©  Geoff Hulten 2018
Geoff HultenBuilding Intelligent Systemshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3432-7_1

1. Introducing Intelligent Systems

Geoff Hulten
Lynnwood, Washington, USA
Intelligent Systems are all around us. In our light bulbs. In our cars. In our watches. In our thermostats. In our computers. How do we make them do the things that make our lives better? That delight us?
When should a light bulb turn on? When should an e-commerce site show us a particular product? When should a search engine take us to a particular site? When should a speaker play some music?
Answering questions like these, and answering them extremely well, is fundamental to unlocking the value of Intelligent Systems. And it is really hard.
Some of the biggest, most valuable companies in the world have their core business built around answering simple questions, like these:
  • What web page should I display based on a short query?
  • What ad should I present in a particular context?
  • What product should I show to this shopper?
  • What movie would this user enjoy right now?
  • What book would this person like to read?
  • Which news stories will generate the most interest?
  • Which programs should I block from running to keep a machine safe?
Answering each of these questions “well enough” has made companies worth billions—in a few cases hundreds of billions—of dollars. And it has done so by making lots of people smarter, more productive, happier, and safer. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are tens of thousands of similar questions we could try to answer: When should my front door unlock? What exercise should a fitness app suggest next? What type of song should an artist write next? How should a game evolve to maximize player engagement?
This book is about reliably and efficiently unlocking the potential of Intelligent Systems .

Elements of an Intelligent System

Intelligent Systems connect users to artificial intelligence (machine learning) to achieve meaningful objectives. An Intelligent System is one in which the intelligence evolves and improves over time, particularly when the intelligence improves by watching how users interact with the system.
Successful Intelligent Systems have all of the following:
  • A meaningful objective. An Intelligent System must have a reason for being, one that is meaningful to users and accomplishes your goals, and one that is achievable by the Intelligent System you will be able to build and run. Selecting an objective is a critical part of achieving success, but it isn’t easy to do. The first part of this book will help you understand what Intelligent Systems do, so you’ll know when you should use one and what kinds of objectives you should set for it.
  • The intelligent experience. An intelligent experience must take the output of the system’s intelligence (such as the predictions its machine learning makes) and present it to users to achieve the desired outcomes.
    To do this it must have a user interface that adapts based on the predictions and that puts the intelligence in a position to shine when it is right—while minimizing the cost of mistakes it makes when it is wrong. The intelligent experience must also elicit both implicit and explicit feedback from users to help the system improve its intelligence over time. The second part of this book will explore intelligent experiences, the options and the pitfalls for connecting users with intelligence.
  • The implementation of the intelligence. The Intelligent System implementation includes everything it takes to execute intelligence, to move the intelligence where it needs to be, to manage it, to light up the intelligent experiences based on it, to collect telemetry to verify the system is functioning, and to gather the user feedback that will improve the intelligence over time. The third part of this book describes all the components of an intelligence implementation. It will prepare you to design and implement an Intelligent System of your own.
  • Intelligence creation. Intelligent Systems are about setting intelligence up for success. This intelligence can come from many different places, ranging from simple heuristics to complex machine learning. Intelligence must be organized so that the right types of intelligence address the right parts of the problem, and so it can be effectively created by a team of people over an extended time. The fourth part of this book discusses the act of creating and growing intelligence for Internet-scale Intelligent Systems. It will prepare you to leverage all available approaches and achieve success.
  • The orchestration . An Intelligent System lives over time, and all its elements must be kept in balance to achieve its objectives. This orchestration includes controlling how the system changes, keeping the experience in sync with the quality of the intelligence, deciding what telemetry to gather to track down and eliminate problems, and how much money to spend building and deploying new intelligence. It also involves dealing with mistakes, controlling risk, and defusing abuse. The fifth part of this book explains everything it takes to orchestrate an Intelligent System and achieve its goals through all phases of its life-cycle.
An Intelligent System is one way to apply machine learning in practice. An Intelligent System takes intelligence (produced via machine learning and other approaches) and leverages and supports it to achieve your objectives and to improve over time.

