Chapter 3. General Computing

3.0. Introduction

There’s a saying in business that no organization operates in a vacuum. The same applies to Clojure. For all the cool tools and techniques Clojure offers, there are still a number of activities and techniques that for whatever reason aren’t always on the direct path to shipping software. Some might call them academic, or incidental complexity, but for the time being, we call them life.

This chapter covers some of the topics about Clojure development that don’t quite fill chapters on their own. Topics like:

  • How do I use Clojure’s development ecosystem?
  • How do abstract concepts (such as polymorphism) apply to Clojure?
  • What is logic programming, and when might I want to use it?

3.1. Running a Minimal Clojure REPL


You want to play with a Clojure REPL but you don’t want to install additional tools.


Obtain the Clojure Java archive (JAR) file by downloading and unzipping a release from Using a terminal, navigate to where you extracted the JAR, and start a Clojure REPL:

$ java -cp "clojure-1.5.1.jar" clojure.main

You are now running an interactive Clojure REPL (read-eval-print loop). Type an expression and hit Enter to evaluate it. Press Ctrl-D to exit.


The fact that Clojure on the JVM is encapsulated in a simple JAR file has some great benefits. For one, it means that Clojure is never really installed. It’s just a dependency, like any other Java library. You can easily swap out one version of Clojure for another by replacing a single file.

Let’s dissect the java invocation here a bit. First, we set the Java classpath to include Clojure (and only Clojure, in this example):

-cp "clojure-1.5.1.jar"

A full explanation of the classpath is beyond the scope of this recipe, but suffice it to say thatit is a list of places where Java should look to load classes. A full discussion of classpaths on the JVM can be found at In the final part of the invocation, we specify the class that Java should load and execute the main method:


Yes, clojure.main is really a Java class. The reason this doesn’t look like a typical Java invocation is because Clojure namespaces, which are compiled to classes, do not conventionally use capitalized names like Java classes do.

This is the absolute bare-minimum Clojure environment and is all you need to run Clojure code on any system with Java installed. Of course, for regular use and development, you will most certainly want a more feature-rich solution like Leiningen.

In some cases, however, hand-tuning a Java invocation may be the best way to integrate Clojure into your environment. This is particularly useful on servers where deploying a simple JAR file is trivial compared to installing more complex packages.

3.2. Interactive Documentation


From a REPL, you want to read documentation for a function.


Print the documentation for a function at the REPL with the doc macro:

user=> (doc conj)
([coll x] [coll x & xs])
  conj[oin]. Returns a new collection with the xs
    'added'. (conj nil item) returns (item).  The 'addition' may
    happen at different 'places' depending on the concrete type.

Print the source code for a function at the REPL with the source macro:

user=> (source reverse)
(defn reverse
  "Returns a seq of the items in coll in reverse order. Not lazy."
  {:added "1.0"
   :static true}
    (reduce1 conj () coll))

Find functions with documentation matching a given regular expression using find-doc:

user=> (find-doc #"defmacro")
([name & decl])
  Experimental - like defmacro, except defines a named function whose
  body is the expansion, calls to which may be expanded inline as if
  it were a macro. Cannot be used with variadic (&) args.
([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] body]
 [name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] body) + attr-map?])
  Like defn, but the resulting function name is declared as a
  macro and will be used as a macro by the compiler when it is


Clojure supports inline documentation of functions (more about that later), along with other metadata, which allows you to introspect things like documentation any time you want. The doc and source macros are just convenience functions for the REPL.

You can peek under the hood at almost everything in Clojure at any time. The next example may be a bit mind-expanding if you’re not used to this level of introspection at runtime:

user=> (source source)
(defmacro source
  "Prints the source code for the given symbol, if it can find it.
  This requires that the symbol resolve to a Var defined in a
  namespace for which the .clj is in the classpath.

  Example: (source filter)"
  `(println (or (source-fn '~n) (str "Source not found"))))

Keeping in mind that source was defined in the clojure.repl namespace, we can peek at how exactly it retrieves the source by evaluating (source clojure.repl/source-fn).

In most REPL implementations, clojure.repl macros like source and doc are only referred into the user namespace. This means as soon as you switch into another namespace, the unqualified clojure.repl macros will no longer be available. You can get around this by namespacing the macros (clojure.repl/doc instead of doc,) or, for extended use, by use-ing the namespace:

user=> (ns foo)
foo=> (doc +)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: doc
in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:1)

foo=> (use 'clojure.repl)

foo=> (doc +)
([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])
  Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0. Does not auto-promote
  longs, will throw on overflow. See also: +'

Exploring Clojure in this way is a great way to learn about core functions and advanced Clojure programming techniques. The clojure.core namespace is chock-full of high-quality and high-performance code at your fingertips.

3.3. Exploring Namespaces


You want to know what namespaces are loaded and what public vars are available inside them.


Use loaded-libs to obtain the set of currently loaded namespaces. For example, from a REPL:

user=> (pprint (loaded-libs))
#{clojure.core.protocols clojure.instant clojure.main
  clojure.pprint clojure.repl clojure.string clojure.uuid clojure.walk}

Use dir from a REPL to print the public vars in a namespace:

user=> (dir clojure.instant)

Use ns-publics to obtain a mapping of symbols to public vars in a namespace:

(ns-publics 'clojure.instant)
;; -> {read-instant-calendar #'clojure.instant/read-instant-calendar,
;;     read-instant-timestamp #'clojure.instant/read-instant-timestamp,
;;     validated #'clojure.instant/validated,
;;     read-instant-date #'clojure.instant/read-instant-date,
;;     parse-timestamp #'clojure.instant/parse-timestamp}


Namespaces in Clojure are dynamic mappings of symbols to vars. A namespace is not available until it is required by something else; for example, when starting a REPL or as a dependency in an ns declaration. Nothing is known about available Clojure libraries and namespaces until runtime, which is in contrast to typical Java development (where most everything about a package is known at compile time).

The downside of this dynamic nature is that you need to at least know which namespaces to load in order to explore them.

3.4. Trying a Library Without Explicit Dependencies


You want to try a library in the REPL without having to modify your project’s dependencies or create a new project.


Use Ryan Neufeld’s lein-try to launch the REPL. Library dependencies will be met automatically.

To gain this capability, first make sure you are using Leiningen 2.1.3 or later. Then edit your ~/.lein/profiles.clj file, adding [lein-try "0.4.1"] to the :plugins vector of the :user profile:

{:user {:plugins [[lein-try "0.4.1"]]}}

Now you can experience nearly instant gratification with the library of your choice:

$ lein try clj-time
Retrieving clj-time/clj-time/0.6.0/clj-time-0.6.0.pom from clojars
Retrieving clj-time/clj-time/0.6.0/clj-time-0.6.0.jar from clojars
nREPL server started on port 58981 on host
REPL-y 0.2.1
Clojure 1.5.1
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)



Notice that we did not have to give a version number for the library in the example. lein-try will automatically grab the most recent released version.

