Chapter 9. Practice makes perfect: Practice PMI-ACP Exam


Bet you never thought you’d make it this far! It’s been a long journey, but here you are, ready to review your knowledge and get ready for exam day. You’ve put a lot of new information about agile into your brain, and now it’s time to see just how much of it stuck. That’s why we put together this full-length, 120-question PMI-ACP® exam simulation for you. We followed the same PMI-ACP® Examination Content Outline used to design the exam. And we carefully calibrated the difficulty of the questions to match the real PMI-ACP® exam, and we matched their style and substance as well, so they look just like the ones you’ll encounter when you take the real thing. So take a deep breath, get ready, and let’s get started.


The questions in this simulated exam are more difficult than the ones you’ve seen so far!.Expect a lot of ambiguous, least-worst-option questions. You’ll get similar ones on the real exam.


Just remember, if you get a question wrong in this simulation, you’re more likely to get it right on exam day.

  1. A Scrum team’s stakeholder discovers a new requirement and approaches a team member to build it. The team member builds a prototype for the stakeholder, who is able to start using it immediately. The product owner discovers this and demands that the team member include her in any future decisions, but the team member feels this is the most efficient way to work. The product owner and team member approach the scrum master to resolve the conflict. What should the scrum master do?

    1. Help the product owner understand how the team member is improving stakeholder communications

    2. Side with the product owner

    3. Help the team member follow the rules of Scrum by showing the correct use of user stories

    4. Help the product owner and team member compromise and find a middle ground

  2. After the team gives a demonstration of the work they built during an iteration, a stakeholder complains that the software is difficult to use. What technique can the team employ to prevent this in the future?

    1. Develop user interface requirements that cover usability

    2. Define organizational usability standards

    3. Observe stakeholders interacting with a preliminary version of the user interface

    4. Create a wireframe and review it with the stakeholders

  3. The main project stakeholder for a Scrum project emails the product owner to notify them that one of the primary deliverables must be delivered two months earlier than planned. The team members meet and agree on an approach that will achieve the goal, but it will cause a delay to several features of other deliverables. The product owner warns the team that this will be unacceptable to the stakeholder. How should the team proceed?

    1. Initiate the change control procedure

    2. Have the product owner meet with the stakeholder to discuss acceptable trade-offs

    3. Begin exploratory work on a spike solution

    4. Start working on the approach that the team collaboratively agreed on

  4. You are reviewing your team’s kanban board, and you discover that many work items tend to accumulate in a specific step in the process. What is the best way to handle this situation?

    1. Work with the team to remove work items from that step of the process

    2. Use Little’s law to calculate the long-term average inventory

    3. Increase the arrival rate of work items into the process

    4. Work with project stakeholders to establish a WIP limit for that column

  5. A tester on a Scrum team has expressed interest in taking on some programming tasks. One of the developers is concerned that this may lead to quality problems. How should the team proceed?

    1. The scrum master should look for opportunities to provide development training for the tester

    2. The developer should serve as a full-time mentor to the tester

    3. The scrum master should call a meeting to get consensus on letting the tester do development work

    4. The tester should start to take on development tasks as they become available during the sprint

  6. A new member of an agile team disagrees with the ground rules that team members currently adhere to. How should the team proceed?

    1. Explain the reason for the rule and encourage the new team member to try following it

    2. Throw out the rule and collaborate on a replacement

    3. Have the scrum master explain the rules of scrum to the new team member

    4. Show the new team member which principle in the Agile Manifesto the rule is based on

  7. You are a leader on an agile team. Which of the following is not an action that you would take?

    1. Set an example by acting the way you would like other team members to act

    2. Make sure everyone on the team understands the goal of the project

    3. Make important decisions about how the team will design the software

    4. Prevent external problems from taking up too much of the team’s time

  8. You are in a sprint planning meeting. Two members of your team are arguing over one of the stories. They cannot agree on whether they will be able to reuse an existing aspect of the user interface, or if they will need to build out new user interface elements. What is the best way for the team to resolve this issue?

    1. The product owner resolves the issue by determining how the team will solve the problem

    2. The team adds buffers to the plan to account for the uncertainty

    3. The Scrum Master resolves the issue by determining how the team will solve the problem

    4. The team uses negotiation to reach an agreement on the specific acceptance criteria for the feature

  9. You are an agile practitioner working directly with several business stakeholders. One of the stakeholders has provided a requirement that is proving difficult to implement. Several team members have called a meeting to propose an alternative to the requirement that will be much less expensive to implement. How should you handle this situation?

    1. Use servant leadership to engage the team

    2. Invite the stakeholder to the next daily standup

    3. Explain the team’s alternative to the stakeholder

    4. Explain the stakeholder’s expectations and needs to the team and collaborate on a solution

  10. An agile team is in their second iteration. Some team members’ disagreements are starting to turn into arguments, and one team member recently accused another of shirking responsibility. What best describes this team?

    1. The team is in the storming phase, and needs directing

    2. The team is in the norming phase, and needs supporting

    3. The team is in the norming phase, and needs coaching

    4. The team is in the storming phase, and needs coaching

  11. A Scrum team claims to be self-organizing. What does that mean?

    1. The team plans each sprint together and makes decisions about individual task assignments at the last responsible moment

    2. The team delivers working software at the end of each sprint, and adjusts the next sprint plan to maximize value delivered to stakeholders

    3. The team does not need a manager, and instead relies on the scrum master to provide servant leadership

    4. The team only needs to plan on a sprint-by-sprint basis, and does not have to commit to any deadline beyond the length of the sprint

  12. An agile practitioner is working with a vendor to implement an important product feature. The practitioner is concerned that the vendor is working on low-priority features in early iterations, while neglecting higher priority features. What is the best way to handle this situation?

    1. The practitioner raises the issue at the next daily standup

    2. The practitioner raises the issue at the next iteration planning meeting

    3. Value of the deliverables are optimized through collaboration between the practitioner and the vendor

    4. The practitioner moves high priority items into the backlog

  13. You are an agile practitioner on a team at a vendor of software services. One of your clients is having trouble planning their iterations. Your team ran into a similar problem, and used a specific technique to resolve it. What action should you take?

    1. Explain the practice to your contacts at the client

    2. Create a document that describes the improvement

    3. Offer to attend the client’s daily standup meetings

    4. Do nothing in order to respect the organizational boundaries

  14. A scrum master on another team asks you for advice about how to handle a user who keeps changing his mind about what the team should build. You should:

    1. Show the scrum master the company’s standards for creating a project plan and implementing a change control process

    2. Show how your own users have changed their minds in the past, and that you worked with the team to make adjustments during sprints and in sprint planning

    3. Offer to run the other team’s daily standup and retrospective meetings

    4. Explain that agile teams value responding to change, and that the scrum master should help the team understand this principle

  15. Which of the following is not valuable for fostering an effective team environment?

    1. Pay attention during retrospectives and contribute wherever possible

    2. Make it clear that it’s OK to make mistakes

    3. When team members disagree on an approach, have a constructive argument

    4. Be very careful that you follow all of the company’s ground rules for working on projects

  16. You are an agile practitioner on a team using Kanban for process improvement. What metrics would you use to measure the effectiveness of your improvement effort, and how would you visualize the data?

    1. Use a resource histogram to visualize resource allocation over the course of the project

    2. Use a burndown chart to visualize velocity and points completed per day

    3. Use a value stream map to visualize time worked versus time spent waiting

    4. Use a cumulative flow diagram to visualize arrival rate lead time, and work in progress

  17. Your team can choose between two feasible solutions to a technical problem. One solution uses encryption but runs more slowly, the other solution does not use encryption and runs more quickly. What is the best way to choose between the two solutions?

    1. Choose the faster solution

    2. Use a spike solution to determine which approach will work

    3. Choose the more secure solution

    4. Elicit relevant non-functional requirements from stakeholders

  18. You are an agile practitioner in the scrum master role. Your team is holding a retrospective. What is your responsibility?

    1. Observe the team identify improvements and create a plan to implement them, and help team members understand their roles in the meeting

    2. Make yourself available to the project team if they have questions about the rules of Scrum

    3. Participate in identifying improvements and creating a plan to implement them, and help team members understand their roles in the meeting

    4. Help the team understand the needs of the stakeholders and represent their viewpoint

  19. You are a scrum master. A member of your team is concerned that there are too many team meetings, and would like to skip the daily standup meeting once a week. What should you do?

    1. Explain that the rules of Scrum require that everyone attend the meeting

    2. Help the team member understand how the daily meeting helps everyone on the team find problems early and fix them

    3. Partner with the team member’s manager because attending the daily standup is a job requirement

    4. Work with the team to set ground rules that everyone attend the daily standup

  20. Your agile team is working with a vendor to build some of the product components, including a component that will be used in the next sprint. After meeting with the representative from the vendor to discuss the project’s goals and objectives, the vendor representative emails you their scope and objectives document, explaining that they use a waterfall process and this is how the high-level vision and supporting objectives are communicated in their organization. What is the best way to handle this situation?

    1. Request that the vendor team creates user stories to express requirements

    2. Advocate for agile principles and explain that your team values working software over comprehensive documentation

    3. Carefully read the scope and objectives document and follow up with the vendor representative about any discrepancies with your team’s understanding of the project

    4. Invite the vendor representative to the sprint review meetings

  21. You are an agile practitioner on a Scrum team developing financial analytics software. You and your teammates are very interested in trying a new technology. The product owner expresses concern that the extra time required to ramp up on it will cause delays. How should the team proceed?

    1. Have the scrum master negotiate an agreement between the team and the product owner to use the new technology

    2. Have the product owner explain the new technology to the primary stakeholders

    3. Reject the new technology and stick with technology familiar to the team to avoid the extra time required

    4. Have the team members collaborate with the product owner to find ways to align their technology goals with the project objectives

  22. You are an agile practitioner on an XP team. A teammate discovered a serious problem with the architecture of the software that the team has been working on which will require a major redesign of several large components. What should the team do next?

    1. Refactor the code and practice continuous integration

    2. Use pair programming to help everyone understand the scope of the problem

    3. Use incremental design and delay design decisions until the last responsible moment

    4. Work with the stakeholders to help them understand the impact on the project

  23. The timebox for doing the work for an iteration has expired. What is the next action the team takes?

    1. Conduct a demonstration of all fully and partially completed features to the stakeholders

    2. Conduct a retrospective to enhance the effectiveness of the team, project, and organization

    3. Begin planning the next iteration

    4. Conduct a demonstration of all features that were fully completed to the stakeholders

  24. You are the product owner on a Scrum team building software that will be used by a team of financial services analysts. At the last two sprint reviews, the manager of the financial services analyst team was angry that your team did not build all of the features that she was expecting. What is the appropriate response?

    1. Meet with the manager throughout the next sprint to discuss each story’s acceptance criteria, and update the sprint backlog based on that discussion

    2. Send a daily email to each stakeholder with the latest version of the sprint backlog

    3. Invite the manager to the next daily standup meeting

    4. Invite the manager to the next sprint planning meeting

  25. You overhear two senior managers discussing a company-wide problem with software teams that deliver software late, and that the software often fails to deliver much value. What is the best way to handle this situation?

    1. Take the opportunity to evangelize about Scrum and insist that more teams be required to use it

    2. Offer to speak with other teams about your own team’s past success with agile

    3. Engage your product owner to determine how best to take advantage of this situation

    4. Explain that agile teams always follow the values and principles of agile

  26. What is the most effective way to communicate progress in a team space?

    1. Visualize project progress and team performance information

    2. Position desks so everyone is face to face

    3. Hold a retrospective

    4. Communicate progress at the daily standup

  27. You are an agile practitioner working on exploratory work that your team included in the current iteration plan. The goal of this work is to find problems, issues, and threats. The output of this exploratory work is that certain results should be surfaced to the team. Which of the following is not a valid reason to surface a specific issue?

    1. It will slow down progress

    2. It might prevent the team from delivering value

    3. It isn’t the result that you expected

    4. It is a problem or impediment

  28. A software team at a company with a strict waterfall process is having engineering problems which are causing them to build features that do not adequately meet users’ needs. How can this team address the situation?