An Example Intelligent System

Intelligent Systems might be used to implement search engines, e-commerce sites, self-driving cars, and computer vision systems that track the human body and know who a person is and when they are smiling. But these are big and complicated systems.
Let’s look at a much simpler example to see how a solution might evolve from a traditional system into an Intelligent System.

The Internet Toaster

Let’s consider an Internet-connected smart-toaster . A good idea? Maybe, maybe not. But let’s consider it. Our toaster has two controls: a slider that controls the intensity of the toasting and a lever that starts the toast.
It seems simple enough. The toaster’s intelligence simply needs to map settings of the intensity slider to toast times. At a low setting, the toaster runs for, say, 30 seconds. At high settings the toaster runs for two minutes. That kind of thing.
So sit down, think for a while, come up with some toast-time settings and send the toaster to customers. What could go wrong?
Well, if you choose a maximum intensity that toasts for too long it could burn the things it toasts. Most customers who use that setting will be unhappy, throw away their cinder-toast, and start again.
You can imagine other failure cases, all the little irritations of toast-making that result in customers standing over their toasters, hands on the levers, ready to cut the toast short. Or customers repeatedly toasting the same piece of bread, a bit at a time, to get it the way they like it.
That’s not good. If we are going to build a toaster, we want to build a really good one.
So maybe we do some testing, tweaking the toaster until both the high and low settings make toast that we think is desirable. Not too crispy, not too cool.
Did we get it right? Will this toaster do what our customers want?
It’s hard to know. No matter how much toast we’ve eaten in our lives, it’s really impossible to prove we’ve gotten the settings right for all the types of toast all our customers might want to make.
And so we realize we need to incorporate the opinions and experiences of others into our toaster-building process. But how?
Maybe we start with a focus group. Bring in dozens of members of the toast-making public, put them in a toasting lab, and take notes as they toast.
Then we tweak the toast-time settings again to reflect the way these volunteers toast. Now do we have the perfect toaster? Will this focus-group–tuned toaster make all the right toast that hundreds of thousands of people all around the world will want?
What if someone puts something frozen into the toaster? Or something from the fridge? Or what if someone has a tradition of making toaster s’mores? Or what if someone invents a new toaster-product, unlike anything humanity has ever toasted before? Is our toaster right for all of these situations? Probably not.

Using Data to Toast

So maybe making a perfect toasting machine is a bit harder than just asking a few people what they like.
There are just too many use cases to optimize by hand if we want to get the perfect toast in every conceivable situation. We could run focus groups every day for the rest of our lives and we still wouldn’t see all the types of toast a toaster might make.
We need to do better. It’s time for some serious data science.
The toaster is Internet connected, so we can program it to send telemetry back to our service. Every time someone toasts something we can know what setting they used and how long the toasting went before it stopped.
We ship version 1 of the toaster (perhaps to a controlled set of users), and the toast telemetry starts flooding in to our servers.
Now we know exactly which intensity settings people are using in their real lives (not in some contrived lab setting). We know how many times people push the lever down to start a toast job and how many times they pop the lever up to stop one early.
Can we use this data to make a better toaster?
Of course!
We could set the maximum intensity to something that at least a few users are actually using. Then we could set up metrics to make sure we don’t have the toaster biased to over-toasting. For example, we could monitor the percentage of toasts that are early-stopped by their user (presumably because they were about to burn something) and tweak and tweak till we get those under control.
We could set the minimum intensity to something reasonable too. Something that users seem to use. We could track the double-toast rate (where someone toasts something and immediately re-toasts it) and tweak to make sure the toaster isn’t biased to under-toasting.
Heck, we can even set the default intensity, the one in the middle of the range, to the most commonly used toast time.
Since our toasters are Internet-connected, we can update them with the new settings by having them pull the data from our servers. Heck, we could tweak the toaster’s settings every single day, twice on Sunday—this is the age of miracles and wonders!
There are some seams with this approach, some things we had to assume. For example, we had to assume that toasting multiple times in quick succession is a sign of failure, that the customer is re-toasting the same bread instead of making several pieces of toast rapid-fire.
We had to assume that an early-stop is a sign the bread was starting to burn and not a sign that the customer was late for work and rushing out the door.
Also when we deploy the new settings to toasters, how do we ensure that users are going to like them? We are pretty sure (based on data science) that the new settings better-match what our overall user population is doing, so that’s good.
But what about the user who was getting their own brand of perfectly toasted bagel yesterday and today they get… something different?
Despite these problems, we’ve got a pretty decent toaster. We’ve got telemetry to know the toaster is roughly doing its job. We’ve got a way to service it and improve it over time. Now let’s really blow the doors off this thing.