Of course, you can specify a library version if you like. Just add the version number after the library name:

$ lein try clj-time 0.5.1

For a quick view of usage options, invoke lein help try:

$ lein help try
Launch REPL with specified dependencies available.


    lein try [io.rkn/conformity "0.2.1"] [com.datomic/datomic-free "0.8.4020.26"]
    lein try io.rkn/conformity 0.2.1
    lein try io.rkn/conformity # This uses the most recent version

  NOTE: lein-try does not require []

Arguments: ([& args])

As befits a Clojure tool, lein-try is an elegant way to make a task less laborious. Use it to summon powerful libraries from the Net at your whim, without having to set them up, and enjoy a wizardly satisfaction from the sudden confluence of new abilities.

See Also

3.5. Running Clojure Programs


You want to run a program with a single entry point from Clojure source code.


Run a file full of Clojure expressions by passing the filename as an argument to clojure.main.


To follow along with this recipe, you can download a version of clojure.jar at

For example, given a file my_clojure_program.clj with the contents:

(println "Hi.")

invoke the java command with my_clojure_program.clj as the final argument:

$ java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main my_clojure_program.clj

In a more structured project, you’ll probably have files organized in a src/ folder. For example, given a file src/com/example/my_program.clj:


(defn -main [& args]
  (println "Hey!"))

to load and run the -main function, specify the desired namespace with the -m/--main option and add src to the classpath list (via -cp):

$ java -cp clojure.jar:src clojure.main --main


Although you will spend most of your time evaluating Clojure code in a REPL, it is sometimes useful to be able to either run a simple “script” full of Clojure expressions or run a more structured Clojure application with a -main entry point.

In either case, you have access to any extra command-line arguments passed after the script name or the main namespace name.

For example, let’s say you have written the following program, in a file called hello.clj:

(defn greet
  (str "Hello, " name "!"))

(doseq [name *command-line-args*]
  (println (greet name)))

Invoking this Clojure program directly will yield predictable output:

$ java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main hello.clj Alice Bob
Hello, Alice!
Hello, Bob!

This simple script has the side effect of printing output when it is loaded. Most Clojure code is not organized this way.

As you will typically want to keep your code in well-organized namespaces, you can provide an entry point through a namespace with a -main function. This allows you to avoid side effects while loading, and you can even tweak and invoke your -main function from the REPL just like any other function during interactive development.

Let’s say you’ve moved your greet function into a foo.util namespace, and your project is structured something like this:


Your foo namespace requires the foo.util namespace and provides a -main function, like so:

(ns foo
  (:require foo.util))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (doseq [name args]
    (println (foo.util/greet name))))

When you invoke Clojure with foo.core as the “main” namespace, it calls the -main function with the provided command-line arguments:

$ java -cp clojure.jar:src clojure.main --main foo Alice Bob
Hello, Alice!
Hello, Bob!

You’ll also note the addition of :src to the -cp option. This indicates to Java that the classpath for execution not only includes clojure.jar, but also the contents of the src/ directory on disk.

See Also

3.6. Running Programs from the Command Line


You want to invoke your Clojure application from the command line.


In any Leiningen project, use the lein run command to invoke your application from the command line. To follow along with this recipe, create a new Leiningen project:

$ lein new my-cli

Configure which namespace will be the entry point to your application by adding a :main key to the project’s project.clj file:

(defproject my-cli "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]]
  :main my-cli.core)

Finally, add a -main function to the namespace configured in project.clj:

(ns my-cli.core)

(defn -main [& args]
  (println "My CLI received arguments:" args))

Now, invoke lein run to run your application:

$ lein run
My CLI received arguments: nil

$ lein run 1 :foo "bar"
My CLI received arguments: (1 :foo bar)


As it turns out, invoking your application from the command line couldn’t be easier. Leiningen’s run command quickly and easily connects your application to the command line with little fuss. In its base form, lein run will invoke the -main function of whatever namespace you have specified as :main in your project’s project.clj file. For example, setting :main my-cli.core will invoke my-cli.core/-main. Alternatively, you may omit implementing -main and provide :main with the fully qualified name of a function (e.g., my.cli.core/alt-main); this function will be invoked instead of -main.

While the printed arguments in the preceding solution look like Clojure data, they are in fact regular strings. For simple arguments, you may choose to parse these strings yourself; otherwise, we suggest using the tools.cli library. See Recipe 3.7, “Parsing Command-Line Arguments”, for more information on tools.cli.

Although a project can only have one default :main entry point, you can invoke other functions from the command line by setting the -m option to a namespace or function. If you set -m to a namespace (e.g., my-cli.core), the -main function of that namespace will be invoked. If you provide -m with the fully qualified name of a function (e.g., my-cli.core/alt-main), that function will be invoked. There’s no requirement that this function be prefixed with a - (indicating it is a Java method); it simply must accept a variable number of arguments (as -main normally does).

For example, you can add a function add-main to my.cli/core:

(ns my-cli.core)

(defn -main [& args]
  (println "My CLI received arguments:" args))

(defn add-main [& args]
  (->> (map #(Integer/parseInt %) args)
       (reduce + 0)
       (println "The sum is:")))

then invoke it from the command line with the command lein run -m my-cli.core/add-main:

$ lein run -m my-cli.core/add-main 1 2 3
The sum is: 6

See Also

3.7. Parsing Command-Line Arguments


You want to write command-line tools in Clojure that can parse input arguments.


Use the tools.cli library.

Before starting, add [org.clojure/tools.cli "0.2.4"] to your project’s dependencies, or start a REPL using lein-try:

$ lein try org.clojure/tools.cli

Use the function in your project’s -main function entry point to parse command-line arguments:[6]

(require '[ :refer [cli]])

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [[opts args banner] (cli args
                                ["-h" "--help" "Print this help"
                                 :default false :flag true])]
    (when (:help opts)
      (println banner))))

;; Simulate entry into -main at the command line
(-main "-h")
;; *out*
;; Usage:
;;  Switches                 Default  Desc
;;  --------                 -------  ----
;;  -h, --no-help, --help    false    Print this help


Clojure’s tools.cli is a simple library, with only one function, cli, and a slim data-oriented API for specifying how arguments should be parsed. Handily enough, there isn’t much special about this function: an arguments vector and specifications go in, and a map of parsed options, variadic arguments, and a help banner come out. It’s really the epitome of good, composable functional programming.

To configure how options are parsed, pass any number of spec vectors after the args list. To specify a :port parameter, for example, you would provide the spec ["-p" "--port"]. The "-p" isn’t strictly necessary, but it is customary to provide a single-letter shortcut for command-line options (especially long ones). In the returned opts map, the text of the last option name will be interned to a keyword (less the --). For example, "--port" would become :port, and "--super-long-option" would become :super-long-option.

If you’re a polite command-line application developer, you’ll also include a description for each of your options. Specify this as an optional string following the final argument name:

["-p" "--port" "The incoming port the application will listen on."]

Everything after the argument name and description will be interpreted as options in key/value pairs. tools.cli provides the following options:

The default value returned in the absence of user input. Without specifying, the default of :default is nil.
If truthy (not false or nil), indicates an argument behaves like a flag or switch. This argument will not take any value as its input.
The function used to parse an argument’s value. This can be used to turn string values into integers, floats, or other data types.
The function used to combine multiple values for a single argument.

