

1Password, 138, 139 419

scam, 104


Abine, 65

account-recovery emails, 36

AdBlock Plus, 114

address book, transferring to new email account, 46

advanced privacy and security techniques

for credit cards, 120–121

data silos, 130–131

encryption, 123–125, 126–127

freezing credit, 121–122

for IP addresses, 128–130

for mailing addresses, 122–123

overview, 119–120

for phone numbers, 123

privacy apps, 127–128

private chats, 126


data mining, 95–98

selling personal information, 17–18

on social media sites, 86

Amazon, 32–33, 38

American Counseling Association, 55

American Psychological Association, 55

antitheft apps, 14, 77–78

antitracking plug-ins and extensions, 5


encryption, 36

Honan, Mat, 32–34

recovering after hacking attacks on, 38


antitheft, 14, 77–78

installing on phones, 91–92

instant personalization, 84–85

Prey, 77–78

privacy, 127–128

privacy settings, 13, 92

security protection, 127–128

used by Facebook, 88

automatic form filling, 113

autoreply, setting up, 46

autoresponder, setting up, 46

AVG PrivacyFix, 114



email and address book from old accounts, 46

personal data, 35–36

restoring data from, 39, 40

banking information

account numbers, 23

data breaches, 41–42

billing accounts, data breaches of, 41, 42

BitLocker program, 36

black market, value of personal information on, 31–32

blaming victims for harassment, 50–51

Blancco, 79

blocking cookies, 113

Blur, 115, 55


antitracking plug-ins and extensions for, 5

cookies, 110, 113

deleting files, 111–112

Do Not Track request, 113

encryption, 126–127

leaving no trace online, 111

password managers, 14

plug-ins and extensions, 114–115

privacy protections, 107–108

private browsing, 111, 112–113, 114–115

search engine tracking, 109–110

security patches, 107–108

VPNs, 109

brute-forcing, 134

BugMeNot, 115, 123

businesses, alerting to identity theft, 73–74


cache, clearing, 111

camera app, 92

cameras, taping over, 11–12

Chaos Communication Congress (CCC), 27–28

chats, private, 126

check-ups, privacy, 4, 13, 82–83, 107


Mailvelope extension, 124–125

privacy settings, 107, 108, 112–113

private browsing, 111

clearing browser history, 111

Clooney, George, 141

cloud services, backing up to, 36

Cocoon, 115, 130

Comcast, 40–41

comments, posting, 83


disposing of, 92–94

identifying privacy invasions on, 115–117

theft of, 77

contacts, backing up, 35–36

cookies, 110, 113

copyright infringement claims, 62

corporate greed, 2

CrashPlan, 35–36

credit bureaus

fraud alerts, 42, 72

freezing credit, 121–122

ordering credit reports, 73

credit cards

data breaches, 41–42

disposable, 24, 121

hacking with numbers, 32–33

prepaid, 120–121

on red list, 23

security techniques for, 120–121

credit reports, ordering, 73

cyberstalking, 58–59, 124


data breaches, financial information leaked in, 41–43

data brokers, 31–32

data mining

advertising, 96–98

cookies, 110

overview, 95–96

Target, 95

data remanence, 93

data silos, 130–131

dating websites

adding dating partners to social media sites, 105–106

making smart profiles, 104–106

overview, 103–104

safety guidelines for meetings, 107

scammers on, 104

screening out scammers and stalkers, 106–107


files, 111–112

information from mobile devices, 78–79

social media profiles, 86

Deschanel, Zooey, 119

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 61, 62–63

Disconnect, 115

disposable credit cards, 121

disposing of old mobile devices, 92–94

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), 61, 62–63

domestic violence restraining order, 59

Do Not Track request, 113

downloaded files, clearing list of, 113

drive-by download, 108

“driving while black,” 49

DuckDuckGo, 115

Dunham, Lena, 133


eBay, recovering after hacking attacks on, 38


account-recovery, 36

autoresponders, 46

changing provider after services are hacked, 43–48

choosing provider, 44–45

encryption, 124–125

Google Custom Alert notifications, 5

notifying contacts of change in address, 47–48