    1. Assign team members to the product owner and scrum master role and mange the work using sprints

    2. Use quarterly and weekly cycles, refactoring, test-driven development, pair programming, and incremental design

    3. Use Kaizen and practice continuous improvement

    4. Establish a team space that uses caves and commons, osmotic communication, and information radiators.

  29. A stakeholder calls a meeting halfway through the sprint and explains that due to a change in business priorities one of the backlog items is no longer needed. What is the best way for the team to handle this?

    1. The product owner and stakeholder present the change to the team at the sprint review

    2. The product owner works with the team to remove the item from the sprint backlog, and the team delivers any other working software they have built when the sprint ends

    3. The product owner removes the item from the sprint backlog, and extends the end date of the sprint to accommodate the change in plan

    4. The product owner cancels the sprint and the team starts planning a new sprint

  30. You are an agile practitioner on a team that uses a Scrum/XP hybrid. Two team members disagree on how much effort it will take to implement a story in the current sprint. Which of the following is not an effective action to take?

    1. Use wideband Delphi to generate an estimate for the story

    2. Have the product owner decide if the longer estimate is acceptable to the stakeholders

    3. Have an informal group discussion about the factors that cause the estimates to differ

    4. Call a team meeting to play a round of planning poker

  31. Your company implements a requirement that teams create highly detailed documentation as part of the company-wide software development lifecycle. What is the correct response?

    1. Use negotiation techniques to help the organization become more agile

    2. Agile teams do not value comprehensive documentation, so the team should not produce it

    3. Select a process for the team that delivers the highly detailed documentation without sacrificing delivery of customer value

    4. Ensure that the team is delivering working software, while still producing the minimal documentation needed to build the software

  32. You are an agile practitioner. Several members of your team have expressed concern that the project is not progressing as well as they would like. What is the best course of action?

    1. Post a burn-down chart in a highly visible part of the team space

    2. Consult the communications plan and distribute project performance information

    3. Discuss the status of the project at the next daily standup meeting

    4. Distribute status reports that include burn-down charts

  33. During a retrospective, a Scrum team finds that their velocity was reduced significantly at the same time that two teammates were taking vacations that had been planned for a long time. How is this most likely to affect the release plan?

    1. The team must reduce the size or number of deliverables that they committed to in the release plan

    2. The release plan will not be affected

    3. The team can increase the size or number of deliverables that they committed to in the release plan

    4. The team must change the frequency of releases in the release plan

  34. The team is planning the next iteration. They just finished reviewing the overall list of features that will eventually be delivered. What is the next thing that they should do?

    1. Have each team member answer questions about work completed, future work, and known impediments

    2. Define a release plan that includes the correct level of detail

    3. Extract individual requirements to focus on for the next increment

    4. Establish communication with the appropriate stakeholders

  35. A team member is working on an important deliverable. At the retrospective, she says it is less complex than expected. Which of the following is not true?

    1. The release plan should be adjusted to reflect changes to expectations about the deliverable

    2. The team should expect more progress to be made on the deliverable in the next iteration

    3. The velocity should increase in the next iteration

    4. The effort required to create the deliverable should be less than the team originally expected

  36. You are on a team using Kanban. What of the following is best used as the main indicator of project progress for specific increments?

    1. Value stream map

    2. Task board

    3. Kanban board

    4. Cumulative flow diagram

  37. A junior team member suggests a new way of estimating user stories. How should you respond?

    1. Try the new technique at the next opportunity

    2. Help coach the junior team member by explaining how the team currently estimates user stories

    3. Use Kaizen to improve the process

    4. Encourage the team member to respond to change rather than following a plan based on estimates

  38. Your Scrum team just completed inspecting the project plan. One team member raised a potential issue that is likely to require a change to the planned work. What is the next step?

    1. The team will hold a sprint retrospective and discuss the impact to the product and sprint backlogs

    2. The product owner will alert the stakeholder that the team has discovered an important issue

    3. Knowledgeable team members will meet to determine what changes need to be made to the sprint backlog

    4. The scrum master raises a change request to modify the plan while the team proceeds with planned work so they meet their commitments

  39. Your team has completed a brainstorming session to identify risks, issues, and other potential problems and threats to the project. Which of the following is not a useful next step?

    1. Assign a relative priority to each of the issues, risks, and problems

    2. Assign owners to each of the problems and risks and keep track of the status

    3. Use Kano analysis to prioritize the requirements for the project

    4. Encourage action on specific issues that were raised

  40. Your project is changing frequently, and you are concerned that you are not delivering business value as effectively as possible. How do you make sure that your team is delivering value and increasing that value throughout the project?

    1. Use information radiators

    2. Meet with executives after each increment

    3. Meet with executives every day

    4. Brainstorm improvement ideas with the team

  41. A member of your project team suddenly leaves the company. She was the only one on the team with the expertise to solve a major technical problem, and without her the team has no way to meet commitments promised to the stakeholders. How should you proceed?

    1. The team should continue working on the project as usual and only alert the stakeholders at the last responsible moment

    2. The team members should collaborate together to get past the obstacle

    3. The product owner should work with stakeholders to reset their expectations because the issue cannot be resolved

    4. The scrum master should educate the stakeholders on the rules of Scrum

  42. Your team discovers that the velocity decreased by 20% three iterations ago, and that it has stayed steady at that lower level since then. How is this most likely to affect the release plan?

    1. The team must reduce the size or number of deliverables that they committed to in the release plan

    2. The release plan will not be affected

    3. The team can increase the size or number of deliverables that they committed to in the release plan

    4. The team must change the frequency of releases in the release plan

  43. Two stakeholders disagree on important product requirements. How should the product owner handle this situation?

    1. Schedule a meeting with the stakeholders and attempt to establish a working agreement

    2. Practice servant leadership to encourage collaboration

    3. Have two team members perform separate spike solutions for each requirement

    4. Choose the stakeholder requirement that delivers the most value early

  44. A product owner reports that an important stakeholder is concerned that the team’s implementation of a business requirement may not take certain external factors into account. Several team members acknowledged that this is a potential issue, but agree that it is extremely unlikely. How should the team members handle this situation?

    1. Reassure the product owner that the risk is very low, so no action needs to be taken

    2. Add the issue to an information radiator that tracks the status and ownership of threats and issues

    3. The team members should work together to resolve the problem on their own so that the product owner has plausible deniability

    4. Calculate the net present value of the issue and use it to reprioritize the risk register

  45. You are an agile practitioner on a team that uses 30-day iterations. A stakeholder requests a forecast of the next six months. What do you do?

    1. Use a story map to build a release plan for the next six months from the current product backlog

    2. Explain that the team uses 30-day timeboxed iterations, and cannot forecast so far in advance

    3. Create a Gantt chart that has a high level of detail for the next sprint and milestones for the following ones

    4. Hold a team meeting and use face-to-face communication to collaborate on a strategy

  46. You are an agile practitioner who maintains a prioritized list of requirements for the team. You receive a company-wide memo that your division has been restructured, and that there are now new senior managers. One of those managers will be directly impacted by one of the project’s requirements. What do you do?

    1. Engage with the senior manager

    2. Raise the issue at the next daily standup meeting

    3. Update the product backlog to reflect the new priorities

    4. Add the senior manager to the stakeholder register

  47. During a sprint planning meeting the team is working for stories written on index cards. They discuss the acceptance criteria for a story and write it on the back of the card. This is repeated for every story in the increment. Which of the following describes this activity?

    1. Collaborating to deliver maximum value

    2. Refining requirements based on relative value

    3. Gaining consensus on a definition of done

    4. Refining the backlog

  48. A senior manager is forming a committee to decide on a company-wide methodology. You are asked to speak to this committee. What should you do?

    1. Put up an information radiator on the floor where the committee meets

    2. Show how previous Scrum projects made the organization more effective and efficient

    3. Explain that waterfall methodologies are bad, and agile methodologies are good

    4. Insist that the organization follow Scrum because it’s an industry best practice

  49. An agile practitioner is attending a daily scrum meeting. She is expected to report on the status of tasks that were assigned to her by the scrum master. What best describes this situation?

    1. This team is not self-organizing

    2. This team is self-organizing

    3. The agile practitioner is emerging as a team leader

    4. The scrum master is showing servant leadership

  50. During a review of the deliverables, several team members identified a problem with software quality that could increase overall project cost. What is the best way to figure out the next steps for the team to take?

    1. Refactor the code

    2. Hold a retrospective

    3. Use an Ishikawa diagram

    4. Limit work in progress

  51. A Scrum team is planning their fourth sprint. Team members who disagreed in the previous sprints are starting to see eye to eye, and previous clashes have given way to an emerging spirit of cooperation. What best describes this team?

    1. The team is in the norming phase, and needs coaching

    2. The team is in the storming phase, and needs directing

    3. The team is in the storming phase, and needs coaching

    4. The team is in the norming phase, and needs supporting

  52. An office manager is working with an agile team to optimize their workspace. Which is the most efficient approach?

    1. Adopt an open office plan that eliminates individual desks and promotes a shared environment

    2. Give individuals or pairs private offices next to a shared meeting room

    3. Adopt an open office plan that eliminates partitions and positions team members face to face

    4. Give individuals or pairs semi-private cubicles that open into a shared meeting space

  53. What is the most effective way for an agile team to prioritize the work to do during the increment?

    1. The team decides which stories are most valuable and gives them a higher priority in the product backlog

    2. The product owner determines the relative priority at the sprint review

    3. The team selects the features with the highest NPV

    4. The business representative collaborates with stakeholders to optimize value

  54. You are an agile practitioner on a team that just completed work for an iteration. The team just finished demonstrating the working software to the stakeholders. One of the stakeholders is upset that one of the features he expected the team to deliver was pushed to the next sprint. How can this be avoided in the future?

    1. Send daily status reports to all stakeholders

    2. Review the lines of communication and update the communication management plan

    3. Keep the stakeholders up to date on any changes to the deliverables and trade-offs the team has made

    4. Require the stakeholders to attend all daily standups

  55. A senior manager has announced that she is going to attend a sprint planning session. The Scrum team often has unrestrained discussion about which items should go into the sprint that often include disagreements and sometimes even arguments. The product owner is concerned that even though disagreements typically end with a positive result, being exposed to this will cause that manager to lose trust in the team’s ability to meet their commitments. How should this situation be handled?

    1. The senior manager should be discouraged from attending the sprint planning session

    2. Team members should be encouraged to openly disagree, even if it involves arguing with each other

    3. The team should plan to hold a second sprint planning session without the senior manager

    4. The product owner should encourage the team to be on their best behavior for the senior manager

  56. An agile practitioner needs to get feedback to determine whether the work currently in progress and the work planned for future iterations needs correction. What is the best way to accomplish this?

    1. Prioritize the backlog based on work item value and risk

    2. Hold daily standup meetings to get feedback from the team

    3. Checkpoint with stakeholders at the end of each iteration

    4. Use a Kanban board to visualize the workflow

  57. One of your project’s stakeholders indicates a potentially severe risk to the current sprint. Which approach is most appropriate?

    1. Increase the length of the timebox

    2. Re-estimate the backlog for the project

    3. Include fewer stories in the sprint

    4. Include the stakeholders in the daily standup

  58. You are a scrum master on a 14-person Scrum team. You notice that the team is having difficulty concentrating during the daily scrum. What should the team do?

    1. Establish a group norm that requires everyone to concentrate during the daily scrum

    2. Hold two separate 7-person daily scrum meetings

    3. Replace the daily scrum with a virtual meeting that uses comments in a social media platform

    4. Divide team members into two smaller teams

  59. You are informed that a new stakeholder for your project is in a region with a time zone difference of eight hours from the rest of your team. What is the best way for your Scrum team to interact with this person?