Here’s a complete example:

(def app-specs [["-n" "--count" :default 5
                                :parse-fn #(Integer. %)
                                :assoc-fn max]
                ["-v" "--verbose" :flag true
                                  :default true]])

(first (apply cli ["-n" "2" "-n" "50"] app-specs))
;; -> {:count 50, :verbose true}

(first (apply cli ["--no-verbose"] app-specs))
;; -> {:count 5, :verbose false}

When writing flag options, a useful shortcut is to omit the :flag option and add a "[no-]" prefix to the argument’s name. cli will interpret this argument spec as including :flag true without you having to specify it as such:

["-v" "--[no-]verbose" :default true]

One thing the tools.cli library doesn’t provide is a hook into the application container’s launch life cycle. It is your responsibility to add a cli call to your -main function and know when to print the help banner. A general pattern for use is to capture the results of cli in a let block and determine if help needs to be printed. This is also useful for ensuring the validity of arguments (especially since there is no :required option):

(def required-opts #{:port})

(defn missing-required?
  "Returns true if opts is missing any of the required-opts"
  (not-every? opts required-opts))

(defn -main [& args]
  (let [[opts args banner] (cli args
                                ["-h" "--help" "Print this help"
                                 :default false :flag true]
                                ["-p" "--port" :parse-fn #(Integer. %)])]
    (when (or (:help opts)
              (missing-required? opts))
        (println banner))))

As with many applications, you may want to accept a variable number of arguments; for example, a list of filenames. In most cases, you don’t need to do anything special to capture these arguments—just supply them after any other options. These variadic arguments will be returned as the second item in cli’s returned vector:

(second (apply cli ["-n" "5" "foo.txt" "bar.txt"] app-specs))
;; -> ["foo.txt" "bar.txt"]

If your variadic arguments look like flags, however, you’ll need another trick. Use -- as an argument to indicate to cli that everything that follows is a variadic argument. This is useful if you’re invoking another program with the options originally passed to your program:

(second (apply cli ["-n" "5" "--port" "80"] app-specs))
;; -> Exception '--port' is not a valid argument ...

(second (apply cli ["-n" "5" "--" "--port" "80"] app-specs))
;; -> ["--port" "80"]

Once you’ve finished toying with your application’s option parsing at the REPL, you’ll probably want to try invoking options via lein run. Just like your application needs to use -- to indicate arguments to pass on to subsequent programs, so too must you use -- to indicate to lein run which arguments are for your program and which are for it:

# If app-specs were rigged up to a project...
$ lein run -- -n 5 --no-verbose

See Also

3.8. Creating Custom Project Templates


You regularly create new, similar projects and want an easy way to generate customized boilerplate. Or, you work on an open source project and want to give users an easy way to get started with your software.


Leiningen templates give Clojure programmers an easy way to automatically generate customized project boilerplate with a single shell command. We’ll explore them by creating a template for a simple web service.

First, generate a new template with lein new template cookbook-sample-template-<github_user>. Replace <github_user> with your own GitHub username—you’ll be publishing this template to Clojars, and it will need a unique name. In the examples, we’ll use clojure-cookbook as our GitHub username:

$ lein new template cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook
Generating fresh 'lein new' template project.

$ cd cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook

Create a new project file template with the following contents in src/leiningen/new/<project-name>/project.clj.

(defproject {{ns-name}} "0.1.0"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]])

Since you are creating a template for a web service and you’ll want Clojure’s ring and ring-jetty-adapter to be available by default, add them to the :dependencies section:

  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
                 [ring "1.1.8"]
                 [ring/ring-jetty-adapter "1.2.0"]]

Next, open the template definition (src/leiningen/new/<project-name>.clj) and add project.clj to the list of files to be generated. Add sanitize-ns to the namespace’s :require directive to expose a sanitized namespace string:

  (:require [ :refer [renderer
            [leiningen.core.main :as main])) ; 1

(def render (renderer "cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook"))

(defn cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook
  "FIXME: write documentation"
  (let [data {:name name
              :ns-name (sanitize-ns name)                       ; 2
              :sanitized (name-to-path name)}]
    (->files data
             ["project.clj" (render "project.clj" data)]        ; 3
             ["src/{{sanitized}}/foo.clj" (render "foo.clj" data)])))

Add sanitize-ns to the :require declaration.


Expose :ns-name as the sanitized name.


Add project.clj to the list of files in the template.

A good template gives users a basic skeleton on which to build. Create a new file at src/leiningen/new/<project-name>/site.clj with some bare-bones web server logic:

(ns {{ns-name}}.site
    "My website! It will rock!"
    (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]))

(defn handler [request]
  {:status 200
   :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
   :body "Hello World"})

(defn -main []
  (run-jetty handler {:port 3000}))

Back in the template’s project.clj file, add a key/value for the :main option to indicate is the core runnable namespace for the project:

  :main {{ns-name}}.site

Go back to your template definition (<project-name>.clj) and change both foo.clj references to site.clj. Delete the src/leiningen/new/<project-name>/foo.clj file as well:

;; ...
["src/{{sanitized}}/site.clj" (render "site.clj" data)])))

To test the template locally, change directories to the root of your template project and run:

$ lein install
$ lein new cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook my-first-website --snapshot
$ cd my-first-website
$ lein run
# ... Leiningen noisily fetching dependencies ...
2013-08-22 16:41:43.337:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-7.6.8.v20121106
2013-08-22 16:41:43.379:
  INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started [email protected]:3000

If lein prints an error about not being able to find your template, you should make sure you’re using the latest version with lein upgrade.

To make the template available to other users, you’ll need to publish it to Clojars. First, open up the template project’s project.clj and change the version to a release version—by default lein will only use non-SNAPSHOT templates:

(defproject cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook/lein-template "0.1.0"
;; ...

Next, visit to create a Clojars account and then deploy from the template project root:

$ lein deploy clojars

Other users can now create projects using your template name as the first argument to lein new. Leiningen will automatically fetch your project template from Clojars:

$ lein new cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook my-second-website


Leiningen uses Clojars as a well-known source of templates. When you pass a template name to lein new, it first looks for that template by name in the local Maven repository. If it doesn’t find it there, it will look for an appropriately named template on If it finds one, it will download the template and use it to create the new project. The result is an almost magic-seeming project creation interface that lends itself extremely well to getting Clojure programmers going with new technology very quickly.

Once a project template has been downloaded, Leiningen will use src/leiningen/new/<project-name>.clj to create a new project. This file can be customized extensively to create sophisticated templates that match your needs. We’ll review this file and talk about some of the tools available to the template developer.