phishing, 75–76

reacting to hacking attacks on, 37

security breaches, 43

sending personal messages to mailing lists, 26

setting up forwarding, 45–46

transferring address book to new account, 46

updating online accounts with new, 46

using different addresses for different online accounts, 4

using on dating websites, 105

emotional damage

caused by harassment, 54–56

caused by privacy violations, 52


monitoring of Internet activities, 26

password policies, 136–137


of email, 124–125

of hard drives, 36

of Internet activity, 126–127

of private information, 123–124

VPNs, 129

End Revenge Porn, 57

Equifax, 42, 72, 121–122

erasing files completely, 111–112, 55

exes, attacks by, 28–30

Experian, 42, 72, 121–122



advertising, 86, 98

apps used by, 88

Chat, 126

checking in on, 89

data silos, 130–131

deciding what to share, 83–85

deleting profiles, 86

instant personalization, 84–85

linking accounts, 34–35

location information in photos, 89

privacy settings, 87–89

profile information, 88

recovering after hacking attacks on, 38

fake websites, 75

favoriting content, 83

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website, 41, 73, 74


backing up, 35–36

erasing completely, 111–112

printing sensitive, 111

FileVault program, 36

filing Identity Theft Reports, 73

financial information, data breaches of, 41–43. See also identity theft


Mailvelope extension, 124–125

privacy settings, 107, 112–113

private browsing, 111

firewall, acting as, 14–15

Flickr, 34–35

forms, automatic setting for, 113

forwarding email, 45–46

fraud alerts, placing, 42, 72, 122

freelancers, outsourcing content removal to, 64–66

freezing credit, 121–122

friending considerations, 84, 85

FTC (Federal Trade Commission) website, 41, 73, 74


geolocation data in photos, 89

Ghostery, 115

gift cards, 120–121

Gmail password, 135


cyberstalking, 124

Custom Alert, 5, 62

Dashboard, 90

Hangouts, 126

Mailvelope extension, 124–125

managing profile, 90–91

privacy check-up, 4

privacy settings, 89–92

recovering after hacking attacks on, 38

reverse image searches, 61

search engine tracking, 109–110

using different services to avoid hacking, 35

Voice, 24, 123


managing profile, 90–91

overview, 89–90

privacy settings for phones, 91–92

green list, 24–25



danger of linking accounts, 34–35

encrypting hard drives, 36

financial information leaked in data breaches, 41–43

Honan, Mat, 32–34

online services, 40–41

overview, 31–32

PII, 32–34

reacting to attacks, 36–37

recovering accounts after, 38–40

using different services to avoid, 35

whois privacy, 34

harassment. See also removing private content

of author, 58–59

blaming victims for, 50–51

emotional reaction to, 53–54

legal and psychological support, 54–56

recovering from, 50–53

tracking on spreadsheet, 66–67

hard drives

backups on secure, 35–36

disposing of, 92

encrypting, 36

recovering data from, 39, 93, 111–112

wiping, 78–79

Hilton, Paris, 23, 135

history, clearing browser, 111

home addresses

locking down personal information, 21–26

using post office boxes instead of, 5

Honan, Mat, 32–34, 39

https, 126–127

HTTPS Everywhere, 115


identity theft

alerting businesses, 73–74

antitheft tracking apps, 77–78

contacting IRS, 73

data breaches, 40–42

deleting information from mobile devices, 78–79

emailing photos of IDs, 13–14

Identity Theft Report, 73

immediate actions to take, 72

lack of security, 2

ordering credit reports, 73

overview, 31–32, 69–70

phishing attacks, 75–76

phone or computer theft, 77

placing fraud alerts, 72

preventing, 74–75

red alert list, 22–23

signs of, 70–72

Identity Theft Reports, 73


data breaches, 42–43

emailing photos of, 13–14

opting out of people-finder websites, 101

Incognito Mode, Chrome, 114–115

inference, 135

information-sharing guidelines, 25–26

Instagram, 34–35, 89

instant personalization, 84–85

Intelius, 99

Internet-based VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone numbers, 5

