Chapter 7. SQL: The PostgreSQL Way

PostgreSQL is one of the most ANSI-SQL compliant databases on the market. It even supports many of the additions introduced with the SQL:2006+ standard. PostgreSQL goes much further and adds constructs that range from mundane syntax shorthands to avant-garde features that break the bounds of traditional SQL. In this chapter, we’ll cover some SQL constructs not often found in other databases. For this chapter, you should have a working knowledge of SQL; otherwise, you may not appreciate the labor-saving tidbits that PostgreSQL brings to the table.

SQL Views

Like most relational databases, PostgreSQL supports views. Some things have changed over the years on how views work and how you can update the underlying tables via updates on views. In pre-PostgreSQL 9.1, views were updatable but required INSTEAD OF UPDATE, DELETE rules on the view. In PostgreSQL 9.1, the preferred way of updating data via a view is to use INSTEAD OF triggers instead of rules, though rules are still supported. The trigger approach is standards compliant and more along the lines of what you’ll find in other databases that support triggers and updatable views.

Unlike Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL, simple views are not automatically updatable and require writing an instead-of rule or trigger to make them updatable. On the plus side, you have great control over how the underlying tables will be updated. We’ll cover triggers in more detail in Chapter 8. You can see an example of building updatable views using rules in Database Abstraction with Updateable Views.

Views are most useful for encapsulating common joins. In this next example, we’ll join our lookup with our fact data.

Example 7-1. View census.vw_facts

SELECT lf.fact_type_id, lf.category, lf.fact_subcats, lf.short_name
  , f.tract_id, f.yr, f.val, f.perc
FROM census.facts As f 
 INNER JOIN census.lu_fact_types As lf 
  ON f.fact_type_id = lf.fact_type_id;

To make this view updatable with a trigger, you can define one or more instead of triggers. We first define the trigger function(s). There is no standard in naming of the functions and a trigger function can be written in any language that supports triggers. For this example, we’ll use PL/pgSQL to write our trigger function as shown in Example 7-2.

Example 7-2. Trigger function for vw_facts to update, delete, insert

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION census.trig_vw_facts_ins_upd_del() RETURNS trigger AS
    DELETE FROM census.facts AS f 
      WHERE f.tract_id = OLD.tract_id AND f.yr = OLD.yr AND f.fact_type_id = OLD.fact_type_id; 
    INSERT INTO census.facts(tract_id, yr, fact_type_id, val, perc)
        SELECT NEW.tract_id, NEW.yr, NEW.fact_type_id, NEW.val, NEW.perc; 
    IF ROW(OLD.fact_type_id, OLD.tract_id, OLD.yr, OLD.val, OLD.perc) 3
      != ROW(NEW.fact_type_id, NEW.tract_id, NEW.yr, NEW.val, NEW.perc) THEN
      UPDATE census.facts AS f 4
          SET tract_id = NEW.tract_id, yr = NEW.yr
          , fact_type_id = NEW.fact_type_id
          , val = NEW.val, perc = NEW.perc
      WHERE f.tract_id = OLD.tract_id
          AND f.yr = OLD.yr
          AND f.fact_type_id = OLD.fact_type_id;
    END IF;

Handle deletes, only delete the record with matching keys in the OLD record.


Handle inserts.


Only updates if at least one of the columns from facts table was changed.


Handle updates, use the OLD record to determine what records to delete and update with the NEW record data.

Next, we bind the trigger function to the view as shown in Example 7-3.

Example 7-3. Bind trigger function to vw_facts view insert,update,delete events

CREATE TRIGGER trip_01_vw_facts_ins_upd_del
	FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE census.trig_vw_facts_ins_upd_del();

Now when we update, delete, or insert into our view, it will update the underlying facts table instead:

UPDATE census.vw_facts SET yr = 2012 WHERE yr = 2011 AND tract_id = '25027761200';

This will output a note:

Query returned successfully: 51 rows affected, 21 ms execution time.

If we tried to update one of the fields in our lookup table, because of our row compare the update will not take place, as shown here:

UPDATE census.vw_facts SET short_name = 'test';

Therefore, the output message would be:

Query returned successfully: 0 rows affected, 931 ms execution time.