Sensors and Heuristic Intelligence

If we want to make the best toaster, we’re going to need more than a single slider and a toast lever. Let’s add some sensors:
  • A weight sensor to know how much toast is in the toaster and to determine when a customer places something in the toaster and when they take something out of it.
  • A temperature sensor to know if the item placed in the toaster is chilled, frozen, or room temperature.
  • A location sensor to know what region of the world the toaster is in so it can adapt to different tastes in different locales.
  • A proximity sensor to know if someone is near the toaster and a camera to identify who it is.
  • A clock to know if a toast is a breakfast toast or a dinner one.
  • A little memory to know what’s been toasted recently and to monitor the pattern of setting changes and toastings.
  • A smoke sensor to know when the toaster has made a bad mistake and is about to burn something.
Now when a customer walks up to the toaster and puts something in it, the toaster can look at who the user is, try to guess what they are trying to toast, and automatically suggest a setting.
Heck, if the toaster is good enough there is no longer any need for the intensity setting or the toasting lever at all. We could update the toasting experience to be totally automatic. We could ship toasters with no buttons or knobs or anything. The customer drops something in, walks away, and comes back to delightfully toasted—anything!
If we could just figure out a way to turn all these sensor readings into the correct toast times for… anything.
To do that we need intelligence—the program or rules or machine-learned model that makes these types of decisions.
Let’s start simply, by hand-crafting some intelligence.
Let’s write a set of rules that consider the sensor readings and output intensity suggestions. For example: If something cold and heavy is put into the toaster, then toast for 5 minutes at high intensity. But for every degree above freezing, reduce the toast time by 2 seconds. But in Britain add 15 seconds to the toast time (because they like it that way). But if the weight and size match a known toaster product (some big brand toaster meal), then toast it the “right amount of time” based on the product’s directions.
And that kind of stuff.
Every time a user complains, because the toaster toasted something wrong, you can add a new rule.
Whenever the telemetry shows a spike of double-toastings you can tweak the rules to improve.
Every time you add a new rule or update an old one you can update all the toasters you shipped all around the world by having them download the new settings from your server.
With this approach, you’ll probably need to write and maintain a lot of rules to deal with all the possibilities. It’s going to be a lot of work. You could employ a dozen people and give them months of rule-writing-time, and you might not be happy with the outcome.
You might never be.

Toasting with Machine Learning

In situations like this, where there is an optimization problem that is too hard or too expensive to do by hand, people turn to machine learning.
At a high level, machine learning can observe examples of users using their Internet toasters and automatically produce a set of rules to control the toaster just the way users would want it. Kind of like the hand-crafted heuristic ones we just talked about, only machine-crafted.
And machines can make lot more rules than humans can. Machines can balance inputs from dozens of sensors; they can optimize for thousands of different types of users simultaneously. They can incorporate new data and reoptimize everything every day, every hour—sometimes even faster. They can personalize rules to each user.
In order to work, machine learning needs data that shows the situation the user faced (the sensor readings) the action they took (how they set the toaster) and the outcome they got (if they liked the toast or had to tweak something and try again). Machine learning needs examples of when things are going right as well as examples of when things are going wrong. Lots and lots of examples of them.
To find examples of when things are going right, we can look through the telemetry for times when the user put something in the toaster, pressed the start lever, waited to completion, took the item out, and walked away. These are cases where the user probably got what they wanted. We have a record of all the sensor settings, the toasting time. We can use this as training for the machine learning system. Perfect.
And for examples of when things went wrong we can look through the telemetry again. This time we find all the places where users had to fiddle with the toaster, every time they stopped the toaster early or retoasted the same item multiple times. We have records of the sensor readings and intensity settings that gave users bad outcomes, too.
So combining the good outcomes and the bad outcomes and some machine learning, we can automatically train the perfect toaster-controlling algorithm .
Put in data, get out a program that looks at sensor readings and determines the best intensity and time settings to use.
We push this learned program to our customers’ toasters.
We can do it every day, every minute.
We can learn from hundreds of thousands of customer interactions—from hundreds of millions of them.