We first declare a namespace that matches the template name and require some useful functions provided by Leiningen for template development: contains a variety of other functions you may find useful and is worth reviewing before you develop your own templates—problems you encounter during development may already be solved by the library. In this case, name-to-path and sanitize-ns will help us create strings that we’ll substitute into file templates in a number of places:

  (:require [ :refer [renderer

A new project is generated by loading a set of mustache template files and rendering them in the context of a named set of strings. The renderer function creates a function that looks for mustache templates in a place determined by the name of your template. In this case it will look for templates in src/leiningen/new/cookbook_sample_template_clojure_cookbook/:

(def render (renderer "cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook"))

Continuing the spirit of convention over configuration, Leiningen will search this namespace for a function with the same name as your template. You may execute arbitrary Clojure code in this function, which means you can make project generation arbitrarily sophisticated:

(defn cookbook-sample-template-clojure-cookbook
  "FIXME: write documentation"

This is the data our renderer will use to create your new project files from the templates your provide. In this case, we give our templates access to the project name, the namespace that will result from that name, and a sanitized path based on that name:

  (let [data {:name name
              :ns-name (sanitize-ns name)
              :sanitized (name-to-path name)}]

Finally, we pass the ->files (pronounced “to files”) function a list of filename/content tuples. The filename determines where in the new project a file will end up. Content is generated using the render function we defined earlier. render accepts a relative path to the template file and the key/value map we created:

    (->files data
             ["project.clj" (render "project.clj" data)]
             ["src/{{sanitized}}/site.clj" (render "site.clj" data)])))

Mustache templates are very simple, implementing nothing more than simple key substitution. For example, the following snippet is used to generate the ns statement for our new project’s main file, site.clj:

(ns {{ns-name}}.site
    "My website! It will rock!"
    (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]))

Leiningen templates are a powerful tool for saving Clojure developers from the drudgery of project setup. More importantly, they are an invaluable tool for open source developers to showcase their projects and make it incredibly easy for potential users to get started with an unfamiliar piece of software. If you’ve been developing Clojure for a while, or even if you’ve just started, it’s well worth your time to take templates for a spin today!”

3.9. Building Functions with Polymorphic Behavior


You want to create functions whose behavior varies based upon the arguments passed to them. For example, you want to develop a set of flexible geometry functions.


The easiest way to implement runtime polymorphism is via hand-rolled, map-based dispatch using functions like cond or condp:

(defn area
  "Calculate the area of a shape"
  (condp = (:type shape)
    :triangle  (* (:base shape) (:height shape) (/ 1 2))
    :rectangle (* (:length shape) (:width shape))))

(area {:type :triangle :base 2 :height 4})
;; -> 4N

(area {:type :rectangle :length 2 :width 4})
;; -> 8

This approach is a little raw, though: area ties together dispatch and multiple shapes’ area implementations, all under one function. Use the defmulti and defmethod macros to define a multimethod, which will separate dispatch from implementation and introduce a measure of extensibility:

(defmulti area
  "Calculate the area of a shape"

(defmethod area :rectangle [shape]
  (* (:length shape) (:width shape)))

(area {:type :rectangle :length 2 :width 4})
;; -> 8

;; Trying to get the area of a new shape...
(area {:type :circle :radius 1})
;; -> IllegalArgumentException No method in multimethod 'area' for
;;    dispatch value: :circle ...

(defmethod area :circle [shape]
  (* (. Math PI) (:radius shape) (:radius shape)))

(area {:type :circle :radius 1})
;; -> 3.141592653589793

Better, but things start to fall apart if you want to add new geometric functions like perimeter. With multimethods you’ll need to repeat dispatch logic for each function and write a combinatorial explosion of implementations to suit. It would be better if these functions and their implementations could be grouped and written together.

Use Clojure’s protocol facilities to define a protocol interface and extend it with concrete implementations:

;; Define the "shape" of a Shape object
(defprotocol Shape
  (area [s] "Calculate the area of a shape")
  (perimeter [s] "Calculate the perimeter of a shape"))

;; Define a concrete Shape, the Rectangle
(defrecord Rectangle [length width]
  (area [this] (* length width))
  (perimeter [this] (+ (* 2 length)
                       (* 2 width))))

(->Rectangle 2 4)
;; -> #user.Rectangle{:length 2, :width 4}

(area (->Rectangle 2 4))
;; -> 8


As you’ve seen in this recipe, there are a multitude of different ways to implement polymorphism in Clojure. While the preceding example settled on protocols as a method for implementing polymorphism, there are no hard and fast rules about which technique to use. Each approach has its own unique set of trade-offs that need to be considered when introducing polymorphism.

The first approach considered was simple map-based polymorphism using condp. In retrospect, it’s not the right choice for building a geometry library in Clojure, but that is not to say it is without its uses. This approach is best used in the small: you could use cond to prototype early iterations of a protocol at the REPL, or in places where you aren’t defining new types.

It’s important to note that there are techniques beyond cond for implementing map-based dispatch. One such technique is a dispatch map, generally implemented as a map of keys to functions.

Next up are multimethods. Unlike cond-based polymorphism, multimethods separate dispatch from implementation. On account of this, they can be extended after their creation. Multimethods are defined using the defmulti macro, which behaves similarly to defn but specifies a dispatch function instead of an implementation.

Let’s break down the defmulti declaration for a rather simple multimethod, the area function:

(defmulti area ;                    1
  "Calculate the area of a shape" ; 2
  :type) ;                          3

The function name for this multimethod


A docstring describing the function


The dispatch function

Using the keyword :type as a dispatch function doesn’t do justice to the flexibility of multimethods: they’re capable of much more. Multimethods allow you to perform arbitrarily complex introspection of the arguments they are invoked with.

When choosing a map lookup like :type for a dispatch function, you also imply the arity of the function (the number of arguments it accepts). Since keywords act as a function on one argument (a map), area is a single-arity function. Other functions will imply different arities. A common pattern with multimethods is to use an anonymous function to make the intended arity of a multimethod more explicit:

(defmulti ingest-message
  "Ingest a message into an application"
  (fn [app message] ;      1
    (:priority message)) ; 2
  :default :low) ;         3

ingest-messages accepts two arguments, an app and a message.


message will be processed differently depending on its priority.


In the absence of a :priority key on message, the default priority will be :low. Without specifying, the default dispatch value is :default.

(defmethod ingest-message :low [app message]
  (println (str "Ingesting message " message ", eventually...")))

(defmethod ingest-message :high [app message]
  (println (str "Ingesting message " message ", now.")))

(ingest-message {} {:type :stats :value [1 2 3]})
;; *out*
;; Ingesting message {:type :stats :value [1 2 3]}, eventually...

(ingest-message {} {:type :heartbeat :priority :high})
;; *out*
;; Ingesting message {:type :heartbeat, :priority :high}, now.

In all of the examples so far, we’ve always dispatched on a single value. Multimethods also support something called multiple dispatch, whereby a function can be dispatched upon any number of factors.

By returning a vector rather than a single value in our dispatch, we can make more dynamic decisions:

(defmulti convert
  "Convert a thing from one type to another"
  (fn [request thing]
    [(:input-format request) (:output-format request)])) ; 1

(require 'clojure.edn)
(defmethod convert [:edn-string :clojure] ;                2
  [_ str]
  (clojure.edn/read-string str))

(require '
(defmethod convert [:clojure :json] ;                      3
  [_ thing]
  ( thing))

(convert {:input-format :edn-string
          :output-format :clojure}
         "{:foo :bar}")
;; -> {:foo :bar}

(convert {:input-format :clojure
          :output-format :json}
         {:foo [:bar :baz]})
;; -> "{"foo":["bar","baz"]}"

The convert multimethod dispatches on input and output format.


An implementation of convert that converts from edn strings to Clojure data.


Similarly, an implementation that converts from Clojure data to JSON.

All this power comes at a cost, however; because multimethods are so dynamic, they can be quite slow. Further, there is no good way to group sets of related multimethods into an all-or-nothing package.[7] If speed or implementing a complete interface is among your chief concerns, then you will likely be better served by protocols.