Although we have just one trigger function to handle multiple events, we could have just as easily created a separate trigger and trigger function for each event.

Window Functions

Window functions are a common ANSI-SQL feature supported in PostgreSQL since 8.4. A window function has the unusual knack to see and use data beyond the current row, hence the term window. Without window functions, you’d have to resort to using joins and subqueries to poll data from adjacent rows. On the surface, window functions do violate the set-based operating principle of SQL, but we mollify the purist by claiming them to be a short-hand. You can find more details and examples in the section Window Functions.

Here’s a quick example to get started. Using a window function, we can obtain the average value for all records with fact_type_id of 86 in one simple SELECT.

Example 7-4. The basic window

SELECT tract_id, val, AVG(val) OVER () as val_avg 
FROM census.facts WHERE fact_type_id = 86;
 tract_id   |    val    |        val_avg
25001010100 |  2942.000 | 4430.0602165087956698
25001010206 |  2750.000 | 4430.0602165087956698
25001010208 |  2003.000 | 4430.0602165087956698
25001010304 |  2421.000 | 4430.0602165087956698

Notice how we were able to perform an aggregation without having to use GROUP BY. Furthermore, we were able to rejoin the aggregated result back with the other variables without using a formal join. The OVER () converted our conventional AVG() function into a window function. When PostgreSQL sees a window function in a particular row, it will actually scan all rows fitting the WHERE clause, perform the aggregation, and output the value as part of the row.

Partition By

You can embellish the window into separate panes using the PARTITION BY clause. This instructs PostgreSQL to subdivide the window into smaller panes and then to take the aggregate over those panes instead of over the entire set of rows. The result is then output along with the row depending on which pane it belongs to. In this next example, we repeat what we did in Example 7-4, but partition our window into separate panes by county code.

Example 7-5. Partition our window by county code

SELECT tract_id, val, AVG(val) OVER (PARTITION BY left(tract_id,5)) As val_avg_county
FROM census.facts WHERE fact_type_id = 86 ORDER BY tract_id;
 tract_id   |    val    |    val_avg_county
25001010100 |  2942.000 | 3787.5087719298245614
25001010206 |  2750.000 | 3787.5087719298245614
25003900100 |  3389.000 | 3364.5897435897435897
25003900200 |  4449.000 | 3364.5897435897435897
25003900300 |  2903.000 | 3364.5897435897435897


The left function was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.1. If you are using a lower version, you can use substring instead.

Order By

Window functions also allow an ORDER BY clause. Without getting too abstruse, the best way to think about this is that all the rows in the window will be ordered and the window function will only consider rows from the first row to the current row. The classic example uses the ROW_NUMBER() function, which is found in all databases supporting window functions. It sequentially numbers rows based on some ordering and or partition. In Example 7-6, we demonstrate how to number our census tracts in alphabetical order.

Example 7-6. Number alphabetically

SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY tract_name) As rnum, tract_name 
FROM census.lu_tracts ORDER BY rnum LIMIT 4;
rnum |                    tract_name
1    | Census Tract 1, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
2    | Census Tract 1001, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
3    | Census Tract 1002, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
4    | Census Tract 1003, Suffolk County, Massachusetts

You can combine ORDER BY with PARTITION BY. Doing so will restart the ordering for each partition. We return to our example of county codes.

Example 7-7. Partition our window and ordering by value

SELECT tract_id, val
 , AVG(val) OVER (PARTITION BY left(tract_id,5) ORDER BY val) As avg_county_ordered
FROM census.facts 
WHERE fact_type_id = 86 ORDER BY left(tract_id,5), val;
  tract_id   |    val    |   avg_county_ordered
 25001990000 |     0.000 | 0.00000000000000000000
 25001014100 |  1141.000 |   570.5000000000000000
 25001011700 |  1877.000 |  1006.0000000000000000
 25001010208 |  2003.000 |  1255.2500000000000000
 25003933200 |  1288.000 |  1288.0000000000000000
 25003934200 |  1306.000 |  1297.0000000000000000
 25003931300 |  1444.000 |  1346.0000000000000000
 25003933300 |  1509.000 |  1386.7500000000000000

