it, they do not have complete access to its members. Instead, their access is limited to the declared access of the nested class members—just as if the nested type were a separate type. That is, they can access the public and internal members but cannot access the private or protected members of the nested type.


Figure 25-8. Accessibility between nested type members and enclosing type members

You can summarize this relationship as follows:

  • The members of a nested type always have full access rights to members of the enclosing type.
  • The members of an enclosing type
    • Always have access to the nested type itself
    • Only have the declared access rights to members of the nested type

The visibility of nested types can also affect the inheritance of base members. If the enclosing class is a derived class, a nested type can hide a base class member with the same name. Use the new modifier with the declaration of the nested class to make the hiding explicit.

A this reference within a nested type refers to the object of the nested type—not the object of the enclosing type. If an object of the nested type needs access to the enclosing type, it must have a reference to it. You can have the enclosing object supply its this reference as a parameter to the nested type's constructor, as shown in the following code:


This code produces the following output:

Field1: 15
Field2: 20

Interoperating with COM

Although this text doesn't cover COM programming, C# 4.0 added several syntactic changes to the language specifically to make COM programming easier. One of these changes is called the “omit ref” feature and allows you to call a COM method without using the ref keyword, when you don't need to use the value passed back by the method.

For example, if Microsoft Word is installed on the machine your program is running on, you can use Word's spell checker functionality in your own program. The method you would use to do this is the CheckSpelling method on the Document class, which is in the Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word namespace. This method has 12 parameters, and all of them are ref parameters. This means previously you would have had to supply reference variables for each of the parameters, even if you didn't need to use them to pass data to the method or to receive data back from the method. Omitting the ref keyword only works with COM methods—with anything else, you'll still get a compile error.

This code might look something like the following. Notice the following about this code:

  • I'm only using the second and third parameters, which are Booleans, but I have to create two variables, ignoreCase and alwaysSuggest of type object to hold the values, since the method requires ref parameters.
  • I've created an object variable called optional for the other ten parameters.


With the “omit ref” feature we can clean this up considerably, since we don't have to use the ref keyword on those parameters from which we don't need the output, and we can use inline bools for the two parameters we care about. The simplified code looks like the following:


If, beyond the “omit ref” feature, we add the fact that the parameters are optional, we can use the option parameters feature of C# 4.0. This looks like the following, which is much less cumbersome than the original:

tempDoc.CheckSpelling( Missing.Value, true, false );

The following code includes this method in a complete program. To compile this code, you need to have Visual Studio Tools for Office installed on your machine, and you must add a reference in your project to the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word assembly. For the compiled code to run, you must have Microsoft Word installed on your machine.

using System;
   using System.Reflection;
   using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

   class Program
      static void Main()
         Console.WriteLine( "Enter a string to spell-check:" );
         string stringToSpellCheck = Console.ReadLine();

         string spellingResults;
         int errors = 0;
         if ( stringToSpellCheck.Length == 0 )
            spellingResults = "No string to check";
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application app =
                        new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();

            Console.WriteLine( " Checking the string for misspellings ..." );
            app.Visible = false;

            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Document tempDoc = app.Documents.Add( );

            tempDoc.Words.First.InsertBefore( stringToSpellCheck );
                                    spellErrorsColl = tempDoc.SpellingErrors;
            errors = spellErrorsColl.Count;

            //1.  Before C# 4.0
            //object ignoreCase    = true;
            //object alwaysSuggest = false;
            //object optional      = Missing.Value;
            //tempDoc.CheckSpelling( ref optional, ref ignoreCase, ref alwaysSuggest,
            //    ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional,
            //    ref optional, ref optional, ref optional, ref optional );
//2. Using the "omit ref" feature of C# 4.0
            object optional = Missing.Value;
               optional, true, false, optional, optional, optional,
               optional, optional, optional, optional, optional, optional );

            //3. Using "omit ref" and optional parameters
            //tempDoc.CheckSpelling( Missing.Value, true, false );


            spellingResults = errors + " errors found";

         Console.WriteLine( spellingResults );
         Console.WriteLine( " Press <Enter> to exit program." );

When you run this code, it produces a console window, shown in Figure 25-9, that asks you to enter a string that you want run through the spell checker. When it receives the string, it opens Word and runs the spell checker on it. When that happens, you'll see Word's spell checker window appear, as shown in Figure 25-10.


Figure 25-9. The console window that asks for the string to send to Word's spell checker


Figure 25-10. Word's spell checker created using COM calls from the console program

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