Clojure’s protocol feature provides extensible polymorphism with fast dispatch akin to Java’s interfaces, with one notable difference from multimethods: protocols can only perform single dispatch (based on type).

Protocols are defined using the defprotocol macro, which accepts a name, an optional docstring, and any number of named method signatures. A method signature is made up of a few parts: the name, at least one type signature, and an optional docstring. The first argument of any type signature is always the object itself—Clojure dispatches on the type of this argument. Perhaps an example would be the easiest way to dig into defprotocol’s syntax:

(defprotocol Frobnozzle
  "Basic methods for any Frobnozzle"
  (blint [this x] "Blint the frobnozzle with x") ;                     1
  (crand [this f] [this f x] (str "Crand a frobnozzle with another " ; 2
                                  "optionally incorporating x")))

A function, blint, with a single additional argument, x


A multi-arity function, crand, that takes an optional x argument

Once a protocol is defined, there are numerous ways to provide an implementation for it. deftype, defrecord, and reify all define a protocol implementation while creating an object. The deftype and defrecord forms create new named types, while reify creates an anonymous type. Each form is used by indicating the protocol being extended, followed by concrete implementations of each of that protocol’s methods:

;; deftype has a similar syntax, but is not really applicable for an
;; immutable shape
(defrecord Square [length]
  Shape ;                           1
  (area [this] (* length length)) ; 2
  (perimeter [this] (* 4 length))
  ;                                 3

(perimeter (->Square 1))
;; -> 4

;; Calculate the area of a parallelogram without defining a record
  (let [b 2
        h 3]
    (reify Shape
      (area [this] (* b h))
      (perimeter [this] (* 2 (+ b h))))))
;; -> 6

Indicate the protocol being implemented.


Implement all of its methods.


Repeat steps one and two for any remaining protocols you wish to implement.

For implementing protocols on existing types, you will want to use the extend family of built-in functions (extend, extend-type, and extend-protocol). Instead of creating a new type, these functions define implementations for existing types.

See Also

3.10. Extending a Built-In Type


You need to extend one of the built-in types with your own functions.


Suppose you would like to add domain-specific functions to the core java.lang.String type. In this example, you will add a first-name and a last-name function to String.

Define a protocol with the functions you need. The protocol declares the signature of the functions:

(defprotocol Person
  "Represents the name of a person."
  (first-name [person])
  (last-name [person]))

Extend the type to the java.lang.String class:

(extend-type String
  (first-name [s] (first (clojure.string/split s #" ")))
  (last-name [s] (second (clojure.string/split s #" "))))

Now you can invoke your functions on strings:

(first-name "john")
;; -> "john"

(last-name "john smith")
;; -> "smith"


Why use protocols when multimethods already exist? For one, speed: protocols dispatch only on the type of their first parameter. Further, protocols allow you to group and name an extension. This makes it much easier to reason about what a group of functions confer about a type and ensures a proper, full implementation.

It is good practice to only extend a protocol to a type if you are the author of either the protocol or the type. This will avoid cases where you violate the assumptions of the original author(s).

If you already had functions to use, then it would make sense to use extend instead of the extend-type form:

(defn first-word [s]
  (first (clojure.string/split s #" ")))

(defn second-word [s]
  (second (clojure.string/split s #" ")))

(extend String
  {:first-name first-word
   :last-name second-word})

See Also

  • An excellent explanation of why protocols exist as it relates to the “Expression Problem” by Jörg W Mittag on StackOverflow

3.11. Decoupling Consumers and Producers with core.async


You want to decouple your program’s consumers and producers by introducing explicit queues between them.

For example, if you are building a web dashboard that fetches Twitter messages, this application must both persist these events to a database and publish them via server-sent events (SSE) to a browser.


Introducing explicit queues between components allows them to communicate asynchronously, making them simpler to manage independently and freeing up computational resources.

Use the core.async library to introduce and coordinate asynchronous channels.

To follow along with this recipe, start a REPL using lein-try:

$ lein try org.clojure/core.async

Consider the following passage illustrating a synchronous approach:

(defn database-consumer
  "Accept messages and persist them to a database."
  (println (format "database-consumer received message %s" msg)))

(defn sse-consumer
  "Accept messages and pass them to web browsers via SSE."
  (println (format "sse-consumer received message %s" msg)))

(defn messages
  "Fetch messages from Twitter."
  (range 4))

(defn message-producer
  "Produce messages and deliver them to consumers."
  [& consumers]
  (doseq [msg (messages)
          consumer consumers]
    (consumer msg)))

(message-producer database-consumer sse-consumer)
;; *out*
;; database-consumer received message 0
;; sse-consumer received message 0
;; database-consumer received message 1
;; sse-consumer received message 1
;; database-consumer received message 2
;; sse-consumer received message 2
;; database-consumer received message 3
;; sse-consumer received message 3

Each message received is passed directly to each consumer of message-producer. As implemented, this approach is rather brittle; any slow consumer could cause the entire pipeline to grind to a halt.

To make processing asynchronous, introduce explicit queues with clojure.core.async/chan. Perform work asynchronously by wrapping it in one of core.async’s clojure.core.async/go forms:

(require '[clojure.core.async :refer [chan sliding-buffer go
                                      go-loop timeout >! <!]])

(defn database-consumer
  "Accept messages and persist them to a database."
  (let [in (chan (sliding-buffer 64))]
    (go-loop [data (<! in)]
             (when data
               (println (format "database-consumer received data %s" data))
               (recur (<! in))))

(defn sse-consumer
  "Accept messages and pass them to web browsers via SSE."
  (let [in (chan (sliding-buffer 64))]
    (go-loop [data (<! in)]
             (when data
               (println (format "sse-consumer received data %s" data))
               (recur (<! in))))

(defn messages
  "Fetch messages from Twitter."
  (range 4))

(defn producer
  "Produce messages and deliver them to consumers."
  [& channels]
   (doseq [msg (messages)
           out  channels]
     (<! (timeout 100))
     (>! out msg))))

(producer (database-consumer) (sse-consumer))
;; *out*
;; database-consumer received data 0
;; sse-consumer received data 0
;; database-consumer received data 1
;; sse-consumer received data 1
;; database-consumer received data 2
;; sse-consumer received data 2
;; database-consumer received data 3
;; sse-consumer received data 3


There comes a time in all good programs when components or subsystems must stop communicating directly with one another.

Rich Hickey Clojure core.async Channels

This code is larger than the original implementation. What has this afforded us?

The original approach was rigid. It offered no control over consumer latency and was therefore extremely vulnerable to lag. By buffering communication over channels and doing work asynchronously, we’ve created service boundaries around producers and consumers, allowing them to operate as independently as possible.

Let’s examine one of the new consumers in depth to understand how it has changed.

Instead of receiving messages via function invocation, consumers now draw messages from a buffered channel. Where a consumer (e.g., database-consumer) used to consume a single message at a time, it now uses a go-loop to continuously consume messages from its producer.