The key observation with output is to notice how the average changes from row to row. The ORDER BY clause means that the average will only be taken from the beginning of the partititon to the current row. For instance, if your row is in the 5th row in the 3rd partition, the average will only cover the first five rows in the 3rd partition. We put an ORDER BY left(tract_id,5), val at the end of the query so you could easily see the pattern, but keep in mind that the ORDER BY of the query is independent of the ORDER BY in each OVER. You can explicitly control the rows under consideration within a frame by explicitly putting in a RANGE or ROWS clause of the form ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND 5 FOLLOWING. For more details, we ask that you refer to SQL SELECT official documentation.

PostgreSQL also supports window naming which is useful if you have the same window for each of your window columns. In Example 7-8, we demonstrate how to define named windows as well as showing a record value before and after for a given window frame, using the LEAD and LAG standard ANSI window functions.

Example 7-8. Named windows and lead lag

   , substring(tract_id,1, 5) As county_code, tract_id
   , LAG(tract_id,2) OVER wt 2 As tract_2_before
   , LEAD(tract_id) OVER wt 3 As tract_after
 FROM census.lu_tracts
     WINDOW wt AS (PARTITION BY substring(tract_id,1, 5) ORDER BY tract_id ) 4
    ) As foo
WHERE rnum BETWEEN 2 and 3 AND county_code IN('25007', '25025')
ORDER BY county_code, rnum;
rnum | county_code |  tract_id   | tract_2_before | tract_after
2    | 25007       | 25007200200 |                | 25007200300
3    | 25007       | 25007200300 | 25007200100    | 25007200400
2    | 25025       | 25025000201 |                | 25025000202
3    | 25025       | 25025000202 | 25025000100    | 25025000301

PostgreSQL allows for defining named windows that can be reused in multiple window column definitions. We define our wt window.

1 2 3

We reuse our wt alias multiple times to save having to repeat for each window column.

Both LEAD() and LAG() take an optional step argument that defines how many to skip forward or backward; the step can be positive or negative. Also LEAD() and LAG() will return NULL when trying to retrieve rows outside the window partition. This is a possibility that you always have to account for when applying these two functions.

Before leaving the discussion on window functions, we must mention that in PostgreSQL, any aggregate function you create can be used as a window function. Other databases tend to limit window functions to using built-in aggregates like AVG(), SUM(), MIN(), MAX() etc.

Common Table Expressions

In its essence, common table expressions (CTE) allow you to define a query that can be reused in a larger query. PostgreSQL has supported this feature since PostgreSQL 8.4 and expanded the feature in 9.1 with the introduction of writeable CTEs. You’ll find a similar feature in SQL Server 2005+, Oracle 11 (Oracle 10 and below implemented this features using CORRESPONDING BY), IBM DB2, and Firebird. This features doesn’t exist in MySQL of any version. There are three different ways to use CTEs:

  1. The standard non-recursive, non-writable CTE. This is your unadorned CTE used for the purpose of readability of your SQL or to encourage the planner to materialize an expensive sub result for better performance.

  2. Writeable CTEs. This is an extension of the standard CTE with UPDATE and INSERT constructs. Common use is to delete rows and then return rows that have been deleted.

  3. The recursive CTE. This put an entirely new whirl on standard CTE. With recursive CTEs, the rows returned by the CTE actually varies during the execution of the query. PostgreSQL allows you to have a CTE that is both updatable and recursive.

Standard CTE

Your basic CTE construct looks as shown in Example 7-9.

Example 7-9. Basic CTE

WITH cty_with_tot_tracts AS (
SELECT tract_id, substring(tract_id,1, 5) As county_code
 , COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY substring(tract_id,1, 5)) As cnt_tracts 
FROM census.lu_tracts)
SELECT MAX(tract_id) As last_tract, county_code, cnt_tracts 
FROM cty_with_tot_tracts 
WHERE cnt_tracts > 100 
GROUP BY county_code, cnt_tracts;

You can stuff as many table expressions as you want in a WITH clause, just be sure to separate each by a comma. The order of the CTEs matter in that CTEs defined later can use CTEs defined earlier, but never vice versa.