    1. Use digital videoconferencing tools and accommodate to the stakeholder’s time zone

    2. Primarily communicate with email so that people can work in their comfortable time zones

    3. Request a conference call at a time that’s convenient for the whole team to attend

    4. Fly the stakeholder to the team space to co-locate with the team for several weeks

  60. How should an agile practitioner on a Scrum team interpret this chart?

    1. The team finished coding after only 50% of the project calendar time had elapsed, which is an opportunity to eliminate waste

    2. The team spent 38 days working and 35 days waiting, so there are many opportunities to eliminate waste

    3. The project took 74 days to complete, without many opportunities to eliminate waste

    4. The project is behind schedule

  61. A team member approaches the scrum master for guidance on the best way to forecast how much work the team can accomplish in the next sprint. What should the scrum master advise?

    1. Use planning poker to estimate the actual time in hours for each story in the sprint

    2. Assign a relative numeric size to each story in past sprints and use it to estimate the average velocity

    3. Hold a wideband Delphi estimation session to generate data for a detailed Gantt chart

    4. Use a story map to build a release plan for the rest of the project

  62. You are the scrum master on an agile team. Two team members are having a disagreement about an important project issue. Assuming all of these actions resolve the disagreement equally well, what is the best way for you to proceed?

    1. Collaborate with the product owner to find a solution to the problem and present it to the team members

    2. Allow the team members to come to their own resolution, even if it involves an argument with strong opinions

    3. Step in and help the team members find common ground

    4. Create ground rules that prevent disagreements from turning into arguments

  63. You are a member of a Scrum team. You discover an important problem that directly affects one of the stakeholders, and the team needs feedback from that stakeholder as quickly as possible in order to avoid a delay. Your team’s product owner meets with this stakeholder once a week, but due to a schedule conflict this week’s meeting is postponed. What do you do?

    1. Schedule a meeting with the product owner

    2. Have a face-to-face meeting with the stakeholder as quickly as possible

    3. Send an email to the stakeholder with details about the problem

    4. Invite the stakeholder to the next daily standup meeting

  64. The team determines that one of the work items is low priority, but could lead to serious problems in the final product if the implementation does not work. How should they handle this situation?

    1. Add a highly visual indicator in the team space so they don’t lose track of the issue

    2. Use the internal rate of return to evaluate the work item

    3. Refactor the software to remove the problem

    4. Increase the priority of the work item in the product backlog

  65. Which of the following is not a benefit of encouraging team members to become generalizing specialists?

    1. Reducing team size

    2. Creating a high performing, cross-functional team

    3. Improve the team’s ability to plan

    4. Reducing bottlenecks in the project work

  66. You are an agile practitioner on a project that has been running for several iterations. The team’s understanding of the effort required to complete several major deliverables has changed over the last three iterations, and it continues to change. How do you handle this situation?

    1. Add story points to each work item in the backlog to reflect the increased complexity

    2. Add buffers to account for the uncertainty of the project

    3. Hold planning activities at the start of each iteration to refine the estimated scope and schedule

    4. Increase the frequency of retrospectives to gather more information

  67. Several bugs were discovered by users, and the product owner has determined that they are critical and must be fixed as soon as possible. How should the team respond?

    1. Create a change request and assign the bug fixes to a maintenance team

    2. Stop other project work immediately and fix the bugs

    3. Add items for fixing the bugs to the backlog and include them in the next iteration

    4. Add buffers to the next iteration to account for maintenance work

  68. A senior manager asks the team for a project schedule that shows how team members will spend their time. The team meets and creates a highly detailed schedule that shows how each team member will spend every hour of the next six months. What should the scrum master do?

    1. Use servant leadership and recognize that the team members actually get work done

    2. Ask the team to build a less detailed schedule

    3. Post the schedule in a highly visible place in the team space

    4. Send the schedule directly to the senior manager

  69. A team member complains to the scrum master that their manager calls several meetings every week to give updates that are not relevant to their project. The team member is frustrated because the interruptions are slowing down work. What should the scrum master do?

    1. Give the team member permission to skip the meetings and focus on the work

    2. Raise the issue with the product owner

    3. Prepare a report on the impact that the meetings are having on the work

    4. Approach the manager to discuss alternatives to interrupting the team

  70. A member of a Scrum team routinely arrives late to the daily standup meeting. How should the team handle this situation?

    1. Hold a face-to-face meeting between the scrum master and the team member to discuss the issue

    2. Have the product owner bring up the issue with the stakeholders

    3. Hold a meeting to collaborate on establishing team norms that includes a penalty for being late

    4. Raise the issue at the next retrospective and create a plan for improvement

  71. An agile practitioner is starting a new project. The team has the first meeting for planning work. What should the practitioner expect this meeting to produce?

    1. A detailed project plan that shows how the team will create working software

    2. A shared understanding of deliverables defined by units of work that the team can produce incrementally

    3. Information radiators that show the progress of the project in a highly visible part of the team space

    4. An informal project plan that describes agreements and face-to-face meetings

  72. Which of the following best describes the level of commitment made by agile teams?

    1. Agile teams make commitments to deliver all deliverables at the beginning of the project

    2. Agile teams commit to deliverables for the current iteration, but are not required to make long-term commitments

    3. Agile teams commit only to a minimum viable product at the start of the project

    4. Agile teams commit to broad deliverables early in the project, and make more specific commitments as it unfolds

  73. A team member reports at a daily standup that she ran into a serious technical problem that will delay the story that she is working on. The product owner has decided to remove the story from the sprint. This story was specifically requested by a senior manager who is the main project stakeholder. What action should be taken next?

    1. Update the information radiators

    2. Re-estimate the items in the backlog

    3. Share the information with the primary stakeholders

    4. Bring up the problem at the retrospective

  74. You are a scrum master on a team in the financial services industry. Your PMO director sends an organization-wide email about a regulatory compliance change that will require you to adjust the way requirements are managed. The PMO has provided several possible alternative methods for managing requirements that are in compliance with this regulation change, but none of them match the way that your team currently manages requirements. What should you do?

    1. Do not make any changes that would violate the rules of Scrum

    2. Support organizational change by educating the PMO about Scrum

    3. Review the new techniques at the next sprint planning meeting

    4. Use Kaizen and practice continuous improvement

  75. In a sprint review, one of the team members raises a serious issue. He’s known about this issue for some time, but this is the first the rest of the team has heard about it. What is the next thing that you should do?

    1. Use an Ishikawa diagram

    2. Speak with the team member about raising issues like this as soon as they are known

    3. Schedule the sprint retrospective

    4. Arrange the team space to encourage osmotic communication

  76. A Scrum team is planning their next sprint. How can they best establish a shared vision of what they plan to accomplish during the sprint?

    1. Post information radiators and keep them updated

    2. Set ground rules for the team

    3. Re-estimate the items in backlog

    4. Agree on a sprint goal

  77. Your team has delivered fewer items than expected for the third iteration in a row. You suspect that there is a significant amount of time wasted waiting for development, operations, and maintenance work to be completed by other teams. What is the best way to detect where this waste is occurring?

    1. Perform a value stream analysis

    2. Create a more detailed iteration plan

    3. Use an Ishikawa diagram

    4. Impose limits on work in progress

  78. What is the most effective strategy for prioritizing stories in the sprint backlog?

    1. Plan an early product release that has just enough features

    2. Prioritize high-risk items first

    3. Collaborate with stakeholders to maximize early delivery of value

    4. Identify high-value features and develop them in early iterations

  79. The product owner of a Scrum team discovers that stakeholder priorities have changed, and a deliverable they have not yet started is now more important than the one they are currently working on. How can the team best handle this situation?

    1. Complete the current sprint and adapt the plan during the next sprint planning session

    2. Reduce the number of bottlenecks by limiting work in progress

    3. Cancel the current sprint immediately and create a new plan to reflect the new priorities

    4. Begin refactoring the code to reflect the updated priorities

  80. During a daily scrum meeting a team member raises a serious risk as a potential problem. Which of the following is not a useful action for the team to take?

    1. The team should refactor the source code and perform continuous integration

    2. The team should consider doing exploratory work during the next sprint to mitigate the risk

    3. The stakeholders should be kept informed of any potential threat to the team’s commitments

    4. The product owner should incorporate activates in the product backlog to manage the risk

  81. The team members and product owner are having an argument about whether or not a feature can be accepted. They are unable to agree on an answer, and the project is now in danger of being late. How can this problem be prevented in the future?

    1. Agree on a strict chain of command

    2. Agree on a process for conflict resolution

    3. Agree on a definition of “done” for each work item

    4. Agree on a timebox length for discussions about feature acceptance

  82. An XP team is notified that an important server upgrade will be delayed by six months due to budget constraints. The upgrade included several important features that their plan depended on, and the delay will require two team members to spend three entire weekly cycles on a workaround. How should the team account for this?

    1. Track the work done by the two team members separately from the rest of the project work

    2. Update the release plan to reflect the change in the team’s capacity to work on main deliverables

    3. Use a risk-based spike to reduce the uncertainty

    4. Expect the velocity to be reduced and update the release plan accordingly

  83. Halfway through the sprint, the team discovers a serious problem while testing the code. It’s critical that they fix this problem as soon as possible, but it will take more time than they have left in the sprint. What should they do?

    1. The product owner adds items to the sprint and product backlogs

    2. The product owner extends the sprint deadline to accommodate the fix

    3. The product owner should call a team meeting and discuss potential solutions

    4. The product owner adds a high-priority item to the product backlog to fix the problem

  84. A stakeholder asks the product owner of a scrum team for a list of features, stories, and other items to be delivered during the sprint. What team activities are used to create this information?

    1. Hold daily scrum meetings

    2. Hold sprint planning meetings

    3. Perform product backlog refinement

    4. Perform sprint retrospectives

  85. At a retrospective, several members of a Scrum team raised serious potential risks to the project. How can this best be managed by the team?

    1. Add stories to the next sprint backlog to handle every risk that was raised

    2. Keep an up-to-date information radiator that shows the priority and status of each risk

    3. Handle each risk at the last responsible moment by delaying any action until it becomes a real problem

    4. Create a risk register and add it to the project management information system

  86. A team is estimating the size of the items in the product backlog using ideal time. What does this mean?

    1. The team determines the actual calendar date that each item will be delivered

    2. The team estimates the actual time required to build each item without taking velocity or interruptions into account

    3. The team assigns a relative size to each item using units specific to the team

    4. The team applies a formula to determine the size of each item based on its complexity

  87. Two members of your XP team are arguing about which engineering approach will lead to a better solution. They are unable to reach a conclusion, and the conflict is starting to create a negative environment. How should you handle this situation?

    1. Use fist-of-five voting to determine the correct approach

    2. Encourage them to begin pair programming on a minimal first step that will support both approaches

    3. Refactor the code and practice continuous integration

    4. Set team ground rules that prohibit arguments between team members

  88. You discover that you have made a serious mistake when refactoring code, and it’s going to cause your team to miss an important deadline. Which of the following is not an acceptable response?

    1. Keep working on the highest priority tasks and bring up the issue in the retrospective

    2. Tell your teammates and make every attempt to correct the problem

    3. Bring up the problem in the next Daily Scrum

    4. Send an email to the rest of your team letting them know that there are going to be consequences for the timebox

  89. You are a team lead on an XP team holding a retrospective meeting. One of your team members says that the team could have done a better job planning the work if they had tried a different planning technique, and that the project would benefit from using it next time. What is an appropriate response?

    1. Determine whether the technique is compliant with the practices and principles of XP

    2. Use Kaizen to improve the process

    3. Determine the impact of using the new technique

    4. Suggest that the team member take the lead in working with the team to try out the new approach

  90. Which of the following is not an effective way to encourage an effective environment for your team?

    1. Let team members experiment and make mistakes without negative consequences

    2. Help team members trust each other when they talk about their own mistakes

    3. Use mistakes as opportunities for improvement

    4. Allow team members’ mistakes to go uncorrected

  91. You are the project manager for a team at a vendor of software services. One of your clients sent you a value stream map that indicates that the team working on a feature spent significant non-working time waiting for the legal departments of both companies to reach agreements on scope changes. How does this affect the project?

    1. The non-working time is extra work in progress that might be able to be limited

    2. The clients and vendor have a contract negotiation relationship

    3. The non-working time is project waste that might be able to be eliminated

    4. No meaningful conclusion can be drawn

  92. member says that he did not make much progress because he was interrupted by five phone calls throughout the day from stakeholders. This is the third time that he has made this complaint. What is the best way for the team to handle this situation?