In traditional callback-oriented code, accomplishing something like this would require splitting logic out across numerous functions, introducing “callback hell.” One of the benefits of core.async is that it lets you write code inline, in a more straightforward style:

(defn database-consumer
  "Accept messages and persist them to a database."
  (let [in (chan (sliding-buffer 64))] ; 1
    (go-loop [data (<! in)]            ; 2
             (when data                ; 3
               (println (format "database-consumer received data %s" data))
               (recur (<! in))))       ; 4

Here the channel is given a buffer of size 64. The sliding-buffer variant dictates that if this channel accumulates more than 64 unread values, older values will start “falling off” the end, trading off historical completeness in favor of recency. Using dropping-buffer instead would optimize in the opposite direction.


go-loop is the core.async equivalent to looping via something like while true. This go-loop reads its initial value by “taking” (<!) from the input channel (in).


Because channels return nil when closed, as long as we can read data from them, we know we have work to do.


To recur the go-loop to the beginning, take the next value from the channel and invoke recur with it.

Because the go-loop block is asynchronous, the take call (<!) parks until a value is placed on the channel. The remainder of the go-loop block—here, the println call—is pending. Since the channel is returned as the database-consumer function’s value, other parts of the system—namely, the producer—are free to write to the channel while the take waits. The first value written to the channel will satisfy that read call, allowing the rest of the go-loop block to continue.

This consumer is now asynchronous, reading values until the channel closes. Since the channel is buffered, we now have some measure of control over the system’s resiliency. For example, buffers allow a consumer to lag behind a producer by a specified amount.

Fewer changes are required to make producer asynchronous:

(defn producer
  [& channels]
   (doseq [msg (messages)
           out  channels] ; 1
     (<! (timeout 100))   ; 2
     (>! out item))))     ; 3

For each message and channel…


Take from a timeout channel to simulate a short pause for effect…


And put a message onto the channel with >!.

Although the operations are asynchronous, they still occur serially. Using unbuffered consumer channels would mean that if one of the consumers took from the channel too slowly, the pipeline would stall; the producer would not be able to put further values onto the channels.

See Also

3.12. Making a Parser for Clojure Expressions Using core.match


You want to parse Clojure expressions, say, from the input to a macro, into a different representation (like maps).

For this example, consider a heavily simplified version of Clojure that consists of the following expression types:

  • A variable represented by a valid Clojure symbol
  • An fn expression that accepts a single argument and whose body is also a valid expression
  • An application of a valid expression in the language to another valid expression

You can represent this language by the following grammar:

Expr = var
     | (fn [var] Expr)
     | (Expr Expr)


Use core.match to pattern match over the input and return the expression represented as maps of maps.

Before starting, add [org.clojure/core.match "0.2.0"] to your project’s dependencies, or start a REPL using lein-try:

$ lein try org.clojure/core.match

Now, codify the language’s grammar using clojure.core.match/match:

(require '[clojure.core.match :refer (match)])

(defn simple-clojure-parser
  (match [expr]
    [(var :guard symbol?)] {:variable var}
    [(['fn [arg] body] :seq)] {:closure
                               {:arg arg
                                :body (simple-clojure-parser body)}}
    [([operator operand] :seq)] {:application
                                 {:operator (simple-clojure-parser operator)
                                  :operand (simple-clojure-parser operand)}}
    :else (throw (Exception. (str "invalid expression: " expr)))))

(simple-clojure-parser 'a)
;; -> {:variable a}

(simple-clojure-parser '(fn [x] x))
;; -> {:closure {:arg x, :body {:variable x}}}

(simple-clojure-parser '((fn [x] x) a))
;; -> {:application
;;     {:operator {:closure {:arg x, :body {:variable x}}}
;;      :operand {:variable a}}}

;; fn expression can only have one argument!
(simple-clojure-parser '(fn [x y] x))
;; -> Exception invalid expression: (fn [x y] x) ...


A match statement in core.match is made up of two basic parts. The first part is a vector of vars to be matched. In our example, this is [expr]. This vector isn’t limited to a single entry—it can contain as many items to match as you would like. The next part is a variable list of question/answer pairs. A question is a vector representing the shape the vars vector must take. As with cond, an answer is what will be returned should a var satisfy a question.

Questions take a variety of forms in core.match. Here are explanations of the preceding samples:

  • The first match pattern, [(var :guard symbol?)], matches the variable case of our syntax, binding the matched expression to var. The special :guard form applies the predicate symbol? to var, only returning the answer if symbol? returns true.
  • The second pattern, [(['fn [arg] body] :seq)], matches the fn case.[8] Note the special ([...] :seq) syntax for matching over lists, used here to represent an fn expression. Also notice that to match on the literal fn, it had to be quoted in the match pattern. Interestingly, since the body expression should also be accepted by this parser, it makes a self-recursive call, (simple-clojure-parser body), in the righthand side of the match pattern.
  • For the third :application pattern, the parser again matches on a list using the ([...] :seq) syntax. As in the body of the fn expression, both the operator and operand expressions should be accepted by the parser, so it makes a recursive call for each one.

    Finally, the parser throws an exception if the given expression doesn’t match any of the three accepted patterns. This gives a somewhat more helpful error message if you accidentally hand the parser a malformed expression.

Writing your parser this way gives you succinct code that closely resembles the target input. Alternatively, you could write it using conditional expressions (if or cond) and explicitly destructure the input. To illustrate the difference in length and clarity of the code, consider this function that only parses the fn expressions of the Clojure subset:

(defn parse-fn
  (if (and (list? expr)
           (= (count expr) 3)
           (= (nth expr 0) 'fn)
           (vector? (nth expr 1))
           (= (count (nth expr 1)) 1))
    {:closure {:arg (nth (nth expr 1) 0)
               :body (simple-clojure-parser (nth expr 2))}}
    (throw (Exception. (str "unexpected non-fn expression: " expr)))))

Notice how much more code this version needed in order to express the same properties about an fn expression? Not only did the non-match version require more code, but the if test doesn’t resemble the structure of the expression the way the match pattern does. Further, match binds the matched input to the variable names in the match pattern automatically, saving you from having to let-bind them yourself or repeatedly write the same list access code (as shown with (nth expr) in parse-fn above). Needless to say, the match is much easier to read and maintain.

See Also

  • The core.match wiki’s Overview page for a broader view over all of the library’s capabilities

3.13. Querying Hierarchical Graphs with core.logic


You have a graph-like hierarchical data structure, serialized as a flat list of nodes, that you want to query. For example, you have a graph of movie metadata represented as entity-attribute-value triples. Writing this code with the standard seq functions has proven to be too tedious and error prone.


The core.logic library is a Clojure implementation of the miniKanren domain-specific language (DSL) for logic programming. Its declarative style is well suited for querying flattened hierarchical data.