Example 7-10. CTE with more than one table expression

WITH cty_with_tot_tracts AS (
SELECT tract_id, substring(tract_id,1, 5) As county_code
 , COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY substring(tract_id,1, 5)) As cnt_tracts
FROM census.lu_tracts)
, cty AS (SELECT MAX(tract_id) As last_tract
 , county_code, cnt_tracts
FROM cty_with_tot_tracts 
WHERE cnt_tracts < 8 
GROUP BY county_code, cnt_tracts)
SELECT cty.last_tract, f.fact_type_id, f.val 
FROM census.facts As f 
 INNER JOIN cty ON f.tract_id = cty.last_tract;

Writeable CTEs

The writeable CTE was introduced in 9.1 and extends the CTE to allow for update, delete, insert statements. We’ll revisit our logs tables that we created in Example 6-2. We’ll add another child table and populate it.

CREATE TABLE logs_2011_01_02(PRIMARY KEY(log_id)
, CONSTRAINT chk_y2011_01_02 CHECK(log_ts >= '2011-01-01' AND log_ts < '2011-03-01')) INHERITS (logs_2011);

In Example 7-11, we’ll move data from our parent 2011 table to our new child Jan-Feb 2011 table.

Example 7-11. Writeable CTE moves data from one branch to another

t1 AS (DELETE FROM ONLY logs_2011 
 WHERE log_ts < '2011-03-01' RETURNING *) 
INSERT INTO logs_2011_01_02 SELECT * FROM t1;

A common use case for the writeable CTE is for repartioning of data in one step. Examples of this and other writeable CTEs are covered in David Fetter’s Writeable CTEs, The Next Big Thing.

Recursive CTE

The official documentation for PostgreSQL describes it best: The optional RECURSIVE modifier changes CTE from a mere syntactic convenience into a feature that accomplishes things not otherwise possible in standard SQL. A more interesting CTE is one that uses a recursively defining construct to build an expression. PostgreSQL recursive CTEs utilize UNION ALL. To turn a basic CTE to a recursive one, add the RECURSIVE modifier after the WITH. Within a WITH RECURSIVE, you can have a mix of recursive and non-recursive table expressions. In most other databases, the RECURSIVE keyword is not necessary to denote recursion. A common of recursive CTEs is for message threading and other tree like structures. We have an example of this in Recursive CTE to Display Tree Structures.

Here is an example that lists all the table relationships we have in our database:

Example 7-12. Recursive CTE

	tbls AS (
 SELECT c.oid As tableoid, n.nspname AS schemaname  1
   , c.relname AS tablename
	FROM pg_class c
		LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
		LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace
		LEFT JOIN pg_inherits As th ON th.inhrelid = c.oid
		WHERE th.inhrelid IS NULL AND c.relkind = 'r'::"char" AND c.relhassubclass = true
		SELECT  c.oid As tableoid,  n.nspname AS schemaname 2
						, tbls.tablename || '->' || c.relname AS tablename  3
		FROM tbls INNER JOIN pg_inherits As th ON th.inhparent = tbls.tableoid
		INNER JOIN pg_class c ON th.inhrelid = c.oid
		LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
		LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace
SELECT *  4 FROM tbls ORDER BY tablename;
tableoid | schemaname |            tablename
3152249 | public     | logs
3152260 | public     | logs->logs_2011
3152272 | public     | logs->logs_2011->logs_2011_01_02

Get list of all tables that have child tables but have no parent table.


This is the recursive part; gets all children of tables in tbls.


Child table name starts with the ancestral tree name.


Return parents and all child tables. Since sorting by table name which has parent prefix appended, all child tables will follow their parents.

Constructions Unique to PostgreSQL

Although PostgreSQL is fairly ANSI-SQL compliant, it does have a few unique constructs you probably won’t find in other databases. Many are simply shortcuts without which you’d have to write subqueries to achieve the same results. In this regard, if you opt to stick with ANSI-SQL compliance, simply avoid these shorthands.