    1. Use a “caves and commons” office layout to limit interruptions

    2. Implement a policy barring the stakeholders from reaching out to team members directly

    3. Establish a daily “no-call” window during which team members working on project tasks can turn the ringers on their phones down and ignore calls

    4. Adjust the sprint backlog to account for the decrease in productivity

  93. During a sprint review, the project sponsor feels that a feature was built incorrectly and gets angry at the team member who coded it, but gives no constructive feedback. How should the scrum master respond?

    1. Work with the product owner to update the product backlog

    2. Speak with the sponsor about encouraging a safe environment

    3. Make sure the sponsor does not know which team member coded each feature in the future

    4. Getting angry at the team member is a mistake, and the sponsor should be free to make mistakes

  94. Your team is in the early stages of planning, and work has not yet begun. Several key stakeholders have been identified and engaged, but there is still uncertainty about particular kinds of users, what they need from the project, and how to best meet those needs. What is the best way to handle this situation?

    1. Create a kanban board to visualize the workflow

    2. Use agile modeling to envision a high-level architecture

    3. Hold a brainstorming session to create personas

    4. Create user stories to document and manage requirements

  95. The team has identified a severe database problem that can only be addressed by the infrastructure administrators performing a database server upgrade. How should the team handle this situation?

    1. A developer with database experience is made responsible for upgrading the server

    2. The team should identify the issue in the daily standup meeting

    3. The product owner refines the backlog and adds a high-priority work item for the upgrade

    4. The team must perform the database server upgrade themselves

  96. Two senior managers sponsoring your project have expressed disappointment with the current release plan. Which of the following is not an effective strategy for engaging them?

    1. Have the product owner engage the senior managers to better understand their needs

    2. Invite both senior managers to periodic working software demonstrations

    3. Invite both senior managers to a project planning meeting and require their sign-off on a project plan before proceeding

    4. Call a team meeting to discuss the senior managers’ interests and expectations

  97. How should an agile practitioner on a Scrum team interpret this chart?

    1. The velocity is constant

    2. The sprint goal is in jeopardy

    3. The team did a poor job planning

    4. The velocity is increasing

  98. Members of your team are arguing about whether they are required to make a change that the product owner asked for. As an agile practitioner, what is your response?

    1. Review the change control procedure

    2. Work with each team member so that everyone understands the way that your team responds to change

    3. Allow the team to come up with ground rules to manage this situation

    4. Re-estimate the items in the backlog and work with team to self-organize and meet the new goals

  99. Partway through a sprint, the product owner gets an email from the DevOps group responsible for deploying the software built by the team with a reminder about a new policy that requires a modification to the installation scripts that must be included in all future deployments. Deployment is required for the sprint review. Modifying the script will delay other work past the end of the sprint. What should the product owner do next?

    1. Add the script modification to the sprint backlog and move the lowest priority item to the product backlog

    2. Add the script modification to the product backlog

    3. Extend the sprint deadline to include the script modification

    4. Schedule a face-to-face meeting with the manager of the DevOps group

  100. Your team needs to determine what stories to work on in the next iteration. Which is not an effective way to proceed?

    1. The team starts the iteration by working on riskiest or most valuable stories

    2. The scrum master helps the team understand the methodology they use to decompose stories and identify tasks

    3. The product owner helps everyone understand the relative priority of each story

    4. The scrum master helps lead the team through planning by deciding the order that the team works on the stories

  101. Which primary XP practice facilitates osmotic communication?

    1. Whole team

    2. Continuous integration

    3. Sit together

    4. Pair programming

  102. An agile team is defining a release plan. What is the best way to organize the requirements so that value is delivered early?

    1. Define minimally marketable features

    2. Re-estimate the items in backlog

    3. Post a visible burn-down chart in the team space

    4. Use an Ishikawa diagram

  103. Team members are concerned that a technical problem will cause a serious issue later in the project. One team member points out that if the problem occurs, then they will need to find a different technical approach. What should the team do next?

    1. Have the product owner add an item to the list of long-term features and deliverables

    2. Update the release plan to reflect a delay

    3. Perform exploratory work in an early sprint in order to determine whether their solution will work

    4. Alert the stakeholders to the impact the technical problem will have on the team’s commitments

  104. You are a product owner on a Scrum team. One of your stakeholders is a senior manager who just joined the company. She did not come to the last two sprint reviews. What should you do?

    1. Collaborate with the scrum master to help educate the stakeholder on the rules of Scrum

    2. Meet with the stakeholder’s manager and explain the rules of Scrum require her to attend the sprint review

    3. Set up a meeting with the stakeholder to bring her up to date and get her feedback on the project

    4. Post an information radiator about the project outside the stakeholder’s office

  105. You are meeting with several stakeholders partway through in iteration late in the project. One of them mentions that a senior manager you have not met would disagree with one of the features that the team has built into the software. What is the next thing you should do?

    1. Reprioritize the backlog to reflect the potential risk of requirements change

    2. Identify the potential issue at the next daily standup

    3. Schedule a meeting with the senior manager

    4. Add the issue to the risk register

  106. How should an agile practitioner on a Scrum team interpret this chart?

    1. The velocity is increasing

    2. The velocity is constant

    3. The team did a poor job planning

    4. The sprint goal is in jeopardy

  107. After a retrospective, one of the other team members tells you in confidence that he is concerned the team is making poor design and architecture decisions. How should you respond?

    1. Offer to raise the issue yourself so he doesn’t have to feel like he’s causing problems

    2. Tell the product owner and scrum master in confidence

    3. Encourage the team member to bring this up with the whole team

    4. Promise that you will not break his confidence so that you don’t threaten team cohesion

  108. The team has just completed planning activities for an iteration. What should they do next?

    1. Review the project management plan

    2. Hold a daily standup meeting

    3. Determine the length of the timebox

    4. Update stakeholders about the expected deliverables

  109. An agile practitioner on a hybrid Scrum/XP team discovers that several team members spend many hours each week resolving commit conflicts, and feels that improving the way they perform continuous integration will fix the issue. Which of the following is not a useful next step?

    1. Create and distribute a detailed process document that covers continuous integration best practices

    2. Engage the team throughout the project to help them learn better continuous integration techniques

    3. Educate the rest of the team on how out-of-date working folders can lead to commit conflicts

    4. Help the team improve their overall continuous integration process

  110. You are a member of an XP team planning the next weekly cycle. There is a database design task that needs to be done. One of your team members is an expert in database design, and says that he is the only team member who should be allowed to do that. What is the best way to proceed?

    1. Encourage the application of individual expertise in order to increase productivity

    2. Encourage the team to use pair programming

    3. Encourage the expert to serve as a mentor to a junior member of the team

    4. Raise the issue at the next daily standup meeting

  111. An agile practitioner encounters a stakeholder who insists that the team create a complete, highly detailed plan before any work begins. The agile practitioner should:

    1. Correct the stakeholder, because agile teams only use working software and not comprehensive documentation

    2. Show that the team has had success in the past with periodic product demonstrations and changing course mid-stream

    3. Review the product backlog with the stakeholder and identify the stories that are likely to go into each release

    4. Create the complete, highly detailed plan to satisfy the stakeholder

  112. An agile team is starting a new project. What is the best way to provide a starting point for managing the project?

    1. Create a release plan that includes buffers to account for maintenance

    2. Create a release plan that reflects a high-level understanding of the effort

    3. Create a Gantt chart that has a high level of detail

    4. Create a story map based on highly detailed effort estimates

  113. An agile team is conducting a periodic review of their practices and team culture. What is the purpose of this review?

    1. To adhere to a methodology that requires periodic retrospectives

    2. To review and update the list of features, stories, and tasks that comprise the team’s long-term work

    3. To improve their project process in order to increase the effectiveness of the team

    4. To identify the root cause of a specific problem

  114. An agile practitioner discovers that an important project stakeholder feels that she cannot trust the team to meet their commitments. What is the best way to improve this situation?

    1. Work with the team to improve how they communicate success criteria and collaborate with stakeholders on product trade-offs

    2. Meet with the stakeholder and make a strong commitment to delivering specific features

    3. Work with the team to set up a binding service-level agreement with the stakeholder on acceptance criteria for each increment

    4. Meet with the stakeholder to explain that the rules of Scrum require her to trust the team

  115. You are an agile practitioner and you just finished meeting with a stakeholder who identified several important priority changes. You have assigned a relative value to each item in the list of planned features, but the team is not yet able to prioritize them. What is the next action that the team should take?

    1. Re-estimate the items in the backlog

    2. Perform an architectural spike

    3. Update the information radiators

    4. Initiate the change control procedure

  116. Which of the following is not a benefit of co-location?

    1. Osmotic communication

    2. Ability to create an informative workspace

    3. Increased access to teammates

    4. Reduced distractions

  117. What is the best way to ensure that the work products being delivered have the maximum value?

    1. The scrum master collaborates with the stakeholders

    2. The team collaborates with the product owner

    3. The product owner collaborates with stakeholders

    4. The project manager collaborates with senior managers

  118. The team has identified a problem that caused a delay in the previous iteration. They now want to understand exactly what went wrong, and all of the factors that led up to the problem, so that they can improve their overall method for running their projects. What is an appropriate tool for this?

    1. Ishikawa diagram

    2. Spike solution

    3. Information radiator

    4. Burn-down chart

  119. You are an agile practitioner on a team in a company that builds medical devices. Quality, specifically with regards to patient safety, is the most important factor in your project’s success. What is the most effective way to ensure product quality?

    1. Use root cause analysis to identify the source of problems

    2. Include quality items in the iteration backlog

    3. Maximize value by periodically meeting with stakeholders

    4. Inspect, review, and test work products frequently and incorporate identified improvements

  120. Company-wide budget cuts require your team to reduce the schedule by three months. The product owner indicates that stakeholders will be angry about the lack of delivery. What should you do next?

    1. Follow your methodology’s rules to inspect the plan and adapt it to reflect the change in budget and schedule

    2. Present an alternative to senior management to make a case for increasing the budget

    3. Alert the product owner to scope and schedule changes just before they happen, so you can make decisions at the last responsible moment

    4. Find a way to keep the project going without alerting the product owner to serious problems

Before you look at the answers...

Before you find out how you did on the exam, here are a few ideas to help make the material stick to your brain. Remember, once you look through the answers, you can use these tips to help you review anything you missed.

  1. Don’t get caught up in the question.

    If you find yourself a little confused about a question, the first thing you should do is try to figure out exactly what it is the question is asking. It’s easy to get bogged down in the details, especially if the question is really wordy. Sometimes you need to read a question more than once. The first time you read it, ask yourself, “What’s this question really about?”


    This is especially useful for conflict resolution questions—the ones where you’re presented with a disagreement between team members, and asked how you’d handle it.

  2. Try this stuff out on your job.

    Everything you’re learning about for the PMI-ACP® exam is really practical, and based on real-world agile ideas. If you’re actively working on projects, then there’s a really good chance that some of the ideas you’re learning about can be applied to your job. Take a few minutes and think about how you’d use these things to make your projects go more smootly.

  3. Write your own questions.

    Is there a concept that you’re just not getting? One of the best ways that you can make it stick to your brain is to write your own question about it! We included Question Clinic exercises in Head First Agile to help you learn how to write questions like the ones you’ll find on the exam.


    When you write your own question, you do a few things:

    • You reinforce the idea and make it stick to your brain.

    • You think about how questions are structured.

    • By thinking of a real-world scenario where the concept is used, you put the idea in context and learn how to apply it.

    And all that helps you recall it better.!

Looking for a great way to meet the PMI-ACP® exam’s training requirements? Check out Safari Live Online Training from O’Reilly! Courses on agile pop up there all the time. It’s included with your Safari membership:

  1. Answer: B

    This is a case where the product owner is right, and the team member is doing something that is potentially dangerous. The reason that Scrum teams have a product owner role is so that someone can stay on top of all stakeholder communications. There’s nothing wrong with team members working directly with stakeholders, but they should never cut the product owner out of the discussion.