To follow along with this recipe, start a REPL using lein-try:

$ lein try org.clojure/core.logic

The first thing you need is a dataset to query. Consider, for example, that you have represented a graph of movie metadata as a list of tuples:

(def movie-graph
  [;; The "Newmarket Films" studio
   [:a1 :type :FilmStudio]
   [:a1 :name "Newmarket Films"]
   [:a1 :filmsCollection :a2]

   ;; Collection of films made by Newmarket Films
   [:a2 :type :FilmCollection]
   [:a2 :film :a3]
   [:a2 :film :a6]

   ;; The movie "Memento"
   [:a3 :type :Film]
   [:a3 :name "Memento"]
   [:a3 :cast :a4]

   ;; Connects the film to its cast (actors/director/producer etc.)
   [:a4 :type :FilmCast]
   [:a4 :director :a5]

   ;; The director of "Memento"
   [:a5 :type :Person]
   [:a5 :name "Christopher Nolan"]

   ;; The movie "The Usual Suspects"
   [:a6 :type :Film]
   [:a6 :filmName "The Usual Suspects"]
   [:a6 :cast :a7]

   ;; Connects the film to its cast (actors/director/producer etc.)
   [:a7 :type :FilmCast]
   [:a7 :director :a8]

   ;; The director of "The Usual Suspects"
   [:a8 :type :Person]
   [:a8 :name "Bryan Singer"]])

With all of this data in hand, how would you go about querying it? In an imperative model, you would likely arduously “connect the dots” from node to node using filters, maps, and conditionals.[9] With core.logic, however, it is possible to connect these dots using declarative logic statements.

For example, to answer the question, “Which directors have made movies at a given studio?” create a number of dots (logic variables) using clojure.core.logic/fresh and connect (ground) them using clojure.core.logic/membero. Finally, invoke clojure.core.logic/run* to obtain all of the possible solutions:

(require '[clojure.core.logic :as cl])

(defn directors-at
  "Find all of the directors that have directed at a given studio"
  [graph studio-name]
  (cl/run* [director-name]
    (cl/fresh [studio film-coll film cast director]
      ;; Relate the original studio-name to a film collection
      (cl/membero [studio :name studio-name] graph)
      (cl/membero [studio :type :FilmStudio] graph)
      (cl/membero [studio :filmsCollection film-coll] graph)

      ;; Relate any film collections to their individual films
      (cl/membero [film-coll :type :FilmCollection] graph)
      (cl/membero [film-coll :film film] graph)

      ;; Then from film to cast members
      (cl/membero [film :type :Film] graph)
      (cl/membero [film :cast cast] graph)

      ;; Grounding to cast members of type :director
      (cl/membero [cast :type :FilmCast] graph)
      (cl/membero [cast :director director] graph)

      ;; Finally, attach to the director-name
      (cl/membero [director :type :Person] graph)
      (cl/membero [director :name director-name] graph))))

(directors-at movie-graph "Newmarket Films")
;; -> ("Christopher Nolan" "Bryan Singer")


miniKanren is a domain-specific language written in Scheme, intended to give many of the benefits of a logic programming language (such as Prolog) from within Scheme. David Nolen created an implementation of miniKanren for Clojure, with a focus on performance. One of the benefits of logic programming languages is their very declarative style. By using core.logic, we are able to say what we are looking for in the graph without saying how core.logic should go about finding it.

In general, all core.logic queries begin with one of the library’s run macros, with clojure.core.logic/run returning a finite number of solutions and clojure.core.logic/run* returning all of the solutions.

The first argument to the run macro is the goal, a variable used to store the result of the query. In the preceding solution, this was the director-name variable. The rest is the body of the core.logic program. A program is made up of logic variables (created using clojure.core.logic/fresh) grounded to values or constrained by logic statements.

run is a clue that our programming paradigm is changing to logic programming. In a core.logic program, unification is used rather than traditional variable assignment and seqential expression evaluation. Unification uses substitution of values for variables in an attempt to make two expressions syntactically identical. Statements in a core.logic program can appear in any order. For example, you can use clojure.core.logic/== to unify 1 and q:

(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/== 1 q))
;; -> (1)

(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/== q 1))
;; -> (1)

core.logic is also able to unify the contents of lists and vectors, finding the right substitution to make both expressions the same:

(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/== [1 2 3]
         [1 2 q]))
;; -> (3)

(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/== ["foo" "bar" "baz"]
         [q     "bar" "baz"]))
;; -> ("foo")

Technically speaking, unification is a relation, relating the first form with the second form. This is a kind of puzzle for core.logic to solve. In the previous example, q is a logic variable, and core.logic is charged with binding a value to q such that the left and the right sides of the unification (the clojure.core.logic/== relation) are syntactically identical. When there is no binding that satisfies the puzzle, no solution exists:

;; There is no way a single value is both 1 AND 2
(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/== 1 q)
  (cl/== 2 q))
;; -> ()

fresh is one way to create more logic variables:

(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/fresh [x y z]
    (cl/== x 1)
    (cl/== y 2)
    (cl/== z 3)
    (cl/== q [x y z])))
;; -> ([1 2 3])

Just as clojure.core.logic/== is a relation between two forms, clojure.core.logic/membero is a relation between an element in a list and the list itself:

(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/membero q [1]))
;; -> (1)

(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/membero 1 q))
;; -> ((1 . _0))

The first example is asking for any member of the list [1], which happens to only be 1. The second example is the opposite, asking for any list where 1 is a member. The dot notation indicates an improper tail with _0 in it. This means 1 could be in a list by itself, or it could be followed by any other sequence of numbers, strings, lists, etc. _0 is an unbound variable, since there was no further restriction on the list other than 1 being an element.


clojure.core.logic/run* is a macro that asks for all possible solutions. Asking for all of the lists that contain a 1 will not terminate.

Unification can peek inside structures with clojure.core.logic/membero as well:

(cl/run 1 [q]
  (cl/membero [1 q 3] [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]]))
;; -> (2)

Logic variables live for the duration of the program, making it possible to use the same logic variable in multiple statements:

(let [seq-a [["foo" 1 2] ["bar" 3 4] ["baz" 5 6]]
      seq-b [["foo" 9 8] ["bar" 7 6] ["baz" 5 4]]]
  (cl/run 1 [q]
    (cl/fresh [first-item middle-item last-a last-b]
      (cl/membero [first-item middle-item last-a] seq-a)
      (cl/membero [first-item middle-item last-b] seq-b)
      (cl/== q [last-a last-b]))))
;; -> ([6 4])

The previous example does not specify first-item, only that it should be the same for seq-a and seq-b. core.logic uses the data provided to bind values to the variable that satisfy the constraints. The same is true with middle-item.

Building up from this, we can traverse the graph described in the solution:

(cl/run 1 [director-name]
  (cl/fresh [studio film-coll film cast director]
    (cl/membero [studio :name "Newmarket Films"] graph)
    (cl/membero [studio :type :FilmStudio] graph)
    (cl/membero [studio :filmsCollection film-coll] graph)

    (cl/membero [film-coll :type :FilmCollection] graph)
    (cl/membero [film-coll :film film] graph)

    (cl/membero [film :type :Film] graph)
    (cl/membero [film :cast cast] graph)

    (cl/membero [cast :type :FilmCast] graph)
    (cl/membero [cast :director director] graph)

    (cl/membero [director :type :Person] graph)
    (cl/membero [director :name director-name] graph)))
;; -> ("Christopher Nolan")

There is one minor difference between the preceding code and the original solution: rather than using clojure.core.logic/run*, asking for all solutions, clojure.core.logic/run 1 was used. The program has multiple answers to the query for a director at Newmarket Films. Asking for more answers will return more with no other code change.


Slight modifications to the preceding query can significantly change the results. Swapping "Newmarket Films" for a new fresh variable will return all directors, for all studios. A macro could also be created to reduce some of the code duplication if desired.