One of our favorites is the DISTINCT ON clause. It behaves like an SQL DISTINCT, except that it allows you to define what columns to consider distinct, and in the case of the remaining columns, an order to designate the preferred one. This one little word replaces numerous lines of additional code necessary to achieve the same result.

In Example 7-13, we demonstrate how to get the details of the first tract for each county.

Example 7-13. DISTINCT ON

SELECT DISTINCT ON(left(tract_id, 5)) left(tract_id, 5) As county
 , tract_id, tract_name 
FROM census.lu_tracts ORDER BY county, tract_id LIMIT 5;
county |  tract_id   |                     tract_name
25001  | 25001010100 | Census Tract 101, Barnstable County, Massachusetts
25003  | 25003900100 | Census Tract 9001, Berkshire County, Massachusetts
25005  | 25005600100 | Census Tract 6001, Bristol County, Massachusetts
25007  | 25007200100 | Census Tract 2001, Dukes County, Massachusetts
25009  | 25009201100 | Census Tract 2011, Essex County, Massachusetts

The ON modifier can take on multiple columns, all will be considered to determine uniqueness. Finally, the ORDER BY clause has to start with the set of columns in the DISTINCT ON, then you can follow with your preferred ordering.


LIMIT and OFFSET are clauses in your query to limit the number of rows returned. They can be used in tandem or separately. These constructs are not unique to PostgreSQL and are in fact copied from MySQL. You’ll find it in MySQL and SQLite and probably various other databases. SQL Server adopted something similar in its 2012 version with a slightly different naming. An OFFSET of zero is the same as leaving out the clause entirely. A positive offset means start the output after skipping the number of rows specified by the offset. You’ll usually use these two clauses in conjuction with an ORDER BY clause. In Example 7-13, we demonstrate with a positive offset.

Example 7-14. First tract for counties 2 to 5

SELECT DISTINCT ON(left(tract_id, 5)) left(tract_id, 5) As county, tract_id, tract_name 
 FROM census.lu_tracts ORDER BY county, tract_id LIMIT 3 OFFSET 2;
county |  tract_id   |                    tract_name
25005  | 25005600100 | Census Tract 6001, Bristol County, Massachusetts
25007  | 25007200100 | Census Tract 2001, Dukes County, Massachusetts
25009  | 25009201100 | Census Tract 2011, Essex County, Massachusetts

Shorthand Casting

ANSI-SQL specs define a construct called CAST, which allows you to cast one data type to another. For example, CAST('2011-10-11' AS date) will cast the text 2011-10-11 to a date. PostgreSQL has a shorthand for doing this using a pair of colons as in '2011-10-11'::date. If you don’t care about being coss-database agnostic, the PostgreSQL syntax is easier to write, especially when chaining casts like somexml::text::integer for cases where you can’t directly cast from one type to another without going through an intermediary type.

ILIKE for Case Insensitive Search

PostgreSQL is case sensitive, similar to Oracle. However, it does have mechanisms in place to do a case insensitive search. You can apply the UPPER() function to both sides of the ANSI-compliant LIKE operator, or you can simply use the ILIKE operator found only in PostgreSQL. Here is an example:

SELECT tract_name FROM census.lu_tracts WHERE tract_name ILIKE '%duke%';

which produces:

Census Tract 2001, Dukes County, Massachusetts
Census Tract 2002, Dukes County, Massachusetts
Census Tract 2003, Dukes County, Massachusetts
Census Tract 2004, Dukes County, Massachusetts
Census Tract 9900, Dukes County, Massachusetts

Set Returning Functions in SELECT

PostgreSQL allows functions that return sets to appear in the SELECT clause of an SQL statement. This is not true of many other databases where only scalar functions may appear in the SELECT. In fact, to circumvent the restriction, SQL Server 2005+ introduced a CROSS APPLY command. The PostgreSQL solution is much cleaner, but we advise you to use this freedom responsibly. Interweaving set returning functions inside an already complicated query could easily produce results that are beyond what you expect, since using set returning functions usually results in row creation or deletion. You must anticipate this if you’ll be using the results as a subquery. In Example 7-15, we demonstrate this with a temporal version of generate_series.