    Did it bother you that “scrum master” was not capitalized in the exam question? Get used to it! Questions on the actual exam might not have capitaliztion that matches your expectations.

  2. Answer: C

    Usability testing is an important way that teams can test their software to make sure it is easy to use, and agile teams conduct frequent reviews by testing the software and incorporating the improvements back into the deliverables. A very common way to perform usability testing is to observe users while they interact with early versions of the software.


    Capturing user interface requirements and using wireframes to plan the user interface are both valuable ways to improve the usability of the software, and agile teams use both of them. But agile teams also value working software over comprehensive documentation, so they typically opt for usability testing over UI requirements and wireframes.

  3. Answer: B

    When problems occur, agile teams work closely with their stakeholders to understand acceptable trade-offs. On a Scrum team, the product owner is responsible for interacting with the stakeholders to help them understand how the project is going. So when a problem happens on a Scrum project that will impact what the team delivers, the product owner needs to meet with the stakeholder and discuss exactly how the team will proceed. Agile teams work with their stakeholders to maintain a shared understanding of important trade-offs that affect delivery, which helps build a mutual trust between them.


    A spike solution doesn’t make sense here, because the question didn’t mention anything about exploring a potential technical solution.

  4. Answer: D

    When teams use a kanban board to visualize their workflow, they use columns to represent workflow steps, and typically use sticky notes or index cards to show individual work items flowing through the process. If items tend to accumulate in one column, it tells the team that step is a potential root cause for the process flow slowing down. The way to fix it is to work with the stakeholders to impose a work in progress (WIP) limit, usually by writing the maximum allowable number of work items for that step.


    The stakeholders need to be involved because the team will need to change their behavior when the WIP limit for the step is reached—and that often affects the stakeholders. This helps everyone get to the root cause of the flow problem more quickly.

    Did you notice that the practice exam had a LOT of which-is-BEST questions and least-worst-option questions? One of the most difficult aspects of the PMI-ACP® exam is choosing the best answer when several might be correct, or when none seem to be.

  5. Answer: D

    Generalizing specialists can come in really handy, and agile teams do everything that they can to help encourage people to broaden their skills. When everyone on the team has a broader skill set, it lets the team do more work with fewer people, and helps them to avoid bottlenecks. Agile teams try to provide as many opportunities as possible for their team members to develop generalized skills. So when there’s an opportunity for a team member to expand their skills—like a tester taking on development work—agile teams take advantage of it.


    This is especially true of Scrum teams. Because they’re self-organizing, they can make decisions about who can do the work at the last responsible moment.

  6. Answer: A

    The main reason for teams to set ground rules is so that they can foster coherence, and continue to increase their collective commitment to the project’s goals and to delivering value to the stakeholders. Teams should always have good, sensible, sound reasons for setting ground rules. So the best way to help the new team member fit in with the new team is to explain those reasons, and encourage him or her to try following the new rule.


    If there isn’t a good, sensible reason for the rule, then the new team member might be right and the rule might not be a good idea. But that person should still try it out first, because keeping an open mind about the team’s culture is the best way to encourage team coherence.

  7. Answer: C

    Leaders on agile teams practice servant leadership. This means making sure that the individual team members get credit for their work, feel appreciated, and get work done. Servant leaders spend a lot of time working behind the scenes to remove roadblocks that will cause problems down the road. Servant leaders do not typically assign work or decide how the team should build their products.

  8. Answer: D

    One of the most important aspects of how agile teams manage their requirements is that they gain consensus among the whole team on the definition of “done” for each item in an iteration. Everyone on the team needs to agree on clear and specific acceptance criteria for every feature that they are going to deliver at the end of the iteration. An effective way to reach consensus on acceptance criteria is to use negotiation.


    A common way for teams to negotiate this is to have “give and take” where the current iteration’s definition of “done” includes some of the work, but agrees to include the rest of the work in a future iteration.

  9. Answer: D

    An agile practitioner working directly with multiple stakeholders is in the product owner role. A product owner meets periodically with stakeholders to identify expectations and requirements, and works with the team to help them understand those requirements. In this case, a stakeholder has a requirement, so the product owner’s job is to make sure that the team is knowledgeable about that stakeholder’s needs and expectations.

  10. Answer: D

    Once teams have been together long enough to get into the work they sometimes enter a phase—referred to as “storming”—in which team members often develop strong negative opinions about each other’s character. Adaptive leadership, where leaders modify their style based on the stage of group development, tells us that teams in the “storming” phase need supportive leadership, which involves high levels of direction and high levels of support.


    This question is based on Tuckman’s model of group development and Hershey’s situational leadership model, theories developed in the 1960s and 1970s about how teams form and how leaders should adapt to them. But it’s more important to understand the ideas of what happens to teams when they form and how effective leaders should adapt to them than to remember the names Tuckman or Hershey.

  11. Answer: A

    Self-organizing teams plan the work together and make decisions about who does specific tasks at the last responsible moment. During sprint planning meetings Scrum teams typically break down the stories, features, or requirements from the sprint backlog into individual tasks and work items. But because they are self-organizing, instead of assigning those tasks to team members at the beginning of the sprint, most Scrum teams rely on the individuals to assign the tasks to themselves during the Daily Scrum.


    Assigning work at the last responsible moment doesn’t necessarily mean that tasks are only self-assigned during the Daily Scrum. If there’s a really important reason to assign a task to a team member during sprint planning, it wouldn’t be responsible to delay that assignment until the first Daily Scrum.

  12. Answer: C

    The primary focus of an agile team is to deliver value early, and the way the team does that is by collaborating with the stakeholder and prioritizing the highest value work. However, in this question the agile practitioner is the stakeholder, not the team member—the agile team doing the work is at the vendor, and the agile practitioner will work with that team’s product owner. So in this case, the product owner on the vendor’s team must collaborate with the agile practitioner.


    When you see a question asking about working with a vendor, part of your job is to figure out if the practitioner is the stakeholder and the vendor’s team members are filling the product owner, scrum master, and team roles.

  13. Answer: A

    One reason that agile teams are able to improve over time is that they pay attention not just to their individual projects, but to the entire system that they’re working within. One way that they do that is by disseminating knowledge and practices—not just across their own organization, but across organizational boundaries.

  14. Answer: B

    Agile practitioners must always advocate for agile principles, and one of the core principles of agile is that agile teams value responding to change over following a plan. Explaining the value to the scrum master is a good idea, but the best way to advocate for agile principles is by modeling those principles.


    You should always favor showing examples of agile principles from successful projects over simply explaining them.

  15. Answer: D

    Every individual person on an agile team is encouraged to show leadership. To do this, agile teams foster an environment where it’s safe to make mistakes, and where everyone is treated with respect. However, the company does not typically set ground rules for the team.


    However, following the company’s rules for project management isn’t usually a particularly effective way to bring a team together.

  16. Answer: D

    Kanban teams typically use cumulative flow diagrams to visualize the flow of work through the process. This allows them to get a visual sense of the average arrival rate (how frequently work items are added), lead time (the amount of time between when a work item is requested and when it’s delivered), and work in progress (the number of work items in the process at any time).

  17. Answer: D

    Security and performance requirements (like the use of encryption or how quickly the software runs) are good examples of non-functional requirements. Agile teams elicit non-functional requirements that are relevant to their project by considering the environment that the code will run in, and they work with stakeholders to understand and prioritize those requirements.


    When you’re presented with several potential technical approaches, a spike solution is a good way to determine which one will work. However, in this case the team already knows that both solutions are feasible and what the results of each approach will be, so they wouldn’t actually learn anything from a spike solution.

  18. Answer: C

    Agile teams conduct frequent retrospectives so that they can improve the way they do their work. On a Scrum team, everyone—including the scrum master, who participates as a peer, just like the other team members—participates in the retrospective by identifying improvements and working on a plan to implement those improvements. The scrum master also has an additional job, to help teach the rest of the team the rules of Scrum, including how to fill their roles in the meeting and maintain the meeting timebox.

  19. Answer: B

    The scrum master is a servant leader whose job it is to help ensure that everyone has a common knowledge of the practices used by the team. When a servant leader is approached by a team member with a question or misunderstanding about a practice, he or she helps that person understand how the practice works and why it helps the team achieve the project’s goals.

  20. Answer: C

    When an agile team works with a vendor, that vendor will typically use a methodology that is different from the one used by the agile team. In this case, the vendor is using a waterfall methodology—and that’s OK. What’s important here is that agile teams establish a shared vision of each project increment. In this question, the roles are flipped around, so you are the stakeholder, but aligning your expectations with the team doing the work and building trust with that team is still critically important to the project’s success. So if the vendor uses scope and objectives documents to do that, then your job is to make sure that your team’s view of the high-level vision and supporting objectives matches the view of the vendor team, and take action to fix any disagreements.


    Agile teams might value working software over comprehensive documentation, but they still value documentation. Don’t assume that an answer is wrong just because it involves working with documentation.

  21. Answer: D

    People and teams always have their own professional and personal goals on every project. One reason that agile teams are so effective is because they take this into account by making sure that the team goals and the project goals are aligned. Scrum teams, for example, write down a simply stated, straightforward goal for every sprint. When the team has their own specific goal, they should collaborate to find common ground so that they accomplish the sprint goal while still making progress towards their team goal.


    There are often disagreements between team members—in this case, between the product owner and the rest of the team. Collaboration will almost always work better than negotiation in a situation like this.

  22. Answer: D

    When teams run into serious problems, one of the first things that they should do is make sure that everyone—especially the stakeholders—understands the impact of the problem. And when that problem is going to cause serious delays, they need to reset everyone’s expectations in order to make sure they still deliver as much value as possible.

  23. Answer: D

    When an agile team—and especially a Scrum team—completes a timeboxed iteration, the next step is to get feedback on the work that they completed by holding a demonstration for the stakeholders. However, agile teams only demonstrate work that is fully completed. If the work has not been completed, the team will usually include it as the first thing to be done when planning the next iteration.

  24. Answer: A

    When your team’s stakeholders’ expectations are in line with the working software that your team delivers, it builds trust. That trust grows over time as each stakeholder sees that the working software increasingly incorporates his or her requirements, and that the team is able to adjust as those requirements change. The product owner plays a very important part in this on a Scrum team by making sure that each stakeholders’ expectations about what the team will deliver is always in line with the work they are doing.


    When the stakeholder and team agree on the definition of “done” for the increment, it prevents nasty surprises at the sprint review. A really effective way to do that is for the product owner and stakeholder to review the acceptance criteria for each story.

  25. Answer: B

    Part of your job as an agile practitioner is to always keep an eye out for ways to support change at the organization level. One of your goals is educating and influencing people in the broader organization, and the best way to do this is to speak about your own team’s success.


    When you’re trying to influence others, it’s much more effective to talk about your own team’s success, rather than simply explaining how agile works or acting like a pushy agile zealot.


    This is an especially tough question. Did you choose the incorrect answer about engaging the product owner? Understanding why that answer is wrong requires you to be really familiar with what a product owner does—and doesn’t do—on a Scrum team. The product owner role is entirely focused on the project and the project’s specific stakeholders. This question asked about the company as a whole, not about the specific project. So this is really a question about the agile practitioner’s responsibility to support change at the organizational level by educating others in his or her company.

  26. Answer: A

    Information radiators are an effective tool that agile teams use to create an informative workspace. An information radiator is a highly visual display (like a chart posted in a central location in the team space) that shows real progress and team performance.

  27. Answer: C

    Agile teams are encouraged to do experimentation in order to surface problems and impediments to the team, and exploratory work (like spike solutions) is a really good way to do that. The results of that work should be surfaced to the team when they are problems or impediments that might slow the team down or impact the team’s ability to deliver value to the stakeholders.


    This is an especially tough question, because it requires you to understand a very specific task in one of the domains in the examination content outline, specifically task #1 in domain VI (Problem Detection and Resolution): “Create an open and safe environment by encouraging conversation and experimentation, in order to surface problems and impediments that are slowing the team down or preventing its ability to deliver value.” This question is worded in a way that references specific parts of that task (slow down progress, prevent its ability to deliver value). This problem domain accounts for 10% of the scored questions on the test, and there are only five tasks in that domain, so you may potentially see two scored questions based on this task.