One benefit of the relational solution to this problem is being able to generate a graph from the values:

  (cl/run 1 [graph]
    (cl/fresh [studio film-coll film cast director]
      (cl/membero [studio :name "Newmarket Films"] graph)
      (cl/membero [studio :type :FilmStudio] graph)
      (cl/membero [studio :filmsCollection film-coll] graph)

      (cl/membero [film-coll :type :FilmCollection] graph)
      (cl/membero [film-coll :film film] graph)

      (cl/membero [film :type :Film] graph)
      (cl/membero [film :cast cast] graph)

      (cl/membero [cast :type :FilmCast] graph)
      (cl/membero [cast :director director] graph)

      (cl/membero [director :type :Person] graph)
      (cl/membero [director :name "Baz"] graph))))
;; -> ([_0 :name "Newmarket Films"]
;;     [_0 :type :FilmStudio]
;;     [_0 :filmsCollection _1]
;;     ...)

For small graphs, membero is fast enough. Larger graphs will experience performance problems as core.logic will traverse the list many times to find the elements. Using clojure.core.logic/to-stream with some basic indexing can greatly improve the query performance.

See Also

3.14. Playing a Nursery Rhyme


You want to code a nursery rhyme to inspire your children to take up programming.


Use Overtone to bring the song to life.

Before starting, add [overtone "0.8.1"] to your project’s dependencies or start a REPL using lein-try:[10]

$ lein try overtone

To start, define the melody for an old children’s song:

(require '[ :as overtone])

(defn note [timing pitch] {:time timing :pitch pitch})

(def melody
  (let [pitches
         [0 0 0 1 2
          ; Row, row, row your boat,
          2 1 2 3 4
          ; Gently down the stream,
          7 7 7 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 0
          ; (take 4 (repeat "merrily"))
          4 3 2 1 0]
          ; Life is but a dream!
         [1 1 2/3 1/3 1
          2/3 1/3 2/3 1/3 2
          1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
          2/3 1/3 2/3 1/3 2]
        times (reductions + 0 durations)]
      (map note times pitches)))

;; -> ({:time 0, :pitch 0}   ; Row,
;;     {:time 1, :pitch 0}   ; row,
;;     {:time 2, :pitch 0}   ; row
;;     {:time 8/3, :pitch 1} ; your
;;     {:time 3N, :pitch 2}  ; boat
;;     ...)

Convert the piece into a specific key by transforming each note’s pitch using a function that represents the key:

(defn where [k f notes] (map #(update-in % [k] f) notes))

(defn scale [intervals] (fn [degree] (apply + (take degree intervals))))
(def major (scale [2 2 1 2 2 2 1]))

(defn from [n] (partial + n))
(def A (from 69))

(->> melody
  (where :pitch (comp A major)))
;; -> ({:time 0, :pitch 69} ; Row,
;;     {:time 1, :pitch 69} ; row,
;;     ...)

Convert the piece into a specific tempo by transforming each note’s time using a function that represents the tempo:

(defn bpm [beats] (fn [beat] (/ (* beat 60 1000) beats)))

(->> melody
  (where :time (comp (from (overtone/now)) (bpm 90))))
;; -> ({:time 1383316072169, :pitch 0}
;;     {:time 4149948218507/3, :pitch 0}
;;     ...)

Now, define an instrument and use it to play the melody. The following example synthesized instrument is a simple sine wave, whose amplitude and duration are controlled by an envelope:

(require '[ :refer [definst line sin-osc FREE midi->hz at]])

(definst beep [freq 440]
  (let [envelope (line 1 0 0.5 :action FREE)]
    (* envelope (sin-osc freq))))

(defn play [notes]
  (doseq [{ms :time midi :pitch} notes]
    (at ms (beep (midi->hz midi)))))

;; Make sure your speakers are on...
(->> melody
  (where :pitch (comp A major))
  (where :time (comp (from (overtone/now)) (bpm 90)))
;; -> <music playing on your speakers>

If your nursery rhyme is a round, like “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” you can use it to accompany itself:

(defn round [beats notes]
  (concat notes (->> notes (where :time (from beats)))))

(->> melody
  (round 4)
  (where :pitch (comp A major))
  (where :time (comp (from (overtone/now)) (bpm 90)))


A note is a sound of a particular pitch that occurs at a particular time. A song is a series of notes. We can therefore simply represent music in Clojure as a sequence of time/pitch pairs.

This representation is structurally very similar to Western music notation, where each dot on a stave has a time and a pitch determined by its horizontal and vertical position. But unlike traditional music notation, the Clojure representation can be manipulated by functional programming techniques.

Pieces of Western music, like “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” aren’t composed of arbitrary pitches. Within a given melody, the notes are typically confined to a subset of all possible pitches called a scale.

The approach taken here is to express the pitches by integers denoting where they appear in the scale, called degrees. So, for example, degree 0 signifies the first pitch of the scale, and degree 4 signifies the fifth pitch of the scale.

This simplifies the description of the melody, because we don’t have to worry about inadvertently specifying pitches that are outside our chosen scale. It also allows us to vary our chosen scale without having to rewrite the melody.

To work with degrees, we need a function that translates a degree into the actual pitch. Since “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” is in a major scale, we need a function that represents such a scale.

We use the observation that in a major scale, there is a regular pattern of double and single spaces between adjacent pitches (known to musicians as tones and semitones). We define a function called major that accepts a degree and outputs the number of semitones it represents.

Our pitches still aren’t quite right, because they’re relative to the lowest note of the piece. We need to establish a musical reference point that we will use to interpret our degrees.

Concert A is conventionally used as a reference point by orchestras, so we’ll use it as our musical zero. In other words, we will put “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” into A major. Now a degree of 0 means A.

Note that we can simply compose together our functions for major and for A to arrive at a composite A major function.

We need to do a similar transformation for time. Each note’s time is expressed in beats, but we need it to be in milliseconds. We use the current system time as our temporal reference point, meaning that the piece will start from now (and not the start of the Unix epoch).

“Row, Row, Row Your Boat” is a round, meaning it harmonizes if sung as an accompaniment to itself, offset by a particular number of beats. As an extra flourish, we produce a second version of the melody that starts four beats after the first.

We encourage you to experiment with the tune, perhaps by varying the speed or using a different key (as a hint, a minor key has the following pattern of tones and semitones: [2 1 2 2 1 2 2]).

We also encourage you to think about how this approach to modeling a series of events can be applied to other domains. The idea of expressing a time series as a sequence and then applying transformations across that series is a simple, flexible, and composable way of describing a problem.

Music is a wonderful and moving thing. It’s also incredibly well suited to being modeled in a functional programming language. We hope your children agree.

See Also

  • Overtone, a music environment for Clojure

[6] Since tools.cli is so cool, this example can run entirely at the REPL.

[7] That is to say, you cannot force a multimethod to implement all of the required methods when extending behavior to its own type.

[8] The match pattern for fn could (and should) include a guard on the arg to ensure that it’s a symbol, but that’s elided here for brevity.

[9] Oh my!

[10] There are some additional installation concerns if you are running Overtone on Linux. See the Overtone wiki for more detailed installation instructions.

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