Internet Explorer, Microsoft, 107–108, 112–113

intimate photos. See private content

IP addresses

Cocoon, 130

security techniques, 128–130

VPNs, 109–110, 129–130

IRS, contacting, 73


Johansson, Scarlett, 31

Jordan, Michael, 69


keyloggers, 117

Kutcher, Ashton, 6



deleting information from, 78–79

disposing of, 92–94

identifying privacy invasions on, 115–117

locking, 5, 12–13

theft of, 77

LastPass, 138, 139

laws regarding private content, 56–57

legal support for harassment victims

fighting back, 56–57

minors, 63

overview, 51

restraining orders, 58–59

Without My Consent, 54–55

liking items, 83

linking accounts, avoiding, 34–35

location data

phone settings, 91–92

in photos, 89

locking mobile devices, 12–13

Lydon, John, 95


mailing addresses, 122–123

Mailvelope extension, 124–125

malware, 76, 108

Masked Card, 121

MaskMe, 121

meeting dates, safety guidelines for, 107


as stalking victims, 28

as targets, 7

women going online as, 7


Internet Explorer, 107–108, 112–113

Outlook, 46

recovering after hacking attacks on, 38

Windows encryption, 36

Windows safety updates, 108

minors, removing private content, 63–64

mobile devices. See also laptops; phones; tablets

deleting information from, 78–79

disposing of, 92–94

locking, 12–13


National Association of Social Workers, 55

National Security Agency (NSA), 123–124

Nigerian bank scam, 104

ninja tricks. See advanced privacy and security techniques


Off-the-Record (OTR) messaging, 126

online accounts

double-checking privacy settings, 13

linking, 34–35

maintaining after harassment, 60

recovering after hacking attack, 37, 38–40

updating with new email addresses, 46

using different email addresses for, 4

online privacy. See also advanced privacy and security techniques

acting as firewall, 14–15

antitheft apps, 14, 77–78

locking mobile devices, 12–13

losing, 8–9

opinions on sharing information, 6

overview, 1–2

password managers, 14

privacy check-ups, 4, 13

as a right, 8

sending photos of IDs, 13–14

taking control of, 3

taping over webcams, 11–12

targets and nontargets, 6–8

threats to, 9–10

tips for, 4–5

online services

information leaks, 2

recovering after hacking attack, 40–41

using different services to avoid hacking, 35

“online while female,” 49

OpenPGP email encryption, 124–125

opting out of people-finder websites, 100–101

OTR (Off-the-Record) messaging, 126

Outlook, Microsoft, 46

outsourcing content removal, 64–66

overlay network, 128

overwriting hard drives, 78–79


password locks, 5, 12–13

password managers, 14, 46, 137–139

passwords, 133–134

changing after devices are stolen, 77

changing after services are hacked, 40–41, 74

password managers, 137–139

saving on browsers, 14

sharing, 135–137

stolen, 134–135

strong, 137–138

PayPal, 38, 41–42

people-finder services

advertising, 95–98

dangers in, 98–99

opting out of, 100–101

overview, 10

removing information from, 74

scanning IDs, 13–14

sources of information, 99–100

personal identification number (PIN), 12–13

personally identifying information (PII). See also identity theft

dating websites, 104–106

green list, 24–25

hacking with, 32–34

information-sharing guidelines, 25–26

overview, 21–22

people-finder services, 98–100

red alert list, 22–23

yellow alert list, 23–24

PGP encryption, 124–125, 126


account-recovery emails, 36

avoiding attacks, 75–76

compromised webcams, 12

phone numbers

importance of privacy, 26–28

information-sharing guidelines, 25–26

Internet-based VoIP, 5

locking down personal information, 21–26

overview, 17

password authentication, 135

security techniques, 123

sharing, 17–18

temporary, 123

worst-case scenario, 28–30


deleting information from, 78–79

disposing of, 92–94

firmware updates, 91

installing apps on, 91–92

locking, 12–13

malware attacks through text messages, 76

password locks, 5

privacy settings for, 91–92

remotely wiped, 32–34

theft of, 77

wiping, 78–79, 93–94

photos. See also removing private content

backing up, 35–36

for dating profiles, 105

Google privacy settings, 90

of IDs, emailing, 13–14

intimate, 50, 56–57

location information in, 89

posting, 83

psychological damage caused by privacy violations, 52

taping over webcams, 11–12

tracing privacy violations, 51

physical danger, protection from, 58–59

PII. See personally identifying information (PII)