Making an Intelligent System

And this is what Intelligent Systems do. Building an effective Intelligent System requires balancing five major components: the objective, the experience, the implementation, the intelligence, and the orchestration.
We need a problem that is suitable to solve with an Intelligent System, and worth the effort. We need to control the toaster based on what the intelligence thinks. We need to do it in a way the user finds helpful, and we also need to give the user the right controls to interact with the toaster and to give feedback we can use to learn. We need to build all the services and tools and code that gathers telemetry, produces intelligence, moves it where it needs to be, and hooks it up with users.
We need to create the intelligence every day, over and over, in a way that is predictable. And we need to keep everything running over time as new toastable products come into the market and tastes change.
We need to decide how much telemetry we should collect to trade off operational costs with the potential value. We need to decide how much to change the intelligence on any particular day so that the toaster improves, but without confusing or upsetting users.
We need to monitor our key metrics and react if they start to degrade. Maybe tune the experience? Maybe call an emergency intelligence intervention? And we need to deal with mistakes. And mistakes happen.
Intelligence (particularly machine-learned intelligence) can make bad mistakes—spectacular, counter-intuitive, highly customer-damaging mistakes.
For example, our toaster might learn that people in a specific zip code love cinder-toast. No matter what you put into the thing, if you live in that zip code—cinder. So we need ways to identify and manage these mistakes. We need ways to place guardrails on machine learning.
And unfortunately… people are people. Any time we use human feedback to optimize something—like using machine learning to build a toaster—we have to think about all the ways a human might benefit from things going wrong.
Imagine a major bread-maker paying a sweatshop of people to toast their competitor’s products using crazy settings. They could carry out millions of toasts per week, flooding our telemetry system with misleading data. Our machine learning might pick up on this and “learn” what this toast-hacker is trying to teach it—our toaster might start regularly undercooking the competitor’s product, leading to food safety issues.
Not good.
A successful Intelligent System will have to consider all of these issues and more.


This chapter introduced Intelligent Systems along with five key conceptual challenges that every Intelligent System must address—the objective, the experience, the implementation, the intelligence, and the orchestration.
It should now be clear that there are many ways to approach these challenges and that they are highly interrelated. To have a successful Intelligent System you must balance them. If one of the conceptual challenges is difficult in your context, the others will need to work harder to make up for it.
For example, if you are trying to retrofit an Intelligent System into an existing system where the experience has already been defined (and can’t be changed), the Intelligent System might need to accept a less aggressive objective, to invest more in intelligence, or to have a fuller mistake-mitigation strategy.
But here’s another way to look at it: there are a lot of ways to succeed.
Deploy an Intelligent System and discover that the intelligence problem is harder than you thought? No need to panic. There are lots of ways to compensate and make a system that delights customers and helps your business while the intelligence takes time to grow.
The rest of this book will give you the tools to approach Intelligent Systems projects with confidence.

For Thought…

After reading this chapter you should be able to:
  • Identify Intelligent Systems in the world around you.
  • See the potential that Intelligent Systems can unlock.
  • Understand the difference between intelligence (which makes predictions about the world) and an Intelligent System (which combines objective, experience, implementation, intelligence, and orchestration to achieve results).
  • Articulate all the conceptually hard things you will need to address to build a successful Intelligent System.
  • Understand how these difficult things interact, including some of the tradeoffs and ways they can support one another.
You should be able to answer questions like these:
  • What services do you use that (you suspect) are built by turning customer data into intelligence?
  • What is the most magical experience you’ve had with one of these services?
  • What is the worst experience you’ve had?
  • Can you identify how the user experience supports the intelligence?
  • Can you find any information on how its intelligence is produced? Maybe in a news story or publication?
  • Can you determine any of the ways it detects and mitigates intelligence mistakes?
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