  28. Answer: B

    Agile teams select and tailor their process based not only on agile practices and values, but also on the characteristics of the organization. This team is having engineering problems, which is one hint that XP is the right solution for them. They might want to switch to Scrum, but assigning a team member to the product owner role is not an effective way to do that because the product owner will not have the authority to accept items on behalf of the team.


    Kaizen and continuous improvement are generally a good approach for improving a team, but that answer is not very specific. It is better to go with the answer that offers specific improvements that the team can make.


    This is an especially tough question. Did you choose the incorrect answer about assigning team members to the product owner and scrum master role? This sounds like a good idea! The problem is that it’s almost never a good idea to simply choose an existing team member to be the product owner, because product owners must have enough authority to adequately make decisions and accept features as done on behalf of the company, and it’s extremely unlikely that someone like that is already on the team. Instead of simply assigning a team member to the product owner role, teams must work with their users, stakeholders, and senior managers to find a product owner with that level of authority. Since that answer is incorrect, the next best answer is to adopt XP’s delivery-focused practices—especially quarterly and weekly cycles—because that is an effective way to solve the team’s problem.

  29. Answer: B

    When a stakeholder needs a change to an item the team is currently working on, the product owner has the authority to immediately make that change. The most important thing is that the team is working on maximizing the value, so the item should be removed from the sprint backlog and the sprint should continue as usual: work on the other items continues, and the team holds a sprint review with the stakeholder when the timebox expires.


    Technically, the product owner has the authority to cancel a sprint, but it should be done in very rare occasions because it can seriously damage the trust that the team has built up with the stakeholders.

  30. Answer: B

    Teams that have been using agile methodologies effectively for a long time tend to be really good at estimating, and there are many different ways to estimate. The important thing is that deciding on estimates, like any other decision made by an agile team, is most effective when it’s done collaboratively. Planning poker and wideband Delphi are methods for collaborative estimation that allow several team members to work together to come up with an estimate. Having an informal discussion is also a good way to collaborate. But simply leaving it in the hands of the product owner isn’t collaborative at all. And simply taking the maximum estimate generated by a team member is a great way to pad your schedule, but it is definitely not open or transparent, which goes against the Scrum value of openness.

  31. Answer: C

    When your company has a requirement for all teams, you need to comply with it. That’s why agile teams tailor their process based on how the wider organization functions. But they still make sure that they are focused first and foremost on delivering value to the customer.


    Also, agile teams do value comprehensive documentation. They just value working software more.

  32. Answer: A

    An agile practitioner should practice visualization of important project information by maintaining information radiators that are highly visible. It’s important that they show the team’s real progress, and a burn-down chart is a great way to do that.

  33. Answer: B

    Teams often experience temporary drops in velocity, especially when multiple team members are on vacation. If those vacations have been planned for a long time, then that information should have been taken into account already in the release plan, so it should not change.

  34. Answer: C

    This question is describing a Scrum team’s sprint planning meeting. During that meeting, the team first reviews the product backlog, which involves reviewing the overall list of features that will be delivered. The next thing the team should do is create the sprint backlog, which involves extracting items from the product backlog to deliver in the increment for the sprint.

  35. Answer: C

    The complexity of deliverables plays a major role in how much work it will require to build. When the team member discovers that a deliverable was less complex than anticipated, the team should use that information to adapt the way they plan their project. Since the deliverable will require less work than expected, it means they’ll make more progress during each iteration toward completing the deliverable, and they can plan to release the deliverable earlier. But their velocity shouldn’t increase in the next iteration, because the team should take the reduced complexity into account when calculating the velocity for that iteration.


    The velocity of the iteration that the team just completed probably increased temporarily because the team member got more work done than she anticipated due to the unexpectedly low complexity of the deliverable. But now that they know it’s less complex, they’ll adjust their plan, and the velocity should return to normal.

  36. Answer: B

    Kanban is a method for process improvement, not project management. So while kanban boards, cumulative flow diagrams, and value stream maps are valuable tools for visualizing and understanding the workflow for your process, they aren’t tools for tracking project progress. A task board, on the other hand, is a great tool for tracking project progress.

  37. Answer: A

    Agile teams enhance their creativity by experimenting with new techniques whenever they can. This helps them discover ways of working that can improve efficiency and effectiveness. The only way to determine whether or not this new technique is an improvement is to try it out.

  38. Answer: C

    In this question, a Scrum team just finished inspecting the project plan, and Scrum teams always do that during their daily scrum meeting. When issues are raised at the daily scrum, team members with knowledge of the issue schedule a follow-up meeting so that they can figure out how to adapt to the change, which almost always involves modifying the sprint backlog.


    It’s important for the product owner to keep the stakeholders up to date. However, the team hasn’t even determined whether this is a real issue, so it’s premature to alert stakeholders.

  39. Answer: C

    When teams have identified threats and issues, they should maintain a prioritized list that they keep visible and constantly monitor. The reason for this is to encourage the team to take action on the issues (rather than ignore them), and to make sure that each issue has an owner and that the team keeps track of the status of each issue.

  40. Answer: B

    Getting frequent feedback from users and customers is an effective way to confirm that you’re delivering business value and enhancing that value. You get that feedback at the sprint review, which is the meeting where you review the increment.


    The first sentence is a red herring. That’s true of every project!

  41. Answer: C

    Sometimes teams run into issues that simply cannot be resolved. When this happens, the most important thing is to make sure everyone—especially the stakeholders—understands as soon as possible exactly how this will impact the commitments.

  42. Answer: A

    When velocity drops, it’s often temporary. For example, the amount of work the team produces in an iteration might decrease temporarily if a team member is on vacation or if a specific work item turns out to be more difficult or complex than anticipated. But if the velocity drops significantly and stays at that lower level for several iterations, the team needs to adjust their release plan to reflect the fact that they won’t get deliverables done as quickly. That way they can maintain commitments to their stakeholders that are realistic, and not overly optimistic because they’re based on outdated information.


    Agile teams typically schedule releases that align with the end of their iterations, releasing work that’s been completed during the iteration. Often, a lower velocity won’t require the team to change the frequency of those releases. They’ll just deploy fewer deliverables at each release. That way the steady flow of completed deliverables will continue (even if the project takes longer).

  43. Answer: A

    An important part of stakeholder engagement on an agile team is to help the stakeholders to establish their own relationships so that they can more effectively collaborate. Meeting with them to set up a working agreement for the sake of the project is an effective way to accomplish this.


    Servant leadership typically refers to the way someone in a leadership position—often the scrum master—relates to the rest of the team, recognizing that they’re the ones actually getting the work done.

  44. Answer: B

    When teams encounter risks, issues, and threats to the project, an important priority should always be to communicate the status of those issues. An information radiator is a very good tool for doing that.

  45. Answer: A

    A story map gives your team a way to collaborate with each other and create a visual release plan by organizing stories into releases. This helps your team provide forecasts for future releases to your stakeholders. And it does it at a level of detail that gives them enough information to plan effectively, without including specific details that the team can’t possibly know or honestly commit to this early on.

  46. Answer: A

    Agile teams—and especially Scrum teams—work so well because they maintain a very high level of stakeholder involvement. One way that product owners do that is by constantly looking for changes in the project and the organization, and immediately acting on those changes to see if that change affects the project’s stakeholders. In this case, an organizational change created a new project stakeholder, so the product owner needs to engage with that person as soon as possible.


    This question starts off by describing the product owner role: “an agile practitioner who maintains a prioritized list of requirements for the team”—in other words, the person who maintains the product backlog.

  47. Answer: C

    Teams refine the requirements for the software that they build by gaining consensus on the acceptance criteria for each feature or work item, and these acceptance criteria combine to form the definition of “done” for the product increment.


    A lot of people will have endless arguments disagreeing on how the terms “definition of ‘done’” and “acceptance criteria” differ slightly in meaning. Some people believe that definition of “done” applies only to the increment, while acceptance criteria apply only to individual stories or features. But for the exam, you may see the terms used interchangeably, and you will probably not be asked a question that requires you to differentiate between them.

  48. Answer: B

    It’s part of an agile practitioner’s job to support change at the organization level, to educate people in the organization, and to influence behaviors and people in order to make the organization more effective and efficient.

  49. Answer: A

    When one person assigns work to the team and expects them to report status, that’s the opposite of self-organizing, and the Scrum implementation is broken. On a self-organizing team, individual team members are empowered to make decisions together about what tasks they work on next. The daily scrum is where the whole team reviews these decisions.


    In an effective daily scrum, the agile practitioner would tell the rest of the team what task she plans to work on next. If this doesn’t seem like an effective approach, another team member will raise that as an issue, and they’ll meet together after the daily scrum to work out the details.

  50. Answer: C

    Determining the root cause of a quality problem is an important first step to fixing a problem, and an Ishikawa (or fishbone) diagram is an effective tool for doing root cause analysis.

  51. Answer: D

    After teams have been together for a while, they often enter a phase—referred to as “norming”—in which they start to resolve their differences and personality clashes, and a cooperative quality starts to emerge among the team members. According to adaptive leadership, a management and leadership approach that involves changing the way that leaders work with teams as they move through their stages of formation, the “norming” stage requires supporting, or leadership that features a lot of support but allows the team more freedom to determine their own direction.


    This question is about adaptive leadership, which is based on Tuckman’s theory of group development and Hershey’s situational leadership model, which were developed in the 1960s and 1970s. It’s more important to understand the ideas of what happens to teams when they form and how effective leaders should adapt to them than to remember the names of these management theories.

  52. Answer: D

    The “caves and commons” office layout, in which developers or pairs have semi-private spaces adjacent to a shared meeting space, is effective because it limits interruption while still allowing for osmotic communication (where team members learn important project information from overheard conversations). Open plans—especially ones where team members sit facing each other—can be very distracting, which makes it difficult to focus. And while closed-door offices do a great job of limiting interruptions (and team members definitely prefer them because they provide both privacy and status), they don’t allow for osmotic communication.

  53. Answer: D

    The product owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the deliverables. The main way that he or she does this is by prioritizing the units of work in the product backlog so that the team delivers the most valuable ones first, and he or she determines that value by collaborating with stakeholders. The team does not determine the value of the work items by themselves—this is only done by the product owner in collaboration with the stakeholders.


    You might see terms like “business representative” or “proxy customer”—they’re referring to the Product Owner.

  54. Answer: C

    No stakeholder likes to be told that a feature he or she is expecting to be done at the end of the current iteration will be delayed until the next one or later. That’s why agile teams work especially hard to establish a clear picture of exactly what they will deliver at the end of the iteration—and they work really hard to maintain that shared understanding between the team and the stakeholders. So when the definition of “done” for the increment changes (in other words, when the team discovers a change in what they’re planning to deliver at the end of the iteration), they need to let the stakeholders know immediately.

  55. Answer: B

    Constructive disagreement—and even the occasional argument—is normal and even valuable for teams. That’s why agile teams always strive to create an open and safe environment by encouraging conversation, disagreement, and even constructive arguments. The presence of a senior manager should not change this.

  56. Answer: C

    Feedback and corrections to planned work and work in progress is done using periodic checkpoints with stakeholders. Most agile teams accomplish this by holding a review at the end of each iteration.

  57. Answer: C

    Making the increment size smaller is an effective way to identify risks and respond to them as early as possible in the project. Including fewer stories in each iteration is a good way to limit the increment size.

  58. Answer: D

    There is an upper limit on the number of people who can be on a Scrum team—it typically can support a maximum of nine people (but some teams make it work with up to twelve). Fourteen is definitely too large for a Scrum team, and an early sign that the team is too large is that people have trouble concentrating during the daily scrum. The best thing for this team to do is to split into two smaller teams.