PIN (personal identification number), 12–13

police reports, 51

posting content, 83–85

post office boxes, 5, 123

prepaid credit cards, 120–121

Preview My Profile Facebook page, Facebook, 87

Prey, 77–78

printing sensitive files, 111

privacy. See also advanced privacy and security techniques; online privacy

apps, 127–128

check-ups, 4, 13, 82–83

companies, hiring, 65

laws, 20

policies, reading, 98


for apps, 92

Facebook, 87–89

Google, 89–92

Google+, 90

for phones, 91–92

social media websites, 51, 82–83, 84

violations. See also removing private content

blaming victims for, 50–51

emotional reaction to, 53–54

fighting back, 56–59

legal and psychological support, 54–56

overview, 49–50

preventative maintenance, 66–67

recovering from harassment, 50–53

restraining orders, 58–59

private browsing, 111, 112–113, 114–115

private content. See also removing private content

controlling, 18

legal support for harassment victims, 56–57

preventative maintenance, 66–67

private spaces and activities, 18–21

psychological damage caused by privacy violations, 52

private spaces and activities, 18–21

prizes in exchange for contact information, 26

psychological damage

caused by privacy violations, 52

support for harassment victims, 50–51, 54–56

Psychology Help Center, American Psychological Association, 55


Queen Latifah, 49


Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, 56

reacting to hacking attacks, 36–37

red alert list, 22–23, 105

removing private content

choosing support system for, 61

general discussion, 59–60

minors, 63–64

outsourcing, 64–66

personally, 60–63

takedown requests, 60–61

renting mailboxes, 123, 64–65

reputation services, 52, 64–65

restraining orders, 58–59

reverse image searches, 61

right to privacy, 8


Safari, 112–113

Safari Mobile, 112–113

safety guidelines for meeting dates, 107

scammers, 104, 106–107

scanning IDs, 13

Schmidt, Eric, 6

scraping, 86

SD cards, wiping, 79, 94

search engine tracking, 109–110

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 45


breaches, 2, 74

for credit card, 120–121

data silos, 130–131

encryption, 123–127

freezing credit, 121–122

for IP addresses, 128–130

for mailing addresses, 122–123

patches for web browsers, 107–108

phone numbers, 123

privacy apps, 127–128

security protection apps, 127–128

security questions on websites, 23

selling personal information, 10, 26, 86

sensitive information

deleting, 111–112

intimate photos, 50

keeping on home computers, 26

printing files, 111

Sevigny, Chloë, 81

Sex Pistols, 95

sexual photos and video. See also removing private content

controlling, 18

legal support for harassment victims, 56–57

private spaces and activities, 18–21

psychological damage caused by privacy violations, 52

sexual value, judging women on, 7

sharing content

advertising, 86

deciding what to share, 83–85

disposing of old devices, 92–94

Facebook privacy settings, 87–89

Google privacy settings, 89–92

overview, 81–82

privacy check-ups, 82–83

sharing passwords, 135–137

shoulder surfing, 74, 134, 138

SIM cards, 94

Skype, 123

Snapchat, 27–28

Snowden, Edward, 123

social engineering, 134–135

social media websites

adding dating partners, 105–106

advertising, 86, 98

avoid linking accounts, 34–35

checking in on, 89

deciding what to share, 83–85

deleting profiles, 86

Facebook privacy settings, 87–89

Google privacy settings, 89–92

instant personalization, 84–85

location information in photos, 89

maintaining accounts after harassment, 51, 60

predatory behavior through, 2

privacy check-ups, 82–83

privacy settings, 5, 7, 82–83

selling personal information, 10, 17–18

sharing content on, 81–82

viewing profiles as someone else, 5, 82

Social Security Administration fraud hotline, 73

Social Security numbers, compromised, 42

spreadsheets, tracking harassment on, 66–67

spyware, 108

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 45


reputation services, 64

restraining orders, 58–59

screening out of dating services, 106–107

worst-case scenario, 28–30

stealing passwords, 134–135

stickers for taping over webcams, 11–12

strong passwords, 137–138

Swift, Taylor, 103



deleting information from mobile devices, 78–79

disposing of, 92–94

identifying privacy invasions on, 115–117

locking, 5, 12–13


photos, 88

posts, 85

takedown requests, 60–61, 62–63

taping over webcams, 11–12

targets, 6–8

Target store, 95, 97–98

Tech Savvy Therapists, 56

temporary phone numbers, 123

test of online privacy, 4, 13

text messages, malware attacks through, 76


antitheft apps, 14

of mobile devices, 13

of passwords, 134–135

therapists, 50–51, 55–56

threats, personal, 58–59

threats to online privacy, 9–10

throwing out old devices, 92–94

Tor (the onion router) tool, 128–129

TransUnion, 42, 72, 121–122

traveling, privacy violations while, 136

TSA checkpoints, 136


instant personalization, 84–85

linking accounts, 34–35

recovering after hacking attacks on, 38, 39


updates, posting, 83

updating online accounts with new email addresses, 46

upvotes, 83

US border agents, 136


vacation responder, setting up, 46

videos, posting, 83. See also private content; removing private content

virtual private networks (VPNs), 109, 129–130

viruses, 108

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone numbers, 5


web browsers

antitracking plug-ins and extensions for, 5

cookies, 110, 113

deleting files, 111–112

Do Not Track request, 113

encryption, 126–127

leaving no trace online, 111

password managers, 14

plug-ins and extensions, 114–115

privacy protections, 107–8

private browsing, 111, 112–113, 114–115

search engine tracking, 109–110

security patches, 107–108

VPNs, 109

webcams, taping over, 5, 11–12

websites. See also social media websites

advertising, 96–98

encryption, 126–127

phishing, 75

privacy settings for ownership information, 33, 34

prizes for contact information, 26

Weidman, Georgia, 76

Whedon, Joss, 17

whois lookup privacy, 33, 34

Wilde, Olivia, 1

Windows, Microsoft, 36, 108

wiping hard drives, 78–79, 92

Without My Consent, 54–55, 57

Wolf, Cassidy, 11, 12


blaming victims for harassment, 50–51

change in role, 2

emotional reaction to harassment, 54–56

going online as men, 7

legal and psychological support for harassment victims, 54–56

psychological damage caused by privacy violations, 52

recovering from harassment, 50–53

as stalking victims, 28–30

as targets, 6–8

victims of hacking, 49–50


Internet access, 26

password policies, 136–137


Yahoo!, 39

yellow alert list, 21–22, 23–24, 105


Zuckerberg, Mark, 6

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