We will use a table we construct with the following:

CREATE TABLE interval_periods(i_type interval); INSERT INTO interval_periods(i_type) VALUES ('5 months'), ('132 days'), ('4862 hours'),

Example 7-15. Set returning function in SELECT

SELECT i_type
 , generate_series('2012-01-01'::date,'2012-12-31'::date,i_type) As dt FROM interval_periods;
i_type     |           dt
5 months   | 2012-01-01 00:00:00-05
5 months   | 2012-06-01 00:00:00-04
5 months   | 2012-11-01 00:00:00-04
132 days   | 2012-01-01 00:00:00-05
132 days   | 2012-05-12 00:00:00-04
132 days   | 2012-09-21 00:00:00-04
4862 hours | 2012-01-01 00:00:00-05
4862 hours | 2012-07-21 15:00:00-04

Selective DELETE, UPDATE, and SELECT from Inherited Tables

When you query from a table that has child tables, the query drills down, unionizing all the child records satisfying the query condition. DELETE and UPDATE work the same way, drilling down the hierarchy for victims. Sometimes this is not desirable and you want data to only come from the table you specified without the kids tagging along. This is where the ONLY keyword comes in handy. We saw an example of its use in Example 7-11, where we only wanted to delete records from the y2011 table that weren’t already migrated to the logs_2011_01_02 table. Without the ONLY modifier, we’d end up deleting records from the child table that might have been moved previously.

RETURNING Changed Records

The RETURNING clause is supported by ANSI-SQL standards, but not found in many databases. We saw an example of it in Example 7-11, where we returned the records deleted. RETURNING can also be used for INSERT and UPDATE. For inserts into tables with serial keys, it is particularly handy since it returns you the key value of the new row(s). Though RETURNING is often accompanied by * for all fields, you can limit the fields as we do in Example 7-16.

Example 7-16. RETURNING changed records of an UPDATE

UPDATE census.lu_fact_types AS f 
SET short_name = Replace(Replace(Lower(f.fact_subcats[4]),' ','_'),':','')
WHERE f.fact_subcats[3] = 'Hispanic or Latino:' AND f.fact_subcats[4] > ''
RETURNING fact_type_id, short_name;
fact_type_id  |                    short_name
96            | white_alone
97            | black_or_african_american_alone
98            | american_indian_and_alaska_native_alone
99            | asian_alone
100           | native_hawaiian_and_other_pacific_islander_alone
101           | some_other_race_alone
102           | two_or_more_races

Composite Types in Queries

Composites provide a lot of flexibility to PostgreSQL. The first time you see a query with composites, you might be surprised. In fact, you might come across their versatility by accident when making a typo in an SQL statement. Try the following query:

SELECT X FROM census.lu_fact_types As X LIMIT 2;

At first glance, you might think that we left out a .* by accident, but check out the result:

(87,Population,"{D002,Total:,""Not Hispanic or Latino:""}",d002)

Recall from an earlier section All Tables Are Custom where we demonstrated that PostgreSQL automatically create composite types of all tables in PostgreSQL. Instead of erroring out, our above example returns the canonical representation of an lu_fact_type object. Looking at the first record: 86 is the fact_type_id, Population is the category, and {D001,Total:} is the fact_subcats property, which happens to be an array in its own right.

In addition to being able to output a row as a single object, there are several functions that can take a composite or row as an input. For example, you can feed a row into the array_agg, hstore, and countless other functions. If you are using PostgreSQL 9.2 or above, and are building AJAX apps, you can take advantage of the built-in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) support and use a combination of array_agg and array_to_json to output a whole query as a single JSON object, as we demonstrate in Example 7-17.

Example 7-17. Query to JSON output

SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(f)  1) As ajaxy_cats 2
FROM (SELECT MAX(fact_type_id) As max_type, category  3
 FROM census.lu_fact_types 
 GROUP BY category) As f;4

This will give you an output of:

3 4

Defines a subquery where each row will be represented as f.


Collects all these f rows into one composite array of fs.


Converts the composite array into a JSON object. The canonical representation of a JSON object follows the JSON output standard.

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