  59. Answer: A

    Agile teams always prefer face-to-face communications whenever possible, and digital videoconferencing tools are a great way to facilitate face-to-face communications. The team should always accommodate stakeholders whenever possible, but should not expect stakeholders to necessarily accommodate them (so requiring a stakeholder to fly out and co-locate with the team for several weeks is an unreasonable thing for a team to ask).

  60. Answer: B

    The value stream map displayed in the chart shows time that the team spent working on the top, and time that the team wasted waiting on the bottom. If you add up the days, the team spent a total of 38 days actively working on the project, and 35 days waiting for approvals, stakeholders, and SA and DBA activities. That is a very large portion of the project spent waiting, which means there are plenty of opportunities to eliminate waste.

  61. Answer: B

    Velocity is a very effective way to use the team’s actual performance from past sprints to understand their actual capacity for doing work, and using that information to forecast how much work they can accomplish in future iterations. Teams do this by assigning a relative size—typically using made-up units like story points—to each story, feature, requirement, or other item being worked on, and using the number of points per iteration to calculate the team’s capacity.

  62. Answer: B

    It’s normal and healthy for team members to have constructive disagreements. It happens all the time on effective teams, especially when the team members feel personally committed to the project. While leaders sometimes need to step in and prevent arguments from getting out of hand, letting the team members resolve their own disagreements is always better for the team, because it creates cohesion and lets them reach common ground together.

  63. Answer: A

    When you’re working on a Scrum team, it’s the product owner’s job to meet with the stakeholders, help them understand problems, and communicate the solutions to the team. Team members should never go directly to stakeholders with problems; they need to make sure the product owner is always involved.


    The part of the question about the product owner’s schedule conflict is a red herring. There’s only one answer to this question that doesn’t have the team member exclude the product owner.

  64. Answer: D

    Agile teams are concerned not just with delivering high-value features, but with maximizing the total value that’s delivered to the stakeholders. That’s why they balance delivery of high-value work items with reducing risk. An important way agile teams do that is to increase the priority of high-risk work items in the backlog. This particular work item presents a high risk because it’s a low-priority work item, but if there’s a problem it will have a large impact.

  65. Answer: C

    A generalizing specialist, or someone who has expertise in a specific area but is also improving in several other areas of expertise, is very valuable to an agile team. Generalizing specialists can help reduce team size by filling several different roles. Bottlenecks are less likely to occur, because one source of project bottlenecks comes from having only one team member able to do a certain task but not being available to perform it. Generalizing specialists help to create high-performing, cross-functional teams. However, they don’t necessarily have better planning skills than any other team member.

  66. Answer: C

    Agile teams recognize that they learn a lot about the work that they will do along the way, so they expect their plans to improve as the project progresses. They do this by adapting their plan at the start of each iteration, and meeting every day to find and address any issues with that plan. This is how they refine their estimates of the scope and the schedule so that their plans always reflect a current understanding of what’s going on in the real world.

  67. Answer: C

    Agile teams handle maintenance and operations work exactly the same way that they handle any other work. If bug fixes are critical, the team will work on them at the next opportunity. And the next opportunity, in most cases, is the start of the next iteration.


    Stopping work immediately to change directions introduces chaos, and is not an effective way to change priorities. Agile teams use iterations so that they can respond to change quickly without letting their projects spin out of control.

  68. Answer: B

    One reason that agile teams are easy to work with is that they provide their stakeholders with forecasts and schedules that are at a level of detail that gives the stakeholders the information that they need without an unrealistically high level of detail. The scrum master should understand this, and recognize that there’s absolutely no way that the team could possibly know how each person will spend each hour for the next six months.


    When you give stakeholders a schedule that has an unrealistically high level of detail, you’re basically lying to them. That’s definitely not something agile teams do!

  69. Answer: D

    Scrum teams value focus because even a small number of interruptions every week can cause significant delays, and the frustration from interruptions can seriously demotivate the team. As a servant leader, the scrum master needs to pay attention to anything that demotivates the team in order to keep morale high and the team productive. So while a servant leader typically doesn’t have the authority to grant permission to skip meetings called by the manager, it’s absolutely within the scrum master’s role to approach that manager and find ways to keep the interruptions to a minimum.

  70. Answer: C

    Dealing with a non-cooperative team member is always difficult. On an agile team it’s especially hard because agile, more than most other ways of working, relies on a shared mindset among the team. That’s why it’s so important for team members to cooperate with each other. One way that they do that is to come up with ground rules that help improve the team’s coherence and strengthen each other’s shared commitment to the project’s goals and to the team.


    One way that a lot of Scrum teams handle a situation like this is to create a rule where anyone who arrives late to the daily scrum twice in a row has to wear a silly hat for the rest of the day or put a small amount of money into a “tip jar” that pays for a pizza or a round of drinks when it gets full.

  71. Answer: B

    The first step in planning an agile project is defining deliverables. In other words, the team needs to know what they’re building. Agile teams typically use incremental methodologies, so the deliverables are defined by identifying specific units that the team will build incrementally.

  72. Answer: D

    Managing the expectations of stakeholders is an important part of how agile teams work. One way that they do it is to make broad commitments at the beginning of the project, typically by coming up with general goals for the project deliverables. As the project unfolds and project uncertainty reduces, they can make more and more specific commitments. This helps give their stakeholders a good idea of exactly what will be delivered, without the team overcommitting or agreeing to deliver something that turns out to be impossible or unrealistic within the project’s time and cost constraints.

  73. Answer: C

    Agile teams always provide as much transparency as they can to their primary stakeholders, especially when it comes to problems that could impact the project. Keeping the primary stakeholder informed is more important than updating information radiators, refining the backlog, or holding a retrospective.


    Any time a stakeholder is impacted, he or she needs to be kept informed. This is especially true on Scrum teams, where openness is highly valued.

  74. Answer: C

    When you experiment with new techniques and process ideas, it helps you and your team discover more efficient and effective ways to get your project done, and this is an important way that agile teams enhance creativity. So when you are presented with a set of alternative techniques to use, you should consider them. On a Scrum team, the appropriate time for doing this is during the sprint planning meeting.


    The rules of Scrum are important and give you a highly effective way to manage projects and build software, but if they specifically conflict with company-wide rules, you’ll need to find a way to work within your company’s guidelines.

  75. Answer: B

    It’s really important to encourage all of the team members to share knowledge. Agile teams collaborate and work together, because sharing knowledge is an important way that agile teams avoid risks and improve productivity.


    It’s true that the sprint retrospective typically comes after the sprint review. However, there’s a more pressing issue that you have to handle first.

  76. Answer: D

    When a Scrum team plans the next sprint, one thing that they do is craft a sprint goal. This is their objective for the sprint that they’ll meet by completing the work in the sprint backlog and delivering the increment. The sprint goal is how they stablish a shared, high-level vision of what they will accomplish for their stakeholders by delivering the increment.


    Information radiators are a good way to communicate information about how the project is going, but they don’t really do a lot to establish a shared vision for the sprint.

  77. Answer: A

    Value stream analysis is a very valuable tool for detecting waste, especially waste that is caused by waiting for other teams.


    An Ishikawa (or fishbone) diagram can help you describe the root cause of project problems, but it isn’t tailored to finding specific causes of waste due to waiting time.

  78. Answer: A

    All of these answers are good ideas. But the question specifically asked about the most effective strategy for prioritizing stories in the sprint backlog. Agile teams need to deliver stakeholder value early, which is why they plan their releases around minimally marketable features or minimally viable products. An early product release that has just enough features is the definition of a minimally viable product. The other answers are good strategies to get there.


    If you see a question where several answers look like they could be correct, choose the answer that’s most specific to the question being asked.

  79. Answer: A

    Scrum teams plan their work by dividing the project into increments, and delivering a “done” increment at the end of each sprint. Scrum teams typically don’t make major adjustments to their long-term plans mid-sprint. Instead, they make sure they are working on the most valuable deliverables they can during any individual sprint, so that even if priorities changes, they can meet the commitments they made for the current sprint and still deliver value. They’ll adapt their plans to the new priorities as soon as the current sprint is done.


    Completing the current sprint isn’t the same thing as stubbornly sticking to an outdated plan. But if the alternative is cancelling the sprint, it’s much better to complete the current sprint and deliver the backlog items that the team promised the stakeholders at the last sprint review.

  80. Answer: A

    When teams discover risks or other issues that could threaten the project, they need to communicate the status of those issues to the stakeholders, and if possible, incorporate activities into the backlog to deal with the risk. One useful activity is exploratory work, where team members take time during a sprint to build a risk-basked spike solution to help mitigate the risk. But while refactoring the source code and performing continuous integration might be useful for lowering risk due to technical debt, it is unlikely to help with this situation.


    When you see a “which-is-NOT” question, be really careful to read all of the answers, and make sure you pick the WORST answer, not the BEST.

  81. Answer: C

    When the team doesn’t have a consensus on what it means for a work item to be done, it can lead to problems, arguments, and delays late in the iteration. This is why the team needs to determine a definition of “done” that can be used as acceptance criteria. This is usually done on a “just-in-time” basis by leaving the decision for the last responsible moment—but for the team in this question, they waited too long to make that decision.

  82. Answer: B

    The team was notified of an operations problem, and they need to modify their plan to take it into account. They have an estimate for the impact: two team members will need to spend three iterations on the workaround. So they’ll treat this change the way they treat any other change, by adding stories to their weekly cycles, and adjusting their release plan to reflect the change. Since this workaround is just more project work, it won’t reduce the velocity, because work on the stories for the workaround will count towards the velocity just like any other work.


    There’s no need to run a risk-based spike, because there is no uncertainty. The team knows that the server upgrade will be delayed, and that they’ll have to spend time and effort on the workaround.

  83. Answer: A

    When a serious risk happens early on in the project, that’s when iteration is most important. In this case, the team discovered a problem that needs to be fixed as soon as possible, so work needs to start right away—that means the product owner should add an item to the sprint backlog to start that work immediately. But the work will continue into the next sprint, so he or she also adds another item to the product backlog to make sure the fix is completed.

  84. Answer: B

    Agile teams plan their projects at multiple levels. For example, Scrum teams use the product backlog to do long-term strategic planning, hold sprint planning meetings at the beginning of each sprint to build the sprint backlog, and review their plan every day at the daily scrum. In this case, the stakeholder wants to know about the sprint backlog, which is created at the sprint planning meetings.


    This question doesn’t use the term “sprint backlog” but instead describes it (“a list of features, stories, and other items to be delivered during the sprint”).

  85. Answer: B

    Agile teams should always think about risks and potential issues that could threaten the project. When they encounter them, the team should maintain them in a way that ensures that the status and priority of each risk is visible and monitored.


    It’s a great idea to add items to the backlog in order to deal with risks. However, the team should not necessarily do it for every single risk that was raised in the retrospective. Sometimes risks can be accepted, and sometimes it’s enough just to be aware of them.

  86. Answer: B

    Teams often size the items that they will work on using ideal time. This means working together to figure out how much time it would take for a team member to work on each item in an “ideal” situation: he or she has everything needed to complete the work, there are no interruptions, and no other external factors or issues that could get in the way of completing the work. Unlike relative size techniques (like assigning story points to each item), ideal time is the team’s best estimate of the absolute time required.

  87. Answer: B

    People on teams have conflicts all the time. The difference on an agile team is that they genuinely try to collaborate with each other. In this case, the XP team practice incremental design by finding a minimal first step that leaves the design open to either person’s approach. Having the two team members use pair programming to build that approach together is a highly collaborative way to handle the situation. (Also, setting team ground rules to prohibit arguments is a terrible idea. Some arguments are healthy, and can lead to a better product and a more cohesive team.)


    Fist-of-five voting is a way for teams of people to express their opinions. But in this case the team is arguing over which technical approach is superior, and swaying opinions is not necessarily the best way to reach the best technical solution.

  88. Answer: B

    A really important part of an agile team is that everyone is allowed to experiment and make mistakes. When you make a mistake, you need to be open and public about it with your team. It’s tempting to try to cover up the problem, but when problems happen you can’t shield the rest of the team from the consequences. You need to be open about what happened, and work through the problem together.


    When you’re open about your own mistakes, it helps build a safe and trustful team environment.

  89. Answer: D

    When new leaders emerge on an agile team, your job is to encourage that leadership. It’s often difficult to try out new techniques, so your job as an agile practitioner is to establish a safe and respectful environment for that.

  90. Answer: D

    Agile teams are highly innovative because they create a safe environment where they’re allowed to make mistakes so they can improve. An important part of the mindset of allowing mistakes is to think of them as problems that need to be corrected, rather than learning experiences. And it’s important to be open about mistakes that you’ve made, and encourage others to do the same.


    If you “allow” a mistake to go “uncorrected” you’re still viewing it as a mistake that you were generous enough to let slip by. Part of developing an effective agile mindset is learning to see mistakes as genuine opportunities for improvement.

  91. Answer: C

    A value stream map is the result of value stream analysis. Typically, a value stream map shows the flow of an actual work item (such as a product feature) through a process, with each step categorized as either working or waiting (non-working) time. One goal of value stream analysis is identification of waste in the form of non-working time that can be eliminated.

  92. Answer: C

    Interruptions can be extraordinarily damaging to the team’s productivity. Even a brief interruption can take a team member—especially a developer writing code—out of his or her state of “flow,” and it can take up to 45 minutes to get back into it. So four or five phone calls a day might not sound too bad, but that level of interruption can cause someone to sit at their desk all day and get literally no work done. It’s unrealistic to change the office layout (and that won’t fix the phone call problem, anyway). And while it makes sense to adjust the sprint backlog, that doesn’t fix the problem. So the best option is to establish a daily “no-call” window to limit interruptions.


    Having the product owner approach the stakeholders makes sense, but if the stakeholders need to talk to team members, it’s unreasonable to ask them to go through an intermediary. Agile teams value face-to-face (or phone) conversations, and those conversations can be very important to the project.

  93. Answer: B

    Teams work best when they have a safe and trustful environment where people are allowed to experiment and make mistakes. As a servant leader, the scrum master must do everything that he or she can to establish that environment, even when it means having uncomfortable conversations with senior managers.


    This is going to be a difficult discussion for the scrum master, and it’s a good example of how it’s not always easy for Scrum teams to value courage.

  94. Answer: C

    A persona is a profile of a made-up user that includes personal facts and often a photo. It’s a tool that a lot of Scrum teams use to help them understand who their users and stakeholders are and what they need. Agile teams need to identify all of their stakeholders—including future ones they don’t necessarily know about today. Personas are a great tool for doing that.

  95. Answer: C

    Agile teams don’t work in a vacuum—they constantly look at all of the infrastructure, operational, and environmental factors that could affect their project, even when those factors happen outside of the team. When they run across the problem, it’s handled like any other problem: the product owner prioritizes it in the backlog based on its value. In this case, this is a severe problem, so the work item that the product owner adds to the backlog must be given high priority so that the team resolves it quickly.

  96. Answer: C

    Agile team members work hard to identify their project’s business stakeholders and make sure that everyone on the team has a good understanding about what they need and expect from the project. But requiring stakeholders to attend planning meetings and requiring a sign-off on the plan does the opposite—it will make them feel less engaged, and create bureaucratic hurdles that prevent the team from responding to change.


    Read every question carefully, and especially watch out for “which-is-not” questions.

  97. Answer: B

    This is a burn down chart for a team whose current sprint is running into trouble. They’re two-thirds of the way through the current 30-day iteration, and the velocity has slowed down significantly. If they don’t remove stories from their sprint backlog, it’s unlikely that they will meet their sprint goal.


    You can’t determine that the team did a poor job planning just because the velocity is slower than expected. There are plenty of problems that teams can’t anticipate—for example, a team member could have gotten sick. This is why Scrum teams constantly inspect and adapt, and why agile teams value responding to change over following a plan.

  98. Answer: B

    Your job as an agile practitioner includes helping to ensure that everyone on your team shares a common understanding of the agile practices that you are using. Common knowledge of agile practices is a basic part of working together effectively. So in this situation, you need to sit down with each team member and make sure they understand the practices that you use to respond to change.

  99. Answer: A

    Product owners must prioritize any relevant non-functional requirements exactly like they do with all other requirements, and this includes operational requirements that might come from a DevOps group. In this case, the script needs to be modified in order to hold the sprint review, so the change has to be included in the current sprint—and since that will cause some work to be delayed past the end of the sprint, that work must be moved back to the sprint backlog.


    Any time work will extend past the end of a sprint, it needs to be moved back to the sprint backlog and planned for a future sprint. It’s never an option to break the timebox and extend the length of the sprint to include additional work.

  100. Answer: D

    Agile teams are self-organizing and empowered to make decisions about how to meet their iteration goals. This means that they work together to determine what tasks they need to perform in order to meet the sprint goals, and they’ll often prioritize the stories with the most risk early in the iteration. The scrum master can help them self-organize and understand the methodology that they use, but he or she does not decide the order of the work, because that’s not part of servant leadership.

  101. Answer: C

    Osmotic communication happens when team members absorb important project information from the discussions that take place around them. The XP primary practice of sitting together in a shared team space is an effective way to encourage osmotic communication.

  102. Answer: A

    Agile teams organize their requirements into minimally marketable features that they can deliver incrementally. By planning releases that deliver the most valuable features first, they can deliver value to the stakeholders as early as possible.


    You might also see the exam mention “minimally viable products,” which are very closely related to minimally marketable features.

  103. Answer: C

    This team is concerned about a potential problem, but currently there has not been any actual impact on their project—and there won’t be an impact if the problem turns out not to exist. This is a good opportunity to perform exploratory work (which some people refer to as spike solutions). That’s a useful way for teams to determine if a technical problem can be resolved, or if they need to find a different approach.

  104. Answer: C

    One of the most important jobs that a product owner has on a Scrum team is making sure that new stakeholders are appropriately engaged in the project. Ideally, all stakeholders will attend every sprint review. However, there’s no rule that says that every stakeholder must attend all sprint review meetings. Some stakeholders don’t have time to attend them, or are in another time zone that makes it difficult for them to attend, or simply don’t want to. It’s the product owner’s job to do whatever it takes to make sure those stakeholders are involved, using whatever manner works best for them.

  105. Answer: C

    Agile teams—and especially the product owners on those teams—must identify all of the stakeholders and engage them throughout the whole project. In this case, you are meeting with stakeholders partway through an iteration, which means you are in the product owner role, so when you hear that there is a stakeholder who might impact the requirements for the project, you have identified a new stakeholder, so the next thing you should do is engage with that person.

  106. Answer: B

    This burn down chart shows a 30-day sprint that’s going exactly as the team expects it to. They’ve probably been working together for a long time, because the velocity is constant. You can tell that because the burn down line is always very close to the guideline. There might be a few days where it’s just above or below the line, but when you’re looking at a burn down chart you care more about the trend than about individual days.

  107. Answer: C

    People work most effectively when they’re in an open and safe environment where they’re encouraged to talk about anything related to the project—especially issues that could potentially cause problems.

  108. Answer: D

    Once the team has finished planning an iteration, it’s important that they make the results public to all of the project stakeholders. That’s a really effective way to build trust between the team and the business because it shows that the team has committed to specific goals for the iteration. It also helps reduce uncertainty by making it clear exactly what the team intends to accomplish.

  109. Answer: A

    When people on an agile team discover issues that could affect the project, they make sure that their team members know—and more importantly, work with them to find ways to fix the problem. In fact, they’ll do two things: they’ll fix the problem today, and they’ll make sure the process or methodology they follow addresses the issue so it doesn’t happen again in the future.

  110. Answer: B

    Agile teams members should always be encouraged to collaborate with each other and share their knowledge. Pair programming is a highly effective practice for both collaboration and knowledge sharing.

  111. Answer: B

    Agile teams value working software over comprehensive documentation, and the best way to help stakeholders understand this is to show that past projects have gone well when they followed this value. However, it’s always better to show success than to simply insist on a certain way of working.


    Agile teams value working software over comprehensive documentation. But that doesn’t mean they never use comprehensive documentation! They just value working software more.

  112. Answer: B

    Agile teams working on a new project need a starting point that they can use going forward. A good first step is to create a release plan, or a high-level plan of when specific deliverables will be released. Creating this plan involves creating very broad estimates of the scope of the items being delivered and the work required to build them, and using that information to come up with a very rough schedule. This schedule will not have a lot of detail, because that reflects the team’s current high level understanding of the project.


    A story map is a great way to build a release plan for a team that uses stories. However, that plan should not be based on highly detailed effort estimates, especially at the beginning of the project.

  113. Answer: C

    Agile teams are always working to improve their effectiveness by continuously tailoring and adapting their project process. One way that they do this is by periodically reviewing the practices that they use, the culture of the team and the organization, and their goals.

  114. Answer: A

    One of the most effective ways for a team to build trust with a stakeholder is to establish a shared understanding of exactly what will be delivered during each sprint, and genuinely collaborate with him or her when trade-offs need to be made for technical or schedule reasons.


    Agile teams value collaborating with their stakeholders over setting up contract-like agreements with them.

  115. Answer: A

    You are an agile practitioner meeting with stakeholders, which means that you are in the product owner role—and the product owner’s job is to collaborate with stakeholders to understand the value of each deliverable, and use that information to prioritize the items in the backlog. Product owners need to take two things into account when they prioritize the backlog: the relative value of each feature, and the amount of work required to build it. Since you are able to assign relative value to each item in the backlog but you don’t yet know how to prioritize them, the missing information is the amount of work required. The way to get that information is to re-estimate the items in the backlog.


    The question mentioned “the list of planned features”—this is the definition of the product backlog.


    This is an especially tough question. A lot of questions on the exam ask about a specific tool, technique, or practice—this one is about the product backlog. But a lot of questions won’t specifically mention it by name. Instead of calling it a product backlog, this question describes it (“list of planned features”). The key to questions like this is to break them down using terms that you know. “You have just assigned a relative value to each item in the list of planned features”—that means you just finished assigning a relative business value to the items in the product backlog. It also means that you must be the product owner, because that’s the only person on the team who meets with stakeholders and assigns a business value to backlog items. So if the product owner has assigned a relative business value to each item in the product backlog, what’s the next step for the team to take in order for the plan to work? Scrum teams plan their work based on business value and effort, so the next step for the team is to re-estimate the backlog.

  116. Answer: D

    Co-location—or team members working in close proximity to each other in a shared team space—is a great way to encourage osmotic communication (or absorbing of important project information from overheard conversations). It makes it easier to create an informative workspace (for example, by posting information radiators), and team members benefit because they have access to their teammates. However, one downside of co-located teams is that there’s a lot more potential for distractions.


    There’s no “perfect” way to organize your team space, and there are trade-offs that come with every strategy. However, the benefits of co-located teams in a shared team space far outweigh the costs.

  117. Answer: C

    Agile teams maximize and optimize the value of the deliverables that they build by collaborating with stakeholders. On a Scrum team, it’s the role of the product owner to collaborate with the stakeholder, understand the value, and help the team to deliver that value.

  118. Answer: A

    This team is attempting to do root cause analysis on a problem that they ran into so that they can fix the underlying problem and prevent it from happening in the future. An Ishikawa (or fishbone) diagram is an effective tool for performing root cause analysis.

  119. Answer: D

    Agile teams use frequent verification and validation to ensure product quality. This means doing product testing and conducting frequent reviews and inspections. These verification steps will help the team identify improvements, which must then be incorporated in the product.

  120. Answer: A

    Agile teams value responding to change, even when those changes are bad news—like a budget cut that will require the team to scale back the scope of what they’ll deliver. And they value collaborating with their stakeholders, even when it means delivering that bad news. That’s why every agile methodology includes some sort of mechanism or rule that lets them inspect the plan that the team is currently following (like holding daily standup meetings and retrospectives), changing the plan any time it becomes unrealistic, and alerting their stakeholders to the change.


    Sometimes it may seem like working around a product owner is a good idea. It’s not—you always need the product owner in the loop on every change so that the stakeholders can be kept in the loop. That’s how agile teams make sure they deliver the most valuable products.

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