< Vancouver & Victoria's Top 10

Top 10Capilano Suspension Bridge Park

For thrill appeal, few sites rival Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. At the height that eagles fly, the bridge is a swaying span across the tumbling Capilano River far below. The world’s longest and highest suspension footbridge, it crosses into the hushed recesses of a West Coast rainforest. This popular attraction now includes a walk high above the forest floor, from treetop to treetop, built using new technology. Scotsman George Grant MacKay, who bought the property in 1888, would be amazed. Today’s modern bridge is the sixth on the site.

Top 10 Features

1Suspension Bridge


This awe-inspiring bridge is built of sturdy steel cables spanning 450 ft (137 m) and strong enough to support a full Boeing 747. Those crossing the bridge today cling tightly to the handrails as they experience the same thrills as visitors did in 1889.

2Locals from the Past

Friendly costumed guides in period attire welcome visitors to the park. Taking on the roles of local historical characters, the guides narrate the sometimes hair-raising stories of the North Shore’s early days when timber was king.

3The Kia’palano Big House


An interactive exhibit with storytelling and a First Nations interpreter is located in the open-fronted Little Big House (a smaller version of the Big House). Skills and cultural knowledge are shared with appreciative onlookers. At the center of the cedar-planked Kia’palano Big House is the Next Generation story pole, honoring First Nations artists.


Almost 700 ft (213 m) of bridges and stairs lead along the cliff edge, offering stunning views of the Capilano River gorge 230 ft (70 m) below. Once on the other side, visitors can enjoy the panoramic views from the cantilevered deck that serves as a lookout.

5Treetops Adventure

This exhilarating exhibit is located in the West Coast rainforest across the suspension bridge. A boardwalk leads you gently upwards over seven suspension bridges attached to eight old-growth Douglas fir trees. At the end of your journey, you are 100 ft (30 m) high in the mysterious zone of mid-story treetops.

6Treetops Technology

To protect the delicate environment, Treetops Adventure uses an innovative compression system to secure observation platforms to the trees. Instead of nails or screws, friction collars are used. Held on by compression, they exert a gentle pressure equivalent to pressing a thumb firmly on a tabletop.

7Totem Poles

At the centre’s entrance, a gathering of totem poles carved by local Coast Salish First Nations people makes a colorful display. Introduced in the 1930s, the carved poles now number more than 30.

8Living Forest

In the Living Forest ecology area, clever interactive displays educate about native plants and trees, such as Douglas firs. Panels feature the animals and bugs living in a West Coast rainforest. Naturalists offer guided tours year round on its peaceful forest trails.

9Story Centre

From miners to loggers to dancehall girls, the centre tells the history of the park and of North Vancouver in a walk-through exhibit. Hundreds of photographs bring history to life, while captions put the people and places into perspective. Voices from the Past, an audio component, fills in any blanks.

10English Country Garden

The picturesque perennial garden harks back to the homeland of many of Vancouver’s early settlers. Planted in 1910, the azaleas and rhododendrons dazzle with massive colorful blooms. The shrubs are at their best in May.

Tip: If heights are a concern when crossing the bridge, focus on the back of the person in front of you. It’s well worth making the trip across.

Tip: Tasty salmon, beef, and chicken burgers are served at the Loggers’ Grill. For coffees, pastries, and home-made pizzas, try the Canyon Café. For full-service, enjoy gourmet dining at the Bridge House Restaurant across Capilano Road.

A Lasting Legacy

Scotsman George Grant MacKay loved the outdoors. As Vancouver’s first park commissioner, he voted in favor of Stanley Park in 1886. Two years later, he bought 9 sq miles (23 sq km) of old-growth forest along the Capilano River and built a cabin on the edge of the canyon wall. Then, with the help of local Coast Salish, he built a small hemp rope and cedar suspension bridge in 1889. This was the very first bridge.

Visitor Information

  • 3735 Capilano Rd, North Vancouver
  • 604 985 7474
  • www.capbridge.com
  • Open 9am–5pm; Summer: 8:30am–dusk; closed Dec 25
  • Adm: adults $34.95, seniors $32.95, students $28.95, youth (13–16) $21.95, children $12 (under 6